Beginning II Spanish

AP Spanish

Mrs. Belisario

Grading Policy and Procedures


The AP Spanish course is designed to increase your Spanish proficiency in language and culture. There are six overarching themes that are the center of “real-world /real life” communicative situations. The course is very challenging and rigorous. You will need to be motivated and focused to succeed in this course.

It is essential that all translation sites be avoided. We strive to do our best, not plagiarize and honestly represent our abilities. We recommend that you use the wordreference. com site for looking up words. Classroom dictionaries are also available.

Grading Percentages and Information

30% Tests

40% Quizzes

30% Oral quizzes, participation, presentations, written assessments (essays, journals, short prompts), homework, projects

Tests (30%) and Quizzes (40%):

All tests will cover entire chapters or units unless otherwise advised. Tests will be announced in advance. Quizzes will be based on current work unless otherwise advised.

Quizzes may or may not be announced. Students should review their notes and vocabulary nightly. Typically there is one evaluation per week. This may be in the form of a quiz, test, oral, homework or class work assignment.

Homework (30% Category):

Homework will be given several times a week. Many times written homework is given on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursday night is usually the night that students study for an evaluation to be given on Friday. Homework will not be accepted late! Partial credit is not given. Each student will be given one “free” homework per marking period.

Preparation/Participation (Part of Oral/Written Category 30%):

Each marking period you will receive a combined “preparation/participation” grade, which will be assessed at mid-marking period and at the end of the marking period. Students will have the opportunity to volunteer to earn participation points (card) or will be randomly called on by the teacher(name flash cards/no points).

If a student is unprepared ( without a covered textbook, workbook, writing instrument, paper, standing at the door before the bell rings etc…) or uses English without permission they will lose points from their preparation grade.

Students will also earn an additional, separate participation grade for “effort” to speak the target language. This will include: effort to maximize the use of Spanish, effort to minimize the use of English, perceived interest, enthusiasm, effort to encourage the other students’ learning. You will receive a rubric for how this grade will be earned.

Class work(Part of Oral/Written Category 30%):

Class work will consist of both oral and written assignments. This class is designed to be very interactive. It is conducted in the target language. Class work can, and will be collected periodically to be graded, without prior notice.

All make up tests, quizzes and orals must be done after school. Students should check the absent folder and log binder for any assignments that were missed from being absent from class, including announced tests and quizzes.

After school make ups and extra help will be in F-12. Extra help and makeup evaluations are available as needed until 3pm when advance notice is given.

Summer Assignments ( classwork and quiz category)

Your summer assignments will be graded and recorded in the appropriate category.

Textbook Supersite-You will be given an individual supersite sign in at the beginning of the year. (Register at )

Contact information: Please feel free to contact me using the following information: jbelisario@ extension 9373 room F-12

Remind: Please join the AP Spanish “Remind” class by entering #81010 with @7g839 for the message. Many important reminders are communicated via Remind.

Other Important Information:

|Binder tabs for notebook |

|*Vocabulario |

|*Apuntes |

|*Trabajo de clase (CW/WS) |

|*Tarea |

|Supplies:  |

3- Ring Binder 1.0 inches with lined paper/Journal

Dividers-min. of 5

Index Cards (small) 2 packs (200)

Book sock or paper bag to cover books (There is a textbook and workbook. The workbook needs to be protected in a folder/ binder or covered.)

Pen/Pencils/erasers/red pens/highlighters


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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