Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Course Information

Spanish IV

Teacher Contact Information

Señor Bennett, room 211

Ph: 781-7429, ext. 211


Web page: senorb.

Course Pre-requisites

Spanish III or POI

Course Description

This course covers increased learning and mastery of the basic Spanish reading, writing, listening and speaking skills that students possess who have successfully met the level III CP outcomes. More verb tenses and an augmented vocabulary which incorporates new grammar concepts will be the framework at this challenging level. Increased emphasis on cultural events, both current and historic, will help to attain an even greater global awareness. Classroom : 211

Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Students will...

-Improve speaking, listening, reading and writing skills

-Become familiar with Spain and Hispanic America

-Compare & contrast American cultural traditions with those of the Hispanic world;

-Begin to master more advanced grammatical structures

-Formulate and share their own opinions and views of on a variety of topics


Required Materials

1. Spiral notebook for notes (or some similar notebook appropriate for note taking notes)

2. Loose-leaf paper for assignments

3. Folder in which to keep handouts and returned assignments

4. Pens/Pencils

5. Spanish-English dictionary - preferably the Merriam-Webster Spanish-English Dictionary by: Merriam-Webster and Eileen M. Haraty.


Grading Policy

-All assignments must be turned in by the announced due date in order to receive full credit. Late assignments will be penalized 5 points for every day they are late. (Extensions on due dates will be granted in the case of excused absences.)

-Exams and projects are worth 30%

-Quizzes and homework are worth 25% each

-In-class assignments are worth 20%

-Missing assignments will be assigned a “0” in Power School until the missing assignment is turned in and graded.

Course & Instructor Policies

-Please arrive to class on time. Chronic tardiness will result in detention.

-Please have all necessary materials with you when you come to class.

-Your active participation in class is key to learning.

-You are expected to speak Spanish as much as possible in class.

-Cell phones, iPods, MP3 Players etc. are not to be used in class.

-No eating in class...beverages are OK.

-No inappropriate language in class (in English or Spanish).

-I'm available most days after school for any additional help you require; please check with me beforehand to be sure I will be available on a day when you want to come in for help.

-All homework assignments, project guidelines etc. will be posted on the web site. Please refer to the web site when you are absent to see what you missed that day. The web site is at: senorb.

-If you know ahead of time you will be absent from class, see me to get some of the work you will miss.

-Extra credit work is offered on a case-by-case basis.

-I regularly contact parents to apprise them of their student's progress.

Student Conduct & Discipline

In addition to my above policies, you are also expected to abide by the rules and policies outlined in your student handbook.


Academic Integrity

The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of learning depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that learning, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work.

Scholastic Dishonesty, any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.

Plagiarism, especially from the web, from portions of papers for other classes, and from any other source is unacceptable and will be dealt with under the school's policy on plagiarism (see your student handbook for details). This course will use the resources of , which searches the web for possible plagiarism and is over 90% effective.


TENTATIVE Assignments & Academic Calendar


-Introductions, syllabus and textbook review (Realidades 3)

-Back to school warm-up

-Chapter 1 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Introduction to Spain

-Finish Chapter 1 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 2 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Introduction to Mexico

-Finish Chapter 2 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 3 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Introduction to Central America

-Finish Chapter 3 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 4 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Introduction to Central America continues

-Finish Chapter 4 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 5 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics

-Mid-term project


-Introduction to South America

-Finish Chapter 5 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 6 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Introduction to South America continues

-Finish Chapter 6 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 7 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Hispanics in the United States

-Finish Chapter 7 of Realidades 3

-Start Chapter 8 of Realidades 3

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics


-Finish chapter 8

-Guided essay

-Oral proficiency exercises

-Grammar topics

-Start review for Final Exam

-Final exam

These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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