Spanish II Pre AP Garcia Class Work/ Home Work

Spanish II Pre AP Classwork and Homework


Review IOP

Watch ppt.

Go over ws

Take quiz

Project Rubric distributed.

Explanation of project expectations

Review worksheet

Home work: Study for Friday’s test over chapter 4A


Refview regular imperfect and irregular

Go over PWB page 78

Take imperfect quiz.

Homework: Study for irregular imperfect quiz on Tuesday


Go voer WAVA pages 64& 65

Go over PWB page 68

Review present progressive

Give present progressive quiz

Homework: Crossword and Study for chapter 3B test on Friday


Review irrefgular tú commands

Take quiz over them

Review Present Progeressive

Watch GramActiva for irregular present progressives

Tetx page 171 take notes, including how to arttach object pronouns to participle

Homework: PWB 68 and study for present progressive quiz


Go over DOP

Go over PWB 66

Text page 168, copy yellow grammar box, irregular tú commands

Complete text activity 16 and PWB page 67 for Monday

Memorize irregular tú commands


Go over project expectations, text page 149. Due Jan. 25/26

Review vocab

Take vocab quiz

Complete for Friday:

Text page 140, activities 15 & 16

PWB 56

WAVA 52-53


Return DA quiz

Go over DA

Go over Preterite

Complete 2 sided worksheet preterite/DA

Tetx page 116, nouns as adjectives.

Text practice over nouns as adjectives

Take quiz over nouns as adjectives

Tetx page 120 La Parranda

Classwork: PWB 46 due before EOP

Homework: Study for 2B Test


Review Demonstartaive aAdjectives Show power point

Go over PWB 45

Dom practice together

Give demonstrative adjective quiz

Begin Nouns as adjectives

Homework: work on review packets.


Review preterits/homework

Take pretertie quiz

Demonstrative adjecticves, take notes, practice

Homework: PWB 45 and study for Demonstrative adjective quiz Tuesday


Go over PWB 40-41 & do 43

Go over text pp 108-109

Take vocab quiz

Preterite tense, text p 110

Take notes including IR

Complete activities 13-15

Homework: PWB 44 and study for preterite quiz Friday


Text pages 106-107, complete activities 4-6, written

Take verb test

Homework: Study for vocab quiz on block day over sections 2 & 3


Watch Viedohistoria for Chapter 2B, answer questions for act. 3 orally

Receive vocab list to prepare for final exam

Verb conjugation test tomorrow-practice conjugations in class.


Review AVSR vocab

Take quiz

Text pp 100-103, go over vocab and listening activities.

Homework: Complete translation of videohistoria p. 104-105 and PWB 42-43, due Friday.


Text pages 98-99, go over AVSR vocab,

Complete practice activities on pp. 98-99

Go over PWB 38-39

Homework: Study for AVSR quiz on block day


Translate new chapter schedule

Complete PWB 38-39

Practice verb conjugations for Verb Test on November 29


Go over possess. Adj.

Take quiz

Take test part 1


Take Ser/Estar quiz

Review possessive adjectives-long form

Go over PWB 35

Homework: WAVA page 34, part B min. of 7 sentences

Study for Possessive Adj. quiz on block day

Study for part 1 of chapter 2B test on Block day: vocab and grammar

Study for part 2 of chapter 2B test on Friday: listening comprehension, reading & writing


Go over reflexive verb quiz

Go over SER vs. ESTAR worksheet. Explain reason for using each verb

Complete PWB 34 together

Text page 88, Possessive Pronouns, long form

Read blue recuerdas box and yellow grammar box.

Note that possessive adjectives musty agree in number and gender with items owned.

Text page 88, activity 22, complete written.

Homework: PWB page 35 completed, AND study for SER vs. ESTAR quiz Tuesday


Collect verb conjugation homework

Verb conjugation test

Go over reflexive verb chart

Reflexive verb practice text pp 82-85 **reflexive verb quiz Friday Nov. 4

Ser/Estar lesson, text page 86. Read and discuss, go over conjugations and uses of ser vs. estar.

Complete WAVA page 33

Homework: Study for reflexive verb quiz, complete WAVA 33 if not completed.


Review sections 2-3 vocab

Take vocab quiz

Review use of reflexive verbs

Complete reflexive verb chart in class.

Homework: Complete verb conjugation charts for 15 verbs to prepare for verb conjugation test. STUDY for verb conjugation TEST on block day.


Turn in verb conjugation homework

Tetx p. 80, reflexive verbs, read, discuss

Watch Gram Activa

Complete in class, activities 8-10, written

Homework: Study for Tuesday’s vocab quiz over sections 2-3

Also, practice verb conjugations for test on block day


Go over rerflexive verbs, rules, how they operate

Go over PWB 30-32, complete and discuss

Homework: Complete 10 verb conjugation charts in preparationfor verb test Nov. 2/3


Turn in fashion show script homework

Take AVSR quiz

Text pp76-77 Videohistoria, read, translate, watch, answer questions activity 3.

Tetx pp. 78-79 Manos a la Obra, complete activities 4-6, written, 7 orally. Turn in.

WAVA listening activities 28-30

WAVA writing activities 31-34

Homework: PWB 31-33


Go over PWB 27-28

Text page 80, read a discuss reflexive verbs.

Text pages 72-75, read, discuss vocab, complete activities 1 & 2

Practice with AVSR vocab.

Homework: Write a script for a fashion show using correct grammar AND AVSR vocabulary AND study for AVSR quiz on block day.


Retuern test 1B, go over

Cover Go over new chapter schedule: AVSR/clothing etc..

text pages 70-71

AVSR quiz Oct 26/27

Homework: PWB 27-28,


Pick up Chapter 2A Turn in homework: worksheet

Schedule, translate for Monday

Pick up verb sheet Take chapter 1B Test

explaining Nov 2/3 Verb Conjugation Test


Turn in project

Go over homework worksheet: hace que + time exprerssion

Take hace que + time expression quiz

Review saber/conocer rules: ppt and gramactiva

Complete WAVA page 23, differentiating between saber and conocer

Homework: complete worksheet over 3 grammar concepts and study for chapter 1B Test

on Friday.


Review hace que + time expressions on page 58

Go over PWB 24

Text p. 58 complete act. 18 together, giving statements and asking questions

Assign worksheet for practice-due block day/study for hace que+time quiz on block day

Projects due block day


Review saber and conocer

Go over PWB 23

Take quiz

Text page 58, read grammar box over hace que time expressions

Homework: PWB 24

Project due Wednesday/Thursday this week. See text page 65 for instructions.


Review comparisons with tan and tanto

Take Quiz 1B.3

Saber and Conocer, text page 56

Read grammar box

Watch saber/conocer powerpoint

Complete PWB 23

Go over project expectations: text page 65, distribute rubric, due Oct. 19/20

Study for saber/conocer quiz Monday


Take quiz #3

Text p. 53 Making Comparisons

Read and go over Recuerdas box

Discuss difference between comparing with adjectives and comparing quantities

Watch Gram Activa

Complete text activities 10, 11, 12 together

Homework: Study for quiz over comparisons and PWB 22


View Vocabulary power point

Go over PWB pages 18-21

Take quiz #2, go over in detail.

Study for quiz #3 on block day

Homework: Text pageg 50, activity 4


Turn in vocab, 3 x eacjh

Online quizzes turned in via e-mail?

Take Chapter 1B quiz #1 AVSR

Text pp. 48-49, read and translate videohistoria

Watch videohistoria

Workbook distribution

Homework: PWB 18-21


1B and A Ver Si Recuerdas

Write vocab from text pages 42 and 68 3 x each in Spansih, 1 time in English

Tetxt pp. 42-43, complete together

Text pp. 44-45 read and discuss

Tetx pp. 46-47 Read, discuss, translate, complete listening activities 1 & 2

Homework: Study for quiz #1 on Friday October 7

Negation Quiz and Personal A quiz due Friday via email

1B vocab 3 x each due Friday 10/7


Return test, make corrections

Translate Chapter 1B Schedule


Go to the Grammar tab

Unit 2, activity 19, Negation

Read information, take basic quiz, submit, copy and paste score into body of email sent to me:

Unit 2, activity 26, The Personal “A”

Read information, take mini quiz, submit, copy and paste score into body of email to me. Be sure to include your name in the subject line of the e-mails.


Go over PWB 12-13

Take quiz over affirmative and negative words

Text page 32, discuss “personal a”

Text pp. 34-35, read and discuss

Text p. 36 Escudo de armas make own coat of arms, know symbols and colors, reasons behind coat of arms.

Review for Friday’s Chapter 1A Test

Homework: PWB 14 and study for Chapter 1A Test.


Review stem changing verbs

Take quiz

Text p. 31-32: Affirmative and Negative words

Read grammar box, watch Gram Activa

Complete text activities 19-21

Read Fondo Cultural on p32

Homework: PWB pages 12-13


Go over 2 sided worksheet, stem changing verbs

Make Spanish name tags

Complete text p. 29 activity 17

p. 29 read and discuss Pronunciación v, b, d

Homework: Study for stem changing verbs quiz and text . 19 activity 30


Review Reglas, section 4

Take quiz 1A.4

Complete 2 sided work sheet-stem changing verbs

Homework: Finsh worksheet and choose Spanish name


Go over PWB page 11

Go over verb conjugation charts, check for accuracy

Go over p. 27, activity 14, check answers, translate

Take Quiz #3 La Clase

Complete WAVA p. 10 listening activities 6, 7,8

Complete WAVA Writing activity 11

Study for Quiz #4 Friday Las Reglas


Take Yo Go quiz

Text page 27, grammar review over stem changing verbs

Watch GramActiva

On own paper, write verb conjugation charts for all verbs listed in blue “recuerdas” box on page 27. Use for help

Complete p. 27 activity 14

Complete PWB 11

Study for Quiz 3, La Clase, on block day 9/21-22


Go over home work, YO GO verbs

Text pp. 24-25

Complete activities 7-10

Fondo Cultural

Conexciones a la Literatura


Home work: Study for YO GO quiz Tuesday 9/20


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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