PresentTense Endings:

Present Tense Endings:

Complete the following boxes with the endings for the PRESENT TENSE:

|AR endings | |ER endings | |IR endings |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

Fill in the possible subject pronouns for the following verb forms:

1. _______piensas

2. _______sabemos

3. _______viven

4. _______canta

5. _______abrís

6. _______vendemos

7. _______escribe

8. _______estás

9. _______sois

10. _______practicáis

11. _______esudias

12. _______pongo

13. _______ama

14. _______sufro

15. _______bebes

16. _______vivís

17. _______tomáis

18. _______lee

19. _______creo

20. _______llegas

21. _______aprendemos

22. _______digo

23. _______trabajan

24. _______miras

25. _______hablo

26. _______son

27. _______pedimos

28. _______dormís

29. _______cuestan

30. _______hago

31. _______vais

32. _______eres

Write the correct subject pronoun for the following subjects:

1. María __________

2. Marco y yo ________

3. Mis padres _______

4. Las niñas _________

5. las sillas __________

6. Tu papá ___________

7. Su tía __________

8. los dos carros__________

9. Elena y tú ________ (Spain)

10. Elena y tú __________ (not Spain)

11. Elena, su mamá y yo ____________

12. Mis amigos y yo _____________

13. Todos mis amigos _______

14. Señor Vargas, __________

(direct address)

15. El Señor Vargas ________

16. Elena, ________________

(direct address)

17. Elena ________________

18. El perro y el gato _______

Complete the following sentences by adding the proper present tense endings to the following verbs. Also write the infinitive of the verb in the parentheses:

1. Ella duerm____. ( )

2. Los niños cant____.( )

3. Mi amiga y yo nad___.( )

4. Vosotros habl___.( )

5. Marco e Isabel viaj___. ( )

6. Yo ha______.( )

7. Vosotros ven____ a la playa con nosotros. ( )

8. Vosotros le_____el libro. ( )

9. Elena y Marta viv___ en Buenos Aires. ( )

10. Marta escrib___ muchas cartas. ( )

11. Mi abuela me llam______ los lunes( ).

12. Tu papá trabaj_____.( )

13. El gato busc____ el ratón. ( )

14. Uds. pid_______ dinero de sus padres. ( )

15. Carmen y tú escrib____ (Spain). ( )

Translate the following sentences:

1. She is my sister._________________________________________________________

2. They (fem) plan to study in Spain. __________________________________________

3. He puts the book on the table. ______________________________________________

4. The boys are cold. _______________________________________________________

5. My parents are in a hurry. _________________________________________________

6. Please come to my party. __________________________________________________

7. Her friends are here. ______________________________________________________

8. The car is over there. _____________________________________________________

9. The water is hot. _________________________________________________________

10. Mario is afraid. __________________________________________________________

11. His room is dirty. ________________________________________________________

Stem-Changing Verbs:

What three vowels can stem change ________ __________ ___________ ?

Fill in the parentheses:


__e____ ( ( ie ) example: sentar ( ie ) encender ( ) XXXXXXXXX

__e____ ( ( , ) XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX sentir ( , )

__e____ ( ( , ) XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX decir ( , )

__o____ ( ( ) costar ( ) XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX

__o____ ( ( , ) XXXXXXXXXX poder ( , ) dormir ( , )

__u____ ( ( ) jugar ( ) XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX

For each of the following verb boxes, fill in the parenthesis with the stem-changing letters, define the verb and then conjugate the verbs in the present tense. Sentar is done for you.

sentar ( ie ) to sit

|yo siento |nosotros sentamos |

|tú sientas |vosotros sentáis |

|él, ella, Ud. sienta |ellos, ellas, Uds. sientan |

cerrar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

empezar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

pensar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

encender ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

entender ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

querer ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

tener ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

preferir ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

sentir ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

decir ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

pedir ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

repetir ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

servir ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

venir ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

contar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

colgar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

costar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

encontrar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

volver ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

poder ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

dormir ( , )

| | |

| | |

| | |

jugar ( )

| | |

| | |

| | |

Present Progressive

How do you form the present progressive?

present tense conjugation of ________________________ + ________________________________

The present tense verb has how many accents? __________

Where are the accents? On the ____________________ ________________________.

Conjugate the present tense verb :

| | |

| | |

| | |

What are the endings you use to form the gerund:

AR( _________________________ ER/IR( ________________________

How do you form the gerund?

Take off the _____________________ and a either “ando” or “iendo.”

ex: hablar(habl + ando comer(com + iendo vivir(viv + iendo

Write the gerund form f the following verbs:

1. escribir ______________

2. hacer ______________

3. preparar _____________

4. apagar ______________

5. encender ______________

6. cerrar ______________

7. abrir _____________

8. preguntar _____________

9. salir _____________

Do all verbs stem change in the gerund? _______________

What verbs stem-change in the gerund? All _______________ stem-changing verbs,

and the verb _______________________.

Fill in the parentheses below for verbs that stem-change in the gerund:

( , ) ( , ) ( , )

ex: sentir pedir dormir

Write the gerund for the following verbs:

sentir(_________________ pedir(_________________ dormir(_______________

Spelling changes in the gerund: “i” between two vowels will change to “y”

aie(aye eie(eye oie(oye

ex: caer(cayendo leer(leyendo oír(oyendo

Note: ir(yendo

Write the gerund for the following verbs:

buscar _________________

cerrar _________________

contar _________________

cortar _________________

costar _________________

correr _________________

encender _________________

estudiar _________________

empezar _________________

hacer _________________

jugar _________________

pensar _________________

poner _________________

repetir _________________

sentar _________________

tener _________________

traer _________________

venir _________________

Complete the following sentences using the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE.

1. María y Elena ____________________________ en el parque. (caminar)

2. Marcos ___________________________ una revista. (leer)

3. Silvia y yo ___________________________ nuestra tarea. (hacer)

4. Vosotros ____________________________ en voz muy alta. (hablar)

5. El ave (the bird) ________________________________ todo lo que dicen las personas. (repetir)

6. Los niños ____________________________________ al fútbol. (jugar)

7. Mi abuela _________________________________ la música en el radio. (oír)

8. La clase no ________________________________ al profesor. (escuchar)

9. El chico ________________________________ en su cuarto. (dormir)

10. Ellos ______________________________ a clase ahora. (volver)

11. Tú __________________________________ muy rápido. (correr)

12. Ella ____________________________ dinero de su padre. (pedir)

13. Nosotros ____________________________ química ahora. (estudiar)

14. ¿Qué ___________________________________ Ud.(buscar)

Complete the following sentences using the PRESENT TENSE of the verbs in parentheses.


1. María y Elena ___________________ en el

parque. (caminar)

2. Marcos ______________ una revista. (leer)

3. Silvia y yo _____________ nuestra tarea. (hacer)

4. Vosotros _____________ en voz muy alta.(hablar)

5. El ave (the bird) ____________ todo lo que dicen las personas. (repetir)

6. Los niños ____________ al fútbol. (jugar)

7. A mi abuela no le gusta _____________ la música en el radio. (oír)

8. La clase no ___________ al profesor.


9. El chico ____________ en su cuarto. (dormir)

10. Ellos ____________ a clase ahora. (volver)

11. Tú ______________ muy rápido. (correr)

12. Ella _____________ dinero de su padre.


13. Nosotros ____________ química ahora.


14. ¿Qué _______________ Ud.(buscar)

Position of Pronouns:

Pronouns go in front of conjugated verbs:

María come la fruta. María la come.

Pronouns are attached to infinitives, gerunds, and affirmative commands. A written accent may be needed to maintain natural stress.

Infinitive: María quiere comer la fruta María quiere comerla.

No accent is needed when adding one pronoun.

Gerund: María está comiendo la fruta María está comiendola.

Always write an accent mark when adding a pronoun to the gerund.

{Affirmative Command: (Spanish 2)

No accent is needed when adding one pronoun to a one syllable command.

Dime la verdad. – Tell me the truth. (tú command)

Write an accent if you add two pronouns to a one syllable command.

Dímela. – Tell me it (the truth). (Ud. command)

Two or more syllable commands need a written accent when adding one or two pronouns.

Dígame – Tell me the truth. Dígamela – Tell me it. (Ud. command)

Pásame la sal. – Pass me the salt. Pásamela – Pass me it. (tú command).}

Use the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE of the verb in [brackets] to conjugate the following sentences, and replace the noun in parenthesis with a pronoun. Be sure to write the accent

Marcos ___________________________. (una revista). [leer]

Marcos está leyéndola.

1. Silvia y yo ___________________________. (nuestra tarea) [hacer]

2. El ave (the bird) ________________________________. (todo lo que dicen las personas) [repetir]

3. Mi abuela _________________________________ en la radio. (la música) [oír]

4. La clase no ________________________________. (al profesor) [escuchar]

5. Ella ____________________________ de su padre. (dinero) [pedir]

6. Nosotros ____________________________ ahora. (química) [estudiar]

Use the PRESENT TENSE of the verb in [brackets] to conjugate the following sentences, and replace the noun (direct object) in parenthesis with a direct object pronoun.

Elena _________________________ (a su novio) [querer llamar]

Elena quiere llamarla.

1. Marcos ___________________________. (una revista) [ deber leer]

2. Silvia y yo ___________________________. (nuestra tarea) [tener que hacer]

3. El ave (the bird) _______________________________ (todo lo que dicen las personas) [ir a repetir]

4. Mi abuela _________________________________en la radio. (la música) [oír]

5. La clase no ________________________________. (al profesor) [escuchar]

6. Ella ____________________________ de su padre. (dinero) [pensar pedir]

7. Nosotros ____________________________ ahora. (química) [estudiar]

When talking about an action that was begun in the past and is still going on, or to say how long someone has been doing something use:

Hace + time expression + que + subject + conjugated present tense verb.

Hace + cinco días + que + ella + empieza su papel.

It makes 5 days that she began her paper

She began her paper five days ago.

She started her paper five days ago.

Hace cinco días que ella escribe su papel.

She has been writing her paper for five days.

1. Carlos/3 horas/jugar al básquetbol.


2. Elena y María/hablar por teléfono/30 minutos


3. Nosotros/trabajar en la tienda/3 años.


To ask how long some one has been doing something, or how long ago they started doing something use:

¿Cuánto + tiempo + hace + que + subject + conjugated present tense verb?

How long has she been writing her paper?

¿Cuánto tiempo hace que ella escribe su papel?

How long ago did she start dancing?

¿Cuánto tiempo hace que ella baila?

1. María/escribir/una carta


answer: __________________________________________________________

2. Roberto y Carlos/vivir en Paris


answer: __________________________________________________________

3. Los niños/empezar sus clases de español


answer: __________________________________________________________


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