Spanish Final Project Rubric - Mrs. Wright's Class

Spanish Final Project Rubric

Directions: This is your opportunity to show how you have become a Spanish speaker! You will choose a topic we have learned and create a 2 - 5 minute presentation for the class completely in Spanish.

Highlight your choices for the final project.

Topics to choose:

La comida Las emociones Los deportes

Las actividades           Las profesiones La ropa

El cuerpo El tiempo La escuela

Highlight the format you will use to present.

Formats to choose:

Skit Video Original Song

Art Project (Visual, but shared with the class in Spanish) Picture Book

Highlight - I will work:

By myself With a partner In a group of 3

Partner’s Name: Group members’ names:

| |5 |3 |1 |

|Spanish |At least 10 vocabulary |At least 7 - 9 vocabulary |Less than 7 vocabulary |

|Language |words for that topic are|words for that topic are |words for that topic |

| |used. |used. |are used. |

| | | | |

| |All vocabulary words are|Most vocabulary words are |Some vocabulary words |

| |used correctly. |used correctly. |are used correctly. |

| | | | |

| |At least 2 questions is |1 question is asked and |No questions are asked |

| |asked and answered. |answered. |or answered. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Visuals |Visuals are neat and |Visuals are mostly neat and|Visuals are sloppy, |

| |legible and clearly |somewhat match the |missing or not |

| |enhance the |presentation. |connected to the |

| |presentation. | |presentation. |

|Presentation |The project is presented|The project is presented |It is difficult to |

| |clearly and everyone can|clearly and most people can|understand the |

| |hear. The speakers |hear most of the time. The |presentation because of|

| |engage the audience with|speakers sometimes engage |disorganization. |

| |gestures and eye |the audience with gestures |It is hard to hear and |

| |contact. |and eye contact. |the speakers do not |

| |It is on time showing |It is not fully ready to |engage the audience. |

| |5th grade effort. |present on time. |The presentation is not|

| | | |prepared. |


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