Level I

Vamos a Acampar Abbreviated Lesson Plan: Day 1

Day 1 Target Vocabulary: El campamento

|la casa de campaña |tent |vamos a acampar |let’s camp (Doesn’t need to be |

| | | |formally taught, but will be used |

| | | |throughout each class) |

|el saco de dormir |sleeping bag | | |

|las mantas |blankets |una bolsa |bag |

|la camisa de franela*Shorten |(flannel) shirt |la fogata |campfire |

|to “camisa” | | | |

| | |los palos |sticks |

Builder phrases to emphasis: Vamos a…; Necesito ______

Materials needed: Flashcards (2 sets) with the target vocabular; As many real props as possible! For Day 1, have a manta, bolsa, palos, and saco de dormir. You can also bring in a child size tent or a large picture of one. Flyswatters (2)Object for fogata caliente game. Ability to play music. Backpack with puppets. Template from the intranet. Extra snacks and marshmallows (optional).

You: Early and prepared with items you need lined throughout the class lined up in order. If you want to make it really fun, dressed as a park ranger or hiker for the camping theme!

Vobulary Instruction Methodology: TEACH the vocabulary; REINFORCE the vocabulary; CHECK IN for vocabulary retention.

I. Have Spanish music playing as the students enter the room.

II. Greet each child as they enter the room. ¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos! Ask them their names in Spanish and mark it on the attendance document. Be sure to give each child their name tag at this time. (Follow up on attendance as needed)

III. Have the class sit in a circle on the floor, and greet everyone with a lively ¡Buenas tardes clase! Reinforce ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo___ by first introducing yourself. Then have a maraca or a ball or similar to pass around the circle and have each child ask and answer the question. Then say ¡Mucho gusto! Nice to meet you!

IV. Stand and sing a greetings song using gestures. (You can have this be the same song each time).

V. Sit back down in the circle

VI. Review the rules by having the class participate in saying each rule.

VII. Show everyone that they currently have three estrellas. Explain that if they have all three estrellas by the end of class they can get a sticker or a peso. (*Be sure to have a system to save the pesos or track them. Also, it is a good idea to have a collective place for the students to collect stickers like a name tag, folder, or pre-designed certificate.)

IV. Bring out your backpack with Dani and Beto in it and using a silly voice explain that you have amigos in your backpack. Have the class remind you what amigos means and then encourage them to guess who the amigos area. Pull the puppets out and introduce them as Dani and Beto. Encourage everyone to say ¡Mucho gusto!

V. Explain that today Dani and Beto are going camping (a acampar). Have the class say with you, “¡Vamos a acampar!”

VI. Theme song: Stand and sing the theme song with gestures*.

Vamos a Acampar (Sing to the tune of the Farmer in the Dell)

Vamos a Acampar

Vamos a Acampar

Con mis amigos, voy a acampar

VII. Teach the vocabulary: Pick up the puppets and explain that Dani and Beto are going camping. Using the puppets, pick up the real items you brought in. Have the students say the words in Spanish with you several times as you hold them up. (To make this more exciting you can also have the items around the room and you can “hike” together to each item (vocab word). You can have pictures for the items you do not have.

VIII. Reinforce the vocabulary: In the circle hold up the objects and/or the flashcards again and have each student repeat the words after you.

IX. Check in to see if the kids know the vocab: Lay out the objects/flashcards. Call out a vocab word in Spanish by saying the builder phrase Necesito + the object and have volunteers point to the corresponding object. Alternatively, you can hold up the objects/cards and have the students say the words when you ask ¿Qué necesitas? and they answer Necesito + the object. This is a very important step before moving to a game.

X. Juego-Packing Race- Please note: For this activity you will need to make two sets of flashcards representing the vocabulary mentioned above. Divide the students into two teams. Give each team a set of the picture flashcards. Place two “bolsas” at the front of the room. These can be paper bags, backpacks, or any kind of bag that is easy to bring into the classroom. As you call out a Spanish vocabulary word, the teams will find the matching picture and send one player to race the front of the room and “pack” it into la bolsa. The fastest correct team scores a point. For example: if you call out “las mantas”, the students must find the matching flashcard with a picture of the blankets and bring it up to the bag. Play this game until a team reaches five points. You can give the winning team stickers or pesos. (It would be especially fun to have real backpacks!)**Be sure to match up appropriate ages and skill levels of children.

XI. Reinforcement Activity: Sit in a circle and reinforce the vocab by doing the activity similar to “I am going on a picnic. “ The students all say together, “Voy a acampar y necesito____”. Each child adds an item to the list. It’s okay if they are repeats. If you want, they can add a rhythm:

Hit legs 2 X, then clap 2 X

Voy a acampar, y necesito.

Alternate juego/reinforcement activity: Play a game similar to mata la mosca. Explain that the flies (las moscas) keep bothering Dani and Beto at the camp site. --So they need to swat them! Put out the flashcards or objects and call up two students and give them fly swatters. Say a word in Spanish and then the child who “swats” the object or flashcard first, wins. Give high fives to the winners and then repeat each word out loud as a group for reinforcement.

XII. Merienda Y Notas Culturales: Have the students get their snacks and go sit at the table quietly while you teach the culture portion of today’s class. Remember this cultural part is not optional!

Suggestion: You can talk about camping in Spanish speaking countries. It may be fun to bring in marshmallows and using the word in Spanish talk about how on the top of Volcan Pacaya in Guatemala people often roast marshmallows. You can show videos or pictures using your phone or tablet. Allow the students to try the marshmallows (pending allergies). Use this as a teaching opportunity to teach por favor, gracias, no gracias. You can then also have the students say Me gusta/No me gusta. End the discussion asking if the students would want to climb the volcano. Would they want to hike or would they want to go on a caballo?


Cleanup: Give the students a warning to clean up. After 5 minutes all snacks need to be put away. March back to the circle as a class singing the theme song.

XIII. Juego: ¿Qué falta?- Explain to the class that Dani and Beto keep forgetting things at the camp site. Put all the objects and/or flashcards into the circle. Review each word out loud together in Spanish. Then send one child to the corner of the room (or right outside of the door). Hide one of the objects. Have the student return and guess qué falta. The whole class should then repeat the word together.

XIV. Quieter Activity: Using the template from the intranet titled Mi Casa de Campaña have the students draw a tent. Have them draw the items they have in Spanish inside and around the tent. They should label each of the words in Spanish. It is helpful if you write these words on the board. Walk around and help the students while they are working. You can put these in the students’ backpacks to take home.

XV. Juego de repasar: Fogata caliente. *Note: This game is an important review game, so please make sure to leave enough time to play this at the end of class for reinforcement of the vocabulary. Explain to the students that this is a game just like hot potato, but using camping vocabulary. Have the students sit in a circle and put on some music in Spanish. The students should quickly pass “la fogata caliente” around the circle. (“la fogata” can be a paper roll with red tissue paper glued on from the last activity.) When you stop the music, the student holding the “la fogata caliente” will try to answer a question you give. Example questions: “¿Qué significa acampar? What does acampar mean? ¿Qué es bag en español? What is bag in Spanish?” Any student who gets the word wrong sits in the middle of the circle. Keep playing until just two students remain or you have surpassed the 5-7 minutes allotted per activity.

XVI. Wrap up: Get out Dani and Beto and explain that they had a lot of fun camping, but they are tired and need to go to sleep. Have all of the students say, ¡Adíos! to Dani and Beto.

**Last 5 Minutes of Class: It is VERY important that the last 5 minutes of class be organized. This is most likely the only part of your class that parents will see.

Ending routine:

-Have the students grab their backpacks and return to the circle on the floor. At this time you can distribute newsletters (on colored paper) and the optional homework.

-Show the parents at the door something the kids learned. A great way to end is for each student to tell you a “word of the day” using a builder phrase. For example, “Necesito la manta,” or “Necesito los palos.”

-Teach the goodbye song standing and with gestures.

Filing out:

-Stand at the door and have the class stand in a single file line. Do not let anyone get ahead of you. As the students see their parents, greet the parents and introduce yourself.

-Say good bye and thank you in Spanish as each child is matched with a parent.

-Walk the kids who are in after school to designed after school location

-Return to your room to clean up.

Remember, YOU are the face of Futura in the classroom- thank you for making this a great class!

* The Teacher can have an “alternate” way to sing the class theme song-like a chant for example. Especially for older students, this can be a make-it or break-it first impression of the class!

A fun alternative is to teach it as an interactive chant.

For example:

Teacher: Vamos a…

Students: Acampar!

Teacher: Vamos a…

Students: Acampar!

Teacher: Con

Students: MIS AMIGOS

ALL: Voy - a Acampar!


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