Gladys Torres' English Class | A virtual extension of ...

Vocabulary words: An Hour With AbueloQuiz will be on April 10*Vocabulary File will be handed on April 10* Remember to look for the definitions, organize in alphabetical order and to choose 5 words to make sentences.1. nursing home2. vanload3. herded4. picky5. orderlies6. slate7.boarded8. flirty9.perking up10. wickedAnswer the following questions after reading An Hour With Abuelo1.What is the conflict suggested on the first line of the story?2. Mention the characters in this story and classify them in main and secondary characters.3.Describe the setting of the story. How does the youngest character feels about that place?4.Why does Arturo agree to visit Abuelo? In what sense does his decision eliminate one conflict but create another?5. Arturo and his mother have different ideas about the value of an hour spent with Abuelo. Explain what theme this contrast suggests.6. Read the 2 sentences that started : “ I get depressed the minute that … What do Arturo’s reaction and observations in this passage tell you about his character?7.The fact that Arturo and his Abuelo share the same name emphasizes their relationship. Does he realize his connection with his Abuelo?8. How does the mother’s use of Spanish reflect an important part of her character?9. Explain how did Arturo feels about spending an hour with Abuelo before and after the visit.10. What do you learned about the Abuelo’s character after reading the story of his life? a. What was Abuelo’s dream in life?b. What caused him to give up his dream?c. Do you think that Abuelo found a new purpose in life?11.Explain how the setting ( in his story)helped Abuelo to fulfill his dreams. How does this situation lead to greater conflicts for him?12. What conflict does the war create for Abuelo? What theme does this conflict suggest?13. The phrase “asi es la vida” is repeated several times. How do different characters react to this statement?14. What effect does Abuelo’s story had in Arturo?15.Read the 2 paragraphs that reads: “She is wearing a pink jogging outfit too…” What can you say about Abuelo’s character?16. How does the irony in the way that the visit ends develop themes about the value of time?17. What concerns does the story of Abuelo’s life raise for the narrator? In what way does Abuelo surprise the narrator? How does the narrator changed by the events of the story?18. Compare and contrast Abuelo and Arturo using a Venn diagram: Arturo’s unique qualities,Abuelo’s unique qualities shared with Abuelo and Arturo.19. What point of view was use to narrate the story of An Hour With Abuelo? Who is the narrator?20. Complete a plot diagram using the events of the story An Hour With Abuelo. ................

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