Amy Beth Lambert

Leonidas: I am Leonidas, a great Spartan ruler. I am famous for holding the pass at Thermopylae against the entire Persian army with only 300 of my bravest men. We fought until none of us were left standing, sacrificing ourselves to defend our people.

Pericles: I am Pericles, a great ruler from Ancient Athens who was responsible for pushing Athens to its period of greatest power and wealth. I upset other city-states in Greece when I used the money from the league of city states for my own city’s benefit and forced other city-states to join the Delian League.

Hades: I am the God of the underworld and the afterlife. All Greeks come to my Kingdom when they die.

Persephone: I am the beautiful daughter of the Goddess Demeter. I was abducted by the God of the underworld, Hades, and forced to become his wife. Because I ate the seed of a fruit from his kingdom, I could never return home for good. Instead, I spend half of the year in the underworld and half of the year with my mother. When I am home I am happy, the sun shines and the crops grow. When I have to return to Hades, the crops die and the Earth grows cold.

Poseidon: I am Poseidon, the God of the sea. I love horses and I ride in a chariot drawn by golden sea-horses across the oceans. When I am angry I cause earthquakes and floods.

Athena: I am Athena, the Goddess who Athens is named after. I am known for being strong and wise.

Sophist: We sophists travel around Greece and offer education to older boys in return for fees. We are known as wise teachers and speakers.

Metic: I am a metic, a member of Athen’s middle class. We are free and we pay the same taxes as citizens of Athens, but we cannot take part in government or own land because we were born outside of Athens.

Hoplite: I am a strong and brave hoplite; a soldier who carries long spears and fights with my fellow soldiers is closely spaced rows.

Cleisthenes: I helped bring the idea of democracy to Ancient Greece.

Helot: I am a helot, a slave in Ancient Sparta. My people were defeated in battle by Sparta and now we are forced to work for them for free. There are more of us then there are Spartans and we look for any chance we can to rebel.

Oracle: We oracles are famous for predicting the future. Greeks would come to us to get a glimpse of their future and ask questions about what they should do. We get our power from the Gods.

Prometheus: I stole fire from the God Zeus and gave it to human-kind. To punish me, Zeus tied me to cliffs and had an eagle come to eat out my liver. Everyday my liver was restored and the eagle returned to eat it again.

Zeus: I am the supreme God of Greece, the all-powerful God of the sky. I am often seen carrying a huge lightning bolt. I don’t get along very well with my brothers Poseidon and Hades.

Draco: I am famous for creating “Draco’s Code of Laws.” My laws were the first written code of laws in Athens and they were known as being harsh and severe.

Ephor: I am an Ephor, a member of the five person assembly of Ancient Sparta who helped rule Sparta and make sure the King obeyed the laws of the land.

Homer: I am known for having written “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”, two of the most famous stories from Ancient Greece. These works were very important to Greek society.

Helen: I am the most beautiful human woman in the world. It was over me that the Trojan Wars were fought. I left my husband, the King of Mycenae for the Prince of Troy and caused many men to die in battle.

Menelaus: My wife, Helen, left me for the Prince of Troy. I can’t believe she would leave me, the King of Mycenae, for a spoiled Prince of Troy so now I am going to lead the Greeks in battle against the Trojans.

Achilles: I am the bravest Greek warrior, and I am determined that people will talk about my strength forever. I am famous for my anger and strength in battle during the Trojan War.

Hermes: I am Hermes. I wear winged sandals and I am known as the messenger God. I guide the dead to the underworld, and I am known for playing tricks and games.

Spartan Mother: I am a mother of several strong, Spartan children. My boys began their military training at age 7 and will spend most of their lives in military service. My daughters are strong, proud and healthy.

Aristocrat: I am an Aristocrat, a member of a privileged social class composed of the wealthiest landowners in my city-state. I helped control Greek society until democracy took over in Greece.

Ares: I am Ares, the God of war. The Greeks would make offerings and prayers to me before a battle to ensure victory.

Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. I am the most beautiful Goddess and I am loved by all.

Odysseus: I am Odysseus, a great hero of the Trojan War. I am famous my remarkable 10 year journey home from the war. Because I angered the God Poseidon, he cursed me with many trials that kept me away from my home but caused me to become remembered in the story “The Odyssey.”

Medusa: Once I was a beautiful young woman and many men desired to date me. Angry with me, the goddess Athena turned me into an ugly creature with hair made of live snakes and the power to turn anybody who looks at me to stone.

Pandora: I am the Greek Eve, the bringer of sadness upon mankind. I was the first woman in the world and I was given a gift from the gods which was a sealed jar containing all the evil of the world. Out of curiosity I broke the seal on the jar and all the evil escaped into the world.

Cerberus: I am the three headed hound which guards the entrance to the Greek underworld. I prevent the dead from trying to return to the land of the living, and the living from trying to rescue their loved ones from the land of the dead.

Solon: I was a ruler of Ancient Athens who erased the debts of the poor and outlawed slavery for debt. Before I made this change, poor people were being sold into slavery for not being able to pay the money that they owed to rich people.


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