Sparta/Athens Data Retrieval Chart

Sparta/Athens Data Retrieval Chart Group Members: Hannah, Mackenzie, Parker, Zach, Aaron

Either quote (write down what the source says word for word) or paraphrase (state in your own words) the information you find on each subject. Indicate a quote by the letter “Q” and quotation marks around the information; indicate a paraphrase by the letter “P”.

Indicate the source of your information as follows:

• World History textbook – “Text”

• Article on Athens –“ Athens”

• Article on Sparta – “Sparta”

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Purpose of Government |-Wanted to improve democracy (“Athens”) P |Monarchy, with limited oligarchy. To have a |

|and/or role of Government |-Every man was expected to serve in the government |stable government. They had 2 kings and 28 |

|in the lives of individuals|(“Athens”) P |members of the council. “Sparta” |

| |-Government made sure everyone had rights(“Athens”) P | |

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Basis of Economy |-Grew mostly olives and grapes for wine (“Text” 128) P |Each Spartan had their own piece of land. |

| |-Traded through trade ships (“Text” 127) P |Helots did all of the farming. “Sparta” |

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Role of Women |-Stay home, clean, cook, weave, bear children, harvest, |Did not go through training but were educated |

| |veiled outside (“Text” 129) P |on similar lines. Spartan women were free to |

| |-“Excluded from citizenship and had few rights.” (“Text” |move about and leave the home. They had a lot |

| |128)Q |of domestic freedom. “Sparta” |

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Purpose of Education Boys |-Most boys were trained to serve in the government |Trained Spartans at a young age to become great|

| |(“Athens”)P |warriors. |

| |-Trained in literature (“Athens”)P | |

| |-Few trained as soldiers (“Athens”)P | |

|Purpose of Education Girls|-Trained in literature and art (“Athens”)P |They were trained to have to fend for |

| |-Mostly taught how to run a household (“Athens”)P |themselves because there husbands were off at |

| | |war or training. “Sparta” |

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Cultural priorities and/or |-Made many poems, books, sculptures, frescos, paintings,|Did not surround themselves in luxuries and |

|opportunities for artistic |mosaics (Wikipedia)P |expensive items. When children were born if |

|expression | |they were determined if they were strong or |

| | |not. If they were weak they would be left in |

| | |the hills to die. “Sparta” |

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Responsibilities and |-Expected to serve in government (“Athens”)P |All men have to be warriors. All women need |

|privileges of citizenship | |to care for their homes and children. |

| | |“Sparta” |

|Burdens on non-citizens |-If you didn’t have military training, you couldn’t vote|They were sent to work on the farms. |

| |(Wikipedia) |“Sparta” |

| |-Most non-citizens couldn’t vote (“Athens”)P | |

| |Athens |Sparta |

|Other |-Advanced in art and science (“Athens”)P |Sparta was built around having a strong |

| |-Were a major trade center (“Athens”)P |military. |


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