The World | d01

Step 1a – Create Separate Layer

Step 1b – Insert Bitmap

Step 2b – PDF Snapshot Tool

Step 3a – Site Location in Satellite Map

DBUG Meeting

GSD Associates, LLC

May 13, 2009

Inserting bitmaps into DataCAD & using them effectively.

1. How to insert a bitmap file

a. Create a separate layer

b. Select Insert, then Bitmap

c. Locate your file & click insert

d. Draw the bitmap big enough to seen.

2. How to insert from a PDF file.

a. Open the file using Adobe Reader

b. Go to Tools, Select & Zoom & select snapshot tool. Your cursor should be a cross-hair now.

c. In the drop-down zoom menu, select actual size.

d. Right-click on the pdf and click, Select All. Right-click again and click Copy Selected Graphic.

e. In DataCAD, Go to Edit, then click Paste Special.

f. Select Bitmap. This brings up a Save Image dialog box. Find the appropriate folder and type in a name for the image file then click Save.

g. Draw the bitmap big enough to seen.

3. How to insert a bitmap from Google Maps.

a. Locate & Zoom to satellite image.

b. Press Print Screen key

c. Open photo software. Paste image into the new file. Crop as needed. Save file.

d. Proceed with steps 1c-1d.

Step 4a – Enlargement Calc.

Step 7 – SPB Fill

Step 2 – Plot Order

4. How to scale the bitmap

a. Enlarge

- Calculate Distance

5. Move, Crop & Rotate Bitmap.

a. Move in DataCAD

b. Crop, Rotate, stretch in photo software such as (freeware)

6. Beginning to draw your plan from the bitmap.

7. Using SPB Fill to create material hatch

a. Open SPB Fill menu

b. Click on Settings

c. Select Bimap Fill & click on the icon to locate the image file.

d. Proceed as you would for creating a SPB Fill.

Manipulating bitmaps in DataCAD

1. Control the display of your screen

a. Create layers

b. Use the bitmap toggle button.

c. Move to the front or back of other objects in the drawing.

d. In the Utility menu, click Display – then Layer Order – then In Order.

e. In Layer Manager, move the layer with the bitmap to the top or bottom of the list, depending on the order you need.

2. Control the Plot Order

- Open Plot Table, Bitmaps & Fills can be selected as being printed first, last or in order.

Uses of Bitmaps in DataCAD

- Base for Site Plan or Floor Plan

- Inserting Company Logos

- Product Image or Specification

- Locus Map

- General Photos

- Material of building.

Prepared by C. J. Batchelder,

GSD Associates May 13, 2009


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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