Seniors and People with Disabilities

Seniors and People with Disabilities

Policy Transmittal (PT) Instructions

| |

|Purpose |

|Editable Fields |

|Instructions for Transmittal Processing |

|If the information to be transmitted does not meet the Policy Transmittal purpose criteria as noted below, use one of the following forms to transmit the |

|information: |

|SPD Action Request form SDSD 0078 |

|SPD Information Memorandum form SDSD 0080 |


Policy transmittals should be considered high priority, and processed immediately. They are used to disseminate new or amended federal, state, and program policies or administrative rules and manual updates or provide clarification of existing policy or rule.


Authorized by: SPD Policy Transmittals releasing new or amended policy or rule or clarification of existing policy or rule must be signed by the Assistant Director or Deputy Assistant Director. SPD Administrators may sign Policy Transmittals releasing manual updates. The SPD Transmittal Coordinator will type the name of the authorizing signer on the electronic copy prior to releasing the transmittal.

PT Number: A sequential number assigned by the Transmittal Coordinator following receipt of a signed, original transmittal.

Date: Inserted by the Transmittal Coordinator, when the transmittal is released.

Transmitting: Transmittal authors must check the box that best applies to the type of policy communication being sent.

Applies to: Transmittal authors must check any appropriate boxes to indicate whom the transmittals applies to. County DD Program Managers and County Mental Health Directors should be checked only when transmittals relate specifically to DD programs. Managers must verify the appropriate boxes are checked.

Policy Title: Name of policy or administrative rule being disseminated, changed, or clarified. In the case of a manual release, either give short descriptions of the various policies or refer the reader to the complete list and reference where it can be found (e.g., various self-sufficiency policies—see page 3 in attachment).

Topic Area: List general category for type of policy or rule (e.g., food stamp, developmental disabilities, etc.).

Policy Number: Number of policy or administrative rule being distributed.

Release number (optional): Use when releasing manual updates.

Effective Date: Date when policy or rule becomes effective or changes need to be implemented.

Expiration: Date when temporary rule or policy expires. If not applicable, designate as N/A.

References: Statutory and other legal references.

Web address: Web site address where policy or rule can be viewed.

Discussion/Interpretation: Background information or history on policy or rule.

Implementation/Transition Instructions: Instructions on how to implement the policy or rule.

Training/Communication plan: Instructions on how to communicate about new or changed policy and how to obtain necessary training.

Local/Branch Action Required: Describes actions that must be taken by local office or branch staff to implement new or changed policy.

Central Office Action Required: Describes actions that must be taken by central office staff to implement new or changed policy.

Field/stakeholder review: If time allows and it's appropriate to do so, a Field/Stakeholder review should be completed prior to releasing a PT. The review provides for input from selected CHS/SPD, AAA and central office managers. Following approval by your section manager or administrator, forward the transmittal to the Transmittal Coordinator to conduct a ten (10) day Field Review process. If a Field Review process is conducted, or some other process or outlet allowed for Field/Stakeholder review of the PT, mark the yes box and list the name of the group(s) that reviewed it. Otherwise, mark the field "No".

Filing Instructions: Instructions on how and where to file the new or changed policies or rules.

Contact Information: These fields should contain the names of one or more individuals or the name of a unit that can answer questions about the policy transmittal. The individuals or unit’s phone number, fax, and e-mail address should be listed.


Transmittals should be developed at the direction or request of an SPD central office supervisor or manager, or as required and necessitated by job duties and program responsibilities. The forms are processed for release as follows:

1) Author completes editable fields on the transmittal form, ensuring appropriate boxes are checked in the "Applies to" section. Save and print the document and any associated attachments and forward to your supervisor/manager for review and to the authorized signer for approval and signature (see "Authorized by" field, above). As part of their review, managers must ensure appropriate boxes are checked in the "Applies to" section.

2) Following review and approval, forward the signed form and any attachments to the Transmittal Coordinator. Also send an electronic copy of the documents to the Transmittal Coordinator. If there are attachments that aren't available electronically, alert the Transmittal Coordinator so arrangements can be made to have the documents scanned.

3) After receipt of the signed originals and electronic files, the Transmittal Coordinator assigns a transmittal number and records it on the transmittal log. The Coordinator enters the number, date and name of the authorized signer on the electronic copy of the transmittal form. The transmittal is posted on the DHS web site and notification of the transmittal release is sent to DHS staff/offices and AAA Directors/offices and various interested parties. A transmittal is released to County DD Program Managers and County Mental Health Directors only when those boxes have been checked in the "Applies to" section on the form.

4) The Transmittal Coordinator retains the original, signed transmittal form and any attachments for documentation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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