Rúbrica: Interpersonal / Presentacional

Rúbrica: Escritura Interpersonal / Presentación Nombre ______________________


| |Register |Vocabulary |Organization |Language Use |Topic Development |Task Completion |

|4 |Register may |Uses appropriate |Letter / essay is | may contain more than a |Relevant, well-developed treatment|Appropriately address & |

| |not be |vocabulary though |organized enough to |few errors and/or patterns |of the elements of the |completes task. Responds |

| |consistent or |some repetition may |be understood. | |conversation. Well-organized, |appropriately to almost all of |

| |(appropriate |occur. | | |generally cohesive responses |the parts / prompts |

| | | | | |*additional transitional words, | |

| | | | | |“fillers” | |

|3 |Register is |Vocabulary is very |Letter / essay is |Control of simple |Relevant treatment of the elements|Address & completes task. |

| |generally |limited with some |somewhat organized |structures, but errors with|of the conversation. (b) |Responds adequately to most |

| |appropriate. |second language |but difficult to |complex structures; little |Organized responses with adequate |parts/prompts |

| | |interference. |follow. |or no control. |cohesiveness | |

| | | | | |*developed minimum dialogue to | |

| | | | | |meet task completion | |

|2 |Register may be|Narrow range of |There is little |Limited control of simple |(a) may have some irrelevant |Partially addresses &/or |

| |inappropriate |vocab; frequent |organization and the|structures, with many |treatment of elements of the |completes task. Responds |

| | |interference from |essay is really |errors. ( |conversation. (b) Responses may |inappropriately to some |

| | |another language. |simply list of | |have inadequate organization / |parts/prompts |

| | | |components of the | |cohesiveness | |

| | | |prompt. | | | |

|1 |Minimal |Insufficient |Off topic. | Frequent errors in use of |(a) Irrelevant treatment of |Does not complete task. |

| |attention to |vocabulary with | |structures. |elements of the conversation. (b) |Responds inappropriately to |

| |register |constant second | | |responses may not be cohesive or |most parts / prompts |

| | |language interference| | |may be disorganized | |

| | |make the essay | | | | |

| | |difficult to | | | | |

| | |understand | | | | |





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