A.Background of the Study

As a professional teachers in the language teaching, especially theteaching of English a foreign language, teachers mostly spend much of time onappropriate teaching methodologist for greater effectiveness in studentsacquisitions on English, designing and implementing materials, test, and practiceTeacher are responsible to educate the students from little or no knowledge tosufficient English speaking environment.

Mostly of the teaching method before the past few decades, found theteacher tend to carry out the teaching process in the classroom by applyingtraditional and monolingual principle ways of teaching with unsatisfactory. Thisshows that teachers need enrichments with appropriate ways of teachingatmosphere, that why in teaching English as the second language by applyingnew and modified fashions in order that the result of the teaching learningprocess would contribute more input to reach satisfied learning outcome. Wholearound the world recently, where the people encourage that English as theirtarget or second language used based on whole interactions and communicationholding the dominant role of very aspects of their life. English is most widely used in teaching learning process of broader Educational occasions either formal

or informal environment.

It is reasonable that English is progemmed as the first foreign or secondlanguage in many countries on this earth, furthermore in present global era. Thatis why experts on language and language teaching range must invent todayEnglish teaching and learning environment.

In KTSP Curriculum, it is clearly stated that one of the objectives of theEnglish subject in Junior High School is developing the ability to communicatein English, either in written or oral form which covers listening, speaking,reading and writing. Unfortunately the fact has shown that the students are quitedifficult to improve their speaking ability because they are accustomed to usetheir native language language in their daily life than using English. This is thereason why we can not deny the fact that the students still considered speakingskill as the most difficult skill to be mastered. In class, we as teachers often findthe students can hardly use English for communicative objectives even in thesimple form or we may find the students who are able to point the answer of thequestion on a text but they can not explain their reason in choosing the answer. Itis also evident that in class, the students have limited time to practice theirspeaking skills, and it resulted on their ability to use the target language, as theold saying “Practice makes perfect”

Considering problem, relating to speaking activities in class and helpingstudents to improve their speaking skill is part of the teacher’s job. He or she isexpected to have right teaching techniques to provide students with appropriateteaching materials and to create a positive classroom environment. Therefore, thestudents will have opportunity to use English among themselves. The teaching –learning process should not only happen between teacher and students but alsobetween students and students.

Speaking is an activity used by someone to communicate with other. Ittakes place very where and has become part of our daily activities. Whensomeone speaks, he or she interacts and uses the language to express his or herideas, feeling and thought. He or she also shares information to other troughcommunication.

People communicate in various diferent formal and nonformal setting,from giving a presentation in abusiness meeting to chatting at acoctail party.Most speakers of language speak one way with their friends , another on a jobinterview or presenting report in class, another talking to small children, anotherwith their parents and so on. These speaking activities are called daily language.

Nearly everybody has at least an informal and a formal style in speaking.In an informal style therule of contraction are used more often, the syntactic rulesand agreement may be altered, and many words are used that do not occur in theformal style.

Informal style, although permitting certain abbreviations and deletionsnot permited in formal speech, are olso rule governed. For example, question areoftenshortened with the subject you and the auxilary verb deleted.. One can ask

You running the marathon? Instead of the more formal Are you running the


In any speaking class, our students may be very different from oneanother in terms of how they participate.Some iteractional differences are duepersonality factor (such as being shy or having n outgoing nature). Other maystem from cultural difference (e.g., some cuilures value silence more than other).

There many methode and thecnique to make improvement ability tospeaking skill. The other ways are doing group work or pair work, and limitingteacher talk.

In this research, the researcher focuses to how influence of the dailylanguage toward speaking skill for students. The reason for using daily languageis give more opportunities to students to make turns in speaking during the timesallocated. The researcher assumes that daily languages are combination betweenlanguage practice and role play. They can express their ideas freely because theydo activities with their friends.

Informal style, although permitting certain abbreviations and deletionsnot permited in formal speech, are olso rule governed. For example, question areoftenshortened with the subject you and the auxilary verb deleted.. One can ask

You running the marathon? Instead of the more formal Are you running the


In any speaking class, our students may be very different from oneanother in terms of how they participate.Some iteractional differences are duepersonality factor (such as being shy or having n outgoing nature). Other maystem from cultural difference (e.g., some cuilures value silence more than other).

There many methode and thecnique to make improvement ability tospeaking skill. The other ways are doing group work or pair work, and limitingteacher talk.

In this research, the researcher focuses to how influence of the dailylanguage toward speaking skill for students. The reason for using daily languageis give more opportunities to students to make turns in speaking during the timesallocated. The researcher assumes that daily languages are combination betweenlanguage practice and role play. They can express their ideas freely because theydo activities with their friends.

B.The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study mentioned above, the

identification of the problems of the research are:


How far the effectiveness of daily language toward speaking



How The English more interested to teach speaking use daily



How the teachers more interested to teach speaking English

use daily language?


How to make students confident to talk in learning speaking?


How daily language more interesting for student to learn



Why daily language suitable to teach speaking at nine grade?

C.The Limitation of the Problem

The researcher limits the discussing of the study about, “The Influence ofDaily Language Environment toward the Student’s Speaking Skill.” Theresearcher fined the effective technique to teach using daily language for heightschool ninth grade.


The Formulation of the Problem

Based on limitation of problem mentioned above, the problem of the

research can be formulated as follows; How the influence of daily language

environment toward student is speaking skill s to the ninth grade of SMP Negeri

1 Cisauk Tangerang.


Benefit of Research

The researcher hopes that this thesis can develop education institution toperform a language laboratory, teacher to use the approach and methodproperly in teaching speaking to their students; it can be refer for Englishteacher in studying which pursuant and guide liner of the better ways to achievethe successful English Study.

The benefit of this research for elementary in SMPN 1 Cisauk that theheadmaster of the school knows actually teaching and teaching speaking arereally acceded by the teacher. The students of course the headmaster triesprovide the equipment of speaking so that, the students speaking can beimproved by practicing actively.

The students of STKIP Kusuma Negara can have a good reference fortheir knowledge and someday they will make tries connected with learningspeaking. Then they may make some references of this thesis because thisthesis can be put in the library of STKIP Kusuma Negara and every body canread it.Using daily language in teaching speaking skill to the ninth grade

students of SMPN 1 Cisauk Tangerang. It motivates and encourages students of SMPN 1 Cisauk Tangerang;it motivates and encourages students to practicespeaking English. It makes them enjoy expressing their feeling, ideas, andopinion and even in messages and suggestions and helps students to take port inpractice.





Establishing an Academic Climate

When examining the research on climates that encourage studentlearning, several factor surface from effective-school research1. One of thefactors that have implications for decision making about curriculum andinstruction encourages the teacher to focus class activities on completion ofmeaningful academic objectives. The teacher presents the learning objectives tothe class and help students reach those objectives to the best of ability. Theissue in not completion of material but of holding students accountable, todemonstrate understanding of the key concepts so they can use the knowledgein meaningful way. Students are not motivated to learn when they are requiredto memorize material that they cannot apply.

There factor that contributes to establishing of an academic climate is theamount of time that student is involved with the content. Based on Fisher’sstate2, the teacher must consider three aspect of the involvement behavior:

1.How much time is provided by the teacher (allocated time)


S. Veenman. Perceived Problem of Beginning Teacher. Review of Education Reseach, (American

Education Reseach Journal 1984) p. 143-178


Gage, N and Fisher, The Scientific Basic ofThe Art of Teaching, (New York: Teacher

College Press, 1978


2.To what degree students are engaged during the time provided

(engagement rate or time-on-task)

3.How successfully students are engaged (academic learning time, thathigh-quality time in which student devote themselves to and succeedsin meaningful task)

B. Classroom Communication

Communication in a classroom setting is unique because there are highlyregulated patterns of communication between teacher and students, both ofwhom definitely have different status, that are not present in any othercommunication even or setting.

Barnes suggests that how much success a student achieves in classroomdepend on different patterns of communication that they are able to recognizeand that are set up by the teacher.3 In fact the teacher who controls the wholestructure of classroom communication.

Even though it is the classrooms (and set up through teachers’ own use oflanguage), they are not always aware of these patterns and the effect they haveon their students’ learning. Barnes said, it is important for teacher to study thecommunication pattern they have set up in their classrooms because in doingso, they can attempt to seek answer to the following questions4 :


D. Barnes, From Communication to Curriculum. (Middlesex: Penguin 1976). P. 120



about their answer or comments before speaking in class. They are generallycautious, while impulsive learners tend to be more impetuous and may take agamble. They may respond immediately, often before they’ve thought throughtheir ideas completely. So in an English speaking class, impulsive learners aretypically those who will speak out quickly, perhaps without much concern foraccuracy. Reflective learners, on the other hand, will want to think throughwhat they have to say before speaking out in class.7

D.Fluency and Accuracy

Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the language quickly andconfidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pause, false stars, word searches,etc.

Adopted the position taken by Hammerly. “Although the word ‘fluency’ haslong been used in everyday speech to mean speaking rapidly and well, in ourfield it has largely come to mean speaking rapidly and smoothly but notnecessarily grammatically”8 In contrast, accuracy involves control over “thelinguist code” using the rules of language.9

E.Technique of Teaching English Speaking

Penny Ur said, also states some problems that may prohibit the students

to develop their speaking skill, which are inhibition, lack of ideas shy, low


Op cit. H.D. Brown. P. 113-114


H. Hammerly, Fluency an Accuracy : Toward balance in language Teaching and Learning.

(Clevedon, UK : Multilingual Matters, Ltd. 1991)p. 12


ibid. H. Hammerly


participation, and students; preference to use their mother language10 And alsoshe says, “Of all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) speakingseem intuitively the most important.”11 Based on the statement above speakingis the most important skill that should be mastered by students in order tocommunicate in English fluently. Speaking is essential to all interaction and hisis an ability to understand and master about what an active process ofconstructing a message, especially for student in high school.

It is important for us as language teacher to be aware of how much weare talking in class so we do not take up all the time the students could be talking.

Pair work and group work activities can be used to in crease the amountof time that learners get to speak target language during lessons. One furtherinteresting point is that when the teacher is removed from the conversation, thelearner take on diverse speaking roles that normally filled by the teacher (suchas posing questions or offering clarification).




Ur Penny, A Course in Language Teaching : Practice an Theory (Great Britain : Cambridge

University Press, 1966).p. 121


Ibid. Penny Ur, p. 120

A.Purpose of the Research

Speaking is learned in two board contexts: foreign language and secondlanguage situations. The challenges of us as a teacher are determined partly bythe target language context.

The purpose of this research is for examining and improvement speakingskill of students to learn the target language as a foreign language. Learningspeaking skill is very challenging for students in foreign language contexts,because they have very few opportunities to use the target language outside inthe classroom.

B. Research Method

The researcher, use the fluently from daily language to makeimprovement of speaking’ skill. Students' experiences, observations, andinteractions inside and outside of the classroom have an impact upon what theysay and how they say it. Speaking activities involve thought and reflection, andprovide opportunities for students to plan and organize for speaking.

C.Place and Time

The research will take a place at SMPN 1 Cisauk Tangerang ninth grade.


D.Object of the Research

The object of the research is the students at Senior High School ninth


E.Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher attends to the data which are the result of applying

teaching speaking using daily language.

In the following section, the researcher explains about procedure ofteaching speaking.In order to communicate and interact with others, studentsneed to engage in a variety of formal and informal speaking situations,depending upon their purpose for speaking. Some purposes for speakinginclude the following: express personal feelings, ideas, or viewpoints tell a story entertain or amuse

4. to describe inform or explain

6. to request inquire or question clarify thinking explore and experiment with a variety of ideas and formats


10. To converse and discuss.

E.Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher prediction there some advantages using daily language are

as follows:

1.The daily language can be used activity and interaction between

students like small discussion and sharing information

2.The daily language is more familiar with activities of the students

3.The daily language theme can be more variety

And disadvantages are as follow:


Teacher has to make preparation of theme before beginning in



The pronunciation from the native speaker (teacher) have to



The teacher must consider with influence from slang language

and make limitation when speaking activities on the class.



Veenman S.. Perceived Problem of Beginning Teacher. Review of Education

Reseach, (American Education Reseach Journal 1984)

Gage, N and Fisher, The Scientific Basic ofThe Art of Teaching, (New York:

Teacher College Press, 1978)

Barnes D, From Communication to Curriculum. (Middlesex: Penguin 1976). P. 120

Brown H.D., Principal of Language Learning and Teaching, 3rd Edition (Englewood

Cliftts, NJ: Pretice-hall Regent, 1994)

Kinsella.K. Understanding and Empowering Diverse Learners. In J. Reid, ed.

Learning Style in the ESL/EFL Classroom (Boston, MA: Heinle/Thomson 1995)

Hammerly. H., Fluency an Accuracy : Toward balance in language Teaching and

Learning.(Clevedon, UK : Multilingual Matters, Ltd. 1991)

Penny. Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice an Theory (Great Britain:

Cambridge University Press, 1966)


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