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146685055245000 MI NOMBRE ES _________________ EXPLORATORY SPANISHUNIT 1 6669310924000-FRASES IMPORTANTES-ALFABETO -COGNADOS-SALUDOS Y EXPRESIONES DE CORTES?A167640054229000- PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTASNombre ______________________________ Período _____ Hoy es el _____ de ________________For each of the letters below, list a reason why you think it is important to learn Spanish. For example- E: Easy to learn…El Espa?ol de los Estados Unidos A. ? Qué piensas? - Answer the following questions based on what you know or make your best “educated” guess. 1. True or False: Spanish is one of the fastest growing languages in the United States ___________2. How many Spanish speakers are there in the United States? _________________3. True or False: The U.S. has more Spanish speakers than Spain_________________4. In what year will the U.S. have the largest Spanish speaking population in the world? ______________B. Datos interesantes-Fill in the blanks to the following statements as we talk about “el espa?ol de los Estados Unidos.” 1. According to the Pew Research Center, there are an estimated _______________Spanish speakers in the United States! 2. More than 55% of the Hispanic population in the U.S. lives in ________________, __________________, and _________________________ according to the Pew Research Center. 3. ____________________ has the largest percentage of Spanish speakers of any city in the U.S. It is followed closely by Northern New Jersey and ___________________________. 4. Spanish has been spoken in what is the United States longer than English. The _______________ established _________________________, Florida in _____________. The English established Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. 5. The presence and use of Spanish in the U.S. continues to increase. The U.S. now has the _________________ highest number of Spanish speakers in the world. _______________ has the most and _________________ has the third highest number. 6. By _________________ it is predicted that the U.S. will have the largest Spanish-speaking population in the world. 7. In many U.S. cities, there are large concentrations of Spanish speakers from one or more Spanish speaking countries. Fill in the box next to the cities on the map with the name of the country(s) where the majority of the Spanish-speaking population are from or identify with the culture of that country(s). 15734815684500New York Miami El Paso C. Para pensar: Answer the following question: Did any of the facts above surprise you? Why? Do you have a better understanding of how important Spanish is in the U.S?Why Bilinguals Are SmarterMarch 17, 2012, The New York TimesBy YUDHIJIT BHATTACHARJEESPEAKING two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age. This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a child’s academic and intellectual development. They were not wrong about the interference: there is ample evidence that in a bilingual’s brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system obstructs the other. But this interference, researchers are finding out, isn’t so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles. Bilinguals, for instance, seem to be more adept than monolinguals at solving certain kinds of mental puzzles. In a 2004 study by the psychologists Ellen Bialystok and Michelle Martin-Rhee, bilingual and monolingual preschoolers were asked to sort blue circles and red squares presented on a computer screen into two digital bins — one marked with a blue square and the other marked with a red circle. In the first task, the children had to sort the shapes by color, placing blue circles in the bin marked with the blue square and red squares in the bin marked with the red circle. Both groups did this with comparable ease. Next, the children were asked to sort by shape, which was more challenging because it required placing the images in a bin marked with a conflicting color. The bilinguals were quicker at performing this task. The collective evidence from a number of such studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function — a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mind — like remembering a sequence of directions while driving. Why does the tussle between two simultaneously active language systems improve these aspects of cognition? Until recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage stemmed primarily from an ability for inhibition that was honed by the exercise of suppressing one language system: this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. But that explanation increasingly appears to be inadequate, since studies have shown that bilinguals perform better than monolinguals even at tasks that do not require inhibition, like threading a line through an ascending series of numbers scattered randomly on a page. The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment. “Bilinguals have to switch languages quite often — you may talk to your father in one language and to your mother in another language,” says Albert Costa, a researcher at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Spain. “It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving.” In a study comparing German-Italian bilinguals with Italian monolinguals on monitoring tasks, Mr. Costa and his colleagues found that the bilingual subjects not only performed better, but they also did so with less activity in parts of the brain involved in monitoring, indicating that they were more efficient at it. The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain from infancy to old age (and there is reason to believe that it may also apply to those who learn a second language later in life). In a 2009 study led by Agnes Kovacs of the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, 7-month-old babies exposed to two languages from birth were compared with peers raised with one language. In an initial set of trials, the infants were presented with an audio cue and then shown a puppet on one side of a screen. Both infant groups learned to look at that side of the screen in anticipation of the puppet. But in a later set of trials, when the puppet began appearing on the opposite side of the screen, the babies exposed to a bilingual environment quickly learned to switch their anticipatory gaze in the new direction while the other babies did not. Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the twilight years. In a recent study of 44 elderly Spanish-English bilinguals, scientists led by the neuropsychologist Tamar Gollan of the University of California, San Diego, found that individuals with a higher degree of bilingualism — measured through a comparative evaluation of proficiency in each language — were more resistant than others to the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: the higher the degree of bilingualism, the later the age of onset. Nobody ever doubted the power of language. But who would have imagined that the words we hear and the sentences we speak might be leaving such a deep imprint? Yudhijit Bhattacharjee is a staff writer at Science.This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:Correction: March 25, 2012491998027305000The Gray Matter column on bilingualism last Sunday misspelled the name of a university in Spain. It is Pompeu Fabra, not Pompea Fabra.INVESTIGATION: BENEFITS OF LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGEMisión: Convince the audience that they should learn a second language. Investigación: Use the internet to investigate the benefits of being bilingual. You may want to use searches that include “Advantages of being bilingual,” “Benefits of learning a second language,” “Why should I study a foreign language” or a combination of these searches. You will need to take notes on your “notes page” being sure to cite your sources. (*See information below on citing.) You will need to find 5-8 reasons that learning a second language is beneficial. Be sure to use AT LEAST 5 sources (2 for careers/ 3 for benefits) and properly cite them.After finding your benefits, search for two careers where it would be helpful to be bilingual. You will present your benefits and careers choices to the class. Fellow classmates will pick the job of their liking based on what you tell them. Be sure to be creative and make sure to sell your job to your classmates! There will be a special prize for the winner!Producto: Create a poster that illustrates the benefits of learning a second language and your two careers.Presentación: We will present over two days. During your presentation, you will sell your benefits and careers to your classmates. Classmates will be walking around the room to gather information and select the job of their choice. __________________________________________________________________________________________________*CITING SOURCES: Citing a source means to acknowledge, or give credit to, the person who actually created the content you’re using. The opposite of this is plagiarism, which means to take someone else’s work – art, paper, report, photos, etc. – and claim it as your own.Citing your sources is important for two key reasons. The first is to give credit where credit is due to the people whose work you quote, or used as a basis for your ideas. The second reason is to allow others who read or see your work to check the resources you’ve used to check for accuracy by following your citation to the exact article, or website you reference, or to learn more from that resource if they are looking to expand their own understanding.When and how to cite:Whenever you use a direct quote, acknowledge the quote by placing it inside quotation marks and then naming the author.Whenever you paraphrase content – ideas, written text, or thoughts – place the credit within your research paper where your paraphrase occurs and at the end of the paper in the bibliography.Whenever you use photos, images, or other art, naming the artist or creator underneath the imageCore elements in citing material include the author’s last name, first name (when known); the title of the specific document, article, or work in quotes, (when known); the title of the larger work if there is one, the date when the article was published (when available); the date of the last revision if any; the date you accessed the material, and for internet resources, the URL where the content is hosted. () RESEARCH: BENEFICIOSSOURCE:Carrera:Descripción:Educación:Salario:Responsa-bilidades:Source:Benefits of Being Bilingual Rubric100-90% excellent evidence89-80% good evidence79-70% some evidence69% and below little to no evidencePresentationStudent presents information clearly and displays a complete understanding of their information. Clear articulation; proper volume; enthusiasm and confidence. Clear articulation, but not polished.Student presents the information fairly clear with a reasonable understanding of the information. The information presented is not clearly displayed throughout the project. Mumbling, little or no expression. Speaks too slow/fast, no expression, or no attempt. Information is clearly disorganized and not articulate.BenefitsStudent explains 7-8 benefits in great detail. There is strong evidence in research.Student explains 7-8 benefits in average detail. Benefits have been supported.Student explains 5-6 benefits with some detail. There is some evidence in research.Student is missing 3 or more benefits. There is little to no evidence in research.CareersStudent has 2 careers explained thoroughly. Student has excellent knowledge of both careers and is able to answer all questionsStudent has 2 careers with good knowledge. Student is able to answer most questions.Student has 2 careers but is lacking knowledge and can answer only a limited number of questions. Student is missing 1 career or more and is lacking the knowledge to answer questions.CreativityOverall project was creative and exceeds expectations.Project meets expectations but lacks in creativity.Project lacks in both creativity and expectation.Project is not creative.SourcesStudent has 5 sources that are properly cited.Student has 5-4 sources but they are not cited properly.Student has 3-2 sources that are not properly cited.Student has no cited ments:FRASES IMPORTANTESen espa?olen inglés62801529083000dibujoPor favor GraciasDe nada101092064960500No entiendo Repite (Repita)Más despacioLo siento?Cómo se dice…??Cómo se escribe..? ?Puedo …….ir al ba?o?…tomar agua?Nombre _______________________________________________________ Hora ____________FRASES IMPORTANTESUnscramble the words below then translate into English (write the English equivalent). ?mcóo es eiresbc? _______________________ ______________________ed adan ______________________________________________acsgair ______________________________________________?ómoc es iecd? ______________________________________________on itoeednn ______________________________________________rop vfaro ______________________________________________sám aepdisco ______________________________________________em molal ______________________________________________?epodu otram gaau? ______________________ ______________________re?aso xlnoen ______________________________________________?edopu ri la a?ob? _______________________ ______________________pe?alos ______________________________________________eatipr ______________________________________________ol nietos ______________________________________________221424520383500595042315789600La LetraPronunciaciónABCCH*DEFGHIJKLLL*MN?*OPQRRR*STUVWXYZLAS LETRAS EXTRAS:There are __________ letter is the English alphabet. There are _________ letters in the Spanish Alphabet.The extra letters are ____________ ____________ _____________ and _____________._____________ and ____________ are only being recognized as sounds. You will not find them in the newer dictionaries!Spanish speakers __________ the letters the same as we do. They are only _______________ different!48285403492500LOS VOCALES (VOWELS):____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LETRAS ESPECIALES:H:_______________________________________________________________________________C:_______________________________________________________________________________G:_______________________________________________________________________________LL:_______________________________________________________________________________B&V:_____________________________________________________________________________-B:_________________________________________________________________________-V:_________________________________________________________________________K&W:_____________________________________________________________________________?&RR:____________________________________________________________________________CH:_______________________________________________________________________________ACENTOS ESCRITOS (WRITTEN ACCENT MARKS:Where do they go? ____________________________________________________________How do you “say “it? __________________________________________________________What does it do? ______________________________________________________________When do we need it? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________Fill in each square with a letter of the Spanish alfabeto. Be sure to also use the vowels WITH accents. You may not use the same letter twice on the same board. LUGAR LIBRE LUGAR LIBRE #!-129654-1078170Nombre_________________________________________ Hora __________ Fecha ________________________________PRACTICE QUIZ: EL ALFABETO4920558-281500Parte I: Escuchar. Listen to the letter/word and write it down. _____6. __________7. __________8. __________9. __________________________10. _____________________Parte II. Escribir. Answer the questions about the Spanish alphabet.11. What do you know about the vowels and their pronunciation in Spanish? (2 things) 13. Where are accents placed?14. What do written accents show?15. Which letter is always silent? 16. Which two letters can have the same pronunciation? How do we differentiate?17. Which letter has several different pronunciations? Why?18. Which letters have been “removed” from the alphabet?19. Which letters are “foreign” letters?Parte III: Hablar. Say the following things to your teacher.Say the vowels: ________________________ Spell your first and last name: ________________________ Spell this word: (will be a word picked at random- can practice with any of your vocabulary/ cognates / etc)564324416510000CognatesWhat is a cognate? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cognates are very ___________________________________ because they will help in Spanish.You can find cognates in ____________________________ of other languages.Examples:EnglishSpanish__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________53141732370500What cognates can you find in the classroom?What cognates can you find in the textbook? What is a false cognate? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Example: Spanish word:_______________________________Looks like English word: _________________________ Really means: _________________________5825627-285750Introduction: A cognate is a word that looks the same in Spanish and English. They may be derivations of a word from another language. Some examples are: cognados, expectación, música, vomitar, doctor, etc. What do you think guitarra means? Yup, that’s right. It’s GUITAR!! Can you look around the room and find some more? __________________, __________________, ________________Bloques Mágicos: Put the number of the definition into the square with the correct term. Add the numbers across each row and down each column. The magic number is the total that you get.especialfigurapacienciacienciaslíderhipopótamodinosauriocolecciónboteinmigrantememoriaceroecuaciónmicroscopioboxeadorgalón1. Memory7. Microscope13. Gallon2. Equation8. Zero14. Immigrant 3. Science9. Figure15. Dinosaur4. Hippopotamus10. Collection16. Special5. Leader11. BoatEl número mágico:6. Patience12. Boxer______B. Cognados Falsos: BE CAREFUL!! There are also FALSE COGNATES. For example, notas DOES NOT mean NOTES, rather it is grades. Here are some more examples. First write what you think the word means. Then, look it up in the dictionary and write the actual meaning of the word. Spanish Word:What do you think it means?What it really means:grabarcarpetachocaréxitolargoparientessopa150775916940200recordararenafábricavaso Your mission is to find as many cognates as you can, using the Spanish alphabet. You can use only the dictionary provided to you in class and you may work with one partner.First, let’s review. What is a cognate? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now, using the dictionary, find a cognate for each letter in the Spanish alphabet. Don’t forget the CH! (You may not use any cognates that we have previously mentioned in class or on any worksheet that we have completed in class!!)*** For the LL, ?, and RR, you must look throughout the entire dictionary to find a word that has these letters in it. They will not begin with them. This is how you will earn your A! Once you have completed your great cognate search, you will need to create a poster with a Spanish picture (sombrero, flag, etc.) that contains your cognates (no English please)!. It must be neat and creative!You will have four days to complete this project and you will work with one partner.Day One: Find cognatesDay Two: Finish finding cognates and start on posterDay Three: Start Poster 440055023749000Day Four: Finish Poster***Anything not finished in class will have to be homework. Please use your time wisely!Now, find out how much Spanish you already know!!!! This project is due on ______________________You will need to buy poster board for this project!!! It Will NOT be provided in class!!Now, find out how much Spanish you already know!!!!1907-18859600RubricHow many cognates did you find?30 29 28 272625 24 2322-19 18-15 14 or less 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Are your cognates “true” cognates? (Do they follow the definition?) Are 100% or your words “true” cognates? 10 9 8Are 75% or your words “true” cognates? 76 5Are 50% or your words “true” cognates? 43 2Are less than 50% of your words “true” cognates?1 0Did you create a Spanish resembling poster to present your words?Does your design have everything to do with a Spanish idea?1098Does your design have something to do with a Spanish idea?765Does your design have a little to do with a Spanish idea?432Does your design have nothing to do with a Spanish idea?10Were you creative with your poster?Did you do more than an idea I already gave you?109Did you use an idea that I already gave you in the directions?876Did you use only pencil and/or pen or did you use colors?543Did you use the construction paper or is it just on paper?210Did you turn it in on time?On timeDay lateMore than a day late 10 -5-10Name: _____________________________________________________________Comments:5820410-23460900Mis Cognados A: ________________________________________G: ________________________________________B: ________________________________________H: ________________________________________C: ________________________________________I: ________________________________________CH: ________________________________________J: ________________________________________D: ________________________________________K: ________________________________________E: ________________________________________L: ________________________________________F: ________________________________________**LL: ______________________________________Use a dictionary to find your cognates. If working AT HOME, try . M: ________________________________________S: ________________________________________N: ________________________________________T: ________________________________________**?: _____________________________________U: ________________________________________O: ________________________________________V: ________________________________________P: ________________________________________W: ________________________________________Q: ________________________________________X: ________________________________________R: ________________________________________Y: ________________________________________**RR: _____________________________________Z: ________________________________________SALUDOS (GREETINGS)Good morningGood afternoonGood eveningHelloPREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTASWhat is your name?My name is ….Pleased to meet you.DelightedHow are you?Fine. Very wellSo- soDo you speak Spanish?Yes, I speak Spanish.No, I don’t speak Spanish.more or lessEXPRESIONES DE CORTES?APleaseThank youYou’re welcomeExcuse meI’m sorryGood luckDESPEDIDASGood –byeSee you laterSee you tomorrowOTRAS PALABRASPoliteness is worth a lot and costs very little.English French GermanItalianJapaneseRussianPRACTICAMOS con Saludos y Expresiones de Cortesía: (Greetings & Expressions of Courtesy)Activdad 1: Escoge la palabra que no pertenece y explica por qué. Choose the word that doesn’t fit and explain why. holapor favorde nadagracias adiósbuenas tardeshasta luegohasta ma?ana?Cómo estás?Así, Así?Hablas alemán?Bien, gracias.Buenas tardesEncantadoBuenas nochesBuenos díasinglésde nadafrancésalemánActivdad 2: Contesta en espa?ol. Answer in Spanish. ?Hablas espa?ol? _____________________________________________________?Cómo te llamas? ______________________________________________________?Cómo estás? _________________________________________________________13. _____________14. _____________15. _________/ __________16. _____________Activdad 3: Escribe la palabra en espa?ol asociada con cada dibujo. Write the word in Spanish associated with each picture. _____________ ______________ ______________ _______________Activdad 4: Contesta en espa?ol. Answer in Spanish.17. How do you greet someone at 2:00 pm? __________________ at midnight? __________at 9:15am? __________________any time of the day? __________________18. Two expressions at an introduction are: __________________ __________________ 19. If someone is going to take a Spanish test, what should you say? __________________20. Finish this sentence: Hablo __________________. No hablo __________________21. Sí is the opposite of __________________. Hola is the opposite of __________________.22. How do you say goodbye to your teacher at the end of the day? __________________23. If you were born in Paris, what language would you speak? __________________ Tokyo? ______________Perú? ______________ Rome? ______________Activdad 5: Termina la conversación. Finish the conversation.Evita:Hola, Me llamo Evita. ?y tú?Adán: _______________________Evita: _______________. ?Cómo estás?Adán: _______________, gracias. ?y _____?Evita: ?Súper! ?Hablas alemán? Adán No, no hablo _______________, pero hablo _______________.47269408570600Evita: ?Yo también! ?Hablo inglés MUY bien!Adán: Pues, me tengo que ir. Hasta luego.Evita: _______________PALABRAS POSIBLESalemánadiósasí asíbienbuena suertebuenas tardesbuenas nochesbuenos días?Cómo te llamas??Cómo se llama usted??Cómo estás??Cómo está usted?de nadaencantado(a)francésgracias?Hablas ….?Hablo …...hasta luegohasta ma?anaholainglésitalianojaponéslo sientomucho gusto.muy biennoperdónpor favorrusosí LOTER?A: Saludos y Expresiones de Cortesía278765271145LUGAR LIBRE5027295-151765-20955-208915CONVERSACI?N CL?SICARead the conversation and answer the questions that follow. Personajes: Ignacio, Eloísa, Maribel, FernandoIgnacio: Buenos días, María.Eloísa: No soy María. Me llamo Eloísa.Maribel: Mucho gusto, Ignacio y Eloísa.Fernando: Mucho gusto a todos. Me llamo Fernando.Ignacio: Hola, Fernando, Eloísa y Maribel.Eloísa: Buenos días, Ignacio, Fernando y Maribel.Maribel: El gusto es mío.Fernando: ?Vamos al parque?Ignacio: Buena idea, Fernando.Eloísa: Desafortunadamente, tengo una clase. Pues, otro día voy. Adiós, hasta pronto.Preguntas:Verdad o Falso: The 4 people already know each other.Verdad o Falso : There are 2 boys and 2 girls are involved in the conversation. Where are they going?What does Ignacio think about the invitation?What does Eloísa think?According to the reading, what is another way to say “nice to meet you”?According to the reading, what is another way to say “goodbye”?What is a reasonable time for this conversation to take place??2012 American Eagle Co., Inc. goedor68580-44767548844209525 CONVERSACI?N DE FANTAS?A Read the conversation and answer the questions that follow. Personajes: JLo, presidente Obama, Ratón Mickey, Pato DonatoJLo: Hola, buenas tardes amigos.Presidente Obama: ?Cómo se llaman Uds.?Ratón Mickey: Me llamo Ratón, Ratoncito Mickey. Vivo aquí en Disneylandia.Pato Donato: Me llamo Pato Donato. Mucho gusto a todos. JLo: El gusto es mío, se?or presidente.Presidente Obama: Mucho gusto, JLo. ?Vamos a comer aquí en este restaurante.Ratón Mickey: Está bien, se?or presidente. Pato Donato: Me voy porque hoy no tengo dinero. Hasta luegoJLo: Los invito a todos, Donato. Presidente Obama: ?Qué chido! Gracias, JLo. ?Todos vamos a comer!VOCABULARIO ?TIL:aquí – herecomer- to eatdinero- Moneyme voy- I am leaving todos- everyone/allvivo- I livePreguntas:Verdad o Falso: The 4 people already know each other.Verdad o Falso : There are 2 boys and 2 girls are involved in the conversation. Verdad o Falso: This conversation could take place at 7:30 pm. 50272957620Where are they going?Who says he/she can’t go? Why?They all end up going together. How??2012 American Eagle Co., Inc. goedorUSANDO EL DICCIONARIO:REPASO: The Spanish- English dictionary is divided into 2 parts. The front half of the dictionary translates from _______________ to _______________, while the second half translates words from _______________ to _______________. When we searched for cognates, we used the ______________ of the dictionary and checked for the English equivalent.TRANSLATING FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH: If you are curious about how to say a word in Spanish, you will need to use the back of the dictionary. ?Cómo se dice “school” en espa?ol? Let’s practice with this excerpt from Webster’s New World Dictionary. What does the n mean?What does the f mean? The m?school1 [sku:l] 1 n (primary ~, secondary ~,) escuela f, colegio m; (Univ: faculty) facultad f; (a group of artists, etc) escuela; to be at/go to ~ asistir/ir a la escuela; to leave ~ salir del or dejar el colegio….507144119774100How would you say “to go to school”? Practicamos:Dog = ___________________ (pp #________) Pizza = ___________________ (pp #________)Snake = ________________(pp #________)Swim = (n) ___________________ (v) ___________________ (pp #________)Fish = (animal) ___________________ (food) ___________________ (verb)__________________________________________________________________________________?A ti te toca! It’s your turn! Think of at least 2 things you like & dislike. Write them in English. LIKES: _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________DISLIKES: ______________, ______________, _______________, ______________Can you figure out the Spanish equivalent? Use the dictionary to translate your words into Spanish and write them below. INGL?SESPA?OL -168679322138005704205-13427900-257175-6731000 PREGUNTA #1: ________________________________RESPUESTA #1: _________________________________What are some questions that you would ask when you first meet someone?#2: ____________________________#2: ____________________________#3: ____________________________#3: ____________________________#4: ____________________________#4: ____________________________#5: ____________________________#5: ____________________________5232400-25161200295275-26035000ENTREVISTA ESTUDIANTILInterview your classmates in Spanish and write down their answers. You do not need to write in complete sentences.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-238125-209948005381625-22796500 PREGUNTA #1: ________________________________RESPUESTA #1: _________________________________How do you change the preguntas y respuestas to ask/answer about someone else?#2: ____________________________#2: ____________________________#3: ____________________________#3: ____________________________#4: ____________________________#4: ____________________________#5: ____________________________#5: ____________________________161925-20891500 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTIVIDAD 1: ANSWER the following questions in a complete sentence. Be sure to look at to WHOM the questions is referring.?Cómo te llamas?_______________________________________________?Qué te gusta? ____________________________________________?Qué no te gusta? __________________________________________?Cuántos a?os tienes? ___________________________________________?De dónde eres? ________________________________________________ACTIVIDAD 2: ANSWER the following questions in a complete sentence. Be sure to look at to WHOM the questions is referring.?Cómo se llama tu mejor amigo? (your best friend)__________________________________?Cuántos a?os tiene él/ella? ______________________________________?De dónde es él/ella? ____________________________________________?Qué le gusta? __________________________________________?Qué no le gusta? ________________________________________ACTIVIDAD3: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. ?Hola! Me llamo Dexter y soy la mascota de la se?orita Lennox. Tengo 11 a?os y mi cumplea?os es el 10 de julio. Soy de Michigan, pero ahora vivo en Durham, Carolina del Norte. En mi tiempo libre, me gusta mucho jugar con mi pelota. También, me gusta mucho caminar afuera y comer dulces. Me encanta estar con mi mama en el sofá e ir al parque para jugar con mis amigos. No me gusta estar solo. ?Cómo se llama el perro?______________________?Qué le gusta? _______________________________?Qué no le gusta?_____________________________?Cuántos a?os tiene? _________________________?De dónde es él? ___________________________ ................

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