November 2, 2011

Orlando, Florida

Welcome Guests and Members (introduction of Carol Anne Wien)

1:00 pm – Discussion of 10th Anniversary of NAREA while waiting for all members to arrive

Present: Margie Cooper, Barb Acton, Jeanne Goldhaber, Amelia Gambetti, Lella Gandini, Ellen Hall, Jennifer Kesselring, Simonetta Cittadini-Medina, Beth MacDonald, Susan Redmond, Carol Anne Wien

Absent: Angela Ferrario, Susan Lyon, David Fernie, Pat Tarr, Teresa Acevedo, Jennifer Azzariti, Brenda Fyfe, Sheri Hunt, Jennifer Strange

Staff: Judith Kaminsky, Cheryl Rapaport

Office Report by Cheryl – see attachment and posting on Website

Ideas for Discussion – NAREA’S 10TH Anniversary in Atlanta, GA at NAEYC

• There may be a body of educators, who are original members who would make gesture of support (Lifetime Pledge/Advocate). Those who have been trying for a long time to change the quality of education based on Reggio Emilia. Idea to tie the amount to a meaningful number, i.e. the year NAREA was launched, 2002, or 1963 – the year of the first school, the birthday year of Loris Malaguzzi. In the $1,500 range and possibility of paying over 10 years.

• Compile 10 years of the DVD images into anniversary addition and make it available for sale (risk: do not have all release forms)

• Donations from schools (visits for educators)

• Publication, second study tour from Reggio Children

• Research of who has been a member for 10 years for special recognition and permanent visibility as advocates (free membership)

• Experience at NAEYC – A special reception

• Membership Drive – with goal, many strategies, repeated visibility - reduced fee for Member who brings in a new member

• Identify our culture and vision

• Special edition of Innovations devoted to the 10th year anniversary – Reggio contribution from Lella and Amelia

• NAREA could have key people contribute to a book or CD on who is NAREA: how inspired by professional development experiences; interview key people re: evolution of interest in Reggio in North America; 10 year visual history/1 year in detail; reflections on how NAREA has touched their lives and work; sense of future/international/foundation (meeting in Atlanta in 2012)

• Brief interviews from Reggio Emilia – a reflection of the scope of these years and how the evolution has occurred.

• A timeline in our schools. A live map of contexts. Where are we?

• Submission of pre-conference session and/or conference session re: 10 years of advocacy or older children and standards with letter from Reggio Children

• School tours on Tuesday; alternative sessions during NAEYC Conference

Requesting all Board Members to think about the 10th Anniversary and add their ideas. NAREA can narrow down the choices in February and discuss what needs to be done between February and November 2012

Discussion – Membership Drive

After a discussion on Membership, a vote was taken on whether to form a work group at this meeting or to launch the discussion in February by way of having members express ideas in writing and compiled in advance of why someone should feel proud to be a member.

The board voted to discuss the Memership topic at the February meeting. Asking all members to bring forth ideas and have open questions, strategies and collect necessary membership data. Julie and Cheryl will bring the membership data.

NAEYC – 2012

• Discussion on pre-conference topic. Should topic be 10th anniversary – 10 years of advocacy, or something else?

• Is there someone from Reggio that we would like to invite to be present for our Anniversary?

• Historically there is a one-day tour of schools and Pre-Conference. Years ago we did a panel presentation and a Reception – Is there a possibility of creating our own Reggio track along-side NAEYC involving 10 presentations?

Need to know how to proceed before the end of December. All Board Members are invited to think creatively now till January prior to NAEYC deadlines and to begin the development of ideas for the February meeting. Amelia, Lella and Barbara will discuss options with NAEYC

Call to order at 2:55 pm

Motion to bring in discussion prior to the board meeting made by Jeanne Goldhaber, second by Susan Redmond. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously

Motion to approve minutes of the June 15, 2011 board meeting made by Jennifer Kesselring, second by Amelia Gambetti. No discussion. Motion approved unanimously.


Exhibit – see written report

Board will review in February: Condition of the exhibit, visibility if the project, waiting list of possible hosts; the end of the project and its future. An attempt to understand what the exhibit project means and the impact it has had; also improvements that can be made; condition

Website- see written report

• In process of getting to a friendlier board member page; still seeking photos and bios of board members and their contributions – please send to Judith Kaminsky

• Collecting information on scholarships for 2011 winter and summer conferences

• Working on job openings page and figuring costs of posting for members and non-members

Summer Conference, 2011 – see written report

Surveys are the way to go in the future as comments more thoughtful with time to think. See Julie’s report and analysis.

Summer Conference – Portland, Oregon

• Project that conference brochure will be mailed by the end of December

• Dates: NAREA conference: June 22 – 24, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

• June 19 – Travel

• June 20 – Board Meeting - Thursday

• June 21 – Portland’s Pre-Conference Symposium (mentoring teachers, possible tour of 3 schools)

• Registration (3) options: One day Symposium only, NAREA summer conference only or both.

Winter Conference – Mountain View, California

• Board meeting: February 9th and 10th – 8:00 – 5:00 pm

• Winter Conference: February 11 & 12

• Includes tour of Google Centers and a reception

• Projecting a full house

Work Groups

DVD – see written report (Sheri, Jennifer A., Jennifer K., Amelia)

• It is difficult to work over the summer and there is a need to work two full days together

• Planning for 10th year anniversary – the group would like some structure and support. The Work Group needs a strong commitment from the Board and a technical conversation before making the CD.

• Possibility of images from 10 years ago and images of today. To utilize the transformation of before and after. Transformation of environments as a topic to explain the thinking of those people who have made the transformation.

• The Work Group will flesh out ideas of transformation to bring to the table in February so the board may begin responding – Beth would like to be involved

• Amelia will ask for images from Reggio Children

• Look at possibility of having an image on Facebook with a question to entice and to use as a strategy

• Selling the CD from Reggio Emilia with booklet

• Think of ways to create enthusiasm as a tool.

• The work group will discuss the production

Pre-Conference at NAEYC and Virtual Tour – Summary

• Over 100 in attendance

• The presentations from schools were powerful as it spoke to the assumption “it can’t happen here;” it spoke to the classroom teachers that it is possible because people in N. America struggle with the same issues

• The reactions were very positive.

• The exchange was excellent and the contributions from Amelia and Lella were key; include Canadian next time

Networks and Relations Group –Led by Angela

• Angela was unable to attend due to illness and her husband’s surgery.

• Membership Coordinator piece will be tabled until February

• Everyone is urged to make a strong commitment to get the calls completed before Christmas

• Board members encouraged to support the Work Group.

Exchanges Work Group – no report (Susan L. Jeanne, Angela, Dave, Margie)

Reporting at Board Meeting

A suggestion: Would the board consider a different way of giving updates (routine reports)? There is concern that updates take up so much time and it is possible to lose the feel of the idea if they are only in written form, because it is not live action participation. As a board member, can we try to think of how to manage the meeting and to bring ideas to the February meeting. Example: Would it be possible to read the reports ahead of time and bring any questions from the board ahead of time. It is essential to the group to know what is coming and to be able to think about the topic and to stay in a certain time frame. Would it be possible to make an agreement that all questions stay in a 30-minute time frame or to email questions ahead of time? Response could be, “I have questions or, I have no questions” Could we try something different at the February board meeting and give more space for work groups?

Financial Statement – Handout, see on-line report

• Summer Conference was very positive but does not reflect some expenses in the prior year. We did a good job of estimating expenses. We budgeted $158,340 and spent 158,495. Profit for Summer Conference was $62,000

• Winter Conference: Better in terms of revenue than prior year and almost $30,000 profit

• Commitment to the foundation is ahead, first payment to be made in the amount of $50,000 euro or about $70,000 US. We should be able to manage the payments

and meet our obligations for the exhibit. Our contractual agreement for exhibit is from 2008 to 2014.

• Condition of the Exhibit was analyzed in June and NAREA has received a cost estimate from the Steinbeck Center for repairs totaling $15,000. This could be done in the month of December at the Steinbeck so the Board needs to make a decision.

Carol Ann moved that NAREA proceed with the repairs. Second by Beth. No Discussion. The Motion passed unanimously

International Network – no written report – Amelia Gambetti

• There is a great deal of interest in many different parts of the world. Amelia is traveling and connecting in countries where there is growing interest and participation. Singapore and second representative from Austria will be part of the International Network The network now has 33 different countries and will be more connected to work of the Foundation.

• Amelia was elected to the advisory board of Reggio Emilia Institutet and will work with the five Nordic countries to bring them closer together.

• Amelia also Liaison for Red Solare Argentina. Three different groups of Reggio educators in different countries in South America for professional development initiatives.

• At the International Center, the restaurant and coffee shop is open with urban ateliers

• Margie was asked to be a board member for the Foundation and participated in birth of Foundation at RC International Network meeting in September with Beth, Barb and Angela. Amelia shared information about the establishment of the new Foundation and plans for future. How do we make this visible to our membership? This is a very important thing for NAREA. The Foundation represents the safe harbor and sense of solidarity created by the Foundation and brought to life in the value of Reggio Emilia. Margie will share information from future meetings

Canada Update – Carol Anne Wien

• Exhibit in Vancouver in 2012

• Two Ministry of Education representatives in March 2011 study group: strong interest in Canada that fits context

• NAREA known in Reggio-inspired community; ORA includes brochures in initiative folders; national group of Reggio-inspired educators unlikely due to education structure in Canada

• Support for Reggio-inspired work lies in convincing conservative business men and politicians of value of investing in early childhood education

The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm

A closed session discussion was held at the invitation of Co-Chair Barbara Acton immediately following the board meeting. Attending: Barbara Acton, Jeanne Goldhaber, Amelia Gambetti, Lella Gandini, Ellen Hall, Jennifer Kesselring, Beth MacDonald, Susan Redmond, Carol Anne Wien


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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