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Solicitation Reference: 06510

Title: Less-Lethal Munitions and Weapons

Amendment Number: 02

SPECIAL NOTE: Michael Maverick is temporarily replacing Heidi Bohl as Procurement Coordinator. Michael Maverick can be reached at 360.902.7430 or mmaveri@ga..

Purpose: Amend the original solicitation and any earlier follow-on solicitation amendments.

Subject matter areas/issues include:

1. Replacing Solicitation 06510, section 5.4 – Bid Pricing in its entirety (see following pages for expanded details)

2. Adding a Price Adjustments term to Solicitation 06510, Appendix B – Standard Terms and Conditions (see following pages for expanded details).

3. Adding an Minimum Order term to Solicitation 06510, Appendix B – Standard Terms and Conditions (see following pages for expanded details).

4. Adding a Shipping Charge term to Solicitation 06510, Appendix B – Standard Terms and Conditions (see following pages for expanded details).

Attachments: This document DOES NOT contain attachments or embedded electronic file attachments. All amendments are written in text in the following pages of this document.

Sign and Return: YES. This THREE page document must be signed by the bidder and returned with your solicitation response package.

Solicitation Deadline: NOT EXTENDED. This solicitation amendment DOES NOT change the current solicitation response deadline reflected in the original solicitation. The Solicitation deadline is Tuesday, October 26, 2010 by 2:00 pm (sharp).


Company: _________________________________________________________________

Authorized Representative: ___________________________________________________

Signature/Date: ____________________________________________________________

All parts of the original Solicitation or earlier Amendments that are not amended by this amendment remain unchanged and in full force and effect. The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:


Section 5.4 Bid Pricing, is replaced in its entirety with the section reflected below.


With the exception of shipping charges and tax, Response prices must include all cost components needed for the delivery of the goods and/or services as described in this Solicitation document. All costs associated with the goods and/or services specified must be incorporated into the price of the Response to this Solicitation.

Failure to identify all costs in a manner consistent with the instructions in this Solicitation is sufficient grounds for disqualification.

The State makes no volume commitment in this Solicitation. The proposed pricing levels should reflect the market provided by the Contract resulting from this Solicitation.

During Contract period pricing shall remain firm and fixed for at least 365 calendar days after effective date of Contract award


Solicitation 06510, Appendix B – Special Terms and Conditions is amended to add the following.

Price Adjustments to line Items: Adjustments in pricing on line items will be considered after firm fixed price period on a pass through basis only. A minimum of sixty (60) calendar days advance written notice of price increase is required which is to be accompanied by sufficient documentation to justify the requested increase.

Documentation must be based on United States published indices such as the Producer Price Index. Acceptance will be at the discretion of the State Procurement Officer and shall not produce a higher profit margin than that established on the original contract pricing. Approved price adjustments shall remain unchanged for at least 365 calendar days thereafter.

During the contract period, any price declines at the manufacturer’s level or cost reductions to Contractor shall be reflected in a reduction of the contract price retroactive to Contractor's effective date.

During the term of this contract, should the contractor enter into pricing agreements with other customers providing greater benefits or lower pricing, contractor shall immediately amend the state contract to provide similar pricing to the state if the contract with other customers offers similar usage quantities, and similar conditions impacting pricing. Contractor shall immediately notify the state of any such contracts entered into by contractor.

Discounts of price list or catalogs shall remain firm and fixed for the life of the contract.

Minimum Orders: The awarded contractor shall not mandate any minimum order; Contract customers may order in any quantity including a single order.

Shipping Charges: Orders of $3,500 or more are FOB destination, freight prepaid and included. Orders less than $3,500 are FOB Manufacturer’s shipping point, freight prepaid and added to the invoice as a separate line item. It is the state’s expectation that the awarded Contractor, where reasonable, will supply 06510 contract customers from existing contractor inventory in an effort to avoid or reduce shipping charges on orders less than $3,500.

********** END of 06510 Solicitation Amendment Number 2. **********


Sign and Return: YES. This THREE page document must be signed by the bidder and returned with your solicitation response package.

Solicitation Deadline: NOT EXTENDED. This solicitation amendment DOES NOT change the current solicitation response deadline reflected in the original solicitation. The Solicitation deadline is Tuesday, October 26, 2010 by 2:00 pm (sharp).

SPECIAL NOTE: Michael Maverick is temporarily replacing Heidi Bohl as Procurement Coordinator. Michael Maverick can be reached at 360.902.7430 or mmaveri@ga..

Solicitation Amendment

|IFB Reference #: |06510 |

|Title: |Less Than Lethal Weapons Less-Lethal Munitions and Weapons |

|Amendment number: |1 |

|Date issued: |10-13-10 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To change title of IFB 06510, incl. Part One-Solicitation Information, Part Two-Contract Information, all |

| |Appendices, and incorporated documents from Less Than Lethal Weapons to read “Less-Lethal Munitions and Weapons”. |

| |Replace Appendix D, Price Sheets of the original IFB with the attached revised version. |

| |Amendment must be submitted with bid. All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |Appendix D, Price Sheets revised 10-13-10 [pic] |

|Previously scheduled opening date and time remains unchanged |

|Date & Time: October 26, 2010 – 2:00 P.M. |

| | |10-13-10 |

|Signed (Procurement Coordinator ) | |Date signed |

|Bidder to complete the following: |

|Company: | |

|Authorized Signatory: | |

|Signature | |Date |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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