CALPADS Data Guide v7.0 - California Longitudinal Pupil ...

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System


CALPADS Data Guide

A Guide for Program Staff

Version 7.0



California Department of Education

This version supersedes previous versions of this guide.

3.1.6 Special Education

|Introduction |This section describes the types of data that are collected and used to identify and report on special education students. |

|What data must special |Most LEAs maintain student level information about special education students in separate management information systems, and these |

|education staff provide? |systems are generally viewed as the LEA’s authoritative source for special education data. LEAs report data from these systems to their |

| |Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs). SELPAs in turn submit LEA data to the California Special Education Management Information |

|and |System (CASEMIS) maintained by the CDE. CASEMIS maintains detailed information required to meet state and federal reporting requirements|

| |on special education students. |

|Why are students’ special| |

|education statuses |However, a minimal amount of data must be submitted to CALPADS. Specifically, |

|reported to CALPADS when | |

|LEAs report special |Whether a student is a special education student, |

|education data to |The student’s primary disability, and |

|CASEMIS? |The “District of Special Education Accountability” which is the district responsible for ensuring that special education services are |

| |provided to the student. |

| | |

| |This is because: |

| | |

| |State and federal reporting requirements for the general student population requires data to be reported by various subgroups, including|

| |special education; |

| |Registration for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is based on students’ enrollment and special |

| |education status in CALPADS; and |

| |State accountability rules require special education student data to be attributed to the district of special education accountability. |

| | |

| |Additional discipline data is also required for special education students and reported to CALPADS. The CDE is transitioning to using |

| |CALPADS discipline data to meet federal reporting requirements for special education students. For more information on reporting |

| |discipline data, see the section on Student Discipline in Chapter 2 of this guide. |

Continued on next page

3.1.6 Special Education, Continued

|Special Education student|The following data elements submitted to CALPADS through the Student Program (SPRG) file are used to determine counts of special |

|data elements |education students, and to disaggregate student data to meet federal reporting requirements: |

| | |

| |Field # |

| |Data Element Public Name |

| |Comment |

| | |

| |3.13 |

| |Education Program Code |

| | |

| |Education Program Code 144 – Special Education should be used. |

| | |

| |3.21 |

| |Primary Disability Code |

| |This is required for special education students. |

| | |

| | |

| |3.22 |

| |District of Special Education Accountability |

| |The District of Special Education Accountability (DSEA) for a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is defined to be |

| |either of the following: |

| | |

| |The district of GEOGRAPHIC residence, if any of the following conditions apply: |

| |The student’s parents or guardians reside in the same district in which the student is receiving special education instruction. |

| |The student is placed outside of his/her district of geographic residence through the IEP process. |

| |or: |

| | |

| |A district OTHER THAN the district of geographic residence, if any of the following conditions apply: |

| |The student has a formal inter-district transfer agreement under Education Code 63600. (The DSEA = the county/district code of the |

| |district to which the student has transferred.) |

| |The student attends a charter school. (The DSEA = the county/district code of the charter authorizer, or the school code of the charter |

| |school if direct-funded.) |

| |The student is a ward of the court and housed in a juvenile court, court/community school, or licensed children’s institution. (The DSEA|

| |= the county/district code of the district or COE serving the student while the student is incarcerated.) |

| |The student is a ward of the court and housed in an adult correctional facility (e.g., a county jail). (The DSEA = the county/district |

| |code of the district that was last responsible for the student’s IEP.) |

| | |

| | |

Continued on next page

3.1.6 Special Education, Continued

|Special Education student|The following data elements are required for special education students and are submitted to CALPADS through the Student Discipline |

|data elements, Continued |(SDIS) file: |

| | |

| |Field # |

| |Data Element Public Name |

| |Comment |

| | |

| |4.19 |

| |Disciplinary Action Authority Code |

| |Per federal requirements: This is required for special education students. See the CALPADS Code Sets, Disciplinary Action Authority. |

| | |

| |4.20 |

| |Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days |

| |Per federal requirements: This is required for special education students. Note: For expulsions that have been modified (shortened or |

| |suspended), the duration days should represent the count of days from the time the student is expelled to the date the student returns. |

| |For non-modified expulsions, the student often does not return to the school from which they are expelled. In these cases, the duration |

| |days should represent the count of days from the time the student is expelled (which may be the date the student is exited) to the end |

| |of the school year. |

| |See the CALPADS File Specifications for definition. |

| | |

| |4.21 |

| |Student Instructional Support Indicator |

| |Per federal requirements: This is required for special education students. |

| |See the CALPADS File Specifications for definition. |

| | |

| |4.23 |

| |Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code |

| |Per federal requirements: This is required for special education students. Note the following: |

| |If the student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less for drug, weapon, or violence-related offenses, LEAs |

| |should indicate the reason for the student’s removal, or should indicate “no removal” if no removal: |

| |Removal by Hearing Officer |

| |Removal by School Personnel |

| |No Removal |

| | |

Continued on next page

3.1.6 Special Education, Continued

|What reports must LEAs |There are no “special education reports;” however, students’ special education statuses are used to disaggregate various information, |

|certify and when? |such as student enrollment, and graduate and dropout counts, when data are reported to the federal government. In addition, the |

| |discipline related data elements required for special education students will be used when reporting discipline data to the federal |

| |government (see “Are the discipline data elements required for special education students used in federal reporting?” further in this |

| |section). |

| | |

| |Submis-sion |

| |Census Day** |

| |Official Submission Window*** |

| |Re- |

| |port # |

| |Name of Report |

| | |

| |Fall 1 |

| |Fall |

| |Fall Census Day – |

| |Mid-December |

| |1.1 |

| |Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroup |

| | |

| |EOY* 3 |

| |None** |

| |Early June – Late July |

| |7.1 |

| |Discipline Incidents – Count by Most Severe |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |7.3 |

| |Discipline Actions – Count |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |7.4 |

| |Discipline Actions – Count by Offense |

| | |

| |*EOY = End of Year. |

| | |

| |**Fall Census Day is the first Wednesday in October. The EOY submissions do not have a Census Day; data collected reflects activity |

| |throughout the reporting year. |

| | |

| |***Followed by an amendment window. |

| | |

| |Report 1.1 – Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroup displays an aggregate count of special education students enrolled in the LEA on |

| |Census Day. |

| |Discipline Reports – LEAs may filter on special education students to view only those discipline records for special education students.|

| |These reports do not display a summary of the data elements required for special education students. In order to view these specific |

| |data elements LEAs must view the student level reports listed below. |

| |The 2015–2016 End-of-Year 3 Student Discipline data submission will include the collection of discipline data for special education |

| |students that were previously collected in the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS). This will be the |

| |first time these data will be used to satisfy federal reporting requirements discipline incidents for special education students. |

| |Additional certification reports will be added to the |

| |2015–2016 End-of-Year 3 Student Discipline data submission that will be specific to special education students. |

|What detailed data will |LEAs have access to the following supporting reports that provide the detailed data that make up the certification reports: |

|LEAs have to help them | |

|certify reports? |Report # |

| |Name of Report |

| | |

| |1.2 |

| |Enrollment – Primary Status Student List |

| | |

| |7.5 |

| |Discipline Offenses – Student List |

| | |

Continued on next page

3.1.6 Special Education, Continued

|Are the discipline data |LEAs generally maintain discipline data for special education students in a system separate from the LEA’s student information system |

|elements required for |(SIS), and report data from that system to their Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) for submission to the California Special |

|special education |Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) maintained by the CDE. LEAs also report discipline data for all students, including |

|students used in federal |special education students, to CALPADS. Currently the CASEMIS data is used for federal reporting, however, the CDE plans to transition |

|reporting? |to CALPADS data as the source for federal discipline reporting in 2015–2016. |

| | |

| |The business rules for reporting discipline data to CASEMIS and CALPADS are consistent. Therefore, LEAs should work to make the data |

| |reported to these two systems consistent. This requires keeping student information systems updated with special education program |

| |records, as well as discipline data. |

|Who should review special|Most LEAs have a special education director. This person should implement and maintain processes that ensure the LEA’s special education|

|education student data? |student data is consistent in all systems. For example, if the LEA’s authoritative source for special education student data is a system|

| |separate from the LEA’s primary student information system (SIS), then data from the special education system should routinely update |

| |the LEA’s primary SIS. The special education director should then review appropriate CALPADS reports. |

|For more information |For more information about programs related to special student populations, refer to the relevant Web site listed below. |

| | |

| |For information about: |

| |Refer to: |

| | |

| |Special Education |

| |The CDE’s Special Education Web page: |

| | |


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