Module 3 - Towson

Completing the ACADEMIC PLAN OF STUDYFor Special Education Majors: ECSE, EESE, or single-certification elementary/middle or secondaryAn Academic Plan of Study (also known as the Four Year Degree Plan) is the proposed sequence of courses you are going to take at Towson University to complete your degree. This is part of your application to the professional program.In developing your plan, you must make certain that you complete all course requirements for your chosen concentration within your major AND all requirements for a BS degree: all Core course requirements, at least 120 credits overall, and 32 or more credits at the 300 or 400 level. Items needed to complete the Academic Plan:Your unofficial transcript. Click here for directions in locating this.Your Academic Requirements Report of completed and outstanding required Core courses and program prerequisites. Note that your advisor may have approved substitutions for your prerequisite courses. The program checklist (completed by your advisor) for your intended major.Directions:Download the Student Academic Plan (Excel file) from the Department of Special Education website; save it to your computer. 2. Complete the information at the top Use the dropdown menu to identify the major.The catalog year is the year you began at TU.Use the dropdown menu to identify if you were admitted as a transfer student.3. Enter Information for Academic Units.Total Units Earned: the total number of credits you have ALREADY completed (incl. other colleges).Total Enrolled Units: the number of credits you are CURRENTLY taking this semester.Caution: You must use the Unoffical Transcript for this information, not the Academic Requirements. Do not include the credits for courses that are not a grade of C or better. See additional information by clicking here.Excel will automatically enterTotal Units Planned and Total Academic Units. 4. Working from your TU transcript, list your courses taken each term at TU. DO NOT include community college or other institutions’ courses. Indicate the term/year from the dropdown menu.Enter the “type” of coursework for your major, using the dropdown menu: ECSE Integrated Early Childhood/ Special EducationEESE: Integrated Elementary Education with Special EducationSingle-certification special education: Special Education with the appropriate track (Elementary-Middle or Secondary) and subject area if applicable.List course number and number of units. The total will calculate automatically.Remember: list TU courses ONLY. 5. Working from the program checklist you completed with your advisor, identify any outstanding pre-requisites or TU Core courses. List these courses on your academic plan in the semester when you intend to take them. For example, if you still need SCED 304 and plan to take it in Summer 2017, indicate "Summer 2017" for the term, and enter SCED 304 under "Course" and 3 under “Units.” 6. Working from the program checklist, list the courses specified for the final two years of your program, the set program sequence. You may include additional Core or pre-requisite courses, if you have them outstanding. These must be completed prior to student teaching in the Professional (Final) Year. 7. Under “Student Notes” at the bottom of the page, please add in any other helpful information for the faculty member reviewing your plan. If your situation is unusual in any way, let us know.8. Save your file, print and SIGN your plan, and proofread it. Then, use the “Checklist for Accurate Completion of Academic Plan” to help ensure you completed the plan correctly.SUBMIT YOUR SIGNED PLAN AS PART OF YOUR APPLICATION PACKET.Checklist for Accurate Completion of Academic PlanDid you:Download the Academic Plan template?Save the file? Enter your personal information, including catalog year (year you began taking TU courses)? Enter Total Units Earned (the total number of course units/credits YOU HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED, including those transferred in from other institutions)? Enter Total Enrolled Units (the total number of course units/credits YOU ARE TAKING IN THE CURRENT TERM)? List ALL TU courses (NOT courses from other institutions) taken in the corresponding term and year (i.e. Spring 2015, Fall 2015, etc.), using your TU Transcript? Include coursework for the final two years of study, using the program advising checklist from your advisor? List any missing prerequisites or unfulfilled Core course requirements from the program advising checklist, specifying when you plan to take them? Include any helpful information under “Student Notes,” if necessary? Proofread the document, and double-check these steps? Save the file? Print and SIGN your plan before submitting it with your application?Additional Information:How do I find my Unofficial Transcript? This is available through Towson Online Services. To find it, look on the left side of your TU Online Services main webpage. There you will see a link labeled “Transcript: View Unofficial.” For accuracy and simplification, do NOT use only your Academic Requirements Report to complete your Academic Plan.Caution: Do not include the credits for courses that are not a grade of C or better. You must earn a C or better in all courses required for your major AND in all pre-requisites courses. Therefore, if you earned lower grade (D, D+, F, FX, W) in a course required for the special education major (i.e,, BIOL 120/120L, HIST 145/146, etc.), then you must retake the course. When you retake the course, you may not count the credits twice. For example: A student took MATH 204 for 4 credits at a community college and earned a D. They earned credit for the course (a D is considered passing), and transferred in a total of 50 credits from that community college. This student may NOT count the 4 credits for MATH 204 as part of his/her “Total Credits Earned to Date.” He/she should only count 46. This is because the course must be retaken and the credits will not be counted twice.*Note: if you are not admitted to your first program of choice and later apply to a different program (or reapply later), you may need to revise and resubmit your Academic Plan with accurate information for your intended special education program. ................

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