Student Learning &Growth Goals and Special Education


Student Learning & Growth Goals and Special Education

Special Education Conference

October 2, 2015



? Understand purpose and requirements of Student Learning and Growth (SLG) goals

? Discuss the specific features of SLG goals unique to Special Education

? Analyze and provide feedback on sample goals


Purpose of SLG Goals

? ESEA Waiver and SB 290

? Accountability not the only reason

? Reflective practice is essential for growth as an educator

? Data collected and analyzed supports informed classroom and building decisions


Required Evaluation and Support System Components


Standards of Professional



Differentiated Performance


4 Levels


Multiple Measures


Evaluation and

Professional Growth Cycle


Aligned Professional


Student Learning and Growth Goals are one of three categories of evidence


What are SLG Goals?

? Detailed, measurable goals for student learning and growth

? Aligned to standards and clearly describe specific learning targets students are expected to meet

? Based on student learning needs identified by a review of baseline data

? Goals are rigorous, yet attainable


SLG goals and Special Education

? The previous slide states SLG goals are "aligned to standards"

? Table talk: With a partner or in a small group, discuss the standards (objectives) that drive the majority of your work

? Share Out


What's unique about SLG goals for Special Education?

? Intact groups for Special Education look different

? Trying to exit students ? Broader spectrum of need than in Gen Ed classrooms

? Create goals around a cohort with the greatest number of students who have similar needs

? Include as many students as possible between two goals

? Set as long a period as possible for each goal


SLG Requirements for 2015-16

REQUIRED ? 8 components including


RECOMMENDED ? Content is focused, not

everything taught

? Minimum of 2 SLG goals each ? Create cohorts of students


with the same need

? Category 1 SLG goals for

? Tier goals/targets where

teachers and principals using appropriate

SGPs* in grades 4-8 in ELA and math

? Include the support educator needs for goal

? Oregon Matrix used for


summative evaluation

*SGPs only calculated for students taking Smarter Balanced



Required Components of SLG Goals

? Content (Standards) ? Assessment ? Context ? Baseline Data ? Student Growth Goals (Targets) ? Rationale ? Strategies ? Professional Learning & Support fectiveness/slgg-guidance.doc

Achievement Goals vs. Growth Goals

Achievement Goal

Does not consider baseline data

Student Learning Growth Goal

Start with baseline data

Student goals are a "one- size-fits-all" and do not include ALL students

Includes ALL students regardless of ability level

Students are expected to cross the same finish line regardless of where they start.

Students can show various levels of growth ?students may have individualized finish lines.



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