Walnut Run Marina Association News Bill

1746251905 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 00 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 President’s Message Kevin Welcome to 2019 and what I hope is a very good year in Walnut Run for us all. As you will notice the newsletter is being put out a month earlier then in the past. The Board voted to change when the newsletter is published to February, May, August and November starting with this publication. We hope this change will get information to you in a timelier manner. This will allow items covered at the Board meeting the month prior to each issue and forth coming events closer to them happening.With that in mind the Board approved having 2 trees taken down on the drainage lot on Lemon Lane at a cost of approximately $500 plus approved a change to the 2019 budget to move this amount from the 2018 budget to 2019 as this work was scheduled but not completed last year.Betsy, Bonnie and Kevin volunteered to be on the Nomination Committee for this year’s Board member election and were approved by the Board. By now you will have received an email requesting nomination for the Board. Please consider nominating someone or yourself to run for a position on the Board. The annual meeting, which is generally held the third Saturday in April, has been changed this year to April 13th due to the Easter holiday. Please save this date on your calendar for our annual meeting.The board was presented with a proposal from Shentel to deliver fiber optic cable to and throughout Walnut Run. You can find more about this by reading the Communication article in this newsletter. We also discussed the coming of 5G wireless service which is also briefly covered in the communication article. I encourage everyone to attend this year’s annual meeting to be held on April 13th as this will be your opportunity to get information on where we stand on financials and other topics along with the possibility of finally getting fiber optics run here. It is also a good place to catch up with your neighbors and meet new ones. ?0210185 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 00 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 Hospitality Committee News Pat Annual Walnut Run Meeting:Again, this year the Walnut Run POA and the Hospitality Committee will join forces to bring you the Annual POA Meeting. The event will take place at The Westlake Country Club, 360 Chestnut Creek Dr. on Saturday, April 13, 2019. Beverages of coffee, tea and juice will be available at 9:00 AM, and the always delicious country breakfast follows at 9:30. The POA Annual Meeting will follow breakfast. Mark your calendars. Hope to see you all there. Welcome Visit:Please welcome Ron & Cathy to the Walnut Run community. Ron and Cathy own a lake front home where they reside part time. To quote them, “we fell in love with the lake and the mountains,” after colleagues and friends encouraged them to visit Smith Mountain Lake. At this time, they are living in Ashburn, VA until they can move full time to the lake. Both Ron and Cathy grew up in Cumberland, MD. Ron graduated from Virginia Tech and Cathy, Towson State in MD. They both lived and worked in Falls Church and Fairfax, VA, from 1988 to 1993. In November of 1990, they were married in Cumberland. In 1993, a major move took them to Brussels, Belgium, where Ron worked in the US Delegation at NATO. All three of their children were born in Leuven, Belgium; Tyler in 1993, Nicole in 1995 and Jacquelyn in 1998. The family returned to the US and settled in Ashburn, August of 1999.Cathy worked part time for many years, including owning her own company and substitute teaching while raising their children. She returned to the workforce when the youngest child was in high school. Cathy is currently a Special Education teacher in Loudoun County, with a master’s degree in psychology and special education, along with certification in specialized reading. 4951095485965500Ron is VP of Strategic Programs at Telos Corporation, focused on business development for cybersecurity and cyber operations. He has had various positions at Telos for 15 years. Prior to this he spent 15 years in government service at the Defense Information Systems Agency, US Mission (DoD) at NATO HQ in Brussels, and US Navy AEGIS Program in Crystal City, VA. Happily, they report two out of their three children are gainfully employed, while Jacquelyn is completing her junior year at VA Tech. She has a double major in Theater and Business Management. Nicole is a JMU nursing graduate, working for INOVA Fairfax Women’s and Children’s Hospital. She works on the pediatric medical/surgical floor and resides in Arlington, VA. Tyler lives in Raleigh, NC. He is a documentation specialist for Multivista Corporation documenting the construction of buildings. He also has just received his commercial drone pilot license as his company is expanding to aerial documentation of construction. The family rounds out with black lab, Turk, and two cats, Lilo and Stitch. The whole family loves boating and water sports, as well as skiing and snowboarding. Floating in the lake with cold beverages has become a new hobby! As expected, they are big Hokie fans and attend all home football games. Also, in the mix they cheer for the Steelers, Capitals, Nationals and Pirates. We are pleased to have this family be a part of our neighborhood. Introduce yourself and say hello when you have the chance.37465103267 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 00 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 Landscape Committee Report Janie ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Happy Warm February Greetings to All!Our sign gardens are getting another sunny respite from the cold.? Hopefully they won’t be fooled, since our weather has been quite fickle.?But they are “hardy” like all of us!??Before we know it, the garden mulch will be arriving, and we’ll clean up the main sign garden together!Date:? Saturday, March 23 at 9 am (Rain date Saturday, March 30)Please come with rakes, gloves, leaf blowers, tarps, garden tools.Also, to help us stay in contact with one another, I’d like to create an email group.? Please send me your current email address and tell me which garden yours is.4765675579310500If you don’t have a sign garden and would like one…. we will have a few available. If you don’t have a garden but would be available to help with watering gardens this summer while folks go away, I’d love to hear from you. At this time, let’s all enjoy that liquid sunshine, stay warm, and stay healthy. See you soon!? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Spring is only 6 weeks away.... Really.......Not this week!???0-214630 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 00 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 Architectural Review Committee JimNo ReportCommunication Committee KevinYou may have heard of the new technology on the horizon known as 5G wireless which is supposed to be up to 100 times faster than 4G. 5G has even been rolled out in some bigger cities around the country and may reach small towns and cities sometime in 2020. How will it impact us here are Walnut Run and when might that be? I can’t even guess when the technology will be available to us and, like 4G, when it does arrive the service will depend on your location and the location of where the 5G transmitter/receivers are located. The other option that we have talked about and have been trying to bring to Walnut Run for over a year now is Shentel fiber optic cable. I can now tell you that we have been presented with an option on how to make this happen. This will not be free to us as one of the hurdles that must be overcome is the cost of getting the fiber optic cable to us. This option was presented to the Board of Directors at our January meeting with the Board deciding that this was a viable option to pursue further and to get the membership input. The Board has presented a list of questions to Shentel that need to be answered to help all of us decide our next steps. We will be discussing this option at this year’s annual POA meeting scheduled for April 13th. We anticipate answers to the questions we have sent to Shentel well before then. Shentel will have a representative at our annual meeting to answer questions and concerns. As I noted above, this will not be free, and we will need to help subsidize the cost of running the fiber optics to Walnut Run. Ways to reduce this amount as much as possible are being considered. Please come to this meeting to hear what our options are and how they will affect all WR POA members. Please bring an open mind, your questions and concerns, and give us your input on this important topic. In order to keep everyone updated, emails on this proposal will be sent from time to time. If you have questions you wouldlike us to try and get answered before the annual meeting, please send an email to walnutrunpoa@. Please keep in mind that it would be best to bring your questions to the annual meeting. Walnut Run Marina Association News Bill The Walnut Run Marina Association held its annual membership meeting at the Westlake Library on Saturday, January 26, 2019.Financials were discussed and the budget for 2019 was reviewed and approved. Some other items which were discussed were electrical problems and their solutions, marina security and off and on gate problems which occurred through the year.Two positions on the marina board of directors were up for election. David and Bill were re-elected to serve three-year terms. After the meeting, the marina board met and elected officers for the coming year. They are:Bill - PresidentDavid - Vice-PresidentMichelle - Secretary/TreasurerLarry - DirectorEd - DirectorIn order to ensure marina security, it is imperative that all marina and POA members NEVER give out the gate code to anyone. Also, as a reminder, a marina member or a POA member must accompany any family member or guest when using the marina.Remember, spring will be here soon!0200025 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 00 Walnut Runnings WALNUT RUN POA February 2019 Walnut Run POA2019 Take Pride in Smith Mountain Lake CleanupMark Your CalendarsThe 2019 Take Pride in Smith Mountain Lake event is in its 32nd year and is sponsored by the Smith Mountain Lake Association, Tri-County Lakes Administrative Commission (TLAC), and SML Regional Chamber of Commerce. This year’s cleanup is scheduled for the month of May with organized events on the weekends of May 4, 11 and 18, or individual groups have the option to organize their own event during the month, which Walnut Run POA will do on the weekend of May 11. Participants are provided with free gloves, orange trash bags and commemorative T-shirts. According to feedback from our TLAC contact, each year Walnut Run POA is consistently one of the events largest organized group to participate. Detailed information for the event and the opportunity to sign up as a volunteer will be presented during the POA annual breakfast meeting on Saturday, April 13.Walnut Run Drive Roadblocks January Marbles Get Together Submissions of pictures or articles to be included in the newsletter are always welcome & appreciated. Deadline is the 5th of publish month (February, May, August, November). ................

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