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The MATRIX: Mapping Federal Resources for Technical Assistance and Information Services

The Matrix provides information on federally supported technical assistance services to a range of stakeholders and encourages collaboration in planning and implementation among technical assistance providers.

You may search by State, Topic, or Center. This is the quickest way to locate resource and technical assistance related to RTI and associated other topics. The Matrix is located and developed by the Federal Resource Center.

Regional Resource and Federal Centers (RRFC) Network

The Regional Resource and Federal Centers (RRFC) Network is made up of the six Regional Resource Centers for Special Education (RRC) and the Federal Resource Center (FRC).


The six RRCs and the FRC are funded by the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices, and policies that affect children and youth with disabilities. These centers offer consultation, information services, technical assistance, training, and product development.

Through the RRFC Network, the individual RRCs and the FRC work together to help states and U.S. jurisdictions identify and address issues across regions and nationally and to facilitate networking and information-sharing. The RRFC Network regularly collaborates on conferences, topical workgroups, product development, and other activities.

They share a common website portal at

You might want to check out their index in the topical information section

The following resource information was taken from their topical page on Responsiveness to Intervention.

• Federal Guidance Legislation and topical briefs provide the foundation for the use of RtI in school. When released, the regulations will provide greater detail.

• RTI Overview In the IDEA 2004 legislation, Congress allowed that Local Education Agencies can use alternative methods for identifying learning disabilities, including use of “a process that determines if the child responds to scientific, research based-intervention as a part of the evaluation procedures.”

• State Activities, Policy and Guidance Many schools and districts have already been using a type of problem-solving or RtI process to improve instruction for all students. Recently, RtI has gained heightened attention because of the passage of IDEA 2004 and states are now instituting statewide initiatives.

• Disproportionate Representation and RtI Data indicates that there is overrepresentation of some minorities and genders in special education and underrepresentation of others. RtI is seen as a process that will lead to more accurate identification, resulting in fewer issues of disproportionality. In addition, there are critical linguistic and cultural considerations that must be part of any discussion about or design of RtI.

• Especially for Parents Parents have many questions around the many procedures involved in Responses to Intervention programs. The documents in this section should be helpful in clarifying concerns and definitions, and enable parents to better communicate their questions to school and classroom staff.

• Resources This section provides links to research centers, publications, presentations, and experts in the field of RtI.

Regional Resource Centers (RRC)

Every U.S. state and jurisdiction is served by a Regional Resource

Center. Following are links to each RRC's website and a listing of the states and jurisdictions served.  You can also access any of the RRCs and the FRC through their web portal at

Northeast Regional Resource Center (NERRC)

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Mid-South Regional Resource Center (MSRRC)

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.

Southeast Regional Resource Center (SERRC)

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Texas, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

North Central Regional Resource Center (NCRRC)

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center (MPRRC)

Arizona, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Western Regional Resource Center (WRRC)

Alaska, American Samoa, California, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, and Washington.

Comprehensive Centers

The Comprehensive Centers Network consists of 15 Comprehensive Centers (CC) located throughout the country. The U.S. Department of Education established the CC Network to provide technical assistance services focused on the implementation of reform programs. Click on the link to find their locations and direct links to their center’s website: Map of Comprehensive Centers and their contact information

Equity Assistance Centers

This is a gateway to the 10 Regional Equity Assistance Centers funded under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to provide assistance to public schools in the areas of race, gender, and national origin to promote equal educational opportunities.

SEARCH the Equity Centers using the Cross-site Index

You may search one or all Centers by entering your search keyword in the box provided.

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