Daily Lesson Plan – ESL Level 3 - Weebly

Lesson Plan

Topic: Periodic Table – Special Groups

|Instructor: |Grade: |Subject: |Number of class periods needed: 1 |Minutes Planned: |

|Tasnim Rahman |10 (Secondary 4) |Science and Technology | |75 minutes |


❖ First competency: Seeks answers or solutions to scientific or technological problems.

The first competency focuses on the assimilation of concepts and strategies using a hands-on approach. This competency will be covered when the students work on the activity at the end.

❖ Second competency: Makes the most of his/her knowledge of science and technology.

The second competency emphasizes the students’ ability to conceptualize and apply what they have learned. So far, they have learnt that there are different elements that make up the periodic table, about the different properties of the elements, and about the subatomic particles that compose the elements. For today’s lesson, they will learn to conceptualize that specific elements can be grouped together into special families. And that these families have properties that the elements in the group share.

❖ Communicates in the languages used in science and technology

This competency is developed in situations in which students participate in exchanges of information, and in the interpretation and production of scientific or technological messages. This competency will be done in their activity at the end. Students are expected to write in scientific terms.


Students will be able to:

• Understand that different elements belong to different groups

• Name the four main groups in the periodic table

• Know which elements belong to which group

• Know the main properties of the special groups of elements


• Computer with internet access

• Projector

• Class notes – printed for the students

• Copy of the periodic table from their textbooks

• Hi-lighters/color pencils

• Poster paper

• Marker


|# |Time |Type |Activity/Plan |

|1 |25 minutes |Class PowerPoint and |Go through the PowerPoint presentation on “Periodic Table – Special Families” |

| | |writing of notes |Ask the students to fill out the blanks in their notes |

| | | |Do the small activities on the notes as they come up |

|2 |5 minutes |Discussion/ |Question and answer session with the students as a class discussion |

| | |Questions | |

|3 |30 minutes |Class activity |Evaluation 1 will be done as a class activity (details below). To be handed in at the end of class. |

|4 |15 minutes |Start on homework |If students are done with evaluation 1, they can start on evaluation 2. This is to be done as homework and to be |

| | |assignment |handed in next class. |

| | | | |


1. I will go around the classroom and give each student a name of an element from the periodic table. I will then ask them to take 2 minutes and figure out which group that element belongs to. They will then make their way to the specific table assigned with their group name. On this table, they will find a poster paper with the name their group on it. They will also find a paper with instructions on what to do as a group activity. This activity will help them work in groups and allow for small group discussions. It will build their team working skills as well as skills of communicating in scientific language within the group. This is to be handed in at the end of class for marks. This will be out of 20 marks.

2. The second evaluation for this topic is to be done as homework and handed in next class. This is individual work that students will do on their own. This will test their understanding of the topic on an individual basis. This worksheet will be out of 17 marks.

Class notes for the students:



1) Write the name of the elements in the alkali metals group:

Li _______________

Na _______________

K _______________

Rb _______________

Cs _______________

Fr _______________

2) Using the periodic table in your textbook, write the symbols of the elements in the alkali metals group in each corresponding box and shade this group with using a highlighter.

Certain groups in the periodic table have specific names. The ______________________ include all the elements of the first column except ________, which does not belong to any group. Alkali metals, _____________________________ are soft, with low melting temperatures. They _________________________________. In their pure state alkali metals _____________________________________, because they react on exposure to moisture in the air. They react vigorously with acids, water, oxygen and halogens. ____________________ are elements located second-to-last group of the periodic table. Alkali metal’s reaction with water generates ______________________.


1) Write the name of the elements in the alkaline earth metals group:

Be _______________

Mg _______________

Ca _______________

Sr _______________

Ba _______________

Ra _______________

2) Using the periodic table in your textbook, write the symbols of the elements in the alkaline earth metals group in each corresponding box and shade this group with using a highlighter.

Elements of the second group are called ________________________. Alkaline earth metals are ____________________________________. They are _________________________ and have higher melting points. These properties are due largely to the presence of two valence electrons on each atom, which leads to stronger metallic bonding than occurs in Group 1. Alkaline earth metals also ____________________.

They too react with acids, water, oxygen and halogens, but not _________________________ as alkali metals. The reaction with water also generates ____________________________________ (an alkali). Alkaline earth metals are mainly found _________________.


1) Write the name of the elements in the halogens group:

F ________________

Cl _______________

Br _______________

I ________________

At _______________

2) Using the periodic table in your textbook, write the symbols of the elements in the halogens group in each corresponding box and shade this group with using a highlighter.

The Halogens are elements in _______________. Halogens are ____________________. They are ____________________and ____________________. Several halogens are powerful _______________ .____________________ for example is used to treat water in the swimming pools. At room temperature halogens can be found in all three states: gaseous F2 and Cl2, liquid Br2 and solids I2, At.


1) Write the name of the elements in the inert (noble) gases group:

He _______________

Ne _______________

Ar _______________

Kr _______________

Xe _______________

Rn _______________

2) Using the periodic table in your textbook, write the symbols of the elements in the inert (noble) gases group in each corresponding box and shade this group with using a highlighter.

____________________ gases also called rare gases or inert gases make up the ______________ of the periodic table. Noble gases are He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, Uuo. Generally, not chemically active, they do not react with other elements. None of the noble gases ____________________. For this reason, they can mostly be found in their elemental state in nature. The noble gases glow brightly when an electric discharge is passed through them. They are used as ____________________.

Evaluation 1:

Class Group Work Assignment

Periodic Table- Special Groups

1. Please add the following information on the poster paper:

• The group number of your special group/family from the periodic table

• The names and the symbols of the elements of the special group

• The properties of your special group as mentioned in class

2. Do the word puzzle as a group

Evaluation 2:

Name____________ Date____________


1. To which chemical family do the following elements belong?

Be, Sr, Ra

a) inert gases b) alkaline earth c) halogens d) alkali metals

2. Which element is in the same family as Ar and Kr ?

a) I b) N c) Ne d) Co

3. Which of the following series of elements represents the halogen family?

a) Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn b) Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs c) F, Cl, Br, I, At d) Li, Be, C, N, O

4) Listed below are the characteristics of an element from the periodic table:

- It is a metal

- Its outermost level has 2 electrons

- It is found in bones and teeth

To which group in the periodic table does this element belong?

A) Alkali metals B) Alkaline earth metals C) Halogens D) Inert gases

5. Draw a Lewis structure for each of the following elements. Remember to write the names of the elements.

| a) I am an alkali metal belonging to the |b) I am the lightest alkaline earth metal. |c) I am the smallest of the atoms with four |

|second period. | |valence electrons. |

6. Draw a Rutherford-Bohr atomic model for each of the following elements. Remember to write the names of the elements.

|I am the first element in the group of |B) I am an inert gas with three electron |c) I am a halogen with one electron shell more |

|halogens. |shells. |than fluorine. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

7. A group (family) is ___________________ in the periodic table of the elements.

8. Elements situated in the same group display _______________________________ because have the same number of valence electrons.

9. The number of the group corresponds to the number of _ ____________________ .

10. A period is a ___________________ in the periodic table of the elements.

11. Elements situated on the same period have the same__________________________ .

12. The name of group IA (1) is ___________________________. Elements in group 1 very are soft metals, usually stored in oil due to their ________________________.

13. The name of group IIA (2) is ___________________________. These metals are mainly found in ______________.

14. The name of group VIIA (7) is ___________________________. They are also very reactive and used for _________________.

15. The name of group VIIIA (8) is ___________________________. These elements do not ______________________________.

16. Complete the following sentence. Under normal conditions, the__________________ gases do not react with the other elements in the Periodic Table.

17. Complete the following sentence. The chemical family to the right of the alkali metals is _____________________

18. The alkali metals have one valence electron. To which family do they belong?








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