Prevention Staff Handbook

-594360-96012000-392430377825STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SAP) LIAISONHANDBOOK00STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SAP) LIAISONHANDBOOK1424940161743SFY 2023-2400SFY 2023-2431785642730500111760016383000SAP Liaison HandbookGuide to Important Information and TasksContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Preface PAGEREF _Toc66438076 \h 3Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc66438077 \h 4Acronyms/Terms PAGEREF _Toc66438078 \h 4Websites to Know PAGEREF _Toc66438079 \h 5Documents to Know PAGEREF _Toc66438080 \h 5School Specific Documents/Info to Know PAGEREF _Toc66438081 \h 6People/Partners to Know PAGEREF _Toc66438082 \h 6Skills to Build PAGEREF _Toc66438083 \h 7Liaison Roles/Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc66438084 \h 7Agency Funding Sources PAGEREF _Toc66438085 \h 9Important Tasks by Month PAGEREF _Toc66438086 \h 10General Tasks PAGEREF _Toc66438087 \h 10July PAGEREF _Toc66438088 \h 11September PAGEREF _Toc66438089 \h 15October PAGEREF _Toc66438090 \h 17November PAGEREF _Toc66438091 \h 19December PAGEREF _Toc66438092 \h 21January PAGEREF _Toc66438093 \h 23February PAGEREF _Toc66438094 \h 25March PAGEREF _Toc66438095 \h 27April PAGEREF _Toc66438096 \h 29May PAGEREF _Toc66438097 \h 31June PAGEREF _Toc66438098 \h 33PrefaceAs a SAP liaison you have many roles and responsibilities. We’re all doing so much, and it can be hard to find time to slow down and really document the important pieces of the work that we do. This can leave us unprepared when someone new needs to take on the SAP liaison role. When a new SAP liaison comes on board at your agency, they may be asking themselves:What exactly am I supposed to be doing?What does my role as a SAP liaison entail?Where should I start?This handbook has been designed to help outline important resources and information for new (or even existing) SAP liaisons. It also outlines a number of important tasks that may need to be completed throughout the year. The handbook is designed to be customized by each agency/organization. It includes a list of many possible resources, tasks, etc. This document is NOT intended to be a list of everything that every SAP liaison should do.In the Important Tasks by Month section you would need to outline the items relevant to your agency. Examples of some common tasks, events, etc. have been provided. The calendar provided is for SFY 23/24 and would need to be updated annually.The goal is for this handbook to be a starting point that you can work from to outline the important information relevant to your agency/organization. Please note that this document includes links to a variety of websites/resources. Inclusion of those websites and resources should not be considered an endorsement of the content on those sites. Important Note about Handbook ContentIn PA there are three types of liaisons, Drug & Alcohol Liaisons, Mental Health Liaisons and Behavioral Health or dual Liaisons who serve as both Drug & Alcohol and Mental Health Liaison. This handbook was specifically created for liaisons who are funded through Single County Authorities and therefore the content may be less relevant for Mental Health Liaisons or liaison work not funded by SCAs. This handbook could still be utilized for liaisons not funded by SCA, but would likely require a greater level of customization to ensure content, resources and tasks are relevant to their roles/responsibilities.Getting StartedIf you’re a new SAP liaison, there are a number of important things you’ll need to know as you’re getting started. Below are important documents, websites, partners, etc. that you’ll want to get familiar with.Acronyms/TermsAs you begin to review documents, attend meetings, learn requirements, etc. you’ll come across a wide variety of acronyms or other terms. Below is a list of common acronyms/terms you may encounter.ATOD – Alcohol, Tobacco and Other DrugsCASSP – Child and Adolescent Social Service ProgramDDAP – Department of Drug & Alcohol ProgramsFASD – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisordersIEP – Individualized Education ProgramLOA – Letter of AgreementMH/IDD – Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental DisabilitiesMHTTC – Mental Health Technology Transfer CenterMTSS – Multitiered System of SupportsOMHSAS – Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse ServicesPASAP – Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance ProfessionalsPASTP – Pennsylvania Approved SAP Training ProviderPAYS – Pennsylvania Youth SurveyPBIS – Positive Behavior Interventions & SupportsPCCD – Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and DelinquencyPDE – Pennsylvania Department of EducationPDE 4092 – PA Department of Education school SAP reporting formPNSAS – PA Network for Student Assistance ServicesPTTC – Prevention Technology Transfer CenterS2SS – Safe to Say SomethingSAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationSAP – Student Assistance ProgramSCA – Single County AuthoritySEL – Social Emotional LearningSOC – System of CareSRO – School Resource OfficerTMS – Training Management SystemIU – Intermediate Unit504 Service Agreement – Plan to provide support/remove barriers for students with a disabilityWebsites to KnowBelow are several important websites you should be familiar with.PA Network for Student Assistance ServicesSAP Liaisons pageSAP Teams pageSAP Connection (PNSAS monthly newsletter)SAP Liaison Annual Reporting SystemSAP PDE 4092 Reporting System (to view school SAP reports)PA Department of Drug & Alcohol ProgramsPA Department of Education Office for Safe SchoolsPA Department of Human Services Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse ServicesPA Commission on Crime & DelinquencyPennsylvania Association of Student Assistance Professionals (PASAP)Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support Network (PAPBS)Social Emotional Learning Alliance for PA (SEL4PA)Center for Safe SchoolsSafe2Say Something (for reporting safety concerns to help prevent violence and tragedies)Prevent Suicide PAPrevent Suicide PA’s Online Learning CenterPTTC and MHTTC (SAMHSA training and technical assistance networks)DDAP Training Management SystemChildLine (for reporting child abuse and general child well-being concerns)PA Youth SurveyPA WITS (DDAP Treatment & Prevention Data System)PA WITS Training ResourcesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative of PA (learning collaborative site for liaison agencies/others using the Behavioral Health Screen (BHS) screening tool)School districts’ websitesDocuments to KnowBelow are several important documents you should be familiar with.SAP Process in PA Flow ChartSAP Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practice SAP Liaison Frequently Asked Questions SAP Liaison Best Practice GuidelinesSAP Best Practice Guidelines for FidelitySample Letter of Agreement between school and liaison agencyLegislation/policy relevant to SAPSummary of Federal and State Legislation/Regulations that Impact SAPSchool policies for each district you serveInternal agency policy/procedures related to records, consents, confidentiality, etc.DDAP Prevention Manual DDAP Prevention Coding Guide – See final page in guide for summary of key info related to how to enter SAP liaison services into WITS (e.g. IOM category and population to use for each service code.)DDAP Prevention Program ListingPrevention Staff Handbook (Handbook was developed for prevention staff at SCAs or other ATOD prevention provider agencies. Content may not be relevant or applicable to staff or agencies only providing SAP liaison services and not other ATOD prevention services.)Contract with funding agency – If you are an agency who contracts with the county, an SCA or other funder to provide SAP liaison services, it is important to read through the contract you have with that agency to understand what they expect you to do. Agency Plan/Needs AssessmentAgency Annual ReportSchool Specific Documents/Info to KnowBehavior checklistReferral formCompilation formReleases of informationParent/guardian consent formCase manager check listTruancy planDistrict/board policies related to topics like policy violations, suicide, etc.District SAP policySAP Letter of Agreement between your agency and each school districtaSAP or other electronic systems schools are using to manage SAPSchool calendarsPeople/Partners to KnowOther SAP Liaisons in your agency or at the schools you serve (D&A or MH)SAP Liaisons at other agencies in your county/regionPNSAS Regional CoordinatorPA Approved SAP Training Provider in county/regionSchool districts’ coordinator for SAPSchool coordinator for tiered system such as MTSS and PBISSchool threat assessment team coordinatorSchool safety and security coordinatorSchool Resource or Police Officer – can provide information on current trendsOther community organizations you can refer students to for services/supportCounty CASSP Coordinators and Children’s Behavioral Health Contacts County Systems of Care contact person/coordinator (not in all counties)Intermediate Unit contacts (interagency coordinator, school safety coordinator, etc.)County/local Handle with Care initiative contacts (not in all counties)Use the table below to list your key partners.Important PartnersAgency/OrganizationContact PersonEmailPhoneSkills to BuildLiaisons should have a knowledge and skill set in the following areas. SAP Best Practice Guidelines for Liaisons provides more detail on each of these areas.Collaboration and ConsultationFacilitationInformation, Intervention and ReferralLaws, Regulations, PoliciesLiaison Roles/ResponsibilitiesThe Best Practice Guidelines for Liaisons document outlines in detail many of the roles and responsibilities of liaisons. Some common roles for liaisons are listed below.Attend core team meetingsAttend/assist with parent meetingsMake referralsConduct screenings and/or assessmentsScreening – Screening can identify areas of concern and determine if a further evaluation is necessary. A screening does NOT determine if treatment is needed nor what level of care might be needed.Assessment – Assessment determines if treatment is needed and what level of care is needed. For drug and alcohol assessment, assessment refers to level of care (LOC) assessments which would involve the application of the ASAM criteria in making placement determinations.Follow-up with/about students Assist with postventionProvide technical assistance to core teams on team process, functioning, etc.Facilitate or co-facilitate school-based educational support groupsParticipate in the planning of county coordination/district council meetings for SAP teams throughout countyIt is also important to be aware of what liaisons do NOT do. While some of the items below will vary by agency, liaisons generally do not do the following:Diagnose a substance use or mental health disorderProvide counselingTransport studentsConduct home visits Conduct threat assessments (screenings done by liaisons are not threat assessments and should not be treated as such)Utilize the table below to list the specific roles/responsibilities of liaisons at your agency. Your letters of agreement or contracts with schools should define what services liaisons need to provide for each school.Liaison Roles/ResponsibilitiesResponsibility/Service ProvidedDescriptionSchools Service Provided ToAgency Funding SourcesOn this page, list the key sources of funding that your agency receives for SAP. Funding SourceType of Funding/DescriptionGrant Start/End Date (if applicable)Important Tasks by MonthOutlined below are important tasks, meetings, conferences, events, due dates, etc. that occur throughout the year. [You should customize each month to outline the items relevant to your agency/position. Examples of some common tasks, events, etc. have been provided. The calendar below is for SFY 23/24 and would need to be updated annually. Examples of events have been entered into the calendar. Other examples of awareness days, weeks, etc. that could be added to the calendar appear in the events/meetings/trainings box for each month.] General TasksBelow are important tasks you will need to complete throughout the year. [This section can be used to outline on-going tasks or tasks that aren’t specific to a certain period of time. Below are tasks that vary in when they occur. You may want to move some of these items to the months they take place for your agency/organization.]TrainingDevelop training/professional development plan for self or other staffComplete required DDAP training as outlined in the DDAP Prevention ManualPASAP provides a free webinar series to members beginning in fall and ending in springMeetingsCoordinate or attend SAP County Coordination/District Council meetings (if coordinate should prep 1-2 months in advance)Other Important TasksProvider monitoring – Find out when SCA conducts monitoring and what you will need to do/prepareKeystone Exams – If providing liaisons services to high school teams, identify the dates Keystone Exams will take place as they could affect team meeting schedules and times for holding SAP groups.July9525859790PLANNING/PREPSet SAP maintenance training schedulePlan for school in-service days and school open housesPrepare files/folders for SAP (e.g. gather forms)Prepare SAP Letters of Agreement with schoolsFollow-up with schools about signing SAP Letter of Agreement (if prepare LOAs in Spring)Review and update as needed list of resources or resource binder00PLANNING/PREPSet SAP maintenance training schedulePlan for school in-service days and school open housesPrepare files/folders for SAP (e.g. gather forms)Prepare SAP Letters of Agreement with schoolsFollow-up with schools about signing SAP Letter of Agreement (if prepare LOAs in Spring)Review and update as needed list of resources or resource binder4324350859790EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSCADCA Mid-Year Training InstituteNational Council on Problem Gambling Annual ConferenceNational Minority Mental Health Awareness MonthProvide needed trainings for staff00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSCADCA Mid-Year Training InstituteNational Council on Problem Gambling Annual ConferenceNational Minority Mental Health Awareness MonthProvide needed trainings for staff03221990REPORTS/DUE DATESSAP Liaison Annual Report for prior SFY due 7/31Enter all prevention data in WITS for prior SFY by 7/3100REPORTS/DUE DATESSAP Liaison Annual Report for prior SFY due 7/31Enter all prevention data in WITS for prior SFY by 7/3143148253221990OTHER00OTHERcenter8890Special Note: July can be a great time to Take a Break!Special Note: July can be a great time to Take a Break! DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT July DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2023SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 4 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 0 <> 0 =D2+1 5 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 0 <> 0 =E2+1 6 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 6 <> 0 =F2+1 7 "" 71National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month =G2+1 2 =A4+1 3 =B4+1 4 =C4+1 5 =D4+1 6 =E4+1 7 =F4+1 8 =G4+1 9 =A6+1 10 =B6+1 11 =C6+1 12 =D6+1 13 =E6+1 14 =F6+1 15 =G6+1 16 =A8+1 17 =B8+1 18 =C8+1 19 =D8+1 20 =E8+1 21 =F8+1 22CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute July 16-20IF =G822 = 0,"" IF =G8 22 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 23 "" 2323IF =A1023 = 0,"" IF =A10 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 24 "" 2424IF =B1024 = 0,"" IF =B10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 25 "" 2525IF =C1025 = 0,"" IF =C10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 26 "" 2626IF =D1026 = 0,"" IF =D10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 27 "" 2727IF =E1027 = 0,"" IF =E10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 28 "" 2828IF =F1028 = 0,"" IF =F10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 29 "" 2929IF =G1029 = 0,"" IF =G10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 30 "" 3030IF =A1230 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" 313122/23 SAP Liaison Annual Report DueDue date for entry of SFY 22/23 prevention services in WITSAugust9525838200PLANNING/PREPReview annual schedule as part of preparation for new school yearContact schools to confirm or find out when team meetings will be heldIf new liaison, contact schools to make introductionPrepare any maintenance, education or updates that will be provided to SAP teamsObtain any needed clearances before school year startsOrder any needed suppliesPrepare for school orientations and open houses00PLANNING/PREPReview annual schedule as part of preparation for new school yearContact schools to confirm or find out when team meetings will be heldIf new liaison, contact schools to make introductionPrepare any maintenance, education or updates that will be provided to SAP teamsObtain any needed clearances before school year startsOrder any needed suppliesPrepare for school orientations and open houses4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSProvide training or other information to schools during in-serviceNational Night OutOverdose Awareness DayBack to School Nights/ School Orientations/ School Open HousesProvide needed trainings for staffCPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSProvide training or other information to schools during in-serviceNational Night OutOverdose Awareness DayBack to School Nights/ School Orientations/ School Open HousesProvide needed trainings for staffCPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)03196590REPORTS/DUE DATESCorrect services for prior SFY showing on WITS data entry error report that are truly errors by 8/1500REPORTS/DUE DATESCorrect services for prior SFY showing on WITS data entry error report that are truly errors by 8/1543148253196590OTHERReview data from sources such as PDE 4092, SAP Liaison Annual Reporting System, or data from screenings conducted to help evaluate services provided in prior school year and inform planning for upcoming school year.00OTHERReview data from sources such as PDE 4092, SAP Liaison Annual Reporting System, or data from screenings conducted to help evaluate services provided in prior school year and inform planning for upcoming school year. DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT August DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2023SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" 1 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 1 <> 0 =C2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 2 <> 0 =D2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 3 <> 0 =E2+1 4 "" 44 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Tuesday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 4 <> 0 =F2+1 5 "" 55National Night Out =G2+1 6 =A4+1 7 =B4+1 8 =C4+1 9 =D4+1 10 =E4+1 11 =F4+1 12 =G4+1 13 =A6+1 14 =B6+1 15 =C6+1 16 =D6+1 17 =E6+1 18 =F6+1 19WITS data entry error corrections for prior SFY dueNPN Conference Aug 15-17 =G6+1 20 =A8+1 21 =B8+1 22 =C8+1 23 =D8+1 24 =E8+1 25 =F8+1 26IF =G826 = 0,"" IF =G8 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 27 "" 2727IF =A1027 = 0,"" IF =A10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 28 "" 2828IF =B1028 = 0,"" IF =B10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 29 "" 2929IF =C1029 = 0,"" IF =C10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 30 "" 3030IF =D1030 = 0,"" IF =D10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 31 "" 3131IF =E1031 = 0,"" IF =E10 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 28 "" IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 29 "" 29Overdose Awareness DayIF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 30 "" 30IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" 31September9525834390PLANNING/PREPPlan for Red Ribbon WeekPlan/prepare for SAP Groups, including informing schools of what agency can offerMeet with/reach out to schools who are not receiving SAP liaison services to see if they need any services (this would be dependent on whether agency has funding to provide services to these schools)00PLANNING/PREPPlan for Red Ribbon WeekPlan/prepare for SAP Groups, including informing schools of what agency can offerMeet with/reach out to schools who are not receiving SAP liaison services to see if they need any services (this would be dependent on whether agency has funding to provide services to these schools)4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSHold meetings to reconnect with schoolsBack to School Nights/ School Orientations/ School Open HousesFASD Awareness MonthNational Recovery MonthSuicide Prevention MonthNational Family Day00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSHold meetings to reconnect with schoolsBack to School Nights/ School Orientations/ School Open HousesFASD Awareness MonthNational Recovery MonthSuicide Prevention MonthNational Family Day03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHEREncourage schools to inform students about SAP and the services available (could be done by school counselor). Some liaisons may assist the school in presenting to students about SAP.Check PAYS website to see if schools have signed up to participate in PAYS and remind them to sign-up if they have not (in odd years).00OTHEREncourage schools to inform students about SAP and the services available (could be done by school counselor). Some liaisons may assist the school in presenting to students about SAP.Check PAYS website to see if schools have signed up to participate in PAYS and remind them to sign-up if they have not (in odd years). DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT September DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2023SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 0 <> 0 =D2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 3 <> 0 =E2+1 4 "" 41 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 1 <> 0 =F2+1 2 "" 22Start of FASD Awareness, Suicide Prevention, and Recovery Month =G2+1 3 =A4+1 4 =B4+1 5 =C4+1 6 =D4+1 7 =E4+1 8 =F4+1 9International FASD Awareness Day =G4+1 10 =A6+1 11 =B6+1 12 =C6+1 13 =D6+1 14 =E6+1 15 =F6+1 16World Suicide Prevention Day =G6+1 17 =A8+1 18 =B8+1 19 =C8+1 20 =D8+1 21 =E8+1 22 =F8+1 23IF =G823 = 0,"" IF =G8 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 24 "" 2424IF =A1024 = 0,"" IF =A10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 25 "" 2525IF =B1025 = 0,"" IF =B10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 26 "" 2626IF =C1026 = 0,"" IF =C10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 27 "" 2727IF =D1027 = 0,"" IF =D10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 28 "" 2828IF =E1028 = 0,"" IF =E10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =E10+1 29 "" 2929IF =F1029 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =F10+1 30 "" 3030National Family DayIF =G1030 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G10+1 30 "" IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" 31October9525834390PLANNING/PREP00PLANNING/PREP4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSProvide team maintenance or other trainings/presentations during in-service daysRed Ribbon Week National Bullying Prevention MonthNational Depression and Mental Health Screening MonthWorld Mental Health DayDEA Prescription Drug Take Back Day HYPERLINK "" PLCB Alcohol Education ConferenceCPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSProvide team maintenance or other trainings/presentations during in-service daysRed Ribbon Week National Bullying Prevention MonthNational Depression and Mental Health Screening MonthWorld Mental Health DayDEA Prescription Drug Take Back Day HYPERLINK "" PLCB Alcohol Education ConferenceCPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)03196590REPORTS/DUE DATESSAP Letters of Agreement between SAP provider and school district must be completed/signed by 10/31Complete SAP Liaison Information Survey sent by PNSAS (survey may go out later in fall some years)00REPORTS/DUE DATESSAP Letters of Agreement between SAP provider and school district must be completed/signed by 10/31Complete SAP Liaison Information Survey sent by PNSAS (survey may go out later in fall some years)43148253196590OTHER00OTHER DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT October DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2023SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday = "Sunday" 1 ""1 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 1 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 2 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 3 <> 0 =C2+1 4 "" 44 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 4 <> 0 =D2+1 5 "" 55 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 5 <> 0 =E2+1 6 "" 66 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Sunday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 6 <> 0 =F2+1 7 "" 77Start of Bullying Prevention and Depression and MH Screening Month =G2+1 8 =A4+1 9 =B4+1 10 =C4+1 11 =D4+1 12 =E4+1 13 =F4+1 14World Mental Health DayPLCB Alcohol Education Conference =G4+1 15 =A6+1 16 =B6+1 17 =C6+1 18 =D6+1 19 =E6+1 20 =F6+1 21 =G6+1 22 =A8+1 23 =B8+1 24 =C8+1 25 =D8+1 26 =E8+1 27 =F8+1 28Red Ribbon Week BeginsIF =G828 = 0,"" IF =G8 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 29 "" 2929IF =A1029 = 0,"" IF =A10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 30 "" 3030IF =B1030 = 0,"" IF =B10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 31 "" 3131IF =C1031 = 0,"" IF =C10 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 27 "" IF =D100 = 0,"" IF =D10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 28 "" 28IF =E100 = 0,"" IF =E10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =E10+1 29 "" 29IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =F10+1 30 "" 30Red Ribbon Week EndsIF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G10+1 30 "" IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" 31November9525834390PLANNING/PREPAsk schools if there is anything else they needFind out how school buildings handle closings and delaysDetermine process for being notified of or checking for delays/closings00PLANNING/PREPAsk schools if there is anything else they needFind out how school buildings handle closings and delaysDetermine process for being notified of or checking for delays/closings4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSPaBPS Implementers ForumGreat American SmokeoutVeterans DayPA DUI Association Annual Meeting 00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSPaBPS Implementers ForumGreat American SmokeoutVeterans DayPA DUI Association Annual Meeting 03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHERPromote SAP at parent/teacher conferencesReview data from sources such as PDE 4092, SAP Liaison Annual Reporting System, or data from screenings conducted to help identify any trends/needs/issues, determine if things are going as expected, and inform planning for rest of school year. (This may be a task that is repeated at other times during school year.)00OTHERPromote SAP at parent/teacher conferencesReview data from sources such as PDE 4092, SAP Liaison Annual Reporting System, or data from screenings conducted to help identify any trends/needs/issues, determine if things are going as expected, and inform planning for rest of school year. (This may be a task that is repeated at other times during school year.) DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT November DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2023SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 3 <> 0 =C2+1 4 "" 41 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 1 <> 0 =D2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 2 <> 0 =E2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 3 <> 0 =F2+1 4 "" 44PaPBS Implementers Forum Nov 1-3 =G2+1 5 =A4+1 6 =B4+1 7 =C4+1 8 =D4+1 9 =E4+1 10 =F4+1 11Veterans Day =G4+1 12 =A6+1 13 =B6+1 14 =C6+1 15 =D6+1 16 =E6+1 17 =F6+1 18Great American Smokeout =G6+1 19 =A8+1 20 =B8+1 21 =C8+1 22 =D8+1 23 =E8+1 24 =F8+1 25IF =G825 = 0,"" IF =G8 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 26 "" 2626IF =A1026 = 0,"" IF =A10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 27 "" 2727IF =B1027 = 0,"" IF =B10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 28 "" 2828IF =C1028 = 0,"" IF =C10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 29 "" 2929IF =D1029 = 0,"" IF =D10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 30 "" 3030IF =E1030 = 0,"" IF =E10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =E10+1 29 "" IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =F10+1 30 "" 30IF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G10+1 30 "" IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" 31December9525834390PLANNING/PREP00PLANNING/PREP4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSNational Impaired Driving Prevention Month00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSNational Impaired Driving Prevention Month03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHERIdentify resources for students during the longer holiday break00OTHERIdentify resources for students during the longer holiday break DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT December DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2023SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 4 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 0 <> 0 =D2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 2 <> 0 =E2+1 3 "" 31 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 1 <> 0 =F2+1 2 "" 22Start of National Impaired Driving Prevention Month =G2+1 3 =A4+1 4 =B4+1 5 =C4+1 6 =D4+1 7 =E4+1 8 =F4+1 9 =G4+1 10 =A6+1 11 =B6+1 12 =C6+1 13 =D6+1 14 =E6+1 15 =F6+1 16 =G6+1 17 =A8+1 18 =B8+1 19 =C8+1 20 =D8+1 21 =E8+1 22 =F8+1 23IF =G823 = 0,"" IF =G8 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 24 "" 2424IF =A1024 = 0,"" IF =A10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 25 "" 2525IF =B1025 = 0,"" IF =B10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 26 "" 2626IF =C1026 = 0,"" IF =C10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 27 "" 2727IF =D1027 = 0,"" IF =D10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 28 "" 2828IF =E1028 = 0,"" IF =E10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 29 "" 2929IF =F1029 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" 3030IF =G1030 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 31 "" 3131IF =A1231 = 0,"" IF =A12 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" January9525834390PLANNING/PREPDiscuss with teams SAP Groups to hold for rest of yearPlan/coordinate any needed trainings for Spring00PLANNING/PREPDiscuss with teams SAP Groups to hold for rest of yearPlan/coordinate any needed trainings for Spring4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSNational Birth Defects Prevention Month00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSNational Birth Defects Prevention Month03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHERRegister for PASAP Conference00OTHERRegister for PASAP Conference DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT January DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2024SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" 1 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 1 <> 0 =B2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 2 <> 0 =C2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 3 <> 0 =D2+1 4 "" 44 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 4 <> 0 =E2+1 5 "" 55 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 5 <> 0 =F2+1 6 "" 66Start of National Birth Defects Prevention Month =G2+1 7 =A4+1 8 =B4+1 9 =C4+1 10 =D4+1 11 =E4+1 12 =F4+1 13 =G4+1 14 =A6+1 15 =B6+1 16 =C6+1 17 =D6+1 18 =E6+1 19 =F6+1 20 =G6+1 21 =A8+1 22 =B8+1 23 =C8+1 24 =D8+1 25 =E8+1 26 =F8+1 27IF =G827 = 0,"" IF =G8 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 28 "" 2828IF =A1028 = 0,"" IF =A10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 29 "" 2929IF =B1029 = 0,"" IF =B10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 30 "" 3030IF =C1030 = 0,"" IF =C10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 31 "" 3131IF =D1031 = 0,"" IF =D10 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 28 "" IF =E100 = 0,"" IF =E10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 29 "" 29IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" 30IF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 31 "" 31IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" February9525834390PLANNING/PREP00PLANNING/PREP4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSPASAP ConferenceCADCA National Leadership ForumSAMHSA Prevention DayChildren of Addiction Awareness Week00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSPASAP ConferenceCADCA National Leadership ForumSAMHSA Prevention DayChildren of Addiction Awareness Week03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHER00OTHER DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT February DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2024SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 3 <> 0 =D2+1 4 "" 41 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 1 <> 0 =E2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Thursday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 2 <> 0 =F2+1 3 "" 33 =G2+1 4 =A4+1 5 =B4+1 6 =C4+1 7 =D4+1 8 =E4+1 9 =F4+1 10 =G4+1 11 =A6+1 12 =B6+1 13 =C6+1 14 =D6+1 15 =E6+1 16 =F6+1 17Start of COA Awareness Week =G6+1 18 =A8+1 19 =B8+1 20 =C8+1 21 =D8+1 22 =E8+1 23 =F8+1 24IF =G824 = 0,"" IF =G8 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 29 =G8+1 25 "" 2525IF =A1025 = 0,"" IF =A10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 29 =A10+1 26 "" 2626IF =B1026 = 0,"" IF =B10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 29 =B10+1 27 "" 2727IF =C1027 = 0,"" IF =C10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 29 =C10+1 28 "" 2828IF =D1028 = 0,"" IF =D10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 29 =D10+1 29 "" 2929IF =E1029 = 0,"" IF =E10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 29 =E10+1 29 "" IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" 30IF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 31 "" 31IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" March9525834390PLANNING/PREPTalk to team about upcoming testing to see how will impact team meeting times or schedules00PLANNING/PREPTalk to team about upcoming testing to see how will impact team meeting times or schedules4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSProblem Gambling Awareness MonthKick Butts DayNational Drug and Alcohol Facts WeekNational Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week (NIPAW) Registration open for CPA ConferenceCouncil on Compulsive Gambling of PA Statewide East and West ConferencesCPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSProblem Gambling Awareness MonthKick Butts DayNational Drug and Alcohol Facts WeekNational Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week (NIPAW) Registration open for CPA ConferenceCouncil on Compulsive Gambling of PA Statewide East and West ConferencesCPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHER00OTHER DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT March DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2024SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 0 <> 0 =D2+1 4 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 1 <> 0 =E2+1 2 "" 21 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 1 <> 0 =F2+1 2 "" 22Start of Problem Gambling Awareness Month =G2+1 3 =A4+1 4 =B4+1 5 =C4+1 6 =D4+1 7 =E4+1 8 =F4+1 9 =G4+1 10 =A6+1 11 =B6+1 12 =C6+1 13 =D6+1 14 =E6+1 15 =F6+1 16Start of National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week =G6+1 17 =A8+1 18 =B8+1 19 =C8+1 20 =D8+1 21 =E8+1 22 =F8+1 23IF =G823 = 0,"" IF =G8 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 24 "" 2424IF =A1024 = 0,"" IF =A10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 25 "" 2525IF =B1025 = 0,"" IF =B10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 26 "" 2626IF =C1026 = 0,"" IF =C10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 27 "" 2727IF =D1027 = 0,"" IF =D10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 28 "" 2828IF =E1028 = 0,"" IF =E10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 29 "" 2929IF =F1029 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" 3030Start of National Drug & Alcohol Facts WeekIF =G1030 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 31 "" 3131IF =A1231 = 0,"" IF =A12 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" April9525834390PLANNING/PREP00PLANNING/PREP4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSAlcohol Awareness MonthDEA Prescription Drug Take Back DayStress Awareness MonthNational Public Health WeekNational Minority Health Month00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSAlcohol Awareness MonthDEA Prescription Drug Take Back DayStress Awareness MonthNational Public Health WeekNational Minority Health Month03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHERPAYS school and county reports become available (in even years)Sign up for fall administration of PAYS begins (in odd years); can remind/encourage schools to participate*PSSA testing happens in schools in April, which could affect team meeting schedules and times for holding SAP groups.00OTHERPAYS school and county reports become available (in even years)Sign up for fall administration of PAYS begins (in odd years); can remind/encourage schools to participate*PSSA testing happens in schools in April, which could affect team meeting schedules and times for holding SAP groups. DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT April DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2024SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" 1 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 1 <> 0 =B2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 2 <> 0 =C2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 3 <> 0 =D2+1 4 "" 44 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 4 <> 0 =E2+1 5 "" 55 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 5 <> 0 =F2+1 6 "" 66Start of Alcohol Awareness, Stress Awareness and Minority Health MonthNational Public Health Week April 1-7 =G2+1 7 =A4+1 8 =B4+1 9 =C4+1 10 =D4+1 11 =E4+1 12 =F4+1 13 =G4+1 14 =A6+1 15 =B6+1 16 =C6+1 17 =D6+1 18 =E6+1 19 =F6+1 20 =G6+1 21 =A8+1 22 =B8+1 23 =C8+1 24 =D8+1 25 =E8+1 26 =F8+1 27IF =G827 = 0,"" IF =G8 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 28 "" 2828IF =A1028 = 0,"" IF =A10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 29 "" 2929IF =B1029 = 0,"" IF =B10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 30 "" 3030IF =C1030 = 0,"" IF =C10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 27 "" IF =D100 = 0,"" IF =D10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 28 "" 28IF =E100 = 0,"" IF =E10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 29 "" 29IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" 30IF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 31 "" 31IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" May9525834390PLANNING/PREPWork with teams to wrap up the year and make sure they are prepared to complete PDE 4092 reportingPrepare/send SAP Letters of Agreement with each school district (may happen early or later in year depending on agency)Prepare communication/resources to share with families for needs that may arise during the summer months00PLANNING/PREPWork with teams to wrap up the year and make sure they are prepared to complete PDE 4092 reportingPrepare/send SAP Letters of Agreement with each school district (may happen early or later in year depending on agency)Prepare communication/resources to share with families for needs that may arise during the summer months4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSNational Social and Emotional Learning ConferenceNational Prevention WeekMental Health Awareness Month/DayWorld No Tobacco Day CPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSNational Social and Emotional Learning ConferenceNational Prevention WeekMental Health Awareness Month/DayWorld No Tobacco Day CPA/CTC Regional Meetings (check CPA website for dates)03196590REPORTS/DUE DATES00REPORTS/DUE DATES43148253196590OTHERWork with school-based providers to transition students for summerGet feedback from teams/schools about how the year has gone and any adjustments in liaison services that may be needed00OTHERWork with school-based providers to transition students for summerGet feedback from teams/schools about how the year has gone and any adjustments in liaison services that may be needed DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT May DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2024SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 2 <> 0 =C2+1 3 "" 31 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 1 <> 0 =D2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 2 <> 0 =E2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 3 <> 0 =F2+1 4 "" 44Start of Mental Health Awareness Month =G2+1 5 =A4+1 6 =B4+1 7 =C4+1 8 =D4+1 9 =E4+1 10 =F4+1 11National Prevention Week Begins =G4+1 12 =A6+1 13 =B6+1 14 =C6+1 15 =D6+1 16 =E6+1 17 =F6+1 18 =G6+1 19 =A8+1 20 =B8+1 21 =C8+1 22 =D8+1 23 =E8+1 24 =F8+1 25IF =G825 = 0,"" IF =G8 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 26 "" 2626IF =A1026 = 0,"" IF =A10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 27 "" 2727IF =B1027 = 0,"" IF =B10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 28 "" 2828IF =C1028 = 0,"" IF =C10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 29 "" 2929IF =D1029 = 0,"" IF =D10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 30 "" 3030IF =E1030 = 0,"" IF =E10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =E10+1 31 "" 3131IF =F1031 = 0,"" IF =F10 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" World No Tobacco DayIF =G100 = 0,"" IF =G10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 31 "" 31IF =A120 = 0,"" IF =A12 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" June9525834390PLANNING/PREPStart planning for fall team maintenanceFinish creating plans for students for summerRevisit forms, contracts, etc. to see if any updates/changes are needed00PLANNING/PREPStart planning for fall team maintenanceFinish creating plans for students for summerRevisit forms, contracts, etc. to see if any updates/changes are needed4324350834390EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSCommonwealth Prevention Alliance ConferenceStudent Safety Month00EVENTS/MEETINGS/TRAININGSCommonwealth Prevention Alliance ConferenceStudent Safety Month03196590REPORTS/DUE DATESSchools must complete and submit PDE 4092 report by 6/3000REPORTS/DUE DATESSchools must complete and submit PDE 4092 report by 6/3043148253196590OTHEREvaluate how the year went and determine if any changes are needed for next school year00OTHEREvaluate how the year went and determine if any changes are needed for next school yearcenter72390Special Note: As the year comes to a close take time to Celebrate Successes!Special Note: As the year comes to a close take time to Celebrate Successes! DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT June DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2024SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 0 <> 0 =D2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 0 <> 0 =E2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Saturday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 3 <> 0 =F2+1 4 "" 41Start of Student Safety Month =G2+1 2 =A4+1 3 =B4+1 4 =C4+1 5 =D4+1 6 =E4+1 7 =F4+1 8 =G4+1 9 =A6+1 10 =B6+1 11 =C6+1 12 =D6+1 13 =E6+1 14 =F6+1 15 =G6+1 16 =A8+1 17 =B8+1 18 =C8+1 19 =D8+1 20 =E8+1 21 =F8+1 22IF =G822 = 0,"" IF =G8 22 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 23 "" 2323IF =A1023 = 0,"" IF =A10 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 24 "" 2424IF =B1024 = 0,"" IF =B10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 25 "" 2525IF =C1025 = 0,"" IF =C10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 26 "" 2626IF =D1026 = 0,"" IF =D10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 27 "" 2727IF =E1027 = 0,"" IF =E10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =E10+1 28 "" 2828IF =F1028 = 0,"" IF =F10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =F10+1 29 "" 2929IF =G1029 = 0,"" IF =G10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G10+1 30 "" 3030IF =A1230 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A12+1 31 "" ................

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