Developing Doctor of Education (Ed

Developing Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Proposal

Bagwell College of Education

Kennesaw State University

Guiding Principles:

A collaborative approach will be utilized in developing the proposal.

The degree will be of an umbrella nature that will draw upon the academic and experiential

possibilities of the total university.

The preparation of professional educators who will be able to work and lead at various levels

in the educational environment with an emphasis upon improving student success and learning

is our shared goal and mission.

A “Cohort” approach will be utilized in developing and delivering the degree with across-

programs and within areas-of-specialization dimensions.

Every effort will be made to make the degree field-based and problems-centered with an

emphasis upon student participation and interaction across program lines.

The effort will be developed under a degree of control in terms of size and complexity and

will be monitored from that perspective as it moves forward in keeping with the KSU tradition

of delivering programs of the highest quality.

Curriculum Development Considerations:

The degree will be the Doctor of Education (Ed.D)

The marketing tagline will be “Leadership for Learning”

A cooperatively developed set of KSDs will give leadership to the development of the courses

and experiences that become part of the degree. .

Education (professional preparation of teachers and leaders) is the academic umbrella with

opportunities for professionals from related social service agencies and helping professions

with those types of responsibilities to participate. Strands in the program will be sensitive to

the development of administrative leadership and teacher leadership.

The “Capstone” nature of the doctoral component (last 36 hours as a minimum) will allow

appropriate consideration to the admission of a full range of students to the program with

screening consideration given to their previous academic background in an equivalency

manner to the use of the Ed.S components in the admissions and screening process for KSU


The planning process will focus upon the doctoral degree with consideration given to building

in opportunities to qualify for the Specialist Degree (Ed.S) and/or to begin work toward adding complementing certification or endorsement options along the way.

The degree will be configured with three components: (1) Core/Foundations, (2) Area of Speciali-

zation and (3) Guided Electives/Cognate(s).

Attention will be given to student interest and needs in developing the program with a number of

decision points included through guided electives and the choice of a doctoral level of concentration

that will vary across students.

While protecting the individual needs and interests of students, a focus of the degree will be upon

student and professorial collaboration across program lines through the cohort approach. Most of

the Core/Foundations Component including the common Research courses will be delivered in an umbrella-cohort approach.

Program Format to this Point:

Components Graduate Degree Levels

Master’s Educational Specialist Doctor of Education (30hrs) (30 Hours) (30 Hours) (36 Hours min.)

Core *Research I *Research II *Research III (3)

*Advanced Study of Learning *Research IV (3)

*Leadership of Systemic Change *Seminar on L, E, C (3)

*Applied Field Project *Doctoral Proposal Seminar (3)

Specialization (12 to 18 credit hours) *Doctoral Dissertation (9 min)

*International Experience (3)

Guided Electives **3 to 6 hours **Doctoral Concentration (12)


**Selected from areas of study such as listed below in coordination with their advisors. The doctoral

concentration may be of an interdepartmental/interdisciplinary nature.

In keeping with the dual strands in this degree in ”Leadership and Learning”, students who do not

select a doctoral concentration in an administrative/leadership related area would be expected to have

an embedded concentration of a leadership/administrative nature of a minimum of 12 hours in their

graduate work. (Consideration in meeting this expectation will be given to master’s level study). In

a similar manner, students will be expected to have an embedded concentration of a minimum of 12

hours in assessment/ learning/instruction/curriculum if they do not select a doctoral concentration in

one of those areas.

It is expected that a minimum of 12 hours in a students cumulative graduate studies must come from

outside the student’s home department with a minimum of 6 hours outside the BCOE in a cognate

support manner.

The degree format above reflects the requirements for the Ed.S degree along the way to the doctoral

degree. That coursework is seen as developmental and supportive of the doctoral degree as it is defined

in this program and must be considered in planning complete doctoral programs for students not taking

the Ed.S.

**Doctoral Concentration/Guided Elective Possibilities**

Assessment and Evaluation

Business Administration

Conflict Management


Educational Administration

Educational Psychology

English as a Second Language

Ethical Leadership

Higher Education/Community College Study


Master Teacher/Academic Coach/Teacher Leader


Political Science

Public Administration

Professional Teacher/Administrator Education


Supervisory Leadership (Instruction/Curriculum)




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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