Dr. Stover's Chemistry - Welcome!

Review: Gas in the Atmosphere and Gas LawsRead each question. Circle the letter of the correct answer.1.A block of steel rests on a table. Which action will increase the internal energy of the block? A.Drop it on the floor.B.Raise it off the table.C.Heat it to a greater temperature.2.When salt is added to water, the entropy, S, of the system can be described by an inequality. Ssolution > Swater + SsaltAccording to the inequality, what increases when salt is added to the water? A.internal energyB.state of disorderC.number of particles3.Which statement best describes how ridge push can affect slab pull? A.The tension in the crust at oceanic ridges pushes on the slab, which causes immediate increase in slab pull.B.The tension in the crust at oceanic ridges pushes on the slab, which causes immediate decrease in slab pull.C.The lithosphere at an oceanic ridge is pulled down by gravity and exerts force on the slab, increasing slab pull.4.Which example describes work done by a gas? A.a pen falling from a tableB.ash shooting out of a volcanoC.water moving through a hose5.The table shows diffusion rates for selected substances in a gas and in water.Which explanation for the difference in diffusion rates in a gas compared to the rates in a liquid is based upon the kinetic-molecular theory? A.Particles in gases are moving faster than in liquids.B.Particles in liquids gain less energy from collisions with other particles.C.Particles in gases are far apart, so they travel farther before colliding with another particle.6.Which value is equivalent to 660.3 °C on the Kelvin temperature scale? A.349.06 KB.933.45 KC.1,220.54 K7.A researcher releases a helium-filled balloon inside a heated chamber. The balloon rises to the top of the chamber and rests against the ceiling. Which statement describes the changes in total energy of the balloon from before release to it resting at the ceiling? A.The internal energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy increases.B.The internal energy and kinetic energy increases but potential energy remains constant.C.The internal energy and potential energy increases but kinetic energy remains constant.8.Energy transfer occurs by convection in Earth’s mantle, where warmer rock rises and cooler rock sinks. Which figure best illustrates the motion of the mantle due to convection? A.B.C.9.A metal ball and beaker of water are at room temperature. The ball is heated and immediately placed in the water. Which statement describes the energy transfers as the ball and the beaker of water approach thermal equilibrium? A.The energy gained by the water will equal the energy lost by the surroundings.B.The energy lost by the water and the cube will equal the energy lost by the surroundings.C.The energy lost by the cube will equal the energy gained by the water and the surroundings.Read each question. Follow the instructions to answer the question.10.Use the standard temperature and pressure (STP) relationship between moles, pressure, temperature, and volume of gases. Write one letter in each blank to identify the values that correctly complete the table.Table for Relationships for GasesMolesPressure (atm)Temperature (K)Volume (L)1.1273.1522. 273.15D.546.304.E.11.2F.22.411.A student has been instructed to determine the state of a gaseous system. Write one X in the box to show whether each variable can be used to determine the state of a gaseous system. VariableUsed to determine state of gaseous system?YesNovolumedensitypressuremolar mass12.Anthony plans to label the diagram below to model Earth’s interior energy.Which two statements describe and support a label that he should include to describe how energy inside Earth affects tectonic plate movement? Circle the letters of all the correct statements.A. Energy from the sun transfers to Earth.B. Energy from Earth’s formation is transferred within Earth.C. Thermal energy released by volcanoes pushes tectonic plates.D. Convection currents transfer energy that moves tectonic plates.13.A chemical reaction occurs in a flask with an attached syringe. The reaction absorbs 150 joules (J) of energy and does 25 J of work on the syringe. Calculate the change in energy in joules of the system. Write the missing numbers in the boxes to complete the equation Q + W = ΔH showing this change in energy. A calculator may be used.__________ + __________ = __________J14.Inge Lehmann reviewed seismograph data to develop a model of Earth’s core. She proposed the presence of both an outer and inner core that possess different properties. Her model helped to explain the appearance of P-waves at unpredicted locations. Write the letter of each statement in the correct position in the table to show whether each supports or does not support Lehmann’s model.Supports Lehmann’s modelDoes not support Lehmann’s modelA.Since S-waves cannot travel through the outer core, the outer core must be composed of liquids.B.Since S-waves are refracted by the inner core, the inner core must be composed of solids.C.Since P-waves that cannot travel through the outer core are not recorded where expected, the outer core must be composed of liquids.15.A researcher is carrying out an experiment in a rigid, sealed container. She boils off a volume of liquid in a small beaker. She finds that 130 kilojoules of energy is needed to completely boil off the liquid. When the last of the liquid has boiled off, the researcher notes that 150 kilojoules of energy was released by the heater. Circle the letters of the two correct statements regarding this experiment. A.Less than 20 kilojoules of energy is transferred to the beaker.B.The beaker is an isolated system because only vapor leaves the boundaries.C.The beaker is a closed system because only energy flows across the boundaries.D.The container is an isolated system during the experiment because both matter and energy remain inside the container.16.Each of the graphs illustrates the behavior of a gas under different conditions. Write the letter of the described scenario in the box next to the graph that describes what is happening to the gas involved in the scenario. Not all of the letters will be used. A.An inflated balloon shrinks when placed in a refrigerator.B.On a hot summer day, the reading on a car tire gauge is higher.C.A weather balloon increases in size as it rises in the atmosphere.17.Write one letter in each blank to show the effect of the composition of Earth’s interior on seismic waves.1. and 2.A.solidB.liquid3. and 4.C.S-wave patternsD.P-wave patternsRead each statement. Write your answer on the lines.18.During an investigation, a student made observations about changes of state in different substances. She was provided with samples of dry ice and water in separate beakers. To initiate a change in state, she placed the beakers on a hot plate and warmed the beakers to 45 °C. She observed that each sample became smaller as it was warmed until it was no longer visible to the naked eye.Describe and compare the changes in state that occurred in the dry ice and water.Explain what would have happened if the student increased the temperature of the hot plates to 90 °C.19.A steam kettle containing water is placed on a stove with the burner turned on. Heat energy will spread when the water becomes steam in the tea kettle.Describe how the cause-and-effect relationships of thermal energy transfer in this system support the first law of thermodynamics, and use this information to classify this system as an example of an open, closed, or isolated system.Write an equation or inequality using the symbols =, <, and/or > to compare the entropy of water (sw) with the entropy of steam (ss) as the temperature of the steam kettle, C, increases and energy is spread. 20.Two rigid metal cylinders, Cylinder A and Cylinder B, are filled with a gas to a pressure of 200 kPa. The technician increases the amount of gas in Cylinder A and places Cylinder B in a hot-water bath. After a period of time, the pressure in Cylinder B is greater than the pressure in Cylinder A. Use the kinetic-molecular theory to describe what happens at the molecular level in each cylinder as the pressure increased. Explain the movement of the gas particles and the effect on the pressure in Cylinder A if an amount of gas is removed. 21. The map shows Earth’s major tectonic plates.The direction of plate movement of some of the plates is represented by the arrows.Explain how the map may indicate a slab pull versus a ridge push.Explain what happens in Earth’s mantle to cause the interaction between the African plate and the South American plate.Directions: Read the passage, then answer the questions that follow.Specific Heat Capacity of Sample MetalA student is given an unknown sample of metal and is asked to design and conduct an experiment to find its specific heat capacity. The student must compare the calculated specific heat capacity against accepted values. The student puts water in a calorimeter and records the temperature. The metal sample is heated in boiling water for 5 minutes to reach an initial temperature of 100.0 °C. The metal is then placed into the calorimeter with the water sample previously measured, and the calorimeter is sealed. The student records the temperature of the water in the calorimeter after 15 minutes, and then again after a few more minutes have passed. It is determined that after 15 minutes, the temperature of the water did not change. The student’s data, as well as accepted values for specific heat capacity, are shown.22.The data show that aluminum has the greatest specific heat capacity of the metals in the list. Which statement, based on the data, accurately compares aluminum with the other metal samples if they have the same mass? Choose the correct answer.A.It gains more energy at a specific temperature.B.Less energy is required to increase its temperature by one degree.C.More energy is required to increase its temperature by one degree.23.There are three choices shown for the student to use as a container during the experiment. Draw a circle around the shape of the container that would best limit the rate of energy in the form of heat that is lost to the environment through convection during the experiment.24.The picture shows an example of how the student’s calorimeter may look when the heated metal sample is added. Consider the energy and entropy of the water and the metal sample when the heated metal sample is initially placed into the water. In which areas of the calorimeter does the energy and entropy increase and decrease before thermal equilibrium is reached? Write one letter in each box to correctly label where entropy increases and decreases.A.increasesB. decreases25.Review the student’s experimental procedure and data. Write your answer on the lines.Describe what happens to the energy of the metal sample when it is placed in the water within the calorimeter.Explain one procedure in the student’s experiment that could be revised to give more accurate data. ................

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