Political Spectrum - Tredyffrin/Easttown School District

US Government Name______________________


Political Ideology and Political Spectrum

Political Ideology: “way of life” of people, reflected in their collectively held ideas and beliefs concerning the nature of the ideal political system. Concerned with the form and role of government and the nature of a state’s economic system. Means by which the basic values held by a party, group, class, or individual are articulated.

Classic Political Spectrum Visuals:


➢ Want an expanded role of democratic government and/or more direct power to the people through government sponsored political or economic programs

➢ Think the government should allow people many individual freedoms.

➢ Think of socialists and communists.

➢ Usually refers to extremist individuals who favor drastic change in the shortest time who will use violence

Think of historical examples:

Liberal (Party association = _________________)

➢ Want to foster the development of each individual and also, seek to reduce economic and social inequalities

➢ Government intervention in the economy, government programs to aid the poor, government activity to support the rights of workers to unionize and better their economic conditions is approved.

➢ Support government intervention to protect civil rights and promote opportunity for minorities who have not been afforded the same privileges as the majority.

➢ Support people’s freedom to deviate from social norms and to oppose government policies.

➢ First amendment should be upheld literally

➢ Reject war as an instrument of diplomacy. Say should try to negotiate first. Will fight if absolutely necessary.

Take a liberal position and make it radical:


➢ Opposed to extreme views and actions

➢ Includes opinions of both liberals and conservatives

➢ Tolerant of other people’s views

➢ Think of most Americans

Conservative (Party association = _______________________)

➢ Defend status quo against major changes; if change should be done slowly.

➢ Social and economic inequalities are accepted as natural consequences of the human condition

➢ Tend to be suspicious of government restrictions on the free enterprise system

➢ In general, oppose government regulation of the economy. Say typically businesses will do the right actions to keep customers and employees happy.

➢ When needed will grudgingly support some regulations (e.g. no dumping of waste in oceans)

➢ Seek to encourage/enforce collective moral values

➢ Individual liberties supported as long as they do not deviate from social norms

➢ Today they tend to favor state over federal action, approve of decreased government spending (exception defense), want to outlaw abortion, increase effective crime control, and lower taxes

➢ Think of mainstream Republicans

Take a conservative position and make it reactionary:


➢ Favor a return to an earlier, more conservative system

➢ Believe most problems of society result of giving too much power/opportunity/rights to masses

➢ Usually favor little to no regulation of the economy and oppose programs like welfare, unemployment benefits and government sponsored health care.

➢ Violence may be justified to achieve their goals

Think of historical examples:


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