
IMPORTANT INFORMEATIONABOUT YOUR SPECTRUMCHANNEL LINEUPCommunities Served: Cityof Shawneetown; Villages ofEquality, Junction, Old Shawneetownand Ridgway IL. Cityof Rockport and County ofSpencer IN. Cities of Calhoun,Clay, Corydon, Livermore,Morganfield, Owensboro,Sturgis, Uniontown, Waverly;Counties of Daviess, Henderson,McLean, Union and Webster(Dixon-Clay) KY.On or after 9/25/2018. Charterwill start encrypting theStarter, Spectrum Basic,Standard, and SpectrumSelect Service Tier offeringson your cable system. If youhave a set-top box, digitaltransport adapter (DTA), or aretail CableCARD device connectedto each of your TVs,you should be unaffectedby this change. However, ifyou are currently receivingthe Starter, Spectrum Basic,Standard, or Spectrum SelectService Tier offerings on anyTV without equipment suppliedby Charter, you will losethe ability to view any channelson that TV. If you areaffected, you should contactCharter to arrange for theequipment you need to continuereceiving your services.In such case, you are entitledto receive equipment at noadditional charge or servicefee for a limited period oftime. The number and typeof devices you are entitledto receive and for how longwill vary. If you are a Starteror Spectrum Basic ServiceTier customer and receivethe service on your TV withoutCharter-supplied equipment,you are entitled to upto two devices for two years(five years if you also receiveMedicaid). If you subscribeto a higher level of serviceand receive the Standard orSpectrum Select Service Tieroffering on a secondary TVwithout Charter-suppliedequipment, you are entitledto one device for oneyear. You can learn moreabout this equipment offerand eligibility for Residentialat digitalnowor by calling 800-892-4357, orfor Commercial at Business.DigitalNow orby calling 855-890-1101. Toqualify for any equipment atno additional charge or servicefee, you must requestthe equipment no later thanthe 120th day after the dateyour service is encrypted andsatisfy all other eligibilityrequirements.Courier & PressPub: Aug 21, 2018 ................

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