TEACH is an Acronym!! District Code: 227-701

TEACH Teacher, the Dashboard course list is massive! As such, the following courses list identifies each grouping of courses (ACC, BBR, etc) by focus highlighted in yellow and hours allotted by green highlighted. Even though, courses are titled and grouped to avoid using extensive inferential reasoning skills, the tqportal coach and Dr. Q are available for assistance.


| | |ACC 1000 courses focus on how to maneuver through the portal serving as |No hours assigned for CPE Waiver |

| | |eHandbook of program delivery. | |

| |ACC 1000 |Meeting the Needs of Tx Classrooms, eHandbook |eHandbook.2-hrs.Total.All Courses |

| |ACC 1000a |Using Exam Rooms, eHandbook...FYI |eHandbook.2-hrs.Total.All Courses |

| |ACC 1000b |Engaging with eHandbook: TEACH Numbered Documents Index +ePacket Info. |eHandbook.2-hrs.Total.All Courses |

| |ACC 1000c |Mapping Path...Roadmap-Benchmark-Standards Docs, Required |eHandbook.2-hrs.Total.All Courses |

| |ACC 1000d |Understanding Core Course Syllabus Table |eHandbook.2-hrs.Total.All Courses |

| |ACC 1000e |Connecting to State Vendors' Instruction for Pr-k Guidelines, Dyslexia, |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| | |Mental Health, & Wellness, Required | |

| |ACC 1000f |Developing Strong Teaching Skills...MasterClasses Events, Required |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |ACC 1000g |Exiting TEACH. #15ba Doc.Katherine's Chart |eHandbook.2-hrs.Total.All Courses |

| | |ACC 1101, 1152, 1153, 1204, 1155, 1156, 2157 are courses required for all |Each ACC course plus companion |

| | |certificates. |courses equals 20-hrs. Individually |

| | | |+ assignments & module exams |

| | | |=10-hrs |

| |ACC 1101 |Creating the Optimum Teaching & Learning Experience, Required |ACC 1101+Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-hrs. |

| |ACC 1101a |Discovering Interdisciplinary Methods & Classroom Practices.MC |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1101ab |Creating a Differentiated Vertical Team |ACC 1101+Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-hrs. |

| |ACC 1101b |Video: Creative Teaching Methods...MC |Video Library.Methods Course |

| |ACC 1101c |Using Data to Plan Instruction |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1101d |Driving Campus Performance through Data |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1101e |Video & PPs: Lesson Planning...MC |Video Library.Methods Course |

| |ACC 1101f |Internalizing the Texas Teachers Code of Ethics.TEA Modules |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1101g |Preparing the Effective Teacher for the 21st Century |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1152 |Maneuvering the Technological Resources for the 21st Century Learner + All |ACC 1152 + Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-hours |

| | |TECs, Required | |

| |ACC 1153 |Establishing Classroom Instructional & Management Strategies, Required |ACC 1153 + Companion Course. Total All Courses. 20-hours |

| |ACC 1153b |Video: Keeping Control...MC |Video Library.Methods Course |

| |ACC 1153c |Establishing Discipline...When Nothing Else Works |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1153d |Applying Positive Discipline Strategies in the Classroom |SPED Enrichment (SPE) |

| |ACC 1155 |Preparing the Teacher of Diverse Learners, Required |ACC 1155+1156 +Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-hours |

| |ACC 1155b |Understanding the Monolingual USA |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |ACC 1155c |Engaging with Bilingual Ed. |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |ACC 1155d |Engaging with Bilingual Education Terminology |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |ACC 1155e |Understanding Language Acquisition |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1156 |Exploring the Foundations for Serving the Special Needs Child, Required |ACC 1155+1156 +Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-hours |

| |ACC 1204 |Creating Interdisciplinary Approaches through Reading & Writing, Required |ACC 1204 +Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-hours |

| |ACC 1204b |Increasing Academic Performance in the Secondary Classroom |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1204c |Teaching How to Teach Writing |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1204d |Identifying Reading Strategies for Diverse & Reluctant Readers.Secondary |ACC Companion/Methods Course |

| |ACC 1204e |Writing the Two-Page Grant |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |ACC 2157 |Framing Assessment Tools & Techniques, Required |ACC 2157 + Companion Courses. Total All Courses. 20-Hours |

| |ACC 2157b |Video: Constructing Effective Questions...MC |Video Library.Methods Course |

| | |BBR 2011-2015 courses focus on the Brain-Based Research upon which all TEACH|Courses are weaved throughout the |

| | |courses are built. |Core Courses. |

| |BBR 2011 |Intro to the Brain-based Research |Building Brain Power |

| |BBR 2012 |Ready to Read |Building Brain Power |

| |BBR 2014 |Increasing Academic Performance through the Brain-based Research |Building Brain Power |

| |BBR 2015 |Why the Brain Needs Water |Building Brain Power |

| |BBR 2016 |Movement Grows the Brain |Building Brain Power |

| | |BES courses focus on study material for grades EC-12. |Study Materials=½ hr. per course. |

| |BES 3000a.SG |EC-12 Music, Art & Theatre |Study Guides |

| |BES 3000c.SG |EC-8 Mathematics |Study Guides |

| |BES 3000d.SG |EC-8 Science.SG |Study Guides |

| |BES 3000e.SG |EC-8 Social Studies |Study Guides |

| |BES 3000ew.SG |SS World War II. pre-post |Study Guides |

| |BES 3000.TEC.SG |Technology Applications EC-12 Study Guide |Study Guides |

| | |SPE courses focus on foundation of and methods to meet the needs of Special |Each course=1 hr. per course. |

| | |Populations |Or total=10-hrs. |

| |SPE 1156a |Introduction to Special Education |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 1156b |SPED: What Does the Label Mean? |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 1156c |ADD: A Gift in Disguise? |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 1156d |Dyslexia: Finding the Code? |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 1156dc |Dyslexia Handbook |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 1157 |Mental Health & Wellness |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 1158 |Private vs. Public |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 2157 |Assistive Technology |SPED Enrichment |

| |SPE 2159 |Developing Methods & Curriculum for the Diverse Learner |SPED Enrichment-Methods |

| |SPE 3150 |SPED Survey |SPED Enrichment-Methods |

| |SPE 4103a |Understanding Autism Behavior Strategies |SPED Enrichment-Methods |

| |SPE 4103b |Autism Behavior Interventions @Weebly |SPED Enrichment-Methods |

| |SPE 4103c |Reaching the Autistic Child in the Classroom |SPED Enrichment-Methods |

| | |TEC courses support technology instruction. |TEC courses=1-hr. Or total, 10-hrs. |

| |TEC 1203 |Creating Webpage in Weebly |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 1204 |Multimedia Environments, Dr. Jones |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 1204b |An Intro to Technology Integration, YouTube |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 1204c |Technology? What Works in Education |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 1205 |Mastering Multimedia Techniques |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 1209 |Coding with Scratch...HTML |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 2209 |Integrating Technologies--Graphics, etc in the Classroom @Weebly |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 6000 |Video: Developing Learner Management Systems-Portal Building Basic |Building Technological Confidence |

| |TEC 7000 |Video: Manipulating Simulation Chunks via Computer Languages-Avatar Basics |Building Technological Confidence |

| | |UGR, U Guide Resources courses, 3001-3006 build teacher’s understanding of |Each course=1-hr. Or total=20-hrs. |

| | |classroom methods | |

| |UGR 3001a |Applying Characteristics of the Effective Teachers |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 3001b |Principles of Learning in the Learner Centered Classroom |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 3001c |Evaluating Curriculum |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 3003A |Developing a Foundation for Human Growth & Development |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3003B |Developing a Foundation for Human Growth & Development |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3004 |Response to Intervention |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 3004a |Poverty...How to Teach Tolerance |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 3004b |Building a Community of Learners/Parent Involvement |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 3004.TEKS |Reading in the Content Area |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3005 |Teach Like a Champion, eHandbook |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3005a.TEKS |TEKS Info.Georgetown ISD & Leander ISD |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3005b.TEKS |Math 4-8 TEKS @ GISD & LISD |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006gen.MC |How Do Core Subjects Teachers Teach? |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006mth.MC |How Do Math Teachers Teach? |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006mus.MC |How Do Music Teachers Teach? All Level |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR |How Do Health & Physical Education Teachers Teach? |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006sci.MC |How Do Science Teachers Teach? HS/ES |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006S.E.J.MC |How Do Social Studies, English, & Journalism Teachers Teach? |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006SP.MC |How Do Special Population (Bilingual, English, ESL, Spanish) Teachers Teach?|Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3006tec.MC |How Do Tech Teachers Teach? |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |UGR 3007a |Preparing to Teach Adolescents in Secondary Classroom |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| | |UGR 3009 courses focus on Test-Taking Strategies. Each supports tutoring |Each course=1-hr. In totality, |

| | |conducted by Dr. Q. and Dr. Y via phone for 1-on-1 tutoring. |including, but not limited to, TEACH |

| | | |practice exams challenged in portal, |

| | | |two-hrs. of one-on-one tutoring, |

| | | |T-CERT site access paid by |

| | | |TEACH=40-hrs. |

| |UGR 3009a.Testing |Test-Taking Strategies with Dr. Y! |Study Guides |

| |UGR 3009b.Testing |Test-Taking Strategies.General |Study Guides |

| |UGR 3009c.Testing |TExES Test-Taking Strategies |Study Guides |

| |UGR 3009d.Testing |UH PPR 2016 Study Guide |Study Guides |

| |UGR 3009.Testing |Test-Taking.TExES Module.PPR Strategies-also @Weebly |Study Guides |

| | |UGR 4101 Portfolio Basics |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |UGR 4101 |Professional e-Portfolio, eHandbook |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |UGR 4101b |The What, Why & How of Digital Portfolios |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |UGR 4101ba |Outstanding Portfolios...(ACC 1101d) |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| |UGR 4101c |Portfolio Builder Teacher Templates |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| | |UGR 4102-4106 courses focus on methods |Courses are calculated with other courses. |

| |UGR 4102 |Developing Well-Prepared Teachers |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 4103 |Effective Teachers Make a Difference |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |UGR 4106 |Writing the Two-Page Grant |Informational and Enrichment Course |

| | |YTR, Your Training Resources 5000 support classroom observations. Includes: |Each course=½ hr. per course. Or |

| | |MasterClasses Events, Reflective Video launched to YouTube, instructions. |total=5-hrs. |

| |YTR 5000a |TEACH Support Team Training, eHandbook, Required |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5000bc.MC |MasterClasses...Handouts.Schedules.Certificate.Feedback Form |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5000b.MC |Induction Year Program eHandbook |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5000c |The Reflective Teacher Video, Required |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5000ca |Teacher Reflective Videos, eHandbook, Samples |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5000d |Clinical Teaching Experience, eHandbook |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| | |YTR 5000e-5011 focus on understanding Educational Law, violence in |Each course= 1-hr. Or, total=10-hrs. |

| | |classrooms (connect to Mental Health and Wellness—Kognito, SPE 1157, T-TESS | |

| | |info, Lesson Planning with Drs. Q & Y. | |

| |YTR 5000e |Understanding Legal/Law Basics for Teachers |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5000f |Basic Law, Violence In Schools Since 1990, eHandbook |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5001a |T-TESS Training & Observation Forms, Required |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5001b |T-TESS Basics, Support Team, eHandbook |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | | |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |YTR 5007 |Dr. Y's Lesson Planning Suggestions |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5008 |Dr. Q's Lesson Plan Discussion |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5011 |STAAR Training, A School District Sample, eHandbook |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| |YTR 5012b.1 |Gifted and Talented, School District Sample…k |Methods Course.Developing Teacher Pedagogy |

| | |ZTB Toolbox provides info on requirements: 4-Video Viewing, Reflective Video|No hours assigned to ZTB courses. |

| | |Overview, MasterClasses Events Participation, District Professional |Hours calculated in #1Workshop Log. |

| | |Development Completion, State Vendor Training. Offers Advisory Board | |

| | |Training course. | |

| |ZTB 6000 |zeToolbox...Quick Instructions: 4-Videos, Reflective Video, MC Events, |Methods Course.Developing Teaching Strategies |

| | |District PD, State Vendors |(YTR+UGR)=20-hrs. Total. |

| |ZTB 8000 |Advisory Committee Training, eHandbook |Informational and Enrichment Course |


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