Junior High Speech and Debate Syllabus

Speech and Debate- Course Syllabus

Mrs. Alvarez, Room 30 Alvarez17@

Class Description

The goal of the speech and debate class is to help students gain the skills they will need for presentations in high school and beyond. Becoming a good speaker requires some instruction and lots of practice, and this class offers plenty of both. During class students will develop confidence and public speaking skills. Some of the skills emphasized will be: organization of material, voice control, audience contact, expressive voice and gestures, and the use of visuals to make a speech/debate more effective.


• 3 ring binder or notebook

• Paper and steno pad

• Pens or pencils


Throughout the course students will be writing and presenting a variety of speeches and debate topics. Assignment objectives will be presented at a later date.


Speeches need to be prepared and practiced; debate topics will need to be researched and practiced. Class time will be given to prepare, but experience shows that time at home is also necessary. All homework will be assigned with a due date attached. Assignments are expected to be handed in at the beginning of class.

Make-Up Work

Make-up work and tests will only be given when a missed day is EXCUSED.

1. All assignments are due your first day back to school. When turning in absent work, the word ABSENT must be written on the top of the paper.

2. To make up a test or get your homework from a missed day you must come see me before the end of your first day back to school.

3. If you fail to come see me you will be given a zero for that particular assignment or test.

4. Unexcused absences result in a zero.

Evaluation Procedure

. Grades will be based on measurable achievement and students will be assessed on the following:

• Classroom participation

• Presentations/ Projects

• Written assignments

• Homework

• Quizzes/Exams

Class Expectations

1. Please refer to the Mater Academy student handbook for all school procedures and policies.

2. Keep all electronic devices turned off and away during class, no exceptions!!!

3. We will be courteous and respectful to one another.

4. Inappropriate language and gestures will not be tolerated.

5. No food, drink (except water) or gum allowed in class.


Dismissal– I will dismiss you from class not the bell. Do not pack your materials; we will work until the end of the period.

The Right To Learn – Everyone has the right to learn, so if you are infringing on anyone’s rights, consequences will be assessed.

Tournament Participation – Your membership in Future Business Leaders of America will provide you with opportunities to participate in speech competitions. Membership is not required by strongly encouraged. Participation in competition will help your class grade.

**I do reserve the right to change or add to any of these policies during the school year. **

I look forward to work with you all. Let’s have a fun and productive year.

Terms of Agreement

This syllabus is a contract between the instructor and the student with a parent/guardian witness. As an instructor of this course, I am committed to abiding by this syllabus. As a student of this course, you also are expected to abide by this syllabus. By signing this Terms of Agreement, you are affirming that you have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

As a student of this course, I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies, and agreements stated in this syllabus.

____________________________________ __________________

Student Signature Date

As the parent/guardian, I have read and agree to support this student in an effort to follow the guidelines, policies and agreement.

____________________________________ __________________

Student Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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