Speech Review

Speech Review

Basic Speech Writing Procedures:

1. Determine purpose.

2. Choose topic.

3. Write thesis statement.

4. Brainstorm ideas.

5. Research.

6. Organize speech.

7. Prepare speaking notes.

8. Practice.

Three purposes of speeches: (PIE)

1. To Persuade

2. To Inform

3. To Entertain

Three basic parts of every speech: (BIC out of order)

1. Introduction

2. Body

3. Conclusion

Three purposes of an introduction: (AG Futures)

1. Attract the audience’s attention

2. Focus attention on the subject

3. Gain the audience’s goodwill

Five different methods of gaining attention:

1. Personal Reference

2. Question

3. Quotation

4. Story

5. Startling Statement

6. Other methods mentioned in text are acceptable

Thesis statement: a general statement with a subject which it guides the development of a speech.

Three different methods of concluding a speech:

1. Summary

2. Recommendation

3. Stirring Ending

Methods of organization for an informative speech:

1. Spatial

2. Topical

3. Comparison-and-contrast

4. Chronological

5. Cause and effect

Transitional devices are bridges between ideas. They connect parts of a speech and help to emphasize the point you are making.

Two types of informative speeches: (ED)

1. Expository

2. Demonstration

Delivery Methods

1. Extemporaneous-fully prepared (outlined and researched) but not memorized; speaker may use brief outline or note cards

2. Memorized-written out completely and then thoroughly memorized

3. Manuscript- written out completely and read to the audience from a prepared script

4. Impromptu-given on the spur of the moment, with no preparation

When adopting an informative speech to suit a particular audience, the speaker should take into account the __________, ___________, and ______________. (FEL)

1. Experience of the audience

2. Familiarity of the audience with the topic

3. Level of technical detail that the audience will understand

Why should speakers use mnemonic devices?

To help the audience remember

Methods to help listeners remember information:

1. Mnemonic device

2. Audiovisual material

3. Demonstration

Plagiarism-Presentation of another person’s ideas as your own

During a forum, a speaker should: (ABC)

1. See to it that people ask questions rather than give speeches

2. Call on people from all parts of the audience

3. Briefly answer questions

One kind of persuasive speech establishes a fact. What do the two other kinds of persuasive speeches do? (FAB)

1. Change a belief

2. Prompt action on a specific policy

(Persuasive) You should support your thesis with reasons. What two types of evidence should you use to support your reasons?

1. Fact

2. Expert opinion

Using logical reasoning is one technique of persuasion. What are two other techniques of persuasion? (CEL)

1. Using emotional appeals

2. Establishing credibility

To give your speech effectively, you must establish credibility. What are the three elements of speaker credibility? (Central South Dakota)

1. Competence

2. Sincerity

3. Dynamism

What is the difference between persuading and manipulating an audience?

Persuasion is convincing people to agree on their own free will. Manipulation involves shrewd and devious distortion of information to deceive people into agreeing.

Explain the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning begins with a general statement (thesis) followed by specifics. Inductive reasoning begins with specific details and ends with a general statement.

Name three types of deductive organization. (CAPS)

1. Statement of reasons

2. Problem solution

3. Comparative advantage

I will give you four to five general topics. Be prepared to demonstrate how to limit a topic for a 5-6 minute speech, prepare an outline, and write an effective introduction and conclusion.

Types of audiences

1. Favorable

2. Neutral

3. Apathetic

4. Hostile

Denotation-dictionary definition of a word, the specific meaning

Connotation-the “load” words carry, the feelings or associations a word evokes

1. Positive connotation: handsome, natural, healthy

2. Negative connotation: rat, pain, decay, foul

3. Neutral connotation: table, number, paragraph, exterior

Define leadership

The ability to guide a group towards its goals

Leadership styles

1. Authoritarian- One leader assumes group responsibilities.

2. Laissez-faire- Group members share group responsibilities.

3. Democratic-The leader suggests and asks members for ideas.

Private group discussion formats

1. Ad Hoc Committee-Group formed to study single issue and then disbands

2. Free Form Format-Group discusses a topic in no particular order

3. Progressive Format-Large group broken up into smaller groups, each dealing with a part of the topic

Guided Notes Name______________________________

Short Answer

Three basic parts of every speech: (BIC out of order)




Three purposes of an introduction: (AG Futures) page 32-33 (Bold red)




Five different methods gaining attention recommended by the text: page 32-33 (Bold black)






Three different methods of concluding a speech: page 35-36




Name two purposes for using transitional devices:

15. Help emphasize ideas

16. Connect parts of the speech

List several examples of transitional devices?

17. Therefore, next, furthermore, however, then, following, in conclusion, After that



Two types of informative speeches: (ED) page

20. Demonstration

21. Expository

Four methods of organization for an informative speech: (St. Christopher Columbus)





What are three ways to help your listeners retain information?

26. Mnemonic Devices

27. Demonstrations

28 Visual Aids









Land transportation



Plymouth Volarie

Road Runner Edition

My Road Runner Edition


National Holidays

Independence Day

My most memorable Fourth of July

Fourth of July 2007

Purpose : Inform

Method of Organization:


Cause and Effect




I. Introduction

a. Attention Getter

b. Thesis (Occasion/Position or Power Statements)

c. Plan

II. Body

a. (Transition) Fact. Topic Sentence (Occasion/Position, or Power Statement)

i. Explanations (Examples, expert opinion, evidence, everyday life, Events, experience elaboration)

ii. E

iii. E

iv. E

v. E

b. (Transition) Detail. Topic Sentence (Occasion/Position, or Power Statement)

i. E

ii. E

iii. E

iv. E

v. E

c. (Transition) Fact/Detail. Topic Sentence

III. Conclusion

a. Restate the purpose in different words

b. Call to action

c. Summarize

d. Recapitulation



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