Why Is Speech Recognition Important?

Lecture 1

Introduction/Signal Processing, Part I

Michael Picheny, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Stanley F. Chen

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, New York, USA {picheny,bhuvana,stanchen}@us.

10 September 2012

What Is Speech Recognition?

Converting speech to text (STT). a.k.a. automatic speech recognition (ASR).

What it's not. Natural language understanding -- e.g., Siri. Speech synthesis -- converting text to speech (TTS), e.g., Watson. Speaker recognition -- identifying who is speaking.

Part I Introduction

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Why Is Speech Recognition Important?


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Because It's Fast

modality sound sight touch taste smell

method speech sign language; gestures typing; mousing covering self in food not showering

rate (words/min) 150?200 100?150 60 ................

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