Inform Speech Outline

What each part of the outline does. Explanation. NOT format. Introduction- Attention getter- Shocking statistics, anecdote , personal story, quotation Transition- connects into to thesis. How does Finding Nemo showcase what your speech is about? You just can’t tell a story or state a statistic it must connect to the thesis. How does it illustrate what your main claim?Thesis Sentence- Remember this is what your speech is all about. It guides your speech. Overview/Preview- Tell me the main points in your speech. Today we will first investigate the problems associated with global warming. Second, what is causing our earth to warm up. Finally, some solutions on a personal, local, and national level. Body- This is written in outline form. Main points 1, 2,3 and are written in complete sentences. Complete Sentences- NO STATEMENTS AND NO QUESTIONS! Sub-points are statements (Capital Letters) If you have an A point you NEED a B sub-point There is not a set number of supporting points or details for each main point. Use what you need- you can have more than 2 sub points. Everyone’s will be different. Thesis- We need to take action to slow global warmingEXAMPLE OUTLINE OF BODY FOR ABOVE THESIS: 1. First, let’s investigate the problems associated with global warmingA. Ocean Acidification 1. Analysis and explanation 2. Could have even more. B. Increased CO2=not as intelligent humans 1. Analysis and explanation 2. Could have even more. C. Ocean level rising 1. Analysis and explanation 2. Could have even more. 2. Second, what is causing our earth to warm upA. Humans1. skates2. musicB. Natural1. Decaying plants 2. Earth TiltC. FOOD 1. Cows- 2. Farming 3. Finally, some solutions on a personal, local, and national level.A. Personal 1. Using less energy 2. Eating less B. Local 1. Encourage use of alternative energy 2. Policies adopting green practices for community (Ex. Aberdeen bans wind generators in town )C. National1. Programs that encourage national CO2 reduction 2. Writing our Congress Representatives Conclusion- Written VerbatimRestate Thesis Review (restate your three main thesis statements)Tie into the intro (If you talked about Finding Nemo- need to reference it. Sample Outline for a Speech USE THIS FORMATClick on numbering option on Word or Google Doc to make it. Or just paste this in!1. Introduction (Short Story/Antecedent), metaphor, shocking statistic2. Thesis: Clearly written and guides what your speech is about. 3. Preview; Today we will first, second, third. A. Pt1B. PT2C. PT 34. Main Pt 1 written in a complete sentence A. Sub pt 1 backs up main pt 1 and has evidence 1. Analysis B. Sub pt 2 backs up main pt 1 1. Analysis 5. Main Pt 2 Written in a complete sentence A. Sub pt 1 backs up main pt 2 and has evidence 1. Analysis B. Sub pt 2 backs up main pt 2 1. Analysis 6. Main Pt 3 Written in a complete sentence A. Sub pt 1 backs up main pt 3 and has evidence 1. Analysis B. Sub pt 2 backs up main pt 3 1. Analysis 7. Restate Thesis 8. Review of main pits. (Today we discussed 1,2,3) A. Pt1B. PT2C. PT 39. Tie into intro ................

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