Sample Speech and Language Report - Speech Therapy in Austin

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Date of Report 03/12/2010

Bilingual Speech and Language Services

Independent School District 101 Main St.

Austin, TX 78731

Speech and Language Report Determination of Disability and Educational Need

Initial Assessment Reevaluation Special Request by ARD Committee

Name of Student: Smith, John Age: 10;8 Grade: 3rd Gender: male

Date of Birth: 04/19/2000 Identification Number: 123-45-6789 School: Union Elementary

EXAMINERS: Ellen S. Kester Ph.D., CCC-SLP


John underwent a speech-language evaluation in order to determine eligibility in the special

education programs as speech-language impaired. He was referred due to difficulties in the general

education classroom with lack of response to implemented interventions as well as results from a

speech and language teacher checklist. Previous attempts to assist John include Dyslexia

assessment, preferential seating, one-to-one assistance, visual support, as well as providing

Section 504 accommodations. The Pre-Evaluation committee set forth the scope of this evaluation

and is considered a part of this Full and Individual Evaluation. Teacher and parent information are

outlined in the background information of this report.



information from

John is a 10-year-old male attending a regular 3rd grade classroom at Union ElemsetundtaernytsS,cphaoroeln, ts and

Independent School District. Based on information obtained on the parent questaiocnandaeimrei,cJpoehrnsonnel.

currently lives with his father and his two brothers. All sources for testing

informationJionhcnlu'sdincglassroom teacher reported that John generally cooperates with teacher's requests, he health acaaddaepmtsic,to new situations easily, accepts responsibility for his actions, works cooperatively with

formal, andotinhfeorrsm, aanl d has an even, usually happy disposition. John's teacher reported that John is functioning testinbge.low average in all academic areas. This is his second time to complete the third grade. John was

also noted to have infrequent mis-pronunciations of words that make him difficult to understand at


John's father reported in the parent questionnaire that his son is distractible, has trouble

concentrating, and is a loud, high-intensity child.


Formal and Informal measures Parent Information Testing Observations Voice and Fluency Evaluation Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-4-Spanish

Assessment dates

04-12-2008 02-27-2009 02-27-2009 01-23-2009

*Sources of Data Formal and Informal measures Teacher Information Speech and Language Samples School Nurse Information Language History Survey

Assessment dates

09-2008 02-27-2009 02-244-2008 02-23-2009


Behavior During Testing: John was pleasant and cooperative through the entirety of the evaluation. He completed all tasks asked of him. John was very personable. He shared stories about his father, brothers and sisters.

LANGUAGE (Communication and Communicative Status):

Language History: According to school







Language dominance observation, Johnanedxupsrees. ses

himself best orally and is proficient in both English and Spanish. English appears to be John's

stronger language.

English and Spanish are spoken in the home, according to information provided on the parent questionnaire dated 4/12/2008.

John uses both English and Spanish at home and at school. He reports that he speaks more English than Spanish. John has received bilingual education until the present year.

The Speech and Language assessment was completed in both English and Spanish.


John is currently in an English third grade classroom. Information obtained from John's classroom

teacher note receptive language skills in the average range for comprehending word meanings and

following oral instructions. His teacher noted below-average receptive language skills in his ability

to comprehend classroom discussion and remember information just heard. Expressively, his

teacher reported average skills in his use of grammar for general understanding, relating a

sequence of events in order (telling a story), and organizing and relating ideas and factual

information. His classroom teacher noted below-average skills in his use of vocabulary and in his

ability to express himself fluently when called upon to speak. His teacher further noted that John

tries very hard in the classroom and really wants to do well; however, he has a lot of difficulty with

the content of the activities.

Language testing in both

To assess John's expressive and receptive language skills, standardized tests wlearneguaadmgeinsisthtearteindcilnudes

both English and Spanish. Additionally, a language sample was obtained in bothfolarnmgaulategsetsinugs,iningfoarmal

wordless picture book and conversation.

testing, and language


Spanish Language

The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition (CELF-4) Spanish was

administered to evaluate John's general language ability in Spanish. John obtained the following

results on the CELF-4 Spanish:

Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition (CELF-4) ? Spanish Subtest Scores

(Mean=10; SD=3)

Subtest Concepts and Following Directions Recalling Sentences Formulated Sentences Word Classes-Expressive Word Classes-Receptive Word Classes-Total

Standard Score 1 2 1 2 2 2

Percentile Rank .1 .4 .1 .4 .4 .4

John Smith, page 2 of 8

Core Score and Indexes Core Language Score Receptive Language Index Expressive Language Index

Core Score and Indexes (Mean=100, SD=15)

Standard Score 43 50 51

Percentile Rank ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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