Speed Worksheet - Wappingers Central School District

Name:_______________________ Date:______________

Period:_______ Formula Challenge

What do the following units represent?

Use D for distance, T for time, S for speed, A for acceleration, M for Momentum and N for Force

___ D 1. 14 km __ N_4. 6N __ S_7. 14 mph __ D_ 10. 1.4 m

__ S_ 2. 30 m/s ___ A5. 12 cm/s2 __ T_8. 3.2 sec __ A_ 11. 6 cm/min/sec

__ T_ 3. 34 min __ S _6. 150 mph __ A_9. 25 ft /s2 __ M_ 12. 3 g x m/s

Write how you know which formula to use?


Speed or Velocity = Distance/Time Momentum = Mass X Velocity Acc= Final speed- Initial speed/time

Distance = Time X Velocity Mass = Momentum/Velocity

Time = Distance/Velocity Velocity = Momentum/Mass

Write the proper formula used to complete the problem:


1. Mass and velocity. 2. Velocity and Time. 3. Density and Mass

Formula? _ MOMENTUM Formula? _ SPEED __ Formula? DENSITY __

Practice Problems:

1. If Steve throws the football 50 meters in 3 seconds, what is the average speed (velocity) of the football?

Formula: Speed=Distance/Time 50m / 3s = 16.7 m/s

2. If it takes Ashley 3 seconds to run from the batters box to first base at an average speed (velocity) of 6.5 meters per second, what is the distance she covers in that time?

Formula: Speed=Distance/Time distance

6.5m/s = 3sec = 19.5m

3. Bart ran 5000 meters from the cops and an average speed (velocity) of 6 meters/second before he got caught. How long did he run?

Formula: Speed=Distance/Time 5000m

6 m/s = time = 833.3sec

4. What is the acceleration of an object that takes 20 sec to change from a speed of 200 m/s to 300 m/s?


Acc= Final speed- Initial speed/time 300m/s-200m/s

Acc = 20sec = 5 m/s2

5. A car traveling south at a velocity of 30 m/sec slows down to a velocity of 10 m/sec in 10 sec. Calculate the deceleration.

Formula: Acc= Final speed- Initial speed/time

10m/s – 30 m/s

Acc = 10 sec = -2.0 m/s2


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