5353685157490422338523177579850723018300241174923495000-276225216535003051810214630Basic: For each graph below, match the description of the object’s motion._____ Speeding Up (acceleration)6. _____ No Motion (stopped)_____ Constant Speed (high rate of speed)7. _____ Slowing Down (deceleration)_____ Constant Speed (low rate of speed)8. _____ Moving Backwards (constant velocity in reverse)Medium: Calculate the speeds in each of the distance time graphs. 5211436306070000510857521075650040900352743835Distance (m)Distance (m)50609503704590Time (s)Time (s)53041552303780f)00f)265306827328880027578052304415e)00e)25146003705225Time (s)Time (s)15430502743835Distance (m)Distance (m)25624802108294001637722630530002533652317750d)00d)101603718560Time (s)Time (s)-9601202757170Distance (m)Distance (m)581172121659002595880147955001576705782320Distance (m)Distance (m)25482551744980Time (s)Time (s)26727151089025002791593289560b)00b)5143784474184005240181263544c)00c)5051425121920004032885758190Distance (m)Distance (m)50038001718945Time (s)Time (s)17742020122900-948055783590Distance (m)Distance (m)7112014732000234951744345Time (s)Time (s)266700297815a)00a)Hard:4076700-34734500Describe the motion of the car between point A and point D. You should not carry out any calculations. Calculate the gradient of the graph between:Point A and point BPoint B and point CPoint C and point D. Another car travels at a constant velocity of 40m/s. Draw the distance time graph for this car. At what time does the first car overtake the second? ................

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