Keyboarding exam review sheet Name_______________________

Keyboarding exam review sheet Name_______________________

Students will complete a 3 minute timed writing. The goal is 30 net words per minute. At home you can practice for this by using correct technique and just typing anytime you possibly can. On rcu. there are typing game web sites at the External Link section. Also found on Blackboard –notes on evaluating web sites and proofreaders’ marks.

Students will need to know how to evaluate a web site. Students will also be editing with proofreaders’ marks.

Students will need to know all the keys on the keyboard. I will not ask for the symbols on the top row.

Technique tips. Give 7








Students will also describe how to set up a work station.

I will ask questions about which finger controls which keys. Here are some examples.

1. Which finger controls the space bar?

2. Which finger types nothing?

3. Which finger types “y” ?

4. Which finger types 3 on the numeric keyboard—not keypad.

5. What are the home row keys on the alphabetic keyboard?

6. What are the home row keys on the numeric keypad?

7. To type a capital S, which shift key would be used?

8. To type a capital P, which shift key would be used?

Other questions

9. What does GWAM mean?

10. How is net speed determined?

11. How many times should you space after a period or question mark?

12. How many times should you space after a comma?

13. What is a repetitive stress injury?

14. What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

15. What can you do to prevent 13 and 14?

Web site evaluation.

Students will evaluate a web site based on the following questions;

16. What is the domain?

17. What is the purpose of the web site?

18. Who is the author? Is there a way to contact the author?

19. What are the author’s credentials?

20. When was the web site last updated?

21. Did you cross check the facts?

Draw the proofreader’s marks from the board. There will be editing on the exam.

Internet Safety Tips— fbi-

A strong password is at least ____ characters long and includes_________ and _________.

Why should you be careful when clicking on a link asking you to log in or give personal information?

Why is it important to be careful when you download programs from the internet?

Why should you NOT arrange to meet anyone you have met on the internet without telling your parents?

What should you do if somebody sends you messages that are obscene? Or if it is a case of cyber bullying?

What is the most important thing to remember when using email?

Is there a such thing as “private” on the internet? Why or why not?



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