Photography 1

Photography 1 First Photo Assignment Ms. Janney-Horan

Candid Photography

To capture a moment that is intriguing without the people or subject matter noticing you are photographing.

Famous Candid Photographs

| [pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Henri Cartier-Bresson |Alfred Eisenstaedt |Charles C. Ebbet |

|Derrière la gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, |V-J Day in Times Square |Lunch atop a Skyscraper, 1932 |

|France, 1932 |Life,1945 | |

Exercise- From the above photographs, circle the emphasis (first item that captures the viewer eye, also known as focal point). Write a Yes above the photo it is in the rule of thirds. Color or highlight strong repeated items in each photograph.

First Photo Shoot Film Due

Your goal as a beginning photographer is to learn how to control your camera effectively for great compositions and exposures. Each of the above photographers careful thought and planned each photograph. The following assignment will allow you to understand and control the functions of your camera for success photographs.


1. Write your film (ISO or ASA)_________. Now set your camera to that speed.

2. Write your film type and number of exposures________________________. This will be used for developing your film into negetives.

3. In class, you must start your initial role of black and white film by loading it correctly and setting your film speed on the camera.

4. Take the first six photos with your first six aperture/f-stop settings and record what shutter speed you need to use next to the aperture. Use the attached data record chart.

5. Now for homework, finish your role of film with great compositions that have repetition and rule of thirds. Use the light meter and no flash. Don’t forget to record your settings on the chart below. Each data record sheet (on the back of this page) is worth 5 points.

Data Record Sheet-Must be completed for points.

|Frame # |Composition description |f-stop |Shutter speed |Light & weather conditions(to be completed |

| | | | |after developing film) |

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_Second Photographic Photoshoot__5 points

In this second photo shoot you will be using two different photographic techniques by mastering the use of your aperture. Below are two master photographers who photographs emphasize these techniques.

Bokeh Photography -Japanese photographic technique of a minimal focus range that usually emphases the focal point. This is created by using a small f-stop or aperture setting of 1.8, 2 or 2.8.

|[pic] |Write what you think the story is behind the nun’s expression. Three sentences or |

| |more. |

|W. Eugene Smith | |

|NYC Harbor, 1956 | |

Landscape Photography – Photographic landscape technique of composing a photograph with everything in focus. Great amount of focus is call great depth of field by using a large f-stop or aperture setting of 16 or 22.

|[pic] |Circle a contrasting area. Highlight leading lines. |

|Ansel Adams, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, 1942, gelatin silver print on | |

|paper, H. 37.5 x W. 47.2 centimeters. | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|All four of these pictures have leading lines, are in the rule of thirds and have repetition. |

Second Photo Shoot Film Due

Goal: During the next few days, you are to go on a walking photographic shoot in a specific place. Using the prompts below, find your interesting compositions. Remember to fill in the blanks as to what you saw (a.k.a. composition description, camera settings, lighting & weather conditions). Shoot the same composition/picture twice. Photograph one photo in great depth of field and one in shallow depth of field. Include the following in every composition: Leading line, repetition, rule of thirds. This roll of film five homework points.

| | |Shallow Depth of Field |Great Depth of Field | |

|Prompt |Frame # |f-stop |Shutter |Frame # |f-stop |Shutter |Light conditions |

| | | |speed | | |speed | |

|I went for a walk in | | | | | | | |

|When I looked up I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I looked down I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I looked through I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I followed this line I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I sat down I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I looked thru, I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I laid down I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I looked to the East I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I looked to the West I saw | | | | | | | |

|When I dusk came, I saw | | | | | | | |

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|[pic] [pic] |

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|Ansel Adams.Tetons. 1956 James Nacthwey, Albania, 1999- Kosovar |

|deportees meeting in refugee camp |

|(Great Depth of Field) (Shallow Depth of Field) |

Remember you are taking the same composition twice! One needs to be in a shallow depth of field and the second needs to be in a great depth of field.

When you change your aperture you must reread your light meter for correct exposure.

Third Photo Shoot-Sports Photography

You will be studying and photographing all three types of motion photography.

|Captured |Panned |Blurred |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Edward Muybridge, Horse in Motion, 1878 |Robert Capa, |Federico, |

| |Barcelona, 1936 |London, 2010 |

The camera shutter controls the length of time you expose your film. Each of the above photos has been taken different shutter speeds. Your goal for this photo shoot is to control your shutter speed to create these different motion effects.

Captured Motion or Stop Action records a split second of history, leaving your action in mid step, mid-air or frozen. This is created using a high shutter speed of 250 or above. Shutter speed of 1/500 of a second or more will give you the clearest stop action.

Panned Motion is visually the reverse of blurred for the background is smeared or out of focused and the motion is in focus. This is created with a similar low shutter speed of 1/8 of second but you and the camera move with the motion.

Blurred Motion shows movement is blurry or unfocused but the background is in focused. This is created by using a tripod to steady your camera and setting your camera’s shutter speed at 1/15 of a second or below.

Photo Assignment Goal: You will need to take 8 exposures or photographs of each motion. Be diligent in choosing your shutter speed to control your desired motion effect.

Photographic Hints-

✓ Read your light meter for every exposure or photograph.

✓ Double check your shutter speed to make sure it will give the motion you desire.

✓ Have a buddy to help you…

✓ Record all data on the data record sheet.

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Panned-low SS |Capture-high SS |Blurred-low SS |

|Move with motion |Hold camera still |Tripod Camera |

[pic]___________PHOTORAPHIC RECORD SHEET___________5 points

(fill in the following)

Name of Photographer



Type of Film and ISO

|Frame # |Composition description |f-stop |Shutter speed |Light & weather conditions |

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Photo 1 Final Project – Option 2

Goal: You will print three photographs from an entire roll of film on the below. One print must be 8 x 10 and the other two must be at least 5 x7. These prints must have excellent contrast, technique and composition.

Photographic shoot requirements:

• Every photographic frame must tell a story.

• Specific and intentional emphasis that is placed in the rule of theirs.

• Composition must contain repetition and or leading line.

• Unique point of shooting view (think above or below eye level

|Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |

|F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |

| | | | |

|Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |

|Story |Story |Story |Story |

|Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |

|F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |

| | | | |

|Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |

|Story |Story |Story |Story |

|Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |

|F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |

| | | | |

|Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |

|Story |Story |Story |Story |

|Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |

|F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |

| | | | |

|Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |

|Story |Story |Story |Story |

|Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |

|F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |

| | | | |

|Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |

|Story |Story |Story |Story |

|Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |Frame # |

|F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |F-stop & SS |

| | | | |

|Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |Lighting |

|Story |Story |Story |Story |

Final Photo Shoot-Option 1 Name of Photographer Period

Your goal is to control your imagery of nature through your knowledge of the aperture and creativity of composing the image.


1. Load your film and set the ISO of the film.

2. From the chart below, creativity record with your camera the terms. With a pencil, record your camera settings (shutter speed & f-stop) and the lighting conditions (overcast, sunny etc.).

3. Hand this sheet in with your contact sheet for a grade. This sheet is worth 36 points and extra two for your name and another two for your class period.

|Images in Nature |Record Lighting of |Record Shallow Depth of Field F-Stop and |Record Great Depth of Field F-Stop and |

| |Environment |Shutter Speed |Shutter Speed |

|Intrusions | | | |

|Orifice | | | |

|Birth | | | |

|Decay | | | |

|Shadow | | | |

|Barren | | | |

|Framed (1) | | | |

|Framed (2) | | | |

|Framed (3) | | | |

|Free Choice | | |

|Free Choice | | |

|Free Choice | | |

|Shallow Depth with focus in Foreground | | |

|Shallow Depth with focus in Middle Ground | | |

|Shallow Depth with focus in Background | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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