Spell Paths for Mystara - Jenni Merrifield

Paths and Spells

Part of the Paths and Points System of Wizard Magic

by Jenni A. M. Merrifield

This document lists the Paths and Spells which are part of the Path and Points System for D&D Wizard Magic. There are two main sections – the first one contains a master list of the paths that are currently defined for this system, and the second one contains a list of all the spells that have been assigned to these paths, organized alphabetically by each spell level.


The Paths and Points spell system is heavily based on the system of the same name for AD&D which was developed by Leroy van Camp, III. Although this particular document is quite different from its parent source, many of the underlying concepts still arise from there.

I gratefully acknowledge all the work he must have put into his own system which was the original inspiration for this D&D/Mystara version. I would encourage you to compare and contrast my version of the system with what he originally invented, and to pick and choose those elements that you prefer from each. You should be able to find his original system by visiting his home page:


This part of the document contains a master list of the paths that have been defined for this system. Each path name is listed, along with a description of what the spells on that path have in common with each other and a list of all spells that are assigned to that path. Refer to the second section to find out more about each listed spell.

Also noted will be anything special about that particular path – for example, if the path is normally only available to members of a particular spell casting class, sub-class or specialty-class.

1. Path of Air

This path involves the creation and manipulation of “air” – i.e., creating breathable air, controlling wind, and even summoning air elementals.

Spells: 3rd – Create Air; 4th – Conjure Minor Air Elemental, Create Atmosphere; 5th – Airy Water, Control Winds; 6th – Calm Wind; 7th – Summon Air Elemental;

2. Path of Buoyancy

The path includes spells which allow the caster to lift, carry or move things – himself or other items – more easily.

Spells: 1st – Drift, Float in Air, Floating Disk, Leap; 2nd – Levitate; 3rd – Fly, Rapid Swim; 5th – Telekinesis; 7th – Reverse Gravity

3. Path of the Cabin Boy

The path covers the low-level ‘specialty-class’ spells that any well trained apprentice Merchant Prince is expected to learn.

The path is normally only available to the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty class.

Spells: 1st – Clear Sight, Sea Legs; 2nd – Nightwatch;

4. Path of Clouds

This path involves the creation and manipulation of “clouds” of various compositions, including water vapor, poisonous gasses, etc.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

Spells: 2nd – Obscure, Stinking Cloud; 3rd – Dispel Fog; 5th – Cloudkill; 8th – Corrosive Cloud, Explosive Cloud;

5. Path of Creatures

This path includes spells which deal with the manipulation, summoning, and creation of living creatures.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Calm Domestic Animal, Locate, Locate Sea Life; 2nd – Hold Domestic Animal; 3rd – Charm Animal, Find Familiar, Hold Animal, Speak with Animals, Talk to Sea Creatures; 4th – Charm Monster, Conjure Minor Air Elemental, Conjure Minor Earth Elemental, Conjure Minor Fire Elemental, Conjure Minor Water Elemental, Growth of Animals, Summon Animals, Summon Sea Creatures; 5th – Conjure Elemental, Hold Monster, Insect Plague; 6th – Anti-Animal Shell, Hydrax, Invisible Stalker; 7th – Create Normal Monster, Summon Air Elemental, Summon Water Elemental; 8th – Create Magical Monster, Creeping Doom; 9th – Create Any Monster;

6. Path of Detection

This path includes spells which allow the caster to detect that which would otherwise not be detectable by her or others around her.

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Detect Magic, Locate, Locate Sea Life, Orientation; 2nd – Detect Ambush, Detect Danger, Detect Evil, Detect Illusion, Detect Invisible, Locate Object; 3rd – Detect Lie, Find Traps, Non-Detection; 4th – Check Caravan.

7. Path of Earth

This path involves the creation and manipulation of “earth” – i.e., shaping rock, controlling mud, and even summoning earth elementals.

Spells: 3rd – Heat Metal; 4th – Conjure Minor Earth Elemental; 5th – Dissolve, Passwall, Rock Door, Wall of Stone; 6th – Move Earth, Pass Rock, Stone to Flesh, Stoneform, Transmute Rock to Lava, Wall of Iron; 7th – Ironform, Rock, Statue, Transport Through Rock; 8th – Metal to Rock, Metal to Wood;

8. Path of Endless Sleep

The path includes spells that cause or simulate sleep or the ‘ultimate’ sleep of death.

This path is normally only available to human Mages as several of the spells on it are generally unknown among the various Elven peoples.

Spells: 1st – Sleep; 3rd – Feign Death; 5th – Animate Dead; 6th – Death Spell; 7th – Power Word Stun; 9th – Power Word Kill, Sleep-Curse;

9. Path of Fabrication

The path includes spells which allow the caster to fabricate and work with various different non-magical materials such as rope, cloth, stone, etc.

This path is normally only available to human Mages as most of the spells on it are generally unknown among the various Elven peoples.

Spells: 1st – Mending; 3rd –Ropeform; 4th – Clothform; 5th – Fabricate, Woodform; 6th – Disintegrate, Stoneform; 7th – Ironform; 8th – Steelform;

10. Path of Fire

This path involves the creation and manipulation of “fire” – i.e., creating light, shaping fire, and even summoning fire elementals.

This path is one of the paths taught to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Campfire, Douse Flame, Faerie Fire, Faerie Lights, Light; 2nd – Continual Light, Produce Fire, Resist Fire; 3rd – Fireball, Heat Metal; 4th – Conjure Minor Fire Elemental, Fire Charm, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire; 6th – Transmute Rock to Lava; 7th – Delayed Blast Fireball, Lower Lava; 9th – Meteor Swarm;

11. Path of Gateways

This path includes spells that allow the caster to open, close or create doors, gates and portals.

Spells: 1st – Hold Portal; 2nd – Knock, Wizard Lock; 5th – Passwall; 7th – Magic Door; 9th – Gate;

12. Path of Healing

This path includes spells which can be used to purify and heal.

This path is available to most regular classes, however, many of the lower level spells are normally only known to the various Elven peoples. Thus, it is likely that most human Mages will believe this to be a fairly high-level path.

Spells: 2nd – Purify Food and Water; 3rd – Cure Disease, Cure Light Wounds; 5th – Neutralize Poison; 6th – Cure Serious Wounds, Reincarnation; 8th – Clone; 9th – Heal;

13. Path of Illusion

This path involves the creation, maintenance and manipulation of different kinds of illusions.

Spells: 1st – Glamour, Ventriloquism; 2nd – Audible Glammer, Detect Illusion, Magic Mouth, Phantasmal Force; 3rd – Dispel Illusion, Improved Phantasmal Force; 4th – Hallucinatory Terrain, Massmorph; 5th – Spectral Force; 6th – Permanent Illusion, Programmed Illusion, Veil;

14. Path of the Kaleidoscope

This path contains spells that involve the use of color and prismatic effects.

This path is normally only available to human Mages as most of the spells on it are generally unknown among the various Elven peoples. Not only that, but most of the lower level spells were developed in Alphatia, so anyone not trained in that country (or by a Mage who was trained in that country) may believe this to be a fairly high-level path.

Spells: 1st – Bleach, Color Spray; 2nd – Color; 7th – Prismatic Spray; 8th – Prismatic Shield; 9th – Prismatic Wall;

15. Path of Knotwork

This path involves the creation and manipulation of ropes, webs and other rope-like objects.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Entangle Rigging; 2nd – Entangle; 3rd – Ropeform, Rope Trick; 5th – Tie;

16. Path of Knowledge

This path contains spells that allow the caster to gain or gather knowledge about items, places and people.

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Analyze, Evaluate, Orientation, Read Languages; 2nd – Check Load, ESP, Savoir Faire; 3rd – Clairaudience, Clairvoyance; 5th – Contact Outer Plane; 7th – Lore;

17. Path of Lightning

This path involves the creation and manipulation of lightning and electricity.

This path is normally only available to the Elven peoples as most of the spells on it are generally unknown among the human magic-casting classes. However, this path is also one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class, so the DM may also choose to grant knowledge of the existence of this path to any Mage trained by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild.

Spells: 3rd – Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt; 4th – Ball Lightning, 5th – Protection from Lightning; 9th – Lightning Swarm;

18. Path of Magic

This is the basic path that almost all wizards classes must learn first. It contains those spells which are basic elements of magic casting and which deal with magic in its purest forms. In particular this is the only path that the Read Magic spell is found on.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Analyze, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Write; 3rd – Dispel Magic; 4th – Enchanted Weapon, Remove Curse; 5th – Prepare Enchantment, Spell Turning; 6th – Anti-Magic Shell; 8th – Permanence; 9th – Contingency, Wish;

19. Path of The Merchant

The path covers many of the ‘specialty-class’ spells that can help a well trained Darokin Merchant better succeed in business.

This path is normally only available to the Darokin Merchant specialty class.

Spells: 1st – Count Coins, Evaluate; 3rd – Inventory, Smuggling; 4th – Accounting, Embezzling, Resist Merchant Magic;

20. Path of Mirrors

This path includes spells that have “smoke and mirrors” effects – i.e., making the caster or another object appear to be somewhere he or it isn’t, or even disappear all together.

Spells: 2nd – Detect Invisible, Displacer Field, Invisibility, Mirror Image; 3rd – Blur, Invisibility 10’ Radius; 4th – Improved Invisibility; 6th – Projected Image; 7th – Mass Invisibility;

21. Path of Obstruction

This path contains spells that allow the caster to create or remove obstructions to passage such as walls and doors.

Spells: 1st – Hold Portal; 2nd – Wizard Lock; 4th – Ice Storm/Wall of Ice, Wall of Fire, Water Barrier; 5th – Wall of Stone; 6th – Wall of Iron;

22. Path of Outer Planes

This path includes spells that allow the caster to interact in some way with the outer planes and their denizens.

Spells: 5th – Contact Outer Plane; 7th – Lore; 8th – Travel; 9th – Maze;

23. Path of Persuasion

This path involves the manipulation and control of the mind – i.e., holding, charms or suggestion.

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Charm Person, Hypnosis, Sleep, Trust; 2nd – Crowd Summoning, Hypnotic Pattern, Silver Tongue; 3rd – Forget, Hold Person, Suggestion; 4th – Charm Monster, Confusion, Fear, Fire Charm; 5th – Feeblemind; 6th – Geas; 8th – Mass Charm, Mind Barrier;

24. Path of Plantlife

This path includes spells that allow the caster to create and manipulate plants and plant materials.

This path may be known by human Mages or the Elven peoples. However, as many of the spells on it are generally only known among the various Elven peoples human mages may believe this to be a fairly sparse path.

Spells: 1st – Locate, Locate Sea Life; 2nd – Warp Wood; 4th – Growth of Plants; 5th – Plant Door, Woodform; 6th – Pass Plant; 7th – Charm Plant, Transport Through Plants, Turn Wood; 8th – Metal to Wood;

25. Path of Protection

This path includes spells that allows the caster to protect herself and others from a variety of harmful things.

Spells: 1st – Oilskin, Protection from Evil, Resist Cold, Shield, Watcher; 2nd – Resist Fire; 3rd – Protection From Evil 10’ Radius, Protection from Normal Missiles, Protection from Poison; 4th – Fire Shield; 5th – Elemental Protection, Protection from Lightning; 6th – Anti-Animal Shell, Anti-Magic Shell, Elemental Protection 10’ Radius; 8th – Duel-Shield, Force Field, Prismatic Shield; 9th – Immunity, Prismatic Wall;

26. Path of the Servant

This path includes spells which create or summon “servants” that can do or carry things.

Spells: 1st – Floating Disk; 2nd – Unseen Servant; 3rd – Find Familiar; 5th – Animate Dead, Faithful Hound; 6th – Hydrax, Invisible Stalker;

27. Path of the Shapechanger

This path includes spells that allow the caster to disguise or alter his shape or appearance.

Spells: 1st – Glamour; 4th – Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self; 5th – Magic Jar; 8th – Polymorph any Object; 6th – Disguise; 8th – Impersonate; 9th – Shapechange;

28. Path of the Shipwright

The path covers some low-level ‘specialty-class’ spells that help Merchant Princes maintain and attack ships.

The path is normally only available to the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty class.

Spells: 1st – Tar; 2nd – Careen, Warp Wood, Rot;

29. Path of Sound

This path includes spells that allow the caster to create or manipulate sounds.

Spells: 1st – Ventriloquism, Whisper; 2nd – Audible Glammer, Magic Mouth, Silence; 3rd – Clairaudience;

30. Path of Survival

This path contains spells that allow the caster to increase her and/or her companions chances of surviving in uncomfortable or extreme environments.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Oilskin, Resist Cold; 2nd – Produce Fire; 3rd – Purify Food and Water; 4th – Create Air; 5th – Control Temperature 10’ Radius; 9th – Survival;

31. Path of Transfer

This path includes spells that allow the caster to transfer objects and creatures (including himself) from one location to another.

Spells: 4th – Dimension Door; 5th – Teleport; 6th – Pass Plant, Pass Rock; 7th – Summon Object, Teleport any Object, Transport Through Plants, Transport Through Rock;

32. Path of the Traveller

This path includes spells that can aid or hinder individuals who are travelling between locations.

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Ignore Road, Leap, Longstride, Spider Climb; 2nd – Quicken Pace; 3rd – Fly, Haste, Rapid Swim; 5th – Automatic Pilot, Plant Door, Rock Door; 8th – Dance, Travel; 9th – Gate, Timestop;

33. Path of the Treekeepers

The path covers the few ‘specialty-class’ spells that the Treekeepers of Alfheim are taught.

The path is normally only available to Alfheim Treekeepers.

Note that, in Gaz 9 and PC3, the Water Elves and Aquarendi are described as having a ‘Frondkeeper’ specialty-class, but there is very little additional information about the spells they may learn. I would suggest that these individuals know of the ‘Path of the Frondkeeper’ which contains the same list of spells as this path.

Spells: 1st – Ceremony; 2nd – Know Alignment; 7th – Dispel Evil, Truesight;

34. Path of Vision

This path includes spells that allow the caster to extend or manipulate their own vision or the vision of others.

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Clear Sight; 3rd – Clairvoyance, Gaze Reflection, Infravision; 4th – Wizard Eye; 8th – Power Word Blind;

35. Path of the Warrior

This path contains spells that allow the caster to better defend and protect himself when directly confronted with combat situations.

Spells: 1st – Magic Missile, Shield; 2nd – Detect Danger; 3rd – Protection from Normal Missiles; 7th – Sword; 9th – Elven Sword;

36. Path of Water

This path involves the creation and manipulation of “water” – i.e., creating ice, calming waves, and even summoning water elementals.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Precipitation; 3rd – Ice Shard; Water Breathing, Watery Form; 4th – Conjure Minor Water Elemental, Ice Storm/Wall of Ice, Transmute Water to Ice, Water Barrier; 5th – Airy Water, Elemental Protection; 6th – Calm Water, Elemental Protection 10’ Radius, Lower Water, Raise Water; 7th – Summon Water Elemental;

37. Path of Weather

This path involves the creation, manipulation and protection from weather related phenomena, such as rain, wind, snow, fog, etc.

This path is normally not known by the Shadow Elves as most of the spells on it are generally unknown among these people. This is because the Shadow Elves live in an underground environment and therefore have little to no experience with the concept of weather.

This path is one of the paths that the Tutorial Guild teaches to members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class

This path may be learned by members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class

Spells: 1st – Oilskin, Precipitation, Resist Climate; 2nd – Obscure, Predict Weather; 3rd – Call Lightning, Climate, Dispel Fog, Lightning Bolt; 4th – Ice Storm/Wall of Ice; 5th – Control Winds, Protection from Lightning, Summon Weather; 6th – Calm Wind, Weather Control;

38. Path of Words

This path includes spells which deal with words, language and symbols.

Spells: 1st – Read Languages, Whisper, Write; 3rd – Speak with Animals, Talk to Sea Creatures; 5th – Telepathic Communication; 7th – Power Word Stun; 8th – Power Word Blind, Symbol; 9th – Power Word Kill


This part of the document contains a master list of all known spells for Mystara, organized by spell level. Each spell name is given, along with a list of what the paths that spell lies on. Refer to the first section to find out more about each listed path.

When spells are “normally” only known to a specific class, sub-class or specialty class, this will be noted. Combining that information with similar information given for paths above should help the DM to develop “initial lists” for the characters in his campaigns.

Notes about New and Modified Spells

Most of the spells listed below have been gathered from the various D&D and Mystara sources that contained ‘wizardly’ spells and that I happened to have access to (i.e., either I, or a friend, owned them). These sources include the D&D Rules Cyclopedia, Gazetteer 5: The Elves of Alfheim, Gazetteer 9: The Minrothad Guilds , Gazetteer 11: The Republic of Darokin , Gazetteer 13: The Shadow Elves, Creature Crucible PC3: The Sea People, Dawn of the Emperors Book 3: Player’s Guide to Alphatia, and the Champions of Mystara Designers Manual.

However, even after combing through all of the above publications, the number of spells available for D&D and Mystara were not abundant enough to do justice to the Paths and Points system. As a result, I have taken the liberty of adding a few spells to this system.

Some of these new spells are based on items from the Mage and Illusionist lists in the 1st Edition AD&D Players Handbook (I only had access to 1st Ed. AD&D source books). Note, however, that these spells have rarely been imported ‘as is’, having been adjusted in capability, effect and level in order to keep them in line with the rules of D&D and the existing spell set.

Other new spells are of my own invention and have been specifically designed to work with the Paths and Points system. In each case, these new spells were developed using the mechanics suggested in the Dragon Magazine article The Color of Magic. This article is available online at TSR’s web site at the following URL:

Finally, in order to merge the rules for all the main and specialty spell casting classes into one global system, plus accommodate the addition of some of these “new” spells, a few existing D&D spells had to be “upgraded” or “downgraded” a level or two – although sometimes this was only with respect to the standard list for one specific class. Also, a few “specialty-class” spells required some modifications in order to better fit into this new global context.

With the above said, any spell that is “new”, will be included in its entirety, wherever it comes from. Any spell which required modification from the given source material will have the relevant modifications clearly noted, in the text.

Spell List

The sources for each spell are listed using the following codes:

Code Source Material

RC D&D Rules Cyclopedia

EoA Gaz 5: The Elves of Alfheim

Min Gaz 9: The Minrothad Guilds

Dar Gaz 11: The Republic of Darokin

SE Gaz 13: The Shadow Elves

Sea PC3: The Sea People

Alph Dawn of the Emperors, Book 3: Player’s Guide to Alphatia

CoM Champions of Mystara, Designers Manual

1st Ed 1st Edition AD&D Players Handbook (modified for D&D)

New New Spell

Additional Notes:

1. Unless otherwise specified, it is assumed that human mages, the various Elven peoples and the Tritons know that any given spell exists.

2. Members of the Darokin Merchant specialty-class will only know about the existence of those spells which are listed as being known to that class.

3. Members of the Minrothad Merchant Prince specialty-class are originally only taught about those spells which are listed as being taught to that class by the Tutorial guild

4. The Triton race may know of any spell normally available to human Mages, although they may need to take the effects of underwater usage into account.

5. The Water Elves and Aquarendi may know of any spell normally available to surface Elves, although they may need to take the effects of underwater usage into account.

Level 1


Paths: Knowledge, Magic,

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Kaleidoscope

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.

Calm Domestic Animal

Paths: Creatures

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Note that it is simply called calm animal in Gaz 11.


Paths: Fire

Source: 1st Ed (Affect Normal Fires)

Range: 5’/level

Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/level

Effect: Small fires

This spell allows the magic user to ignite the equivalent of a standard 1-½’ campfire located within range. The fire itself is non-magical and permanent as long as a fuel source remains. The magic user may choose the size of the fire – from as small as a torch or lantern, to as large as a bonfire of 3’ maximum diameter. Reducing the size of the fire will cut fuel consumption to half normal, and increasing the fire will double consumption.

During the official duration of the spell, the magic user may also adjust the the light output of the fire simply by concentrating for one round. The light output may become as low as a match or as bright as a light spell. Note that the heat output will not be altered by a change in the light output. Light output will return to normal when the spell duration ends.


Paths: Treekeepers

Source: EoA

This spell is normally only shared between Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and Aquarendi to also know this spell.


Paths: Illusion, Shapechanger

Source: 1st Ed (Change Self)

Range: 0

Duration: 2 turns + 2 turns/level

Effect: Caster only

This spell enables the caster to alter the appearance of his or her form – including clothing and equipment – to appear up to 1’ shorter or taller; thin, fat or in between; human, humanoid, or any other generally man-shaped bipedal creature. The caster’s shape is not actually changed but is seen to be changed to all observers. Note that the changed appearance will not be reflected by mirrors and other reflective surfaces. Glamour is treated as an illusion with respect to detection and dispelling.

Charm Person

Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Dar

According to Gaz 11, this spell is available to Darokin Merchants, but restricted and as a 4th level spell. Rather than let them have this somewhat powerful spell at such a low level, this system assumes that Darokin Merchants do not know this spell.

Clear Sight

Paths: Cabin Boy, Vision

Source: Min, Dar, CoM

This spell is normally known to exist by the Darokinian Merchants, and the Minrothad Merchant Princes. It is also mentioned as a spell that is useful on Skyships and is the enchantment basis for spyglasses.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild, or those who have some kind of Skyship experience, learn that this spell exists.

Command Word

Paths: Persuasion

Source: EoA

Alfheim Elves are normally the only class/race who know that this spell exists

Count Coins

Paths: Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

Detect Magic

Paths: Detection, Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Dar

This spell is available to Darokin Merchants, although it has been moved from 2nd to 1st level since that is what it is for everyone else. DMs may make their own decision about whether to inflict the range restriction (10’ vs. 60’) for members of this speciality-class. [Personally, I don’t bother. –JAMM]

Douse Flame

Paths: Fire

Source: Min

This spell is normally only known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.


Paths: Buoyancy

Source: 1st Ed (Feather Fall)

Range: 10’/level

Duration: 1 round/level

Effect: Subjects drift as if feathers

When this spell is cast, the creature(s) or object(s) affected immediately begins to drift as if it was only 1/10th it’s usual mass. Affected creatures may propell themselves in unusual directions or to unusual heights by pushing off a solid object with their legs. The recipient of this spell may control their own movement to some degree – twisting, turning and tumbling as necessary. Movements have the same appearance as that of a man on the Moon and large gusts of wind can easily send an individual flying off in an unexpected direction if they are not holding onto something. Weapons may be used by affected creatures but they will only do half damage due to the reduction in their effective mass.

If a creature begins to fall while the spell is in effect their maximum rate of falling will never be more than 1’ per second (10’ per round), and no damage will be incurred if they land under these conditions. However, when the spell duration ceases, if the creature happens to be suspended above ground the normal rate of falling will occur.

Drift may affect creatures and/or objects in an area of up to 10’ cubed and of a maximum combined total weight equal to a base of 2000cn plus 2000cn per level of the spell caster. The spell can be cast upon the magic-user or other creatures or objects at up to the maximum range of 10’ per level of experience of the spell caster. This spell works only upon whole objects or creatures. Thus it can not be used to affect only a sword blow, although when cast on an unsuspecting creature that is attacking, it will suffer a –4 to their first round of attacks.

Entangle Rigging

Paths: Knotwork

Source: Min

This spell is normally only available to the Minrothad Merchant Prince speciality class, and is designed to be used with shipboard rigging.

Note that this spell is called entangle in the Minrothad Guilds Gazetteer and is designated at 2nd level, just like the regular entangle spell. However as the spell affects ropes of a reduced diameter and length it seemed appropriate to rename it and downgrade it to 1st level in the context of this system.

The DM may choose whether to let others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild know that this spell exists.


Paths: Knowledge, Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Faerie Fire

Paths: Fire

Source: EoA, SE, Min

The various Elven people are normally the only races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild know that this spell exists.

Faerie Lights

Paths: Fire

Source: EoA, SE

Fire may seem like an odd path for a non-heating spell, but where else would you put light spells it? My “fantasy physics” explanation is that light is a sub-component of fire not directly related to its heat. Feel free to move this (and other light spells) to some other path if that suits you better.

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists


Paths: Persuasion

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only class/race who know that this spell exists

Float in Air

Paths: Buoyancy

Source: CoM

This spell is mentioned as a spell that is useful in the creation of Skyships. Thus, those who have some kind of experience with Skyship development, should know that this spell exists.

Floating Disk

Paths: Buoyancy, Servant

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Hold Portal

Paths: Gateways, Obstruction

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 30’

Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level

Effect: 1d6 living individuals

The gestures of the magic user, along with his or her droning incantation, cause 1d6 creatures to become susceptible to suggestion. The suggestion must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast, and until that time the success of the spell is unknown.

Note that the suggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalised urging of a few phrases or a sentence or two. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the action sound reasonable; a request asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, or do some other obviously harmful act will automatically negate the effect of the hypnosis. However, suggesting that a pool of acid was in fact pure water and perhaps a quick dip would be refreshing, is another mater.

Creatures which make their saving throw are not under hypnotic influence. Undead are not susceptible to hypnosis.

Ignore Road

Paths: Traveller

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.


Paths: Buoyancy, Traveller

Source: 1st Ed (Jump)

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 turn

Effect: leap long distance

This spell empowers an individual with one opportunity to leap a long distance. For every two levels of the caster the spell allows the affected individual to leap up to 20’ forward, 10’ backward or 5’ straight upward, cumulative. Thus leap cast by a 1st or 2nd level magic-user allows the recipient to leap up to 20’ forward, 10’ backwards or 5’ upwards while a 5th or 6th level magic-user would allow a leap of up to 60’ forward, 30’ backwards or 15’ upwards. Horizontal leaps forward or backward are in a slight arc – about 2’ per 10’ of distance travelled. The leap spell does not insure any safety in landing or grasping at the end of the leap (and remember that what goes up must come back down…) The leap must be completed within 1 turn after the spell is cast, for after that period has elapsed the spell wears off.


Paths: Fire

Source: RC, EoA

Fire may seem like an odd path for a non-heating spell, but where else would you put light spells? My “fantasy physics” explanation is that light is a sub-component of fire not directly related to its heat. Feel free to move this (and other light spells) to some other path if that suits you better.

The Shadow Elves do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Detection

Source: EoA, SE

The Alfheim Elves and Shadow Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that, in contrast to the locate sea life spell below, this spell only works to locate plants and animals that live on or under land.

Locate Sea Life

Paths: Detection

Source: Min

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and the Water Elf Frondkeepers. It is thus probably also known to the Aquarendi Frondkeepers.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Note that, as its name suggests, this spell only works to locate plants and animals that live in the sea.


Paths: Traveller

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that the DM may allow it to be used underwater but the spell should require the recipient to have a surface to walk or run upon (i.e. an ocean or lake floor).

Magic Missile

Paths: Warrior

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Fabrication

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 30’

Duration: Permanent

Effect: One object is mended

This spell repairs small breaks in objects. It will weld a broken ring, chain link, medallion or slender dagger, providing but one break exists. Ceramic or wooden objects with multiple breaks can be invisibly rejoined to be as strong as new. A hole in a leather sack or wineskin is completely healed over by a mending spell. The spell will not repair magic items of any kind.


Paths: Protection, Survival, Weather

Source: Min, CoM

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes. It is also noted as a spell that is useful with Skyships.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild, or those with Skyship experience, learn that this spell exists.


Paths: Detection, Knowledge

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.


Paths: Water, Weather,

Source: EoA, SE, Min

The various Elven peoples (except the Shadow Elves) are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild are also aware that this spell exists.

Although this spell is listed in the Shadow Elves Gazetteer, it would then be one of only two weather based spells that they knew of (see the 6th level spell weather control for more details). In this system it is assumed that this spell (and the Path of Weather) is unknown to Shadow elves who have never been to the surface.`

Protection from Evil

Paths: Protection

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Rainbow Attack

Paths: Kaleidoscope

Source: 1st Ed (Colour Spray)

Range: 10’/level

Duration: 1 round

Effect: Bathes area with a rainbow

Upon casting this spell, the magic-user causes a bright rainbow of colours to descend out of the sky and bathe a designated 20’ x 20’ square in a riot of colour. Up to 1d6 creatures within the area of effect may be affected by the attack. Affected creatures whose level or number of hit dice is less than or equal to that of the spell caster will be struck unconscious for 2d4 minutes due to sensory overloard. If their level or hit dice is 1 or 2 greater than the spell caster, they will be blinded for 1d4 minutes. All others are stunned – reeling and unable to think clearly or act – for 1d4 rounds. All creatures above the level of the spell caster and all creatures of 5th level or 5 or more hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus the Rainbow Attack spell.

Read Languages

Paths: Knowledge, Words

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Read Magic

Paths: Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Min

No Additional Notes

Resist Climate

Paths: Weather

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Resist Cold

Paths: Protection, Survival

Source: EoA, Min

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves and Aquarendi also know it.

The DM may choose whether others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild are also aware that this spell exists.

Sea Legs

Paths: Cabin Boy

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell (and path) exists.


Paths: Protection, Warrior

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Endless Sleep, Persuasion

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Spider Climb

Paths: Traveller

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 min + 1 min/level

Effect: Creature touched

A spider climb spell enables the recipient to climb and travel upon vertical surfaces just as a giant spider is able to do i.e., at 30’ movement rate, or even hang upside down from ceilings. Note that the affected creature must have bare hands and feet in order to climb in this manner. During the course of the spell the recipient cannot handle objects which weight less than 50cn, for such objects will stick to the creature’s hands/feet.


Paths: Shipwright

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell (and path) exists.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.


Paths: Illusion, Sound,

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Protection

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only class/race who know that this spell exists


Paths: Sound, Words

Source: 1st Ed (Message)

Range: 60’ + 10’/level

Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level

Effect: Pass a whispered message to one other creature

When this spell is cast, the magic-user can whisper a message while concentrating on one other creature in view and within range, and the whisper will travel in a straight line to be audible to that creature. The message spoken during the whisper must fit into the spell duration to be completely heard. If there is time remaining once the caster has completed her message, the creature who received the whisper can make a whispered reply that will be heard by the spell caster. Note that there must be an open an unobstructed path, of at least 1’ width, between the spell caster and the recipient of the spell.


Paths: Magic, Words

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 1 hour/level

Effect: One magical spell inscription

By means of this spell a magic-user might be able to inscribe a spell he or she cannot understand at the time (due to level or path restrictions) into the tome or other compilation he or she employs to maintain a library of spells.

The magic-user must make a saving throw versus spells to attempt the writing of any spell. For spells on a path that the caster knows, a spell that is 1 level higher than the magic-user is capable of casting there is a +2 bonus to the saving throw, no bonus if it is 2 levels higher and –1 penalty per level of the spell if it is 3 or more levels higher. For spells that are not on a path that the caster knows, there is no bonus if it is of a level the magic-user may cast, and there is a –1 penalty per level if the spell is of a higher level. If this saving throw fails, the magic user is subject to 1d4 of damage for every level of the spell he or she was attempting to transcribe into his or her magic book, and furthermore be knocked unconscious for a like number of turns. This damage, if not fatal, can only be healed at a maximum rate of 1-4 points per day as it is damage to psyche and not the body.

Furthermore, a spell only takes one hour per level to transcribe in this fashion, but during this period, the magic-user is in a trance-like state and can always be surprised by any foe.

In addition to the writing surface upon which the spell is to be transcribed, the spell caster needs a fine ink composed of rare substances (minimum cost 200gp per bottle, if available at all without manufacture by the magic-user)

Level 2


Paths: Buoyancy

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to undersea races, such as the Tritons and the Aquarendi.

Audible Glammer

Paths: Illusion, Sound

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 60’ + 10’/level

Duration: 2 min/level

Effect: Hearing range

When the audible glammer spell is cast, the magic-user causes a volume of sound to arise, at whatever distance he or she desires (within range), and seeming to recede, close, or remain in a fixed place as desired.

The volume of sound caused, however, is directly related to the level of the spell caster. The relative noise is based upon the lowest level at which the spell can be cast – 3rd level. The noise of the audible glammer at this level is that of 4 men, maximum. Each additional experience level adds a like volume, so at 4th level the magic-user can have the spell cause a sound equal to that of 8 men, maximum. Thus, talking, singing, or shouting, and/or walking, marching or running sounds can be caused. The auditory illusion created by an audible glammer spell can be virtually any type of sound, but the relative volume must be commensurate with the level of the magic-user casting the spell. A horde of rats running and squeaking is about the same volume as 8 men running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to the noise volume of 16 men, while a roaring dragon is equal to the noise volume of no fewer than 24 men.

If a character states that he or she does not believe the sound, a saving throw is made, and if it succeeds, the character then hears nothing, or possibly just a faint sound. Note that this spell is particularly effective when cast in conjunction with phantasmal force.


Paths: Shipwright

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell (and path) exists.

Check Load

Paths: Knowledge

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.


Paths: Kaleidoscope

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.

Continual Light*

Paths: Fire

Source: RC

Fire may seem like an odd path for a non-heating spell, but where else would you put light spells? My “fantasy physics” explanation is that light is a sub-component of fire not directly related to its heat. Feel free to move this (and other light spells) to some other path if that suits you better.

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Crowd Summoning

Paths: Persuasion

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Detect Ambush

Paths: Detection

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Detect Danger

Paths: Detection, Warrior

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only class/race who know that this spell exists

Detect Evil

Paths: Detection

Source: RC, EoA, Dar

This spell is available to Darokin Merchants, although it has been moved from 1st to 2nd level since that is what it is for everyone else. DMs may make their own decision about whether to inflict the range (10’ vs. 60’) and other restrictions for members of this speciality-class. [Personally, I don’t bother. –JAMM]

The Shadow Elves do not normally know this spell exists.

Detect Illusion

Paths: Detection, Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Touch

Duration: 3 min + 2 min/level

Effect: Line of Vision, 10’ wide, 10’/level long

By means of this spell the magic-user is able to see an illusion and know it for exactly that. The caster will still be able to see the illusion, but the spell allows him or her to effectively see through it to whatever it may be hiding.

Note that this spell can be used to enable others to see illusions as unreal if the spell caster touches the other with both hands who then looks at the illusion while so touched.

Detect Invisible

Paths: Detection, Mirrors

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Displacer Field

Paths: Mirrors

Source: CoM

This spell is mentioned as a spell that is useful in the creation of Skyships. Thus, those who have some kind of experience with Skyship development, should know that this spell exists.


Paths: Knotwork

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Knowledge

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Gaze Reflection

Paths: Vision

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 5 rounds

Effect: Special

The gaze reflection spell creates a mirror-like area of air before the magic caster. Any gaze attack, such as that of a basilisk or a medusa, will be reflected back upon the gazer if it looks upon the spell caster.

Hold Domestic Animal

Paths: Creatures

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Note that this spell is simply called hold animal in Gaz 11.

Hypnotic Pattern

Paths: Persuasion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: Special

Effect: 30’ radius of spell caster

When this spell is cast, the spell caster creates a weaving, turning pattern of subtle colours in the air before him or her. The hypnotic pattern will cause any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it as long as the spell caster continues to maintain the shifting interplay of glowing lines.

Note that the spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or hit dice, of creatures (i.e., 24 creatures with 1 hit die each, 12 with 2 hit dice, etc.) All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells.

The spell caster need not utter a sound, but he or she must gesture with his or her hands to direct the shifting of the lines in the pattern.

The spell will not affect undead or any other creature not affected by charm spells.


Paths: Mirrors

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Gateways

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Know Alignment

Paths: Treekeepers

Source: EoA

This spell is normally only shared between Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and Aquarendi to know this spell.


Paths: Buoyancy

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Locate Object

Paths: Detection

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Magic Mouth

Paths: Illusion, Sound

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Special

Duration: Special

Effect: One object

When this spell is cast, the magic-user empowers the chosen object with an enchanted mouth which suddenly appears and speaks the message which the spell caster imparted upon the occurrence of a specified event. The magic mouth can speak any message of 25 words or less in a language known by the spell caster, over a 1 turn period from start to finish. It cannot speak magic spells.

The magic mouth moves to the words articulated, so if it is placed upon a statue, for example, the mouth of the statue would actually move and appear to speak. Of course, the magic mouth, can also be placed upon a tree, rock, door or any other object excluding intelligent members of the animal or vegetable kingdoms.

The spell will function upon specific occurrence according to the command of the spell caster, i.e., speak to the first creature that touches you – or to the first creature that passes within 30’. The command can be as general or specific and detailed as desired, such as the following: “Speak only when an octogenarian female human carrying a sack of groat clusters sits cross-legged within 1’.” Command range is 5’ per level of the magic-user so a 6th level magic-user can command the magic mouth to speak at a maximum encounter range of 30’. Until the speak command can be fulfilled, the magic mouth will remain in effect, thus spell duration is variable.

A magic mouth cannot distinguish invisible creatures, alignments, level or hit dice, nor class, except by external garb.

Mirror Image

Paths: Mirrors

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Cabin Boy

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell (and path) exists.


Paths: Cloud, Weather

Source: EoA, Min

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves and Aquarendi also know it.

Note that this spell has been downgraded from 3rd level to 2nd level for Alfheim Elves because of the existence of the more powerful 3rd level Merchant Prince spell dispel fog.

The DM may choose whether others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild are also aware that this spell exists.

Phantasmal Force

Paths: Illusion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Predict Weather

Paths: Weather

Source: EoA, Min, Dar

This spell is normally known to exist by the various Elven peoples (except the Shadow Elves), the Darokinian Merchants and the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Note that this spell has been upgraded for Darokin Merchants from 1st level to 2nd level to make it match other sources.

Produce Fire

Paths: Fire, Survival

Source: EoA, SE, Min

The various Elven peoples are normally the only races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let others trained by the Minrothad Tutorial guild know that this spell exists.

Purify Food and Water

Paths: Healing, Survival

Source: EoA, Min

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves and Aquarendi also know it.

Ignore the restriction set in the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer and just consider it to be identical to the 1st level Clerical spell as the Minrothad Guilds Gazetteer does.

The DM may choose whether others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild are also aware that this spell exists.

Quicken Pace

Paths: Traveller

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Resist Fire

Paths: Fire, Protection

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.


Paths: Shipwright

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell (and path) exists.

Savoir Faire

Paths: Knowledge

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.


Paths: Sound

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Silver Tongue

Paths: Persuasion

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Stinking Cloud

Paths: Clouds

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 30’

Duration: 1 min/level

Effect: 20’ x 20’ x 20’ cloud

When a stinking cloud is cast, the magic-user causes a billowing mass of nauseous vapours to come into being up to 30’ distant from his or her position. Any creature caught within the cloud must save versus poison or be completely helpless due to nausea for 1d4+1 minutes. Those which make successful saving throws are helpless, except for simple movement, only for as long as the remain within the stinking cloud, and for the round after they emerge, because of its irritating effects on visual and olfactory organs.

Unseen Servant

Paths: Servant

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/level

Effect: 30’ radius of spell caster

The unseen servant is a non-visible valet, a butler to step and fetch, open doors and hold chairs, as well as to clean and mend. The spell creates a force which is not strong, but which obeys the command of the magic-user. It can carry only light-weight items – a maximum of 200cn weight suspended, twice that amount moving across a relatively friction-free surface such as a smooth stone or wood floor. It can only open normal doors, drawers, lids, etc.

The unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force rather than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated after taking 6 hit points of magical damage.

Warp Wood

Paths: Plantlife, Shipwright

Source: EoA, Min

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only race who knows that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves and Aquarendi also know it.

The DM may choose whether others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild are also aware that this spell exists.

Note that, for the Minrothad Merchant Princes, this spell has been upgraded from 1st to 2nd level in order to match the level given for Elves.


Paths: Knotwork

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Min

This spell is one that the Tutorial Guild teaches to the Minrothad Merchant Princes. Use the normal definition found in the Rules Cyclopedia rather than the modified version in the Minrothad Guilds Gazetteer.

Wizard Lock

Paths: Gateways, Obstruction

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Level 3

Call Lightning

Paths: Lightning, Weather

Source: EoA, Min

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves Aquarendi also know it.

The DM may choose whether others taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild are also aware that this spell exists.

Charm Animal

Paths: Creatures

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants


Paths: Knowledge, Sound

Source: New

Range: 60’

Duration: 12 turns

Effect: Hear through another’s ears

With this spell, the caster may hear through the ears of any single creature in spell range.

“Hearing” through a creature’s ears takes one full turn, after which the caster can change to another creature, even one in another direction; he does not have to cast the spell again to do so. Two feet of rock or a thin coating of lead blocks the effects of this spell. No saving throw is allowed


Paths: Knowledge, Vision

Source: RC, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Weather

Source: Alph, CoM

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there. It is frequently used by Alphatian Skyship designers.

Create Air

Paths: Air, Survival

Source: RC, Alph

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Mages trained in Alphatia should definitely know this spell exists.

Cure Disease

Paths: Healing

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that the range is reduced (touch vs. 30’) from the Clerical spell of the same name

Cure Light Wounds

Paths: Healing

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that, unlike the clerical spell of the same name, this spell is not effective against Paralysis.

Detect Lie

Paths: Detection

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.

Dispel Fog

Paths: Clouds, Weather

Source: Min, Com

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and the Water Elf and Aquarendi Frondkeepers. It is also mentioned as a spell that is used by those aboard Skyships

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild, or those with Skyship experience, learn that this spell exists.

Dispel Illusion

Paths: Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 10’/level

Duration: Permanent

Effect: Special

By means of this spell, the spell caster can dispel any phantasmal force – with or without audible glammer – that exist within a radius equal to the spellcaster’s range. The spellcaster does not have to indicate a specific illusion to dispel – if it is within range the magic will attempt to work on it.

The base chance for success of a dispel illusion is 50%. For every level of experience of the character casting the dispel illusion above that of the creature who cast the illusion to be dispelled, the base chance increases by 5%. For every level below the experience level of the creature casting the illusion to be dispelled, the base chance is reduced by 2%. It is automatic in negating the spell casters own illusions.

Dispel Magic

Paths: Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Feign Death

Paths: Endless Sleep

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Touch

Duration: 6 minute + 1 minute/level

Effect: Special

By means of this spell, the caster or any other creature whose level or hit dice are do not exceed the magic user’s own level can be put into a cataleptic state which is impossible to distinguish from actual death.

Although the person or creature affected by the feign death spell can smell, hear, and know what is going on, no feeling or sight of any sort is possible; thus, any wounding or mistreatment of the body will not be felt and no reaction will occur and damage will only be one-half normal. In addition, paralysis, contact poison, or energy level drain will not affect the individual or creature under the influence of this spell, but poison injected or otherwise introduced into the body will become effective when the effects of the spell end (a saving throw versus poison is permitted at this time).

Only a willing individual can be affected by feign death. The spell caster is able to end the spell effects at any time desired, but it requires 1 full minute for bodily functions to begin again

Find Familiar

Paths: Creature, Servant

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 1 mile/level

Duration: Special

Effect: 1 familiar

An oD&D version of the (I believe) 2nd Edition AD&D find familiar spell was originally developed by “Galwylin” and then posted to the Mystara Mailing List. I have used part of his work in developing this version -JAMM.

This spell enables the caster to attempt to summon a familiar to act as his aide and companion. A creature acting as a familiar can benefit a wizard conveying its sensory powers to its masters, conversing with him, and serving as a guard/scout/spy as well. A wizard can have only one familiar at a time and has no control over what sort of creature answers the summoning. The wizard receives the heighten senses of his familiar, which grants the wizard a +1 bonus to surprise rolls and allows the wizard to see/hear things that he would not normally be able to observer or identify.

Normal familiars have 2-4 hit points plus 1 hit point per caster level, and an AC 8. The number of the familiar’s hit points is also added to the hit point total of the wizard when it is within 120’ of its master. If the familiar dies, its master will permanently lose that number of hit points unless a successful saving throw against death ray is made, and then the master will only lose half.

The wizard has an empathic link with the familiar and can issue it mental commands at a distance of up to one mile. Responses from familiar are generally basic although each familiar will be abnormally intelligent. It will also be totally faithful to the magic user whose familiar it becomes. If separated from the caster, the familiar loses 1 hp each day and dies at 0 hp. The familiar gains the wizard’s saving throws if in physical contact against special attacks. If special attack causes damage the familiar suffers no damage if saving throw is made and half if failed.

The incantations required to accomplish the spell must be uttered for up to 24 hours or until a familiar is attracted. If there is a familiar available, it will arrive in 2d12 hours. Note that the intense nature of the magic used for this spell means that it can only be attempted once per year.

d20 Sensory

Roll Familiar Powers

1-4 cat, black excellent night vision and superior hearing

5-6 crow excellent vision

7-8 hawk superior distance vision

9-10 owl night vision equals human day vision superior hearing

11-12 toad wide-angle vision

13-14 weasel superior hearing very superior olfactory power

15 special see below

16-20 No familiar available within range

If a roll of 15 occurs, the DM may select a small (i.e., 4HD or less), intelligent (INT of 4 or more) and magical creature of the same alignment as the magic caster as the familiar. Use the creature’s description to determine the kind of sensory or other power this new companion will grant to its master. Determine the familiar’s hit points normally and then add one per level of the wizard. As an example, a Blink Dog could become the familiar of a Lawful wizard. In addition to the shared telepathic link, the wizard would be able to “borrow” his familiar’s “blink” capability twice a day. Another good choice for a familiar would be a Homunculus of the appropriate alignment.

Modify the table above to attract appropriate sea creatures when members of Undersea races use this spell.

Find Traps

Paths: Detection

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants.


Paths: Fire

Source: RC, Min, Sea

This spell is one that the Tutorial Guild teaches to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

According to PC3, if this spell is used underwater, the area of effect is reduce to a 5’ radius and the blast causes only half its normal damage.

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Buoyancy, Traveller

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Sea

According to PC3, this spell can also be used to allow a character to swim at twice his usual movement rate if used underwater.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 30’

Duration: Permanent

Effect: 20’x20’ area

By means of this spell, the spell caster causes creatures within the area of effect to forget events that occurred immediately prior to casting forget. For every 3 levels of the spell caster, 1 minute (10 rounds) of past time will be forgotten by the victims of the spell.

Naturally, forget in no way negates any charm, suggestions, geases, quests, or similar spells, but it is possible that the creature who cast such magic on the victim of the forget spell could be forgotten by this means.

From 1 to 4 creatures can be affected by this spell, at the spell caster’s discretion. If only 1 is to be affected, the recipient saves versus magic at –2 on the dice; if 2 are to be affected, they save at –1; and 3 or 4 individuals save normally.

A heal or restore spell, specially cast for this purpose, will restore the list memories, as will a wish, but other means will not work.


Paths: Traveller

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Heat Metal

Paths: Earth, Fire

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Hold Animal*

Paths: Creatures

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that the Shadow Elves Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell will only hold an “Underground” animal. This seems unreasonably restrictive, as once they become familiar with other types of animals I can’t see why they shouldn’t be able to use this spell against them.

Hold Person*

Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Ice Shard

Paths: Water

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to Tritons.

Improved Phantasmal Force

Paths: Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 240’

Duration: Concentration

Effect: 20 x 20 x 20 volume

Except as noted below, this spell is the same as the 2nd level spell phantasmal force. The illusion can be maintained by the spell caster with only minimal concentration, i.e., he or she can move at half normal speed (they cannot, however, cast other spells). Some minor sounds are included in the effects of the spell, but not understandable speech. Also, by applying intense concentration on the form of the phantasm for 1 round, the improved phantasmal force may continue for up to 2 minutes after the magic-user ceases to concentrate upon the spell.


Paths: Vision

Source: RC, Dar

This spell is available to Darokin Merchants. DMs may make their own decision about whether to inflict the range (0’ vs. touch) and other restrictions for members of this speciality-class. [Personally, I don’t bother. –JAMM]

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists (why would they need it? – they have natural infravision!)


Paths: Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

Invisibility 10’ Radius

Paths: Mirrors

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Lightning Bolt

Paths: Lightning, Weather

Source: RC, Min, Sea

This spell is one that the Tutorial Guild teaches to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The Tritons know this spell as ball lightning, as when it is cast underwater, it produces a sphere of electricity with a 20’ radius instead of the normal bolt. It inflicts normal damage to all within the sphere.

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Detection

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 5 turns/level

Effect: Spell caster only

By casting this spell, the illusionist makes himself or herself invisible to divination spells such as the various ‘detect’ spells and ESP. It also prevents location by such magic items as crystal balls and ESP medallions.

Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius

Paths: Protection

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Protection from Normal Missiles

Paths: Protection, Warrior

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Protection from Poison

Paths: Protection

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Rapid Swim

Paths: Buoyancy, Traveller

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to undersea races, such as the Tritons and Aquarendi.


Paths: Fabrication, Knotwork

Source: New

Range: Touch

Duration: permanent

Effect: Creates up to 100’ length of rope

This spell creates quantities of hemp rope up to 100’ long and ½” wide. The rope created by a single spell must appear in one piece. Unlike many creation-type spells, this one creates rope that is non-magical and cannot be dispelled. Note that it is possible for the spell caster to create longer rope at the expense of making it thinner and weaker.

If the campaign uses the optional general skills and the cast has an appropriate Craft skill, he may shape the rope into two dimensional shapes, such as nets or rope ladders. The maximum size of such a 2 dimensional object is 100’ square. If the campaign doesn’t use the skills rules, the character could have been defined earlier as one who knows how to work with rope and twine in order for him to do this. Naturally, unshaped rope created by this spell can later be cut, knotted, tied and otherwise fashioned into such objects.

The rope so created is plain, boring hemp rope – tough, serviceable and fairly unglamorous. A caster can create his rope with an unfinished end, and later he or another caster can use another ropeform to create rope joined to the first on that end – and there will be no seam or weakness at the joining.

When created, the rope extrudes from the caster’s hands and out along the ground. If there are obstacles, it piles up against them but does not shove them back. The rope, when created, may not be attached to anything except to another expanse of ropeform rope, as described above. The rope cannot be cast in a space occupied by another object.

This new spell should probably be made available to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, since it would be very useful on board a ship.

Rope Trick

Paths: Knotwork

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Touch

Duration: 2 turns/level

Effect: Special

When this spell is cast upon a piece of rope from 5’ to 30’ in length, one end of the rope rises into the air until the whole is hanging perpendicular, as if affixed at the upper end. The upper end is, in fact, fastened in an extra-dimensional space, and the spell caster and up to five others can climb up the rope and disappear into this place of safety where no creature can find them.

The rope cannot be taken into the extra-dimensional space if six persons have climbed it, but otherwise it can be pulled up. Otherwise, the rope simply hangs in the air, and will stay there unless removed by some creature. The persons in the extra-dimensional space must climb down the rope prior to the expiration of the spell duration, or else they are dropped from the height to which they originally climbed when the effect of the spell wears out. The rope can be climbed by only one person at a time.

Note that the rope trick spell allows climbers to reach a normal place if they do not climb all the way to the rope’s upper end, which is in the extra-dimensional space.


Paths: Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

Speak with Animals

Paths: Creatures, Words

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that the Shadow Elves Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell will only allow them to talk to an “Underground” animal. This seems unreasonably restrictive, as once they become familiar with other types of animals I can’t see why they shouldn’t be able to use this spell with them.

Due to the existence of talk to sea creatures this spell should only work with land-based creatures.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 30’

Duration: 6 turns + 6 turns/level

Effect: One creature

When this spell is cast by the magic-user, he or she influences the actions of the chosen recipient by utterance of a few words – phrases or a sentence or two – suggesting a course of action desirable to the spell caster. The creature to be influenced must, of course, be able to understand the magic-user’s suggestion (i.e., it must be spoken in a language the spell recipient understands).

The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the action sound reasonable; a request asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself off onto a spear, or do some other, obviously harmful act will automatically negate the effect of the spell. The course of action of a suggestion may continue for at least as long as the spell’s duration. After this time has elapsed the spell recipient may or may not begin to question his or her own actions, depending on the nature of the activity and the situation in general. He or she could decide to continue to follow the suggestion or not.

If the creature makes a saving throw versus magic, the spell has no effect. Note that a very reasonable suggestion will cause the saving throw to be made at a penalty (such as –1, -2, etc.) at the discretion of the DM. Note that undead are not subject to suggestion.

Talk to Sea Creatures

Paths: Creatures, Words

Source: Min

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and the Water Elf and Aquarendi Frondkeepers.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Note that this spell has been downgraded to 3rd level in order to match the level given to speak with animals.

Watery Form

Paths: Water

Source: Min

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and Aquarendi.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Water Breathing*

Paths: Water

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Min, Sea

This spell is one that the Tutorial Guild teaches to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

According to PC3, this spell may be reversed as air breathing, and allows water breathers to survive on land.

Level 4


Paths: Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

Ball Lightning

Paths: Lightning, Weather

Source: Min

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

This spell should not be confused with the 3rd level ball lightning spell defined in PC3 which is really just an underwater form of lightning bolt (see above)

Charm Monster

Paths: Creatures, Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Check Caravan

Paths: Detection

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.


Paths: Fabrication

Source: RC, Alph

Anyone trained in Alphatia may know this spell by the alternate name clothwall

Conjure Minor Air Elemental

Paths: Air, Creatures

Source: New

Range: 240’

Duration: Concentration

Effect: Summons one 8HD elemental

This spell is identical to the 5th level spell conjure elemental except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Air.

This spell can not be used underwater.

Conjure Minor Earth Elemental

Paths: Creatures, Earth

Source: New

Range: 240’

Duration: Concentration

Effect: Summons one 8HD elemental

This spell is identical to the 5th level spell conjure elemental except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Earth.

According to PC3, if this spell is used underwater, the conjured elemental must stay in contact with the sea floor or else they will be dispelled after 1d4 rounds.

Conjure Minor Fire Elemental

Paths: Creatures, Fire

Source: New

Range: 240’

Duration: Concentration

Effect: Summons one 8HD elemental

This spell is identical to the 5th level spell conjure elemental except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Fire.

This spell can not be used underwater.

Conjure Minor Water Elemental

Paths: Creatures, Water

Source: New

Range: 240’

Duration: Concentration

Effect: Summons one 8HD elemental

This spell is identical to the 5th level spell conjure elemental except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Water.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Create Atmosphere

Paths: Air, Survival

Source: CoM

This spell is mentioned as a spell that is useful in the creation of Skyships. Thus, those who have some kind of experience with Skyship development, should know that this spell exists.

Dimension Door

Paths: Transfer

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

Enchanted Weapon

Paths: Magic

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Fire Charm

Paths: Fire, Persuasion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 10’

Duration: 2 minutes/level

Effect: 30’ diameter of the fire

By means of this spell, the magic-user causes a normal fire source such as a brazier, torch or bonfire to serve as a magical agent, for from this source he or she causes a gossamer veil of multi-hued flame to circle the fire a 5’ distance. Any creatures observing the fire or the dancing circle of flame around it must save versus magic or be charmed into remaining motionless and gazing, transfixed at the flames.

While so charmed, creatures are subject to a –3 to their saving throw versus suggestion spells of 12 or fewer words. The fire charm is broken by physical attack upon the charmed creature, if a sold object is interposed between the creature and the veil of flames so as to obstruct vision, or when the duration of the spell is at an end.

Note that the veil of flame is not a magical fire, and passing through it incurs the same type and amount of damage as would be sustained from passing through its original fire source.

Fire Shield

Paths: Fire, Protection

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level

Effect: Magic Caster only

By casting this spell the magic-user appears to immolate himself or herself, but the flames are thin and wispy, shedding light equal only to half that of a normal torch (15’ radius of dim light), and coloured blue or green if variation A is cast or violet or blue if variation B is employed. Any creature striking the spell caster with body or hand-held weapons will inflict normal damage upon the magic-user, but the attacker will take double the amount of damage so inflicted! The other spell powers depend on the variation of the spell used:

A) The flames are hot, and any cold-based attacks will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained; fire-based attacks are normal, but if the magic-user fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he or she will sustain double normal damage.

B) The flames are cold, and any fire-based attack will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained; cold-based attacks are normal but if the magic-user fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he or she will sustain double normal damage.

In consideration of the fact that this spell appears to be a more advanced version of faerie fire, assume that the various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Growth of Animals

Paths: Creatures

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that the Shadow Elves Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell will only allow them to affect an “Underground” animal. This seems unreasonably restrictive, as once they become familiar with other types of animals I can’t see why they shouldn’t be able to use this spell with them.

Growth of Plants*

Paths: Plantlife

Source: RC, EoA

The Shadow Elves do not normally know this spell exists.

Hallucinatory Terrain

Paths: Illusion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

The Shadow Elves Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell only create “Underground” Terrain. This seems unreasonably restrictive, as once they become familiar with other types of terrain they should be able to use this spell to reproduce it.

Ice Storm/Wall of Ice

Paths: Obstruction, Water, Weather

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Improved Invisibility

Paths: Mirrors

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Touch

Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level

Effect: Makes one creature invisible

This spell is similar to invisibility, but the recipient is able to attack, either by missile discharge, melee combat, or spell casting and remain unseen. Note, however, that there are sometimes telltale traces, a shimmering, so that an observant opponent can attack the invisible spell recipient. Such attacks are at –4 on the “to hit” dice, and all saving throws are made at +4.


Paths: Illusion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Polymorph Other

Paths: Shapechanger

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Polymorph Self

Paths: Shapechanger

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Resist Merchant Magic

Paths: Merchant

Source: Dar

This spell is normally known only to the Darokin Merchants and it lies on one of their exclusive paths.

Note that this spell is simply called resist magic in Gaz 11.

Remove Curse*

Paths: Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Summon Animals

Paths: Creatures

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists. Note, however, that according to the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer, Treekeepers are the only members of that community who know this spell.

Note, also, that the Shadow Elves Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell will only allow them to affect an “Underground” animal. This seems unreasonably restrictive, as once they become familiar with other types of animals I can’t see why they shouldn’t be able to use this spell with them.

Due to the existence of summon sea creatures this spell should only work with land-based creatures.

Summon Sea Creatures

Paths: Creatures

Source: Min

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes and the Water Elf and Aquarendi Frondkeepers.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Note that this spell has been downgraded to 4th level in order to match the level given to speak with animals.

Transmute Water to Ice

Paths: Water

Source: Min

This spell is normally known to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Water Barrier

Paths: Obstruction, Water

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to undersea races such as Tritons and Aquarendi.

Wall of Fire

Paths: Fire, Obstruction

Source: RC, EoA

The Shadow Elves do not normally know this spell exists.

Wizard Eye

Paths: Vision

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Level 5

Airy Water

Paths: Air, Water

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 1 turn/level

Effect: 20’ diameter sphere or 40’ diameter hemisphere

The airy water spell turns normal liquid such as water or water based infusions or solutions to a less dense, breathable substance. Thus, if the magic-user desired to enter an underwater place, he or she would step into the water, cast the spell and sink downwards in a glob of bubbling water which he or she and any companions in the spell’s area of effect could move freely in and breath just as if it were air rather than water. The globe will move with the spell caster.

Note that water breathing creatures will avoid a sphere or hemisphere of airy water, although intelligent ones can enter it if they are able to move by means other than swimming, but no water-breathers will be able to breath in an area affected by the spell.

Animate Dead

Paths: Endless Sleep, Servant

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Automatic Pilot

Paths: Traveller

Source: CoM

This spell is mentioned as a spell that is useful in the creation of Skyships. Thus, those who have some kind of experience with Skyship development, should know that this spell exists.


Paths: Clouds

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Conjure Elemental

Paths: Creatures

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Sea

According to PC3, if this is used underwater, only Water and Earth elementals may be conjured. Also, earth elementals must stay in contact with the sea floor, or be dispelled after 1d4 rounds.

Contact Outer Plane

Paths: Knowledge, Outer Planes

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Control Temperature, 10’ radius

Paths: Survival

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and Aquarendi to know this spell.

Control Winds

Paths: Air, Weather

Source: EoA, Min

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves and Aquarendi also know it.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi know the underwater variation of this spell: control currents. (Note that this alternative sits on the path of water instead of air)


Paths: Earth

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Elemental Protection

Paths: Protection, Water

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to the undersea races, such as the Tritons and Aquarendi


Paths: Fabrication

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.

Faithful Hound

Paths: Servants

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 10’

Duration: 2 minutes/level

Effect: Summons a phantom hound

The magic user can use this spell to summon a phantom watchdog which only he or she can see. The caster may then command it to perform as guardian of a passage, room, door or similar space or portal. The phantom watchdog will immediately commence a loud barking if any creature larger than a cat approaches the place it guards. The faithful hound is able to detect invisible, astral, ethereal, out of phase or similarly non-visible creatures, thus it is an excellent guardian.

In addition, if the intruding creature or creatures allow their backs to be exposed to the phantom watchdog, it will deliver a vicious attack as if it were a 10 HD monster, striking for 3d6 hit points of damage, and being able to hit opponents of all sorts, even those normally subject only to magical weapons of +3 or greater.

The faithful hound cannot be attacked, but it can be dispelled. Note, however, that the spell caster can never be more than 30’ distant from the area that the phantom watchdog is guarding, or the magic is automatically dispelled.


Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Hold Monster*

Paths: Creatures, Persuasion

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Insect Plague

Paths: Creatures

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

Also note the restriction that it will only work within the boundaries of Alfheim or another elf-intensive and elf-made environment.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know the underwater variation of this spell (as given in PC3): shrimp plague.

Magic Jar

Paths: Shapechanger

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Neutralise Poison

Paths: Healing

Source: EoA

The Elves of Alfheim are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note the restriction that this spell only works against creatures or plants with poisons, and victims of natural meat or vegetable poisoning.


Paths: Earth, Gateways

Source: RC, SE

The Alfheim Elves do not normally know this spell exists.

Plant Door

Paths: Plantlife, Traveller

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know this spell.

Prepare Enchantment

Paths: Magic

Source: CoM

This spell is mentioned as a spell that is useful in the creation of Skyships and other enchanted items. Thus, those who have some kind of experience with Skyship development, should know that this spell exists.

Also, if the DM wishes to require the use of this spell for the creation of larger magical items, then most magic casting classes should be aware of its existence.

Protection from Lightning

Paths: Lightning, Weather

Source: EoA, Min

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists. However, this spell is also taught to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, so it can be assumed that the Water Elves and Aquarendi also know it.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Note that this spell has been upgraded from 4th to 5th level for Minrothad Merchant Princes in order to make it match the level given in EoA.

Rock Door

Paths: Earth, Traveller

Source: SE

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.

Spectral Force

Paths: Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 240’

Duration: special

Effect: 20’ x 20’ x 20’ volume

The spectral force spell creates an illusion in which sound, smell and thermal illusions are all included. It is otherwise similar to the improved phantasmal force spell. The spell will automatically last for 3 minutes after the magic-user has ceased concentrating on the phantasm.

Spell Turning

Paths: Magic

Source: CoM

This spell is mentioned as a spell that is useful in the creation of Skyships. Thus, those who have some kind of experience with Skyship development, should know that this spell exists.

A DM could easily decide to make this spell more common in his or her campaign, as the spell itself has some restrictions on how it can actually be used.

Summon Weather

Paths: Weather

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.


Paths: Buoyancy

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Telepathic Communication

Paths: Words

Source: 1st Ed [Message]

Range: 120’

Duration: 6 rounds

Effect: Communicate silently creatures in range.

When this spell is cast, the magic-user can communicate telepathically with a selected number of creatures within range. Only those thoughts which the caster specifically directs as telepathic communications will be transferred to the receiving minds. The caster does not have to be able to see the individuals he is communicating with, only know that they are there.

The caster may choose exactly which individuals to include in the communication link. For each 2 levels of the caster, one additional individual may be included in the link. So, a 12th level mage can communicate telepathically with up to 6 individuals. Each creature included in the link may respond to the caster telepathically. Again, only those thoughts that the thinker wishes to pass along telepathically will be heard. Also, when the caster is broadcasting thoughts to more than one individual at a time every individual included in the telepathic link can hear the directed thoughts of all the others.


Paths: Transfer

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Knotwork

Source: New

Range: 120’

Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn per level of the caster

Effect: Ties up 1d4 creatures in magical cord

This spell will cause magically glowing cord to tie up and immobilise any living creature, including undead. Each victim must make a saving throw vs. spells or be bound tightly and virtually unable to move, except to wriggle slightly (possibly toppling themselves over or perhaps rolling a few inches across the ground).

The spell may be cast at a single creature or a group. If cast at a single creature, the victim takes a -2 penalty to his saving throw. If cast at a group, it will affect 1d4 creatures (of the spellcaster's choice, and within spell range), but with no penalties to the saving throw. The magical cord may not be cut or severed by any natural means.

The reverse of this spell untie will remove the effects of the tie spell. It can also remove bindings of a non-magical nature, such as ropes, chains, etc.

Transmute Rock to Mud

Paths: Earth

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Wall of Stone

Paths: Earth, Obstruction

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Fabrication, Plantlife

Source: RC, Alph

Anyone trained in Alphatia may know this spell by the alternate name woodwall

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Level 6

Anti-Animal Shell

Paths: Creatures, Protection

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Note that the Shadow Elves Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell will only allow them to affect an “Underground” animal. This seems unreasonably restrictive, as once they become familiar with other types of animals I can’t see why they shouldn’t be able to use this spell with them.

Anti-Magic Shell

Paths: Protection

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Calm Water

Paths: Water

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

Calm Wind

Paths: Air, Weather

Source: Min, CoM

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes. It is also mentioned as a spell that is useful for those aboard a Skyship.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild, or with Skyship experience, learn that this spell exists.

Cure Serious Wounds

Paths: Healing

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know this spell.

Death Spell

Paths: Endless Sleep

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Shapechanger

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.


Paths: Fabrication

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Elemental Protection, 10’ Radius

Paths: Protection, Water

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to the undersea races, such as the Tritons and Aquarendi


Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Vision

Source: 1st Ed

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 round/level

Effect: Special

The wizard can use this spell to make a section of solid material, such as metal, wood or stone, as transparent as glass to his gaze or even make it into a transparent material as explained below. Normally, up to four inches of metal, 6 feet of stone or 20 feet of wood can be affected by the glassee spell. Note that the spell will not work on lead, gold or platinum.

The caster can opt to make the glassee apply only to himself, and apply it once per round while the spell duration lasts; or the caster can actually make a transparent area, a one-way window, in the material affected which others can also look through. In either case, the viewing area is 3 feet wide by 2 feet high.


Paths: Creatures, Servant

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to the undersea races, such as Tritons and Aquarendi.

Invisible Stalker

Paths: Creatures, Servant

Source: RC

According to PC3, this spell will not work if cast under water.

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Lower Water

Paths: Water

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Move Earth

Paths: Earth

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Pass Plant

Paths: Plantlife, Transfer

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know this spell.

Pass Rock

Paths: Earth, Transfer

Source: SE

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.

Permanent Illusion

Paths: Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 240’

Duration: Permanent

Effect: 20’ x 20’ x 20’ volume

This spell creates a lasting spectral force which requires no concentration. It is subject to dispel magic but not to dispel illusion.

Programmed Illusion

Paths: Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 240

Duration: special

Effect: 20’ x 20’ x 20’ volume

By means of this spell, the magic user may set up a spectral force spell which will activate upon command or when a specified condition occurs (cf., magic mouth). Once activated, the illusion may be commanded to last for a maximum of 1 round per level of the spell caster.

Projected Image

Paths: Mirrors

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Raise Water

Paths: Water

Source: Sea

No Additional Notes


Paths: Healing

Source: RC, AE

The Shadow Elves do not normally know this spell exists.

Stone to Flesh*

Paths: Earth

Source: RC, EoA, SE

Ignore the restriction that this spell is not reversible for Elves.


Paths: Earth, Fabrication

Source: RC, Alph

Anyone trained in Alphatia may know this spell by the alternate name stonewall

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Tiny Hut

Paths: Survival

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: 6 turns/level

Effect: 10’ diameter sphere.

This spell causes an opaque sphere of force to come into being around the caster, half of the sphere projecting above the ground or floor surface, the lower hemisphere passing through the surface. This field causes the interior of the sphere to maintain 70ºF temperature in cold down to 0ºF, and heat up to 105ºF. Cold below 0ºF lowers the inside temperature on a 1ºF for 1ºF basis, heat above 105ºF raises the inside temperature likewise. The tiny hut will withstand winds up to 50 m.p.h. without being harmed, but wind force greater than that will destroy it.

The interior of the tiny hut is a hemisphere, and the spell caster can illuminate it dimly upon command, or extinguish the light as desired. Note that although the force field is opaque from positions outside, it is transparent from within.

In no way will the tiny hut provide protection from missiles, weapons, spells and the like.

Up to 6 other man-sized creatures can fit into the field with its creator, and these others can freely pass in and out of the tiny hut without harming it, but if the spell caster removes himself from it, the spell will dissipate.

Transmute Rock to Lava

Paths: Earth, Fire

Source: SE

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.


Paths: Illusion

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 10’/level

Duration: 1 turn/level

Effect: 20’ x 20’ x 20’ volume/level

The veil spell enables the illusionist to instantly change the appearance of his or her surroundings and/or party or to create hallucinatory terrain so as to fool even the most clever creatures unless they have truesight, a gem of seeing, or similar magical aid. The veil can make a sumptuous room seem a filthy den and even touch will conform to the visual illusion. Note that, unlike the hallucinatory terrain spell, touch will not cause this illusion it to vanish.

Wall of Iron

Paths: Earth, Obstruction

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Weather Control

Paths: Weather

Source: RC, EoA, SE, Min

This spell is one that the Tutorial Guild teaches to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

Although this spell is listed in the Shadow Elves Gazetteer with a restriction that it can only be used in the City of Stars, it would then be one of only two weather based spells that they knew of (see the 1st level spell precipitation for more details). In this system it is assumed that this spell (and the Path of Weather) is unknown to Shadow elves who have never been to the surface.`

Level 7

Charm Plant

Paths: Plantlife

Source: RC, EoA

No Additional Notes

Create Normal Monsters

Paths: Creatures

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Delayed Blast Fireball

Paths: Fire

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Dispel Evil

Paths: Treekeepers

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

Note the restriction that this spell will only work versus enchanted and undead Elves.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know this spell.


Paths: Earth, Fabrication

Source: RC, Alph

Anyone trained in Alphatia may know this spell by the alternate name ironwall

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Lower Lava

Paths: Fire

Source: SE

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.


Paths: Knowledge, Outer Planes

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Magic Door*

Paths: Gateways

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Mass Invisibility*

Paths: Mirrors

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Power Word Stun

Paths: Endless Sleep, Words

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Prismatic Spray

Paths: Kaleidoscope

Source: 1st Ed

Range: 0

Duration: instantaneous

Effect: Creates a spray of prismatic energy

When this spell is cast, the illusionist causes the 7 rays of the prismatic wall spell to spring from his or her hand, creating a plane of prismatic energy that is 70’ long, 15’ wide at end and 5’ wide at its base. Any creature within this plane will be touched by 1 or more of the rays. To determine which ray strikes the concerned creature, roll an eight sided die:

1 = red

2 = orange

3 = yellow

4 = green

5 = blue

6 = indigo

7 = violet

8 = struck by 2 rays,

roll twice more, ignoring 8’s

Saving throws apply only with respect to those prismatic colour rays which call for such.

As with the prismatic wall spell, the various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Reverse Gravity

Paths: Buoyancy

Source: RC, SE

The Alfheim Elves do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Earth

Source: EoA, SE

The various Elven peoples are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.


Paths: Earth

Source: RC

The various Elven do not normally know this spell exists.

Summon Air Elemental

Paths: Air, Creature

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

This spell is similar to the 7th level Druid spell summon elemental, except that only Air elementals can be summoned. Note that, in this case, the caster does not need to concentrate on controlling the summoned creature (unlike the 5th level conjure elemental spell)

Summon Object

Paths: Transfer

Source: RC, EoA

Note that the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer lists a spell with this name as a 9th level spell but gives no additional information about it. As a result I have decided that it should be the same as the regular 7th level spell.

The Shadow Elves do not normally know this spell exists.

Summon Water Elemental

Paths: Creature, Water

Source: Min

This spell is normally known only to the Minrothad Merchant Princes.

The DM may choose whether to let those taught by the Minrothad Tutorial Guild learn that this spell exists.

This spell is similar to the 7th level Druid spell summon elemental, except that only Air elementals can be summoned. Note that, in this case, the caster does not need to concentrate on controlling the summoned creature (unlike the 5th level conjure elemental spell)


Paths: Warrior

Source: RC

Note that there is a 9th level spell called sword in both the Elves of Alfheim and Shadow Elves Gazetteers which is different from this 7th level spell. That spell is known as elven sword in this system.

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Teleport any Object

Paths: Transfer

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Transport Through Plants

Paths: Plantlife, Transfer

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know this spell.

Transport Through Rock

Paths: Earth, Transfer

Source: SE

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.


Paths: Treekeepers

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know this spell.

Turn Wood

Paths: Plantlife

Source: EoA

The Alfheim Elves are normally the only classes/races who know that this spell exists.

Turn Rock

Paths: Earth

Source: SE

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.

Level 8


Paths: Healing

Source: RC

No Additional Notes

Corrosive Cloud

Paths: Clouds

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to the undersea races, such as the Triton and Aquarendi.

Create Magical Monsters

Paths: Creatures

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Creeping Doom

Paths: Creatures

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know the underwater variation of this spell (as given in PC3): swimming doom.


Paths: Traveller

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Protection

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.

Explosive Cloud

Paths: Clouds

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Force Field

Paths: Protection

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Shapechanger

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.

Mass Charm*

Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Metal to Rock

Paths: Earth

Source: EoA

The Shadow Elves are normally the only race who know that this spell exists.

Metal to Wood

Paths: Earth, Plantlife

Source: EoA

This is a spell that is normally only shared between the Alfheim Treekeepers.

The DM may choose to allow the Frondkeepers of the Water Elves and the Aquarendi to know an underwater variation of this spell, metal to kelp, that converts metals into sea kelp.

Mind Barrier*

Paths: Persuasion

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Polymorph any Object

Paths: Shapechanger

Source: RC, EoA SE

Note that the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer specifies that their version of the spell, polymorph natural object, will only allow them to affect a “natural” object. This spell was also only supposed to be available to Treekeepers. This restriction seems unnecessary to me, since almost everyone else knew about it, and so I have removed it in this system.

Power Word Blind

Paths: Vision, Words

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Prismatic Shield

Paths: Kaleidoscope, Protection

Source: New

Range: 0

Duration: 1 turn/level

Effect: Creates a colourful magic barrier

This spell is almost the same as the 9th level prismatic wall spell, except that it allows the caster to create a barrier in the shape of a huge shield. This shield may be held by the caster or passed over to another character. Any character class, even those not normally allowed to handle a shield, may use a prismatic shield but only characters who may normally use a shield can continue to fight with weaponry at the same time.

Note that another magic caster can “whittle away” the shield’s integrity by casting the same series of spells at it as they would use to break through a prismatic wall.

This shield will protect the person using it from all frontal attacks that are still blocked, but leaves their rear side undefended – i.e., anyone attacking them from behind will be able to hit them as if they did not have the shield. Note that some layers do provide “non directional” protection, such as the Green layer, which blocks all detection spells as long as the character is actually using the shield.

As with the prismatic wall spell, the various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Earth, Fabrication

Source: RC, Alph

Anyone trained in Alphatia may know this spell by the alternate name steelwall

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Words

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Outer Planes, Traveller

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Level 9


Paths: Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Create any Monster

Paths: Creatures

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Elven Sword

Paths: Warrior

Source: EoA, SE

This spell is called sword in both the Elves of Alfheim and Shadow Elves Gazetteers. However, there is a 7th level spell of the same name in the Rules Cyclopedia which is different from this 9th level one and so in this system, this one has been suitably renamed.

Human Mages do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Gateways, Outer Plane,


Source: RC, EoA, SE

Note that the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer specifies that this spell is only supposed to be available to Treekeepers. This restriction seems unnecessary to me, since almost everyone else knew about it, and so I have removed it in this system.


Paths: Healing

Source: RC, EoA, SE

Note that the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer specifies that this spell is only supposed to be available to Treekeepers. This restriction seems unnecessary to me, since almost everyone else knew about it, and so I have removed it in this system.


Paths: Protection

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Outer Planes

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes

Meteor Swarm

Paths: Fire

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Lightning Swarm

Paths: Lightning

Source: Sea

This spell is normally only known to the undersea races, such as the Triton and Aquarendi.

Power Word Kill

Paths: Endless Sleep, Words

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.

Prismatic Wall

Paths: Kaleidoscope, Protection

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Shapechanger

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Endless Sleep

Source: Alph

This spell is normally only known to magic casters who have been trained in Alphatia or by someone who was trained there.


Paths: Survival

Source: RC

The various Elven peoples do not normally know this spell exists.


Paths: Traveller

Source: RC, EoA, SE

No Additional Notes


Paths: Magic

Source: RC, EoA, SE

Note that the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer specifies that this spell is only supposed to be available to Treekeepers. This restriction seems unnecessary to me, since almost everyone else knew about it, and so I have removed it in this system.


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