Al Mushrif School Grade 3 Homework

Al Mushrif School Grade 3 Homework March 9-13, 2014

|Thursday |Wednesday |Tuesday |Monday |Sunday |المواد التعليمية |

| | | | | |Subjects |

|Newspaper assignment due! |Collins Reading Time The Titanic: |Collins Reading Time The Titanic |Collins Reading Time The Titanic |Collins Reading Time The Titanic |الإنجليزي |


|Spelling Test Today! | |Please practice your new spelling words |Please practice your new spelling words |Please practice your new spelling | |

| |Practice for your spelling test |at home |at home |words at home! | |

|EMSA practice: |tomorrow! *read, cover, write, check* | | | | |

| |EMSA practice: |Cursive Writing Practice: | | |

| |EMSA practice: | | | |

| | | | | |

| |l | | | | |

|Please make sure you have completed all |Please check your math books for |Please check your math books for |Please check your math books for assigned|Please check your Mathletics account! |الرياضيات |

|of your math homework! |assigned pages |assigned pages |pages | |Math |

|Body Organs test on SUNDAY! | Around You Practical Book page |Science Around You Practical Book |العلوم |

| |ms/jams/science/human-body/human-body.h| | |es/science-games/human-body.html |Science |

| |tm |Body Parts worksheet | | | |

Vocabulary Words: mountain, desert. Bottle, survive, dangerous, alive, disaster, help, tools


جبل / صحراء/ علبه / العيش /خطير / يبقى على قيد الحياه / كارثه / مساعده / ادوات

Spelling Words: (oi sounds) choice, voice, royal, annoy, noise, destroy, forest, grassland, wetland, function, relationship

اختيار. الصوت . ملكي. ازعاج. ضوضاء . يدمر. ارض عشبيه.غابه.الاهوار . وظيفه .علاقه .

Dear Parents, our new unit is called Survival! We will learn about natural disasters and how people have survived them. We will learn about the Titanic and how we can write a sample newspaper article about this disaster.

In science, we will learn how plants, animals and humans all adapt to their environments and depend on each other for survival. In maths, we have a lot of work to do so there will be increased homework assignments. Please check your students’ backpack daily for homework books since the schedule is subject to change. Your child should be revising his spelling and Mandarin words daily, and reading at home every day.

Please check our class website daily! You will find EMSA practice papers there. Please print all worksheets and complete any unfinished homework by Thursday.

Please make sure your child brings all homework books back to school every day and don’t forget to check your score on Mathletics!

Thank you! Miss Ashley (


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