Spelling List

Spelling List

2013-2014 For elementary, middle and junior high school students in grades 3-8

broccoli diligence odyssey

University Interscholastic League

allergy heartily nonentity


The spelling contest is designed to give students exposure to a wide variety of vocabulary words. Preparation for this contest should include instruction in the rules of the English language, definitions and root words. In addition to learning to spell proficiently, contestants will learn to write clearly and to properly capitalize words.

Word Lists

This bulletin contains three lists, each of which is a source of words for the UIL spelling contests. Divisions are by grade, as follows: (1) Grades 3 and 4; (2) Grades 5 and 6; (3) Grades 7 and 8. The words have been selected to supplement state-adopted texts. The authority for all words is Merriam Webster's Intermediate Dictionary. Approximately 20 percent of the test words come from sources other than the UIL spelling lists.


The Merriam Webster's Intermediate Dictionary is the official source for the UIL spelling and dictionary skills competitions at the elementary and junior high levels. The dictionary can be purchased from Texas Educational Paperbacks, 3824 Cedar Springs Rd., #202, Dallas, TX 75219-4168; 800/443-2078 or Fax: 800/437-7070.

Alternate spellings

When an alternate spelling exists, students are required to spell only one variant. Acceptable alternatives in the bulletin are listed together and separated by commas. Alternate endings are shown in parentheses as follows: blond (e).

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Where it is correct to start a word with a capital or lowercase letter, it will be shown as follows: alligator (A). If a word is listed in the dictionary with a capital and lowercase letter but the word only appears on the list with a lowercase letter, the capitalized version is not correct. If a word is listed in the dictionary with a capital and lowercase letter but the word only appears on the list with a capital letter, the lowercase version is not correct.

Explanatory Words

Explanatory words, such as parts of speech or brief definitions, are listed in parentheses after the word. These definitions serve only to identify words which are homonyms or nearhomonyms. Space does not allow full definitions of words, and the short definition given may need to be explained to the student.


Any misprints or other errors found in the list should be reported to the League office at once. Errors and corrections are posted on the UIL web site.

Printing and cursive acceptable

First and foremost, this is a test to determine spelling excellence. Therefore, plain writing rules do not apply. However, the student is expected to write each word legibly. If there is a question on legibility, to determine whether a given letter is legible, place a blank piece of paper on either side of it, separating it from its context. Even though it may not be perfectly written, any letter is considered correct which can still be identified when separated from the remainder of the word. Students may use either a printing or a cursive style of handwriting. Spelling, not handwriting, is the main goal of this event.

A set of rules is provided in this publication for your convenience. Should there be an inconsistency between these rules and those in the Constitution and Contest Rules, the C&CR (Section 1470) prevails.

Outside sources

Several companies provide materials to help student prepare for the UIL spelling competition. Contact each vendor for information about their products.

ASW Enterprises PO Box 737 Abilene, TX 79604-0737 800/627-9030 Fax 888-627-7209 asw@

TUNE IN PO Box 141727 Austin, TX 78714-1727 800/488-6346 Fax 512-746-5400 tunein@

Hexco, Inc. PO Box 199 Hunt, TX 78024-0199 800/725-2627 Fax 830-367-3824 hexco@

UIL A+ Spelling Word List 2013-2014 ? Page 3

Section 1470: SPELLING


(1) Contestants. Students in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades who are eligible under Section 1400 or 1405 may enter this contest.

(2) Divisions. This contest will consist of three divisions, one for grades 3 and 4, one for grades 5 and 6, and one for grades 7 and 8 -- unless the district executive committee approves separate divisions for each grade.

(3) Individual Competition. For each division, each participant school may enter as many as three contestants in the district meet.

(4) Team Competition. If the district has elected to include team competition, the combined scores of the three contestants in each division from a school shall constitute the school's team score. A team must have three contestants compete to participate in the team competition.


(1) Summary. This contest is designed to give students exposure to a wide variety of vocabulary words. It is not a contest of memorization. For the most educational value, preparation for this contest should include instruction in the rules of the English language, meanings and definitions, and root words. In addition to learning to spell proficiently, contestants will learn to write clearly and to capitalize words properly.

(2) Contest Format. Students will write down words given by the pronouncer on their paper at a rate of approximately five words per minute. (A) Grades 3 and 4: 50 words; tie breaker, 15 words. (B) Grades 5 and 6: 80 words; tie breaker, 20 words. (C) Grades 7 and 8: 110 words; tie breaker, 30 words. The tie breaker is given to all contestants immediately following the initial test.

(3) Tests. One test will be provided for grades 3 and 4; another for grades 5 and 6, and another for grades 7 and 8. For elementary and junior high contests, words will come from the appropriate UIL spelling list, state adopted textbooks and words of common usage. The authority for all words is Merriam Webster's Intermediate Dictionary. Approximately 20 percent of the test words will come from sources other than the UIL spelling lists.

(c) Contest Administration.

(1) Personnel. (A) Contest Director. The contest director will be in charge of running the contest and resolving any problems that arise. The director may also serve as the pronouncer as long as he/she is not the coach of any student in the contest. The director may appoint an assistant director. (B) Pronouncer. The pronouncer shall not be a coach of any contestant entered in the contest. The pronouncer should receive the test and tie breaker well in advance of the contest and should become familiar with the words and verify pronunciations and spellings of all the words on the test. The pronouncer should be prepared not only to give two pronunciations of each word (if the word has more than one pronunciation) but also to provide an illustrative sentence for words which offer unusual difficulties. (C) Verifier. One or two verifiers check the pronunciations and definitions given by the pronouncer. (D) Monitor (optional). The monitor shall not be a coach of a contestant in the contest. The monitor's duty is to make certain that contestants work quietly and independently.

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(E) Graders. At least three graders should be familiar with the instructions for

grading and the contest rules, and they may be coaches. The contest director

may recruit more than three graders.

(2) Time Allotted for Contest. Time should be allotted for introductory information, roll

call, for pronouncing each word at a rate of approximately five words per minute, and

for pronouncing words a second time, as needed.

(A) Grades 3 and 4: approximately 30 minutes

(B) Grades 5 and 6: approximately 45 minutes

(C) Grades 7 and 8: approximately 60 minutes

(3) Materials.

(A) Provided by UIL. The following materials will be provided to schools submitting

the appropriate requisitions. See Section 1408 (c) for the dates when invi-

tational materials will be available. See Section 1408 (e) for the dates when

district materials will be available.


List of test and tie breaker words.

(ii) Contest rosters.

(iii) Instructions for the pronouncer, grader, verifier and monitor.

(B) Provided by the Host School. Dictionary for the pronouncer, verifiers and grad-

ers to use if needed.

(C) Provided by the School or Student. Pens or pencils and blank, lined paper,

which may be numbered.

(D) Other. No other materials or notes may be used in the contest.

(4) Delivery of Tests. All tests should be delivered to the contest director and/or pro-

nouncer well in advance of the contest.


(1) Number Contestants. As roll is called, instruct contestants to place their assigned

numbers in the upper right-hand corner of their documents.

(2) Clear Room. Contestants and coaches should be informed of the time and place

of the verification period. Spectators and coaches not assigned a specific duty in

administering the contest should be dismissed from the contest room before the

contest begins.

(3) Pronounce Words. The following are points of clarification for the pronouncer and


(A) Homonyms. The pronouncer should be careful to distinguish between words

that sound alike but have different meanings. When pronouncing the word

"bass," be careful to give an example phrase "bass drum," or "bass voice,"

to distinguish it from "base."

(B) Clarification. The pronouncer may provide a sentence and/or definition for

clarification, if needed.

(C) Verifiers. Verifiers should be given a copy of the test list and should mark any

words for which they question the pronunciation or definition as the test is

being dictated.

(D) Verifying Pronunciation. After each test, when all words have been pronounced,

the pronouncer, with the assistance of the verifier, shall verify and clarify any

words in question. These words should be repronounced by the pronounc-


(4) Tie Breaker Mandatory. Contestants who do not take the tie breaker test shall be dis-



(1) Briefing Graders. Brief graders on the procedure to be used for grading and explain

the scoring process.

(2) Criteria. The test is graded objectively.

(3) Scoring. Each test should be independently scored twice, and papers contending to

place should be scored a third time. From the total number of word entries, deduct

one point for each incorrectly spelled word.

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(A) Word Order. Any word omitted by the contestant is a miss. If all contestants omit the same word, the pronouncer is presumed to have failed to have given the word, so the omission by contestants is not considered a miss.

(B) Punctuation and Capitalization. The misuse of an apostrophe or hyphen, or a mistake in capitalization is considered a miss. Contractions and possessive forms may be written with all letters connected or written separately.

(C) Misspelled Words on List. Any word misspelled on the spelling list is not to be considered in grading the tests unless a correction has been published in the "Official Notices" section of the Leaguer and posted on the UIL web site.

(4) Determining Legibility. Contestants may print or write words. If there is a question about legibility of a letter, place a blank piece of paper on either side of the letter, separating it from its context, and then determine whether the letter can be identified. If two of three graders rule that a letter is legible, it should be considered correct.

(5) Ties. Ties in individual competition are to be broken by scoring the tie breaker test of only those involved in the tie. When calculating team scores, do not include scores from the tie breaker portion of the test unless a tie exists. If a tie exists in team competition, calculate the tie breaker scores for only those teams involved in the tie. If the tie remains after scoring the tie breaker, the tie shall stand. If there is a tie for first place, there is no second place. If there is a tie for second place, there is no third place, etc.

(6) Points. Individual points are awarded through sixth place. Team points are awarded through third place. See Section 1408 (i). Tied individuals or teams split the total points equally for the two or more places in which a tie exists.

(7) Certificates. Students who score 100% in district competition are eligible to receive a Certificate of Achievement. Words misspelled on the tiebreaker do not disqualify a student from a certificate.

(f) Verification Period. Contestants and coaches shall be given a period not to exceed 15 minutes to examine their test papers with official keys. Unofficial results should be posted. Questions should be directed to the contest director, whose decision will be final.

(g)OFFICIAL RESULTS. After the verification period has ended and all test papers have been collected, the contest director shall announce the official results. Official results, once announced, are final.

(h)RETURNING Materials. No materials from the fall/winter district contest may be returned to contestants before January 31. No materials from the spring district contest may be returned to contestants before the Saturday prior to Memorial Day.

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1. abandon 2. abnormal 3. absent 4. ache 5. adapt 6. additive 7. admire 8. adult 9. against 10. agitate

11. agreement 12. airplane 13. alley 14. alligator 15. allspice 16. almond 17. altar 18. amuse 19. anticipate 20. antonym

21. apparel 22. applaud 23. appoint 24. arrive 25. artist 26. ashore 27. assemble 28. astonish 29. attach 30. attempt

31. average 32. babble 33. balcony 34. ballpoint 35. baritone 36. basement 37. bashful 38. beast 39. beggar 40. beginner

41. believe 42. beneath 43. beverage 44. beyond 45. billion 46. bizarre (odd) 47. blade 48. blender 49. blossom 50. blush

Grades 3-4

51. boring 52. borrow 53. bottom 54. bouquet 55. breakfast 56. bridesmaid 57. brilliant 58. bristle 59. brother 60. burglary

101. dessert 102. develop 103. diamond 104. digest 105. dignity 106. disappoint 107. discover 108. disease 109. dishcloth 110. dispute

61. business 62. California 63. calm 64. capsule 65. career 66. category 67. caterpillar 68. caught 69. cautious 70. ceiling

111. dizzy 112. document 113. donate 114. donor 115. downwind 116. dragonfly 117. drearier 118. dressy 119. drinkable 120. druggist

71. century 72. certificate 73. channel 74. chapter 75. charming 76. circuit 77. citizenship 78. client 79. cling 80. commit

121. dry-clean 122. eagle 123. earache 124. earthly 125. eastern, Eastern 126. easygoing 127. eclipse 128. economical 129. edition 130. editor

81. commotion 82. composure 83. concern 84. continue 85. convenient 86. correction 87. country 88. coupon 89. cranberry 90. creepy

131. educate 132. eggbeater 133. elbow 134. electrify 135. elevator 136. emperor 137. empower 138. enchantment 139. ending 140. English

91. crescent 92. crimson 93. dainty 94. damage 95. deaden 96. debtor 97. defeat 98. dentistry 99. deputy 100. describe

141. engrave 142. entitle 143. entry 144. error 145. esteem 146. European 147. evaluate 148. exam 149. expert 150. expression

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Grades 3-4 (cont'd)

151. extreme 152. eyedropper 153. factory 154. falsehood 155. famous 156. farmstead 157. farsighted 158. fatal 159. feast 160. feather

201. gracious 202. granite 203. grease 204. grieve 205. grindstone 206. growl 207. grudge 208. guardian 209. guilt 210. hairpin

161. fetch 162. fiction 163. field 164. fierce 165. fingerprint 166. flattened 167. flavor 168. foliage 169. foolish 170. foresight

211. halt 212. halve 213. hammer 214. handful 215. handicap 216. harmless 217. harpoon 218. harvest 219. haystack 220. headache

171. forever 172. fortune 173. forward 174. fragrant 175. frankly 176. freaky 177. frequent (adj) 178. friend 179. frostbite 180. furniture

221. healthy 222. heavenly 223. height 224. heptagon 225. herd 226. heritage 227. hidden 228. Hispanic 229. history 230. hoarse

181. further 182. gala 183. gallant 184. gallery 185. garage 186. garment 187. garnish 188. gatekeeper 189. gathering 190. gelatin, gelatine

231. homey 232. honorable 233. hotel 234. hound 235. housemaid 236. humble 237. hunting 238. hurricane 239. husband 240. iceberg

191. gentlefolk 192. geography 193. geology 194. germinate 195. gibberish 196. ginger 197. glider 198. glossy 199. goose 200. gossip

241. illness 242. image 243. impair 244. import 245. improve 246. incoming 247. increase 248. indent 249. indigo 250. infancy

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251. infect 252. inhale 253. inherit (from parents) 254. inkling 255. inquest 256. inscribe 257. instant 258. insulate 259. intent 260. interpret

261. inventive 262. invest 263. inward 264. iron 265. irregular 266. irritate 267. isolate 268. ivory 269. jabbed 270. jagged

271. jasper 272. jay (bird) 273. jelly 274. journal 275. joyful 276. jumpsuit 277. junior 278. keypad 279. kindergarten 280. kindness

281. kindred 282. kingdom 283. knapsack 284. knitwear 285. known 286. knuckle 287. laborer 288. landscape 289. language 290. lately

291. laundry 292. lavender 293. lawyer 294. leaflet 295. leash 296. leather 297. legend 298. lemonade 299. lens 300. leotard


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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