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Center/Classroom:Teachers:Week of:(A) General Information Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: Children will continue to explore the world of insects through read-alouds, discussions, small-group activities, and other hands-on opportunities. We will deepen our Eric Carle author study by creating illustrations using the same techniques he does.Key vocabulary: Specific names of insects – ant, bee, mosquito, butterfly, etc. 1. Hormiga, Abeja, Mosquito, Mariposa, etc,..Spider, web, spin 2. Ara?a, Telara?a, VueltaHead, thorax, abdomen, antennae, mouthpart 3. Cabeza, Tórax, Abdomen, Antenas, Boca-partes Entomologists/entomology 4. Entomologos, EntomolgiaAuthor/ illustrator 5. Autor,IlustradorTissue paper, texture 6. Papel de seda, TexturaFriday “To Do” List:Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including pompoms/cotton balls in varied colors/sizes, tweezers/tongs; white tissue paper.Review lyrics to “Little Black Bug” and create poem chart.-Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including photos of insect habitats/spider webs, materials to re-enact The Very Lonely Firefly.- Second Step Week-Support for Dual Language Learners:Encourage families to share any childhood songs or rhymes about insects in their home language. Ask families for the names of insects in their home language, as well as phrases about what the insects do (how they help us, what they eat, etc). Use visuals such as pictures, plastic insects or real insects when talking about the different characteristics of the insects or what makes them unique. Use gestures and act out what the insects do and how they sound. Encourage children to repeat and offer descriptive language to extend both their native language and English.Family/ Community Involvement:Keep families updated about classroom activities, such as which insects you discussed or what children have learned about Eric Carle. For example, you could post a question or clue on the door for parents to see at pick-up time: “We read another Eric Carle book today – but this time it wasn’t about an insect! Ask your child to tell you about the Very Busy _______!”Encourage families to continue talking with children about insects at home. For example, families can talk at the dinner table about the unique characteristics of different insects and why they do or do not like certain ones. They may even find it interesting to conduct a survey with their preschooler to find out which insects their other family members like the best or the least. They can extend these explorations by taking walks to look for insects … maybe even bringing one into the classroom (in an appropriate container with air holes) if they can! (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s PlayBlocksDramatic PlayToys and GamesAdd: Photos of insect habitats (beehives, ant hills, cocoons, etc)Photos of spider websKeep: Materials from last week that children are still engaged with.Add: Materials to re-enact The Very Lonely Firefly: e.g., flashlight, dog, cat, owl, and copy of book.Add: Pictures of insects to sort or examine with magnifying glassArtLibrary/WritingDiscovery/ScienceAdd: Tissue paper; paint; pieces of clean, unused carpet or sponges to add different textures. See Eric Carle Collage small-group activities. Keep:Read-aloud books for this week, last week; other insect books or Eric Carle booksEric Carle Author Study PosterProps for retelling The Very Hungry CaterpillarAdd: Live insects (if possible) – in viewing tank or containers with air holes Clipboards & paper to record observations Insect chart: children can sort pictures or plastic figures by whether they are insects or not. Sand and WaterMusic and MovementComputersKeep?any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with.Consider swapping instruments or movement materials with another classroom to give students exposure to unfamiliar items.OutdoorsCookingMagnifying glasses – encourage children to look for insects, insect homes, etc. If possible, take a nature walk to search for insects. Bring magnifying glasses, research journals, camera, etc. Look carefully to decide if you have found an insect or an insect’s home.(C) Group Experiences Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayArrivalOpening CircleMovementRelaxationTransitionsClosing CircleArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherSS Puppet ScriptReview daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: QOTD: “Which insect do you like the best?” (cricket / butterfly/ firefly) Provide visuals, e.g. from Eric Carle books, to illustrate choices. Have children charting with whiteboard/ pocket chart/etcMusic/Movement: SS Song & Poem: “Little Black Bug”Little black bug, Little black bug Where have you been? I've been under the rug, Said little black bug. Bug-ug-ug-ug. Little green fly, Little green fly, Where have you been? I've been way up high, Said little green fly. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Relaxation:Transition:Closing Circle:Review QOTD with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral; then discuss results (what do you notice? which answer has the most? etc.).Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherKWL: Revisit KWL chart and talk with children about what they have learned about insects. (E.g., What do insects have in common? What do you know about different insects? How do ants help each other? What do we get from bees? Etc.) Is there anything else they still want to learn?Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition:Music/Movement: Freeze Dance (see below) & one otherRelaxation:Transition: SS Brain Builder- Closing Circle:Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherQOTD: “Which insect do you like the least?” (bees / ants/ mosquitoes – or other options children might relate to) Provide visuals to illustrate choicesReview daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: Music/Movement: Choose 2Relaxation:Transition:Closing Circle:Goodbye song Arrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherVote on which Eric Carle book they enjoyed the most by having them put a cube in front of the book. Ask children to estimate which got more votes; then count cubes.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: QOTD: “Have you ever been stung or bitten by an insect?” (Yes/No) Respond individually to children, talking about what happened, where, what it felt like, etc.Music/Movement: SS Song & one otherRelaxation:SS Skill ActivityTransition: SS Brain Builder- Closing Circle:Goodbye songRead-AloudsGroup 1: The Very Busy Spider by Eric CarleGroup 2: The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle Group 1: The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle Group 2: The Very Busy Spider by Eric CarleGroup 1: SS Book- Group 2: Actual Size by Steve Jenkins(recall from “Growing” unit; point out the heaviest/longest insect)Group 1: Actual Size by Steve Jenkins(recall from “Growing” unit; point out the heaviest/longest insect)Group 2: SS Book- Small-Group ActivityGroup 1: Measuring Insects (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 3a,22Group 2: Eric Carle Collages, part 1(See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 17a,S17a,33,37,38Group 1: Eric Carle Collages, part 1(See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 17a,S17a,33,37,38Group 2: Measuring Insects (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 3a,22Group 1: SS Skill Practice Activity-Group 2: Eric Carle Collages, part 2(See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 9a,s9a,10a,s10a,11a,21bGroup 1: Eric Carle Collages, part 2(See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 9a,s9a,10a,s10a,11a,21bGroup 2: : SS Skill Practice Special ActivitiesPlay music for children to dance to. When the music stops, hold up a shape and have children “freeze” in that shape – working together if possible.Pompom Patterns *see activity guide ( during free choice time)Working Like Ants: In advance, hide food around the room (e.g., plastic food from Dramatic Play area, or use pictures). Have children try to find it and collect it in a basket for the “queen ant.” Point out how fast children were able to do this, working together – and how much longer it would take to collect all of that food by yourself. Talk about how ants work together.Insect Mouths: Using a straw and needle, illustrate the different types of “mouthparts” that insects have. Some insects have a mouthpiece that helps them suck nectar; some have a mouthpiece that is sharp and pointy to pierce skin; and some have a mouthpart to bite/chew. Show pictures or models of several different insects and ask if children know which bite/sting vs. which do not. Tangible Acknowledgement SystemInclement Weather PlanEmergency drillsIndividual Child Planning FormTeachers:Classroom:Week of:Focus DateChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) Why Chosen?(IFSP, observation/assessment, family input conference goal, etc.)Strategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical Child PlanningChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) IFSP GOALStrategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist*If you have additional goals, highlight the last row for that child, right click with mouse, scroll to Insert rows, scroll to insert row below. Do this as many times as needed. ................

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