APUSH Vocab Second Semester 8MeghanTaft-Hartley Act- anti-union legislation passed over Truman’s veto. It weakened the New Deal because it banned closed shops and other strategies that unions used to organize.Operation Dixie- failed attempt by the CIO after WWII to unionize southern workers, especially in textile factories. Employment Act of 1946- Legislation that said that the government’s economic policy should focus on maximum employment, production, and purchasing and to keep inflation low. Created a Council of Economic Advisers to give the president data for the economic policy. Servicemen’s Readjustment Act/GI Bill of Rights- created to help WWII vets integrate back into their lives. Gave them loans to buy land, education, invest. Also helped nurture the postwar economy. Agribusiness- Expensive machinery used for farming made Agriculture a capital intensive, productive big business. This got rid of many small-scale family farms. Sunbelt- 15 state through the south and southwest that had a huge spike in population and productivity. Warm weather and money fueled the migration to this area. Dr. Benjamin Spock- wrote the book The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care that focused on instructing parents on how to take care and raise their child. Levittown- suburban communities with mass-produced houses built in New York and Philadelphia. Typically inhabited by white middle-class people who fled the cities in search of homes to buy for their growing families. “white flight”- many white people moved from cities to the suburbs explaining McClure Junior High School today. Also since many blacks moved from the south into northern cities, the cities were left with a high population of African Americans (think Detroit today)Jennybaby boom- soldiers came back from WWII a little too excited and wanted to get it on right away. Basically all of them felt like they needed to catch up those years spent in war. Everyone was poppin those suckers out left and right! (1946-1964). In this time period 78.3 million people were born. This caused an expansion of many institutions like hospitals and schools and suburbanization. They were Sexual beasts!Harry S. Truman- the 33rd US president and led the country through the end of WWII. He made the ultimate decision to drop the atomic bomb. He helped with the Marshall plan which greatly accelerated the Western European economy. Nuremberg Trials- series of trial in 1945 conducted by an international military tribunal in which former nazi leaders were charged with crimes against peace, humanity, and war crimes. “satellite states”- Eastern European states under the control of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.Potsdam Conference- the big three: Stalin, Roosevelt, and churchill met in Potsdam, Germany from July 17 to August 2 to negotiate terms for the end of WWIIGeorge F. Kennan- brilliant US specialist on the Soviet Union and the originator of the theory that US policy should be to “contain” the Soviet Union Korean War- first “hot” war of the Cold War. The Korean War began in 1950 when the Soviet backed North Koreans invaded South Korea before meeting a counter offensive by UN forces dominated by the US. The war ended in a stalemate in 1953.Joseph McCarthy- republican senator who accused a bunch of democrats of being communists. His philosophy flourished in the fear of communism during the Cold War. Heads really famous red hunter. He was removed from congress Julius and Ethel Rosenberg- they were on the team that worked on the atomic bomb and later helped the Russians develop their own atomic bomb by leaking information. They got caught and were sentenced to death. They were a symbol to not defy the government. Also slightly antisemetic.BrinnYalta Conference: - a conference held in Yalta in February 1945 where Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill planned the final stages of World War II and agreed to the territorial division of Europe Cold War- a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular. Most often characterized by the cold war between USA and USSR United Nations- an international organization formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among member countries. The organization works on economic and social development programs, improving human rights and reducing global conflicts. Iron Curtain- the notional barrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the West prior to the decline of communism that followed the political events in eastern Europe in 1989. Berlin Airlift - to try and take west berlin, the USSR decided to starve out the city. In response Churchill and the allies decided to airplane in supplies to the west side of Berlin. The embargo was eventually lifted by the USSR. Containment Policy - a policy adopted in 1947 by truman (im related to him through marriage) in which communism was to be contained to just the countries it was in already. This would lead to its downfall Truman Doctrine - the principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or communist insurrection. First expressed in 1947 by US President Truman in a speech to Congress seeking aid for Greece and Turkey, the doctrine was seen by the communists as an open declaration of the Cold War.Marshall Plan- the principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or communist insurrection. First expressed in 1947 by US President Truman in a speech to Congress seeking aid for Greece and Turkey, the doctrine was seen by the communists as an open declaration of the Cold War. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - is a military alliance of European and North American democracies founded after World War II to strengthen international ties between member states—especially the United States and Europe—and to serve as a counter-balance to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.Maggie GbcFair Deal Domestic reform proposals of the second Truman administration (1949-53); included civil rights legislation and repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act, but only extensions of some New Deal programs were enacted.38th parallel The dividing line between North and South Korea, across which the fighting between communists and United Nations forces ebbed and flowed during the Korean WarNational Security Council (NSC) 10 men and women who advise the President, in consultation with the Department of Defense, connect the dots between foreign relations and DefenseCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) conducted spy operations and information gathering overseasDwight Eisenhower Former U.S General who led the Allied forces in D-Day during WWII who was the Republican candidate for president in the election of 1952 with the slogan "I like Ike". He won over Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic candidate. As president, he filled his cabinet with successful corporate executives and was criticized for leaving important decisions to others, although proven untrue. In domestic policies, he described his approach as "modern Republicanism", and authorized the interstate highway system. He left business alone to prosper, which it did. His foreign affairs mostly concerned the Cold War and adopted the _________ Doctrine. He won reelection in 1956. Earl Warren controversial Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1953-1969); he led the Court in far-reaching racial, social, and political rulings, including school desegregation and protecting rights of persons accused of crimes; presided over the Brown v. the Board of Education case Rosa Parks United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913) Ho Chi Minh 1950s and 60s; communist leader of North Vietnam; used geurilla warfare to fight anti-comunist, American-funded attacks under the Truman Doctrine; brilliant strategy drew out war and made it unwinnable Ngo Dinh Diem South Vietnamese president that was catholic and strongly opposed communism. His poor leadership and corrupt government spelled doomCaraNikita Khrushchev: he was a communist party official who emerge from the power struggle after Stalin's death in 1953 to lead the USSR. He crushed a pro-Western uprising of Hungary in 1956, and, in 1958, issued an ultimatum for Western evacuation of Berlin. Defended Soviet-style economic planning in the Kitchen Debate with Richard Nixon in 1959 and attempted to send missiles to Cuba in 1962 but backed down when confronted by JFKFidel Castro: Cuban revolutionary who overthrew Batista dictatorship in 1958 and assumed control of the island country. His connections with the Soviet Union led to a cessation of diplomatic relations with the United States in such international affairs as the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Oversaw his country through the end of the Cold War and through nearly a half-century of trade embargo with the US John F. Kennedy: President of the United States who narrowly defeated the incumbent vice-president Nixon in 1960 to become the youngest person ever elected president. Launched New Frontier programs and urged legislation to improve civil rights; assumed the blame for the Bay of Pigs invasion and was credited as well for the superb handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald McCarthyism: a brand of vitriolic, fear-mongering anti-communism associated with the career of Senator Joseph McCarthy. In the early 1950s, he used his position in Congress to baselessly accuse high-ranking government officials and other Americans of conspiracy with communism. The term named after him refers to the dangerous forces of unfairness and fear wrought by anticommunist paranoia Desegregation: the abolishment of racial segregation, which happened due to the work of Civil Rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Down South, Jim Crow laws still segregated the races. Though able to vote on paper, only about 20% of southern blacks were actually registered to vote. massive retaliation: The "new look" defense policy of the Eisenhower administration of the 1950's was to threaten "massive retaliation" with nuclear weapons in response to any act of aggression by a potential enemy.John Foster Dulles: Eisenhower's Sec. of State; harsh anti-Communist; called for more radical measures to roll back communism where it had already spread (containment too cautious) military-industrial complex (MIC): In Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell speech to the nation the retiring president warned of the dangers of allowing a Military-Industrial Complex to take control of the United States. The Military-Industrial Complex is a term that denotes a symbiotic relationship between a nation's military, economy, and politics. The idea being that if the military becomes the biggest client for manufacturers then the nation will begin to invest more of its economy into military contracts. Politically, this leads to national budgets being heavily weighed in the military's favor in order to support the economic stability that this relationship seems to create. Brown v. Board of Education: landmark Supreme Court decision that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and abolished racial segregation in public schools. This decision was the first major step toward the legal end of racial discrimination and a major accomplishment for the Civil Rights MovementSiobhanGeneva Conference- A conference between many countries that agreed to end hostilities and restore peace in French Indochina and Vietnam. South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)- an international organization for collective defense primarily created to block during communism gains in Southeast Asia. Signed by—Australia, France, New Zealand, Thailand, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), UK, US, and support from South Korea and Vietnam.Eisenhower Doctrine- Eisenhower proposed and obtained a joint resolution from Congress authorizing the use of U.S. military forces to intervene in any country that appeared likely to fall to communism. Used in the Middle East. Sputnik- First artificial Earth satellite, it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. It led to the creation of NASA and the space race. National Defense and Education Act-(NDEA) After the Russian satellite "Sputnik" was successfully launched, there was a critical comparison of the Russian to the American education system & that American education was too easy going. So in 1958 Congress made the NDEA, authorizing $887 million in loans to needy college students and in grants for the purpose of improving the teaching of the sciences and languages. U-2 Incident- American U-2 spy plane shot down over the Soviet Union. U.S. denied the true purpose of the plane at first, but was forced to when the U.S.S.R. produced the living pilot and the largely intact plane to validate their claim of being spied on aerially. The incident worsened East-West relations during the Cold War and was a great embarrassment for the United States. Robert F. Kennedy- one of two younger brothers of US President John F. Kennedy and served as United States Attorney General from 1961 to 1964Robert S. McNamara - was the secretary of defense under Kennedy. He helped develop the flexible response policy. He was against the war in Vietnam and was removed from office because of this. Martin Luther King, Jr.- U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference, founded by MLK, which taught that civil rights could be achieved through nonviolent protests.Lee Harvey Oswald: Ex-Marine and communist and communist sympathizer who assassianted JFK in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. He was murdered two days later as he was being transferred from one jail to anotherLyndon B. Johnson: signed the civil rights act of 1964 into law and the voting rights act of 1965. he had a war on poverty in his agenda. in an attempt to win, he set a few goals, including the great society, the economic opportunity act, and other programs that provided food stamps and welfare to needy families. he also created a department of housing and urban development. his most important legislation was probably medicare and medicaid. Barry Goldwater: 1964; Republican contender against LBJ for presidency; platform included lessening federal involvement, therefore opposing Civil Rights Act of 1964; lost by largest margin in history Malcolm X: spread ideas of black nationalism. disagreed w/ both the tactics and goals of the early civil rights movement. minister of the nation of islam. rejected his original name because it was his family's slave name Stokely Carmichael: a black civil rights activist in the 1960s who urged giving up peaceful demonstrations and pursuing "black power."SNCC: organization which provided larger roles for younger African Americans regarding Civil Rights and became more militant to receive immediate changeEugene McCarthy: 1968 Democratic candidate for President who ran to succeed incumbent Lyndon Baines Johnson on an anti-war platform.Richard M. Nixon: Elected President in 1968 and 1972 representing the Republican party. He was responsible for getting the United States out of the Vietnam War by using "Vietnamization", which was the withdrawal of 540,000 troops from South Vietnam for an extended period. He was responsible for the Nixon Doctrine. Was the first President to ever resign, due to the Watergate scandal.ZoeVietnamization. the process of making South Vietnam assume more of the war effort by slowly withdrawing American troops from Vietnam George Wallace, racist gov. of Alabama in 1962 ("segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"); runs for pres. In 1968 on American Independent Party ticket of racism and law and order, loses to Nixon; runs in 1972 but gets shotFlexible Response, the buildup of conventional troops and weapons to allow a nation to fight a limited war without using nuclear weaponsNew Frontier, The campaign program advocated by JFK in the 1960 election. He promised to revitalize the stagnant economy and enact reform legislation in education, health care, and civil rights.Peace Corps, US agreed to withdraw from Vietnam.Alliance of Progress "ten-year plan for americans" $20billion partnership with us and latin america to reverse the cycle of poverty and stimulate economic growth. Bay of Pigs In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. The invasion ended in disaster, happened under President KennedyCuban Missile Crisis In October 1962, the United States and the Soviet Union came close to nuclear war when President Kennedy insisted that Nikita Khrushchev (leader of the USSR) remove the 42 missiles he had secretly inserted in Cuba. The Soviets eventually did so, nuclear war was averted, and the crisis ended.nuclear-test ban treaty Reacting to Soviet nuclear tests, this treaty was signed on August 5, 1963 and prohibited nuclear testing undersea, in air and in space. Only underground testing was permitted. It was signed by all major powers except France and China.HunterWar on Poverty- Very self explanatory. It was a war. On poverty. Ergo the name, war on poverty. In america. Great Society- LBJ’s version of the new deal, basically his domestic policy, it was totally rad.Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- This was that random ish when we claimed that the vietnamese in the north had fired on one of our warships, and yet there was no evidence that that actually happened. Historians speculate that we fabricated this as a reason to get into the vietnam war.Civil Right Act of 1964- This made it illegal to segregate public places. Twenty-Fourth Amendment- This is an extension of the voting rights act Voting Rights Act- This made it illegal to require a test or other discriminatory tactic to segregate voting. Operation Rolling Thunder- We bombed the shit out of those fuckers.Tet Offensive- This was the offensive by the north vietnamese against the south vietnamese and the US military. Although it was a military win, it is considered a massive political loss.Daniel Ellsberg- He was the whistleblower of the war (released the pentagon papers, put the United states into a bad light)Also guys long story short it turns out that a “dongazine” isn’t a real thing and I’m still overweight and my mouth hurts a lot“I concur.” ~ Michael McInerneyMaggie NHenry Kissinger- Secretary of state under Nixon and National Security Advisor. was responsible for negotiating an end to the Yom Kippur War as well as the Treaty of Paris that led to a ceasefire in Vietnam in 1973 Earl Warren- Controversial Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1953-1969); he led the Court in far-reaching racial, social, and political rulings, including school desegregation and protecting rights of persons accused of crimes; presided over the Brown v. the Board of Education case. Major good guy George McGovern- Democratic Senator running against Nixon on antiwar platform in 1972 election, he lost in a landslide. Nixon beat his azz Gerald Ford- President succeeded to the presidency upon Nixon's resignation in August 1974 and focused his brief administration on containing inflation and reviving public faith in the presidency. He was defeated narrowly by Jimmy Carter in 1976Jimmy Carter- President who stressed human rights. Because of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, he enacted an embargo on grain shipments to USSR and boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. He was a cool guy, alright? Shah of Iran- He was the ruler of Iran, whose family had held power since the start of the 20th century. He asked Saddam for help after religious leaders tried to overthrow Iran. The Shah continued to fight, but was eventually ousted from power. The government was then taken over by the religious leaders that the Shah opposed. Ayatollah Khomeini- Shi'ite philosopher and cleric who led the overthrow of the shah of Iran in 1979 and created an Islamic republic Détente- relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China Executive Privilege- the claim that certain information known to the president or the executive branch of government should be unavailable to Congress or the courts because of the principle of separation of powersNixon Doctrine- It stated that the United States would honor its existing defense commitments, but in the future other countries would have to fight their own wars without support of American troops. Created during viet. warMorganMy Lai massacre: March 16,1968 US troops attacked and killed over 300 innocent Vietnamese villagers in South Vietnam. The incident was covered up and did not reach the public until a year later. This left people outraged and anti-war supporters even more angry. Kent State Killings: Twenty-Sixth Amendment: Prohibited from denying citizens the right to vote due to age, as long as they were 18 or older.Pentagon Papers: Top-secret documents, published by The New York Times in 1971, that showed the blunders and deceptions that led the United States into the Vietnam War.SALT Soviet-American discussions to establish limits on the number of nuclear weaponsThe Watergate Scandal The events and scandal surrounding a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 and the subsequent cover-up of White House involvement, leading to the eventual resignation of President Nixon under the threat of impeachment.CREEP Richard Nixon's committee for re-electing the president. Found to have been engaged in a "dirty tricks" campaign against the democrats in 1972. They raised tens of millions of dollars in campaign funds using unethical means. They were involved in the infamous Watergate cover-up.War Powers Act This act stated that the president must report to Congress within 2 days of putting troops in danger in a foreign country, and there would be a 60 to 90 day limit for over seas troop presence.OPEC, Organization of Petrolium Exporting Countries. Controls Middle Eastern natural resources. Members are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, Indonesia, U.A.E, Nigeria, Equador, Angola, Algeria.Iranian Hostage Crisis diplomatic crisis triggered on Nov 4, 1979, when Iranian protesters seized the US embassy in Tehran and held 66 American diplomats hostage for 444 days. Carter was unable to free the hostages despite several attempts; to many this event symbolized the paralysis of American power in the late 1970'sUnit 7 Extremist, right wing secret society. Racist, anti-foreign, anti-Jewish, anti-communist. Very violent and very popular in the South. We all know about the KKK.Bible Belt- The region of the American South, from North Carolina west to Oklahoma and Texas, where Protestant Fundamentalism and belief in literal interpretation of the Bible were traditionally strongest.Immigration Act 1924- established quotas for immigration to the US. Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe were limited. Immigrants from Asia cut off completely. 18th Amendment- Prohibition!! Fundamentalism- 1906 A Protestant Christian movement emphasizing the literal truth of the Bible and opposing religious modernism, which sought to reconcile religion and science. United Negro Improvement Association- A black nationalist organization founded in 1914 by Marcus Garvey in order to promote resettlement of African Americans to their “African homeland” and to stimulate a vigorous separate black economy within the United States.Lost Generation- Creative Circle of American writers and artists. Examples- Hemingway, Fitzgerald Stein etc.JennyHarlem Renaissance- also known as the new negro movement. A cultural, artistic, and social explosion in Harlem during the 1920’s. Harlem is a place in NYC if you didn't know. 19th Amendment- prohibits denial of any US citizen to vote.Sacco and Vanzetti- Italian born US citizens who were convicted of murder and executed with very little evidence. Blamed because the US was scared of foreigners. There were lots of protests against their execution.Al Capone- famous gangster who gained fame during the prohibition era. Led the Chicago mafia. Over all seriously scary dude. John Scopes- teacher charged with violating the Tennessee’s butler act that prohibited the teaching of evolution in schools.Fredrick W. Taylor- a mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency whose ideas broadly influenced the progressive era. Focused on the removal of the individual in factory work and is a big reason we have problems today with mass production.Charles Lindbergh- lucky Lindt! The lone eagle!famous aviator who went nonstop from Long Island to France. He was rumored to be a fascist sympathizer before WWII. His son also got kidnapped once!!BrinnHenry Ford assembly line, standardized parts; affordable automobiles, 1920sLangston Hughes A leading poet of the Harlem Renaissance who described the rich culture of african American life using rhythms influenced by jazz music. He wrote of African American hope and defiance in poems such as "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "My People"Ernest Hemingway was among the writers most affected by the war (he had seen action on the Italian front in 1917); he responded to pernicious propaganda and the overblown appeal to patriotism by devising his own lean, word-sparing but word-perfect style; in The Sun Also Rises (1926), he told of disillusioned, spiritually numb American expatriates in Europe; in A Farewell to Arms (1929), he crafted one of the finest novels in any language about the war experience; a troubled soul, he finally blew out his brains with a shotgun blast in 1961F. Scott Fitzgerald a novelist and chronicler of the jazz age. his wife, zelda and he were the "couple" of the decade but hit bottom during the depression. his noval THE GREAT GATSBY is considered a masterpiece about a gangster's pursuit of an unattainable rich girl.Washington Naval Conference (and 9,5,4, Power Treaties) a diplomatic conference held in Washington, D.C. from November 1921 to February 1922. Held outside the auspices of the League of Nations, it was attended by nine nations having interests in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia. Soviet Russia was not invited to the conference. It was the first international conference held in the United States and the first disarmament conference in history.Kellogg-Briand Act this pact promised to never make war again and settle all disputes peacefully. Sixty-two nations signed this pact. The treaty was hard to enforce and had no provisions for the use of economic or military force against a nation that may break the treaty.Teapot Dome Scandal Harding Administration scandal in which Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall profited from secret leasing to private oil companies of government oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming, and Elk Hills, California.Maggie N.Mcnary-Haugen Bill- Farm proposal passed by Congress but vetoed by president Coolidge, that provided for the federal government to buy farm surpluses and sell them abroad. This was favored by farmers bc it would keep agricultural products priced high.Dawes Plan- A plan to revive the German economy, the United States loans Germany money which then can pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their loans from the U.S. Temporarily eased Germany’s bitchiness Hawley Smoot Tariff- highest tariff in U.S. history. It raised duties on agricultural and manufactured imports. It may have contributed to the spread of international economic depression. Dumb ideaBlack Tuesday- Stock Market crash - October 29, 1929. This date signaled a selling frenzy on Wall Street--days before stock prices had plunged to desperate levels. Investors were willing to sell their shares for pennies on the dollar or were simply holding on to the worthless certificates.Hoovervilles - Hoovervilles, named after President Hoover, who was blamed for the problems that led to the depression, sprung up throughout the United States. These consisted of poor families living in shacks that couldn’t pay their mortgages.RFC- This agency became a government lending bank. It was designed to provide indirect relief by assisting insurance companies, banks, agricultural organizations, and railroads. Stands for Reconstruction Finance Corporation Calvin Coolidge- Became president when Harding died. Tried to clean up scandals. Business prospered and people's wealth increased; his laissez-faire policies brought short-term prosperity from 1923 to 1929.Maggie G.Bonus Army a group of 20,000 WWI victims of the depression who wanted what the government owed them for “saving democracy”. The started protests in Washington. The tried to bribe congress but Hoover wouldn't let that happen and had them removed by the US army. New Deal A set of policies set of by FDR to improve the conditions after the Great Depression. (Relieve, reform, recover) 100 Days A period of 100 days in which congress met and got a lot done. They granted all of FDRS requests and passed a lot of programs to relieve some pain from the depression CCC employed 3 million men (18-25) to work on projects that benefited the public. I.e: planting trees, building levees for flood control, and improving national parks. Most popular form of legislation. Men only kept ? of earnings and sent rest back to family. NRA encouraged businesses to set a minimum wage and abolish child labor. Tried to set up codes governing pricing and other practices for industry. Helped people stay in work. Better working conditions (40 hr week). Prices of these products are higher for economy boost. Tried to relieve, reform, and recover. Unconstitutional in 1935 thoughAAA raised farm prices by restricting output of staple crops. Have farmers $ to pay mortgages. Restricted production and paid subsidies to growers, declared unconstitutional. FDIC The entity provided insurance to personal banking accounts up to 5000$. These assured people their money was safe and secure. This agency still functions today!!Social Security Act created a federal insurance policy based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people's working careers. They would receive this money in a monthly pension when they reached 65. They unemployed, disabled, and mothers with dependent children would also receive money. MorganCIO: the Committee or Industrial Organization was a union group that was organized unskilled workers to assist in the Wagner Act. This broke away from the AFL in order to provide work for unskilled workers regardless of their economic sector or craft. Keynesianism: Economic theorist John Maynard Keynes proposed a theory that in order to increase purchasing power/prosperity; the government must use deficit spending and tax policies incoherence with central banks adjusting interest rates. “Spend money to make money”Father Charles Coughlin: He was. Catholic priest from Michigan who reached nearly an audience of 40,000 people. He opposed the new deal and would talk to his listeners about his opposition. Frances Perkins: she was the first female cabinet member under FDR and also secretary of labor. She assisted in adding labor into the New Deal.Mary McLeod Bethune: An African American female in the Roosevelt Administration who headed the Office of Minority Affairs. She also was head of an unofficial “black cabinet” which focused on applying new deal benefits to blacks Harry Hopkins: he was a former NY social worker who was a personal confidant to FDR. He ended up as head of Federal Relief Administration along with the Works Progress administrationHuey Long:A Louisiana governed who greatly opposed the new deal and in opposition proposed the “Share our Wealth” program. (Which kinda verges on socialism) he said “every man a king!” FDR:He was the 32nd president of the United States who came to office in 1932 in the midst of the Great Depression. To combat the tanked economy he put in place The New Deal which helped them stabilize the economy. He also, after trying to remain isolationist, ushered the US into WWIICara3 R’s: by FDR; a plan to bring about the recovery of the United States from the effects of the Great Depression: Relief-relieve the suffering of those hit by the depression, Recovery- help the economy recover, and Reform-reforms areas that caused the depression Brain Trust: a small group of reform-minded intellectuals. They were youngish college professors who authored a lot of the New Deal legislationGood Neighbor Policy: Hoover’s arrival in the White House brought a hopeful turn to relations with America’s southern neighbors. The World depression gave the U.S. an aggressive attitude toward weak Latin neighbors. After the stock market collapsed, Americans invested less money into Latin America. Hoover made it his duty to abandon the Monroe Doctrine and made a pact with French-speaking Haiti where he withdrew American platoons and thus imposed the Good Neighbor Policy with other nations.Rome-Berlin Axis: In 1936, the Nazi Hitler and the Fascist Mussolini allied themselves in this. Neutrality Acts: Stipulated that when the president proclaimed the existence of a foreign war, certain restrictions would automatically go into effect. No American could legally sail on a belligerent ship, sell or transport munitions to a belligerent, or make loans to a belligerent. This marked the abandonment of freedom of the seas. These acts were meant to keep the nation out of a conflict like WW1. Appeasement: term for the British-French policy of attempting to prevent war by granting German demandsKristallnacht: “the night of broken glass.” Mobs ransacked more than 7,000 Jewish shops and almost all of the country’s synagogues. At least 91 Jews lost their lives and about 30 thousand were sent to concentration camps on this night. Lend-Lease: this was entitled “An Act Further to Promote the Defense of the U.S.” It was praised by the administration as a device that would keep the nation out of the war rather than drag it in. The underlying concept was “Send guns, not sons” “billions not bodies.” America would send a limitless supply of arms to the victims of aggression, who would finish the job and keep the war on their side of the Atlantic. This bill marked the abandonment of neutrality. HunterAtlantic Charter 1941, outlined a vision in which a world would abandon their traditional beliefs in military alliances and spheres of influence and govern their relations with one another though democratic process, with an international organization serving as the arbiter of disputes and the protector of every nation's right of self determination.Wendell Willkie Endorsed Franklin Roosevelt's foreign policy, and he was the president's personal representative.Pearl Harbor The Japanese naval air force made a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base in this place in Hawaii. Several battleships of the U.S. Pacific fleet were damaged or sunk. This attack resulted in an Amercian declaration of war the following day. Canada also declared war on Japan. Canadian soldiers in Hong Kong were soon fighting as the Japanese attacked the British colony the same day as this.Hitler Born in Austria, Hitler became a radical German nationalist during World War I. He led the National Socialist German Workers' Party-the Nazi Party-in the 1920s and became dictator of Germany in 1933. He led Europe into World War IIMussolini Fascist dictator of Italy (1922-1943). He led Italy to conquer Ethiopia (1935), joined Germany in the Axis pact (1936), and allied Italy with Germany in World War II. He was overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded ItalyFranco Spanish General; organized the revolt in Morocco, which led to the Spanish Civil War. Leader of the Nationalists - right wing, supported by Hitler and Mussolini, won the Civil War after three years of fighting.Stalin Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition Bolshevik revolutionary, head of the Soviet Communists after 1924, and dictator of the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1953. He led the Soviet Union with an iron fist, using Five-Year Plans to increase industrial production and terror to crush opposition.Executive Order 9066 authorized the Secretary of War and the U.S. Armed Forces to declare military areas from which any or all persons may be excluded. Did not specify nationality or ethnic group but led to the relocation of Japanese Americans to internment campsZoeWPB This organization oversaw the production of planes, tanks, artillery pieces, and munitions needed for entering WWII. Significant because they allowed for the U.S. to be more organized and prepared to go into war, this would prove to be vital.OPA A critically important wartime agency charged with regulating the consumer economy through:1) rationing scarce supplies, such as automobiles, tires, fuel, nylon, and sugar, and by 2) curbing inflation by setting ceilings on the price of goods. 3) Rents were controlled as well in parts of the country overwhelmed by war workers. The OPA was extended after World War II ended to continue the fight against inflation, but was abolished in 1947.Bracero Program Program established by agreement with the Mexican government to recruit temporary Mexican agricultural workers to the United States to make up for wartime labor shortages in the Far West. The program persisted until 1964, by when it had sponsored 4.5 million border crossings.WACs the 216,000 women who held noncombat positions in the army, navy, and Coast Guard when more "manpower" was needed and the men needed to be sent to fight.Midway--An enormous battle that raged for four days near the small American outpost at Midway Island, at the end of which the US, despite great losses, was clearly victorious. The American navy destroyed four Japanese aircraft carriers and lost only one of its own; the action regained control of the central Pacific for the US.D-Day June 6, 1944 - Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II.Potsdam Conference From July 17 to August 2, 1945, President Harry S Truman met with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and British leaders Winston Churchill and later Clement Attlee (when the Labour party defeated Churchill's Conservative party) near Berlin to deliver an ultimatum to Japan: surrender or be destroyed.Yalta conference-- February, 1945 - Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at Yalta to make final war plans, arrange the post-war fate of Germany, and discuss the proposal for creation of the United Nations as a successor to the League of Nations. They announced the decision to divide Germany into three post-war zones of occupation, although a fourth zone was later created for France. Russia also agreed to enter the war against Japan, in exchange for the Kuril Islands and half of the Sakhalin Peninsula.SiobhanManhattan Project-The Manhattan project was a secret research and development project of the U.S to develop the atomic bomb. Its success granted the U.S the bombs that ended the war with Japan as well as ushering the country into the atomic eraDwight Eisenhower- United States general who supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi GermanyHarry Truman- Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bombABC-1 Agreement- Agreement with Britain that adopted the strategy to defeat Germany before concentrating on JapanCORE-Congress of Racial Equality, and organization founded in 1942 that worked for black civil rights Thomas Dewey- He was the Republican presidential nominee in 1944 as well as the governor of New York. He lost to Roosevelt and Truman in the elections which were particularly embarrassing because he was always certain that he was going to win.V-E Day- May 8, 1945; victory in Europe Day when the Germans surrenderedV-J Day- Victory in Japan september 2nd, 1945 treaty signed on S.S. Missouri.Unit 7 G.USS Maine American battleship that blew up in Havana, Cuba, and ultimately started the Spanish-American War of 1898. Teller Amendment This proviso was passed after Congress essentially declared war on Spain for its actions in Cuba. This legislation declared to the world that the US had overthrown Spanish misrule and would give Cubans their freedom. The US honored it in 1902, and withdrew from Cuba.Rough Riders were a group of American volunteers that formed to fight at San Juan Hill in Cuba. Many of them were cowboys, ex-convicts, and other rugged men. Colonel Leonard Wood led the group, but Theodore Roosevelt organized it. They were named "Wood's Weary Walkers" because by the time they got to Cuba to fight most of their horses were gone.Insular Cases Supreme Court cases that the Puerto Rican islanders did not have full American rightsPlatt Amendment Allowed the United States to intervene in Cuba and gave the United States control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay.Open Door note message send by secretary of state John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy & Japan asking the countries not to interfere with US trading rights in China.Maggie N.Roosevelt Corollary- Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force. Basically saying that europeans can’t come into the America’s so that we could gain from places like Cuba and whatever else is down there.Afred Thayer Mahan- A Captain who wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History, which argued that control of the sea was the key to world dominance;it stimulated the naval race among the great powers. Prompted Naval construction for multiple countries before WW1Liliuokalani- THE QUEEN OF HAWAII. was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests. ;( Embodied the futility of foreign resistance to the American agenda.Emilio Aguinaldo- Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.insurrectos- Name for Cuban insurgents fighting Spanish rule. They utilized a destructive scorched-earth policy. yellow journalism- journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers. Also spreads bs gossip like wildfire; popularized in the late nineteenth century by Jospeh Pulitzer and William Randolph HearstSiobhanTreaty of Portsmouth- (1905) ended the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). signed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, after negotiations by Theodore Roosevelt ( won the Nobel Peace Prize).forced japan to drop demands for a cash indemnity (protection against financial burden) and russian evacuation of skhalin island, though it received control of Korea. muckrakers- Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the publicinitiative- process of petitioning a legislature to introduce a bill. It was part of the Populist Party's platform in 1891, along with referendum and recall. These all intended to make the people more responsible for their laws and allow them to make political decisions rather than the legislature.referendum- When citizens vote on laws instead of the state or national governments. Originated as a populous reform in the populist party, but was later picked up by the progressive reform movement. Elkins Act- act of 1903 passed by Congress against the Railroad industries. Targeted at the use of rebates. Allowed for heavy fining of companies who used rebates and those who accepted them. Part of Progressive Reform movement.Pure Food and Drug Act- 1906 and was designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals. made to protect the consumer. CaraDollar Diplomacy- Taft used American investments to boost American political interests abroad while approaching foreign policy. It encouraged businesses to invest money in areas of strategic concerns to the U.S.Payne Aldrich Bill- Taft signed this bill which put high tariffs on items. He initially called Congress into session to reduce tariffs, but the senatorial reactionaries tacked on hundreds of tariff revisions.Jacob Riis- An immigrant who wrote “How the Other Half Lives.” He wrote about the indictment of the dirt, disease, vice, and misery in the New York slumsRobert Lafollette- Leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1911. He was part of the National Progressive Republican League. He was elbowed aside by Roosevelt who seized the Progressive banner.Teddy Roosevelt- Successful Progressive President of the U.S. He proposed a series of Progressive reforms known as the Square Deal (control of corporations, consumer protection, environment and natural resource conservation.) He was well known for trust busting and breaking up the Northern Securities company (a railroad monopoly.) William H. Taft- President after Roosevelt. He approached foreign policy with Dollar Diplomacy. He was also a trustbuster and brought 90 suits against trusts during his 4 years in office.Meghan B.Upton Sinclair- Author of The Jungle. Muckraker that exposed the meat industry. Led to the Food and Drug Association (FDA). John Muir- Progressivist who fought for the preservation or natural land. Worked with TR. Founded the Sierra Club. Triangle shirtwaist fire- 146 workers die, mainly women and immigrants. Led to reforms in quality of the workplace and helped spread awareness for the women’s progressive movement16th Amendment- Income Tax- “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”17th Amendment- voters directly vote for senators. Populist Party advocated for this before and now it was a reality. 18th Amendment- bans alcoholBrinn19th Amendment: Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) extended the right to vote to women in federal or state elections.Gentlemen’s Agreement: An agreement with Japan where Japan agreed to limit immigration, and Roosevelt agreed to discuss with the San Francisco School Board that segregation of Japanese children in school would be stopped. The agreement prevented a war that would have been caused by California, who was in Japan's eyes, oppressing their children.Booker T. Washington: former slave who promoted industrial education and economic opportunity but not social equality for blacksW.E.B. Dubois Harvard educated scholar and advocate of full black social and economic equality through the leadership of a talented tenthHull House co-founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr who were soon joined by other volunteers called "residents," it was one of the first settlement houses in the U.S. and eventually grew into one of the largest, with facilities in 13 buildings At its beginning, its main purposes were to provide social and educational opportunities for working class people in the neighborhood, many of whom were recent immigrants. There were classes in literature, history, art, domestic activities such as sewing, and many other subjects, concerts free to everyone, free lectures on current issues, and clubs both for children and adults. Later, the settlement branched out and offered services to ameliorate some of the effects of poverty.New Freedom Wilson's policy that favored the small business, entrepreneurship, and the free functioning of unregulated and unmonopolized markets.HunterNew Nationalism Progressive policy of Theodore Roosevelt--1912 Progressive party platform--favored a more active government role in economic and social affairs--favored continued consolidation of trusts and labor unions and the growth of powerful regulatory agencies in Washington--favored women's suffrage and social welfare programs (including minimum-wage laws and "socialistic" social insurance).Underwood Tariff The Underwood Tariff, substantially reduced import fees. Lost tax revenue would be replaced with an income tax that was implemented with the 16th amendment.Federal Reserve created 12 district banks that would lend $ at discount rates (could increase/decrease amt. of $ in circulation); loosen/tighten credit with nation's needs; first central banking system since 1836Tampico incident An arrest of American sailors by the Mexican government that spurred Woodrow Wilson to dispatch the American navy to seize the port of Veracruz in April 1914. Although war was avoided, tensions grew between the US and Mexico.Moral Diplomacy President Wilson's policy of condemning imperialism, spreading democracy, and promoting peace internationally.MorganCentral Powers- One of two alliances that fought in WWI. The central powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.Lusitania- A British ocean liner carrying passengers that was attacked by German u-boats and was sunk. Around 1,200 people were killed in the attack, 128 were American. The Germans sunk the ship because it was 420 (blaze it) cases of ammunition and the Germans waged total submarine warfare justifying the sinking of the ship. However, the US painted the incident to seem as if it was purely an attack on an innocent ship, this pushed more Americans to support the war and made Germany seem more like the enemy.John Pershing- General of Armies in WWI who helped keep American troops under American command as Europe tried to get them under European leadership. He also refused to allow soldiers to enter the line unless they were fully trained which helped save many lives. Francisco “Pancho” Villa- Mexican freedom fighter that killed 16 Americans in 1916 in Mexico and then a month later killed 19 in New Mexico. Zimmerman Note- A telegram written by German Arthur Zimmerman that asked Mexico to form an alliance and go to war with the United States. The telegram was intercepted by the British and given to the US. This is was begin to edge the US into WWI because we were already worried about conflict in Mexico and saw Germany’s request as a threat. ZoeFourteen Notes An idealistic compilation of foreign policy goals which Woodrow Wilson hoped to achieve in the aftermath of World War I. Called for an end to secret treaties, widespread arms reduction, national self-determination, and a new league of nations.Espionage Act Law which punished people for aiding the enemy or refusing military duty during World War I or participating in any acts of national "disloyalty". Created a climate that was unfriendly to civil liberties.War Industries BoardLeague of Nations The precursor to the United Nations, this was a proposed union of the world powers after World War I; the brainchild of Wilson, who fought tooth-and-nail for its passage. Worked to facilitate peaceful international cooperation, though it lacked military power.irreconcilables isolationists Senators who voted against the League of Nations with or without amendments.Jenny Treaty of Versailles one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of way between Germany and the allied powers. It was signed on June 28, 1919.Eugene Debs an American Union leader and one of the founding members of the industrial workers of the world. He was also the candidate for the socialist party 5 times in a row. He is one of the best known socialists ever.Henry Cabot Lodge the role of senate majority leader and he is best known for his positions on foreign policy, especially his battle with president Woodrow Wilson in 1919 over the treaty of Versailles. He wanted congressional control over declarations of war. This led to the US never jointing the League of Nations.David Lloyd George British prime minister who wanted Germany to face harsh decisions from the Paris peace conference, and he had just returned to power after his party had promised to hang the Kaiser, he was the British representative at the Paris peace conference.George Creel head of the committee on public information 1917 which allegedly formed to combat wartime tumors by providing authoritative info. It served as propaganda agency proclaiming the governments version of reality and discrediting those who questioned that version.Unit 6 Maggie GUlysses S. Grant: An American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.Thomas Nast: Caricaturist and cartoonist, created Santa Claus and the Republican Elephant and the Democratic DonkeyHorace Greely: Newspaper editor, founder of Liberal Republican Party, created the New York TribuneRoscoe Conkling: politician from New York who served both as a member of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. He was the leader of the Stalwart faction of the Republican Party and the last person to refuse a U.S. Supreme Court appointment after he had already been confirmed by the U.S. Senate.James G. Blaine: A U.S. Representative, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, U.S. Senator from Maine, two-time Secretary of State. He was nominated for president in 1884, but lost a close race to Democrat Grover Cleveland.Rutherford B. Hayes: 19th president of the united states, was famous for being part of the Hayes-Tilden election in which electoral votes were contested in 4 states, most corrupt election in US historySamuel Tilden:Democratic candidate for presidency in 1876 won popular vote but was one vote short in electoral college, as compromise the republican candidate (Hayes) became president if troops were withdrawn from South ending the Reconstruction eraJames A. Garfield: 20th President of the United States (1881) and the second U.S. President to be assassinated. he Held office from March to September of 1881, he was in office for a total of six months and fifteen days.Chester A. Arthur: 21st president, took office after the assassination of James Garfield. He was widely suspected of having conspired in Garfield's assassination. Before entering politics, he had been Collector of Customs for the Port of New York but was fired by Rutherford B. Hayes under false suspicion of bribery and corruption. Ironically, he devoted his presidency to civil service reform and the passage of the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act.Charles J. Guiteau: Shot President Garfield in the back in a Washington railroad station. Allegedly committed this crime so that Arthur, a stalwart, would become President. His attorneys used a plea of insanity, but failed and he was hung for murder. After this event politics began to get cleaned up with things like the Pendleton Act.Maggie NGilded Age: The time of economic growth, the second industrial revolution, urbanization, immigration, and political/economic corruption. Congress and Business were more important and influential than the presidency during this time. it was the most highly competitive political time in US historySpoils System: the giving away of gov. offices for votes, kickbacks, and party service. it results in great corruption. reformers targeted it. Bullshit“Waving the bloody shirt”: reviving gory memories of the Civil War; helped elect Ulysses S. Grant as President in 1869. Tweed Ring: the corrupt part of Tammany Hall in New York City, started by Burly "Boss" Tweed; Samuel J. Tilden headed the prosecution against the ringCredit Mobilier Scandal: 1872; illegal manipulation of contracts by a construction and finance company associated with the building of the Union Pacific RailroadWhiskey Ring: a group of officials were importing whiskey and using their offices to avoid paying the taxes on it, cheating the treasury out of millions of dollars.Resumption Act: required the government to continue to withdraw greenbacks from circulation and to redeem all paper currency in gold at face value beginning in 1879.Bland-Allison Act: The Bland-Allison Act was an 1878 act of Congress requiring the U.S. Treasury to buy a certain amount of silver and put it into circulation as silver dollars. Vetoed by President Rutherford B. Hayes, the Congress overrode Hayes' veto on February 28, 1878 to enact the law.Stalwart: a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt). fraction of the republican party that favored machine politics.Half-Breed: A half-breed was a republican political machine, headed by James G. Blane c1869. The half-breeds pushed republican ideals and were almost a separate group that existed within the party.JennyCompromise of 1877: this was an informal unwritten deal made during the 1876 U.S presidential election. This ultimately led to the removal of federal troops from the south and ended the reconstruction era.(Hunter) Pendleton Act of 1883: congressional legislation that established the Civil Service Commision, which granted federal government jobs on the basis of examination instead of political patronage, thus reigning the spoils system.Collis P. Huntington: one of the big four of western railroading who built the central pacific railroad as part of the first U.S transcontinental railroad.James Hill: created The Great Northern Railroad (Duluth to Seattle). All this was the last of 5 transcontinental railroads. Considered the greatest railroad builder of all!!Cornelius Vanderbilt: Created the New York Central railroad. He built his wealth in railroads and shipping. He was quite a rascal but was SUPER rich from railroads.Thomas Edison: created the phonograph, the light bulb, and the motion picture camera. He was one of the first inventors to use methods of mass production and teamwork!!Andrew Carnegie: industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also a philanthropist. During the last 20 years of his life he gave away 90% of his wealth.John D. Rockefeller: cofounder of the standard oil company which dominated the oil industry and was also a philanthropists like Carnegie. He focused on helping scientific research, education, and medicine J.P Morgan: An American financier and banker who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomas-Houston electric company. He was instrumental in the creation of the United States steel corporation.Terence V. Powderly: Irish American politician and labor union leader. He was the head of the Knights of labor in the late 1880s.Meghan Samuel Gompers: is responsible for the formation of one of the first labor unions. The American Federation of Labor worked on getting people better hours and better wages. The formation of this triggered the formation of various others that would come later.Pool: an agreement to divide the business in a given area and share the profits. Used in the Railroad industry after presidents of companies were becoming “industrial monarchs”. NOT like Kendrick Lamar.Rebate:is a deduction from an amount to be paid, or money back. Rockefeller, oil king, employed spies to find the amount to be paid of railroads and forced the railroads to pay him it on the bills of his competitors.Vertical Integration: combining into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing. Carnegie used this. Horizontal Integration: Allying with competitors to monopolize a given market. Used by Rockefeller. Less efficient.Trust: an economic method that had other companies assigns their stocks to the board of trust who would manage them. Killed off competitors not in the trust. This method was used/developed by Rockefeller, and helped him become extremely wealthy. It was also used in creating monopolies.Interlocking Directorate: When one wanted to eliminate wasteful competition they would consolidate rival enterprises and placed their own men on the board of directors.Panic of 1873: this was caused by the creation of too many railroads and factories when the market couldn't handle it. It was also caused by the over-loaning of banks which lead to too much credit.Florence Kelley: a social and political reformer. Her work against sweatshops and for the minimum wage, eight-hour workdays, and children's rights is widely regarded today. From its founding in 1899, Kelley served as the first general secretary of the National Consumers League. In 1909 Kelley helped create the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).Mary Baker Eddy: founded Church of Christ, Scientist (Church of Science). Wrote book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. ZoeCharles Darwin: An English Naturalists who wrote the Origin of the Species in 1859. His theory stated that in nature the strongest of a species survive, the weaker animals died out leaving only the stronger of the species. Through this process of natural selection the entire species improved. White supremacists and the rich folks of america tried to use this theory to explain why the rich were inherently better than the poor who were born lesser humans. Charles did not mean for anyone to interpret his theory in this senseBooker T. Washington: Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881. His book "Up from Slavery."William James: a philosopher on Harvard faculty, wrote Principles of Psychology, The Will of to Believe, Varieties of Religious Experience, and Pragmatism; 1842-1910: Helped to express philosophy of the nation. referred to as “father of philosophy”. He made female characters the center of many of his pieces and he advocated for women's rights. He was part of the realism movement along with mark twain.Henry George: He was a journalist-author and an original thinker. he saw poverty at its worst in India and wrote the classic Progress and Poverty. this book in 1879 broke into the best-seller lists. he believed that the pressure of a growing population with a fixed supply of land pushed up property values.Horatio Alger: a popular writer of the Post-Civil War time period. He was a Puritan New Englander who wrote more than a hundred volumes of juvenile fiction during his career; the famous "rags to riches" theme.Mark Twain: was part of the realism movement in the post civil war era. Twain gave a name to an era after he teamed up with writer Charles Dudley Warner to write “the gilded age” which was a satire on post civil war political corruption and greed. He was a journalist, humorist, satirist, and foe of social injustice. He gave his characters a “real” voice so people could relate to them. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A major feminist prophet during the late 19th and early 20th century. She published "Women and Economics" which called on women to abandon their dependent status and contribute more to the community through the economy. She created centralized nurseries and kitchens to help get women into the workforce.Carrie Chapman Catt: She was a leader of the women's suffrage movement. She was not successful in accomplishing her goal, but she did spark a movement that would eventually lead to women's right to vote.Megalopolis: cities in America that began to grow rapidly in the post Civil War decades. In 1860, no city in the US had a million people. By 1890, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia had passed the million mark.Nativism: a philosophy in which you hate immigrants and have much patriotism. You are scared of losing the “american culture” with all the immigrants coming in. You also don’t want to become the minority you are power hungry :OHunterPhilanthropy: giving away a lot of money to worthy causesYellow Journalism: journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers; popularized in the late nineteenth century by Jospeh Pulitzer and William Randolph HearstNew Immigration: A new wave of immigrants, from eastern and southern Europe, frightened Americans because of the emigrant's customs, different faiths, illiteracy, and poverty.They were a new group of immigrants coming into the United States that consisted of Italians, Slavs, Greeks, Jews, and Armenians. They came from both Southern and Eastern Europe, and also from the Middle East. In the 1890s, their numbers first began to increase, and the numbers continued to increase for the next three decades. Most of the immigrants came from peasant and poor backgrounds and boosted America's foreign-born population by 18 million. They were often discriminated against.Social Gospel: the religious doctrines preached by those who believed that the churches should directly address economic and social problemsSettlement House: a house where immigrants came to live upon entering the U.S. At Settlement Houses, instruction was given in English and how to get a job, among other things. The first Settlement House was the Hull House, which was opened by Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889. These centers were usually run by educated middle class women. The houses became centers for reform in the women's and labor movements.Modernist: Modernists took a historical and critical view of the Bible and believed they could accept Darwin's theory of evolution without abandoning their religion.Chautauqua Movement: helped benefit adults in education. This was launched in 1874 on the shores of Lake Chautauqua, in New York. The organizers achieved success through nationwide public lectures, often held in tents and featuring well-known speakers, including Mark Twain. In addition, there were extensive Chautauqua courses of home study, for which 100,000 persons enrolled in 1892 alone. This movement contributed to the development of American faith in formal education.Women’s Christian Temperance Union: women's organization founded by reformer Frances Willard and others to oppose alcohol consumptionEighteenth Amendment: Prohibited the non-medical sale of alcohol This amendment is the midpoint of a growing drive towards women's rights as well as showing the moral attitude of the era.Sitting Bull: One of the leaders of the Sioux tribe. He was a medicine man " as wily as he was influential." He became a prominent Indian leader during the Sioux Was from 1876-1877.( The war was touched off when a group of miners rushed into the Black Hills of South Dakota in 1875.) The well-armed warriors at first proved to be a superior force. During Custer's Last Stand in 1876, Sitting Bull was " making medicine" while another Indian, Crazy Horse, led the Sioux. When more whites arrived at the Battle of Little Big Horn, Sitting Bull and the other Sioux we forced into Canada.BrinnGeorge A. Custer: Discovered gold in Black Hills of South Dakota, his seventh cavalry division was decimated by the Sioux at the battle of Little BighornChief Joseph: was chief of the Nez Perce Indians of Idaho. People wanting gold trespassed on their beaver river. To avoid war, and save his people he tried retreating to Canada with his people. They were cornered 30 miles from safety and he surrendered in 1877.Geronimo:leader of the Apaches in Arizona. Faught against the white men. He hated white men. He was pushed into Mexico where he surrenderedJoseph F. Glidden: Invented Barbed wire. This allowed a farmer to protect his land and his crops so that wild herds would not trample the property. They can fence in the property more cheaply, and the production of barbed wire went up dramatically in 1874.James B. Weaver: He held several offices in Iowa before he adopted the cause of reform and was elected (1878) to the U.S. House of Representatives on the Greenback party ticket. In 1880 he was the unsuccessful presidential candidate of the Greenback party. Weaver continued to advocate "soft-money" views. He helped form the Farmers' Alliance—an agrarian reform movement—and when that organization became the Populist Party, Weaver ran (1892) as its presidential candidate. Although defeated, he polled more than one million popular and 22 electoral votesOliver H. Kelly: Founded "The Grange," helped improve the lives of isolated farmersMary Elizabeth Lease: well known during the early 1890's for her actions as a speaker for the populist party. She was a tall, strong woman who made numerous and memorable speeches on behalf of the downtrodden farmer. She denounced the money-grubbing government and encouraged farmers to speak their discontent with the economic situation.Sioux Wars: lasted from 1876-1877. These were spectacular clashes between the Sioux Indians and white men. They were spurred by gold-greedy miners rushing into Sioux land. The white men were breaking their treaty with the Indians. The Sioux Indians were led by Sitting Bull and they were pushed by Custer's forces. Custer led these forces until he was killed at the battle at Little Bighorn. Many of the Indian were finally forced into Canada, where they were forced by starvation to surrender.Apache: Native American-Indian tribe; 1870's; group from Arizona and New Mexico led by Geronimo were difficult to control; chased into Mexico by Federal troops; they became successful farmers raising stock in OklahomaGhost Dance: A cult that tried to call the spirits of past warriors to inspire the young braves to fight. It was crushed at the Battle of Wounded Knee after spreading to the Dakota Sioux. This led to the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. This act tried to reform Indian tribes and turn them into "white" citizens. It did little goodSiobhan:Battle of Wounded Knee: the last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the United States, subsequently described as a "massacre" by General Nelson A. Miles in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.Dawes Severalty Act: dissolved many tribes as legal entities, wiped out tribal ownership of land, and set up individual Indian family heads with 160 free acres. If the Indians behaved like "good white settlers" then they would get full title to their holdings as well as citizenship. The act attempted to assimilate the Indians with the white men. The act remained the basis of the government's official Indian policy until the Indian Reorganization Act of stock Lode: The first major U.S. discovery of silver ore, located under what is now Virginia City, Nevada, on the eastern slope of Mount Davidson, a peak in the Virginia Range. After the discovery was made public in 1859, prospectors rushed to the area and scrambled to stake their claims. Mining camps soon thrived in the vicinity, which became bustling centers of fabulous wealth.Long Drive: took place in the 1880's in the Western plain states - Cattle ranchers needed a way to easily transport their cattle to eastern cities - Cowboys would round up a lot of cattle and "drive" them to areas near railroad stations - Most of these drives went from southern Texas up to Kansas.Homestead Act: Act that allowed a settler to acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, improving it, and paying a nominal fee of about $30 - instead of public land being sold primarily for revenue, it was now being given away to encourage a rapid filling of empty spaces and to provide a stimulus to the family farm, turned out to be a cruel hoax because the land given to the settlers usually had terrible soil and the weather included no precipitation, many farms were repo'd or failed until "dry farming" took root on the plains , then wheat, then massive irrigation projectsPatrons of Husbandry: a group organized in 1867, the leader of which was Oliver H. Kelley. It was better known as the Grange. It was a group with colorful appeal and many passwords for secrecy. The Grange was a group of farmers that worked for improvement for the farmers.Granger Laws: a series of laws passed in western states of the United States after the American Civil War to regulate grain elevator and railroad freight rates and rebates and to address long- and short-haul discrimination and other railroad abuses against farmers.Farmers’ Alliance: founded by western farmers who opposed the gold standard and supported the free silver movement. They opposed the gold standard to oppose high deflation in Agricultural prices. The alliance was created in the majority to ensure that farmers, western farmers especially, received a voice in the U.S. governmentPopulists: made up of farmers, greenbacks, laborers, grangersOmaha Platform 1892 = government ownership of rails and telephone, unlimited coinage of silver, graduated income tax on wealth, sub-treasury to store farm goods with loans given to keep farmers in business, 8 hr. workday, restriction on immigration, initiative, referendum, secret ballot, direct election of senatorsBenjamin Harrison: The twenty-third President of the United States, serving one term from 1889 to 1893. He had previously served as a senator from Indiana. His administration is best known for a series of legislation including the McKinley Tariff and federal spending that reached one billion dollars. Democrats attacked the "Billion Dollar Congress" and defeated the GOP in the 1890 mid-term elections, as well as defeating Harrison's bid for reelection in 1892. He is to date the only president from Indiana.CaraThomas B. Reed: Served as Speaker for 6 years. Said that “the best system is to have one party govern and the other party watch”Jacob S. Coxey: A famous marcher of the Populists. Demanded that the government relieve unemployment by an inflationary public works program, supported by $500 million in legal tender notes to be issued by the Treasury. Him and his army marched to the nation’s capital but were arrested when they walked onto the grassEugene V. Debs: Helped organize the American Railway Union of about 150,000 members. These members struck when the Pullman Palace Car Company was hit hard by the depression and cut workers’ wages. This was known as the Pullman StrikeWilliams Jennings Bryan: Delivered the Cross of Gold Speech. He was nominated by the Democratic Party and his platform demanded inflation through the unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 oz of silver to 1 oz of gold. This meant that the silver in a dollar would be worth 50 cents. He also promoted free silver and lead a lot of his followers out of debt. He ran against Republican William MckinleyRichard Olney: A leading corporation leader. He believed in the power of the Interstate Commerce CommissionWilliam McKinley: Took office as a Republican in 1897. During his presidency, money issues gradually faded away. He believed in hard money and got a lot of hate from democrats who despised the Gold Standard ActBimetallism: A monetary system in which the government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange for paper currency or checksFree Silver: The demand of expanding the money supply with unlimited coinage of silverSilverites: Members of the political movement who advocated that silver and gold should be established as a monetary standardMorgan: “Billion Dollar” Congress: Republican congress of 1890. passed record # of significant laws that helped shape later policies and asserted authority of federal govt., gave pensions to Civil War veterans, increased government silver purchases, and passed McKinley Tariff Act of 1890Pension Act: Passed by the Fifty-First congress in 1890 under the direction of president Harrison; it awarded stipends to all Civil War veterans who had fought for at least 90 days and were no longer able to do manual labor. Foreshadowed the "welfare state" of the next century. Won support from the GAR and the GOP.Sherman Silver Purchase Act: act that was a compromise between the western silver agitators and the eastern protectionists. The Westerners agreed to support a higher tariff and the protectionists, this bill. It ordered the Treasury to buy 4.5 million ounces of silver monthly.Homestead Strike: It was one of the most violent strikes in U.S. history. It was against the Homestead Steel Works, which was part of the Carnegie Steel Company, in Pennsylvania in retaliation against wage cuts. The riot was ultimately put down by Pinkerton Police and the state militia, and the violence further damaged the image of unions.Jim Crow Laws: The "separate but equal" segregation laws state and local laws enacted in the Southern and border states of the United States and enforced between 1876 and 1965Depression of 1893: Economic downturn at the start of Cleveland's presidency; it was the most devastating one of the century. Overbuilding, overspeculation, labor disorders, and agricultural depression contributed. The problem of the "endless cycle" of gold draining from the Treasury necessitated the repealing of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890.Pullman Strike: In Chicago, Pullman cut wages but refused to lower rents in the "company town", Eugene Debs had American Railway Union refuse to use Pullman cars, Debs thrown in jail after being sued, strike achieved nothingWilson-Gorman Tariff: 1894 act setting the tariff at 41.3%; not as low as Democrats wanted it to be. Cleveland was outraged that it did not go by his campaign pledges. He had to sign it to have a lower tariff, but he was annoyed with its ineffectiveness. It also was the first bill to introduce an income tax, but that was later struck down as unconstitutional.Cross of Gold Speech: famous speech given by William Jennings Bryan; in support of bimetallism, Bryan spoke of the gold standard as a burden (like the cross)Chapter 22 MeghanCivil Rights Act of 1866- gave citizenship to African Americans and sought to get rid of black codes13th Amendment- abolished slavery14th Amendment- declared that all people born in the US are citizens. It also said that states have to protect rights and provide “equal protection of the law” and “due process”. Thank you Jocz Productions. Morgan15th Amendment- made it illegal to deny suffrage based on race or previous servitude. This gave republicans the support of black voters Civil Rights Act of 1875- this prohibited the unequal treatment of people of color in public places. It also stated the it was prohibited to exclude them from jury duty. Panic of 1873- this was caused by the creation of too many railroads and factories when the market couldn't handle it. It was also caused by the over-loaning of banks which lead to too much credit.Brinnredeemers- were a white political coalition in the Southern United States during the Reconstruction era that followed the Civil War. Redeemers were the southern wing of the Bourbon Democrats, the conservative, pro-business faction in the Democratic Party, who pursued a policy of Redemption, seeking to oust the Radical Republican coalition of freedmen, "carpetbaggers", and "scalawags". They generally were led by the rich landowners, businessmen and professionals, and dominated Southern politics in most areas from the 1870s to 1910.Rutherford B. Hayes- was the 19th President of the United States(1877–1881). As president, he oversaw the end of Reconstruction, began the efforts that led to civil service reform, and attempted to reconcile the divisions left over from the Civil War and Reconstruction. Elected as president through electoral votes and made the compromise of 1877Samuel Tilden- candidate for the U.S. Presidency in the disputed election of 1876, winning a popular vote majority, but ultimately being denied victory by the electoral college.JennyCompromise of 1877- Ended the reconstruction era. It was an informal, unwritten deal. This was basically when Hayes got elected in 1876 as president and promised to remove federal troops from South Carolina and Louisiana and to give more power to the south in general through representation in the government. Presidential Reconstruction- Pretty much what the Lincoln and Johnson wanted to happen in the reconstruction of the union. They wanted to reunify the US and just let the civil war rather than punishing the south for what they did. Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction of 1863- Abe’s plan for reunifying the country. 3 main areas he wanted to focus on: property that was messed up during the war, a new state government (10% voters take an oath to the union blah blah blah), and plans to deal with the free slaves that doesn’t compromise their freedom. CaraWade-Davis Bill- Created by Congress. It required 50% of the voters from 1860 to take an “iron-clad” oath of allegiance to the United States. However, this plan was pocket-vetoed by Lincoln which angered the Republicans. Andrew Johnson- Became Democratic president of the United States after Lincoln was assassinated. He was unfit for the presidency compared to Lincoln, but he did keep Lincoln’s “10 percent” plan. He was later threatened to be impeached because he violated the Tenure of Office Act, but he was proven not guilty.Freedmen’s Bureau- This helped former slaves and poor southern whites by giving them food, clothing, medical care, and education. The greatest success was in education because it taught 200,000 African Americans how to read. Although this was authorized to settle former slaves on forty-acre tracts confiscated from the Confederates, little land actually made it into the blacks’ hands. So this never actually worked out because it expired in 1872HunterBlack Codes- pretty much the virginia slave codes, they undermined the 13,14,and 15 amendments and made a system that segregated and undermined blacksCongressional Reconstruction- the harsher form of reconstruction that gave blacks much more rightsRadical Republicans- the people responsible for congressional reconstruction. One of the leaders was sumnerSiobhanCharles Sumner- gave a speech in may 1856 called " the Crime Against Kansas" militant opponent of slavery, beat with a cane by Preston Brooks after the speech, collapsed unconscious and couldn't return to senate for 4 years, symbol throughout the north.Thaddeus Stephens- Regarded the seceded states as conquered provinces, promoted major reconstruction legislation, like 14th amendment. Radical Republican, friend of the blacks and defended the runaway slaves in court without fee and was buried in a black cemetery.Reconstruction Acts of 1867- laid out the process for readmitting Southern states into the Union. 14th amend.(1868) provided former slaves with national citizenship, and 15th amend.(1870) granted black men the right to vote.ZoeTenure of Office Act of 1867- A measure passed by Congress in 1867. It prohibited the president from dismissing any cabinet member or other federal officeholder whose appointment had required the consent of the Senate unless the Senate agreed to the dismissal. Johnson's violation of this act caused the impeachment crisis.Edwin Stanton- The cabinet secretary who was outwardly loyal to Andrew Johnson but who was a spy for the radicalsimpeachment- Definition: in Congress or a state legislature) the presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house. Andrew Johnson was impeached by congress because they were upset that Johnson was strictly following the Lincoln plan and vetoing all of their propositions-- Johnson was found innocent from his charges in court but the case represented a rebellion against checks and balances.Maggie G.scalawags- A native white Southerner who collaborated with the occupying forces during Reconstruction, often for personal gain.carpetbaggers- A Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War and became active in Republican politics, especially. so as to profiteer from the unsettled social and political conditions of the area during Reconstruction.Hiram Revels- He was the first African-American senator, elected in 1870 to the Mississippi seat previously occupied by Jefferson Davis. Born to free black parents in North Carolina, he worked as a minister throughout the South before entering politics. After serving for just one year, he returned to Mississippi to head a college for African American males.sharecropping- A system of agriculture where a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on land. After the Civil War, it was a widespread response to the economic upheaval caused by the emancipation of slaves and disenfranchisement of poor whites. Helped to maintain the status quo between Blacks and Whites.Maggie N. Ku Klux Klan- This the really racist group that everyone knows of and they do some scary messed up shit but i mean they are secret so what is the govt gonna do right. They really are all for white supremacy and probably have oppressed any minority ever smhForce Acts 1870 and 1871- passed by Congress following a wave of Ku Klux Klan violence, the acts banned clan membership, prohibited the use of intimidation to prevent blacks from voting, and gave the U.S. military the authority to enforce the acts. its v baAmnesty Acts of 1872- Removed the last of the restrictions on ex-Confederates, except for the top leaders, The chief political consequence of the Amnesty Act was that it allowed southern conservatives to vote for Democrats to retake control of state govts. forgave most confederates ................

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