Chakras, Affirmations and Asanas

Chakras, Affirmations and Asanas

Reminder: this is one of many models, it is not necessarily the “right” or “true” model

Source of affirmations:

| |Prupose/Description |Affirmation |*Poses |

|Chakra [pic]1 |Location: base of the spine |May I be able to nourish and |staff |

|Muladhara |Issues: survival, stability, and self sufficiency. |nurture myself, be grounded, |bound angle |

|(root chakra) |Physical Qualities: Controls the area just below the buttocks to |stable, and feel connected to the|bridge |

| |just above the sexual organs. Manages digestions and excretion of |oneness of life/universe. |crab (table) |

|Color: Red |food, the small intestines, colon, and sexual well-being | |half wind relieving |

|Sound: Lahm |(especially in men). | |full wind relieving |

|Element: Earth |Spiritual Qualities: Maintains the connection with the earth. | |locust |

|Symbol: Square |Promotes qualities of resistance and solidity. Is the seat of the | |child |

| |kundalini. Controls manifestation of thoughts into physical | |half warrior |

| |reality. | | |

| |Gland: Renal, Controls kidneys, bladder and spine | | |

|Chakra [pic]2 |Location: lower abdomen (between belly button and pubic bone) |May I be at home and ease in my |cobra |

|Svadhisthana |Issues: sexuality, creativity, relationships and emotions |body, and find balance in my |boat |

|(sweetness) |Physical Qualities: Controls the area just above the root chakra |relationship between self and |seated forward bend |

| |up to 2 fingers above the naval. Manages the function of the |others. |dog |

|Color: orange |urinary tract, sexual organs, kidneys, and adrenal glands. | |cat |

|Sound: Vahm |Spiritual Qualities: Is the Seat of Creativity. Where a man | |seated angle |

|Element: Water |experiences his intrinsic masculinity and a woman her intrinsic | | |

|Symbol: Crescent |feminity. Promotes innocence and a wonder of the physical world. | | |

| |Gland: Gonad, four fingers below the naval point, controls | | |

| |reproductive system. | | |

|Chakra [pic]3 |Location: solar plexus (between belly button and the bottom of rib|May I be able to honor myself, be|bow |

|Manipura |cage) |who I am in the world, and |seated forward bend |

|(lustrous gem) |Issues: issues are personal power, self esteem, willfulness and |express that power without fear. |upward boat |

| |energy | |inclined plane |

|Color: yellow |Physical Qualities: Controls the area located 2 fingers above the | |warrior I |

|Sound: Rahm |naval up to the bottom of the rib cage. Manages the assimulation | |warrior II |

|Element: Fire |of food, the liver, and the pancreas. | | |

|Symbol: Triangle |Spiritual Qualities: Controls a person's relationship to the | | |

| |world. The ability to connect, to belong, and to make long-term | | |

| |intimate associations. Promotes feelings of trust and contentment.| | |

| |Calmness. | | |

| |Gland: Adrenal, two fingers above naval point, controls liver, | | |

| |pittashay and digestive system. Seat of wisdom. | | |

|Chakra [pic]4 |Location: heart (center of the chest) |May I be free to feel my true |fish |

|Anahata |Issues: love, compassion, acceptance, and trust |feelings, desires and passions, |standing yoga mudra |

| |Physical Qualities: Controls the area from the bottom of the rib |and be at home in my heart. |pigeon |

|Color: green |cage up to the collarbones. Manages the functions of the heart, | |camel |

|Sound: Yahm |the thymus gland and the immune system. | |standing backbend |

|Element: Air |Spiritual Qualities: Regulates feelings of joy, pain, anger, and | |twist |

|Symbol: Six pointed star ( |fear. Is the source of Divine Love. The gateway to the soul. | | |

| |Promotes compassion and healing. | | |

| |Gland: Heart, Thymus, controls heart, liver, pulmonary and | | |

| |circulatory system. | | |

|Chakra [pic]5 |Location: throat |May I be able to express my |fish |

|Vissudha (purification) |Issues: communication, inspiration, expression, and faith |feelings with ease, and be |half shoulder stand |

| |Physical Qualities: Controls the area from the mid-point of the |balanced between heart and mind. |plow |

|Color: bright blue |nose down to the collarbones. Manages the function of the larynx, | |standing backbend |

|Sound: Hahm |thyroid, and hearing. | |camel |

|Element: Ether |Spiritual Qualities: Represents the intellectual body, the ability| | |

|Symbol: Circle |of a person to express him/herself. The power of understanding. | | |

| |Detachment. Clarity. That place where internal worlds are real. | | |

| |Promotes personal integrity and transcends fear. | | |

| |Gland: Thyroid, controls respiratory functions | | |

|Chakra [pic]6 |Location: between the eyebrows |May I see and perceive clearly on|child |

|Ajna (to perceive) |Issues: psychic, emotional and mental intelligence, and intuition |every level, and seek only the |seated head to knee |

| |Physical Qualities: Controls the area between the eye brows and |truth. |pyramid/runners stretch |

|Color: indigo blue |down below the eyes. Manages all higher mental activities, the | |seated side angle |

|Sound: Om (or Vohm) |optic nerves and the pituitary gland. | |meditation |

|Element: All 5 elements in |Spiritual Qualities: Is the eye of wisdom. Manages clarivoyance, | | |

|their purest form |telepathy, and healing through mental projections. The Seat of | | |

|Symbol: A single point |Divine Intelligence. Where consciousness and unconsciousness merge| | |

| |- where the ability to create physical realities from mental | | |

| |realities happens without delay | | |

| |Gland: Pituatory, controls autonervous system | | |

|Chakra [pic]7 |Location: crown (top) of the head |May I have a clear and open |seated yoga mudra |

|Sahasrara |Issues: devotion, inspiration, selflessness, and spiritual |connection with source energy |head stand |

|(thousand petaled) |understanding |(spirit), and live in the present|mountain |

| |Physical Qualities: Controls the function of the pineal gland. |moment. |meditation |

|Color: white or violet |Spiritual Qualities: Represents the highest level of spiritual | | |

|Sound: Pure sound (or OM) |perfection. The merging of the personal energy field with the | | |

|Element: Infinite time |universal field. When open a person experiences the connection | | |

|Symbol: Infinite space |with the All That Is. | | |

| |Gland: Pineal, connected with upper brain, opening to the | | |

| |universe. | | |


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