Love as a Way of Life

Study Series: Jesus Continued Author: J. D. GreearLesson Title: “Experiencing the Holy Spirit…In Our Giftings” (pp. 117-127)February 2, 2020Session 10The main point of this lesson is: The Holy Spirit guides us through our giftedness.Focus on this goal: To help adults seek to understand God’s will through their giftedness.Key Bible Passage: Romans 12:6-8; 2 Timothy 1:6To the Leader: You can find the Father Christmas scene at the Session1. Prepare to show the Father Christmas scene from the movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe or to read that scene from Chapter 10 of the book by that title by C. S. Lewis. (Step 1)2. Obtain or compile a list of ways to serve in your church. (Step 3)During the SessionStep 1. Introduction / Discussion StarterShow or read the Father Christmas scene from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. (If you are unable to obtain the movie clip or book, invite adults who have seen the movie or read the book to share some of their favorite parts of that story by C. S. Lewis. Use the opening paragraph of Day One, p. 117, to describe the scene where the children receive gifts.) Ask: How might those gifts have helped the children understand the role Aslan wanted them to play? Declare: One of the ways God has provided for us to experience the Holy Spirit and understand His will for our lives is through the gifts He gives us. Read the second paragraph of Day One (p. 117). State: This session explores five principles that can help adults discover their spiritual gifts.Step 2. Day One – Gifted for What God WantsAsk: Have you ever considered yourself to be anointed? Explain. Read 2 Corinthians 1:21 and 1 John 2:20. Ask adults to identify who all are anointed believers. Request a volunteer read Luke 4:18-19. Evaluate whether the Spirit anoints believers to do the same things He anointed Jesus to do. Explain the Spirit anoints each believer with pneumatika to empower Christ’s church to be His voice, heart, and hands. Discuss Day One, activity 2 (p. 118). Request adults underline the last sentence of Day One as you read it aloud.Step 3. Day Two – Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, Part 1Review Day Two, activity 1 (p. 119). Relate the author’s explanation of those lists from the first paragraph of Day Two (p. 119). Ask: Which of the activities that Paul listed are all believers to be involved in? How can we distinguish between what is our spiritual responsibility and what is our spiritual giftedness? Discuss from Day Two (p. 119) the first guiding principle for discovering pneumatika. Encourage adults to identify specific ways people can serve in and through your church. Add to the discussion with the list you compiled. Ask: What is one way we can discover whether we’re gifted in any of these areas of service? (Try it!) Request a volunteer read the second guiding principle for discovering one’s spiritual gifts (p. 119). Read and discuss the Day Two margin/pull quote (p. 120). Describe how that was true for Paul and Barnabas in Acts?13. Invite volunteers to share their responses to Day Two, activity?2 (p.?120). Use the author’s illustrations at the end of Day Two (p. 120) to explain sometimes the Spirit reveals spiritual gifts in prophetic ways. Invite volunteers to share if they’ve ever had that kind of experience.Step 4. Day Three – Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, Part 2Have adults consult the Day Three diagram (p. 121). Describe an effective way to discover spiritual gifts. Explain how Paul’s spiritual giftedness coincided with his natural abilities. Read the paragraph (p. 121) that begins, “There are exceptions, of course.” Read 2?Corinthians 2:16 and ask if adults ever think “Who is competent for this?” Invite a volunteer to read 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 to discover Paul’s answer to his question. Declare we are competent for ministry because the Spirit has anointed us. Describe the SHAPE strategy (pp. 121-122) for determining the Spirit’s plan for our lives. Use remarks in Day Three (p. 122) to explore how our experiences can help us discover specific ways God has gifted us.Step 5. Day Four – Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, Part 3Discuss Day Four, activity 1 (p. 124). Explore what the passage says to believers who don’t work in a “spiritual” profession. Use the first paragraph of Day Four (pp. 123-124) to add to that discussion. Ask: What must we keep uppermost in our minds as we choose, change, and live out our vocations? Request a volunteer read the first paragraph of page 125. Invite adults to share responses to Day Four, activity 2 (p. 125).Step 6. Day Five – Where to Begin?Guide the group to analyze the difference between being “gift-driven” and “guilt-driven” (p. 127). Evaluate why being gift-driven leads to empowerment, confidence, and joy. Explore what the author means by “gift-envy” and “non-gift guilt” (p. 127). Ask: How can both these be destructive to spiritual growth and relationships? Why don’t we have to have gift-envy or non-gift guilt? Invite a volunteer to read Romans?12:6?8. Ask what points Paul was making about spiritual gifts.Step 7. Live Out the LessonRead the last paragraph of Day Five (p. 127). Note Day Five suggests ways adults can discover their spiritual gifts. Urge them to follow at least one of those suggestions this week (Day Three, activity 1, p. 123, and Day Five, activity 1, p. 126, can be helpful tools). Close in prayer. ................

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