Sermon Outlines. Org

Series: Victory in the Wilderness

Message # 10 “The Becoming Like God”

Exodus 30 :17-21, 38 :8 and 47

INTRODUCTION: In our last lesson we studied the first piece of furniture of the

Tabernacle, the brazen altar, which was placed just inside the door of our outer

court. In this lesson we will look carefully at the second piece of furniture in the outer court which stood just before the door into the holy place. This piece of

furniture is called the brazen laver. What rich and challenging lessons emerge

from the study of these two article of furniture in the outer court. The brazen

altar teaches us the way of reconciliation, while the brazen laver leads us into the way of sanctification. Without reconciliation we can never know sanctification. But if we are truly reconciled to God then we must experience both positional and

practical sanctification. Positional sanctification is that once for all washing or

regeneration by the Word that establishes a permanent relationship with God.

Practical sanctification is the day by day and moment by moment cleansing by the

Word through the spirit. Without this practical sanctification there is no fellowship with God and worship and witness become ineffective and barren. God's Word to His ancient people and to His church today is "Ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy." - Leviticus 19:2 Without holiness there is no happiness.

Without both positional and practical sanctification there can be no holiness.


A. The brazen laver and its foot were to be made out of the mirrors of the

women who assembled at the door of the congregation - Ex. 38:8

B. These women voluntarily gave up these articles of luxury for this purpose

C. No specific direction regarding size and shape was given by God concerning

the laver


A. The spiritual significance of the materials

1. The laver was made of bronze - Exodus 38:8 - which speaks of the

divine righteousness of Jesus Christ

2. The very material from which the laver was made, spoke of surrender

in that the women of Israel were willing to give that which was calculated

to make something of self

3. The brazen laver contained water. This without doubt speaks of the

spirit of God operating through the Word of God - Eph. 5:25&26

B. The spiritual significance of the measurements of the brazen laver

1. No dimensions were prescribed for the laver nor are we told the

quantity of water which it contained. The absence of dimensions in

connection with the laver and its water denotes that an unlimited pro-

vision has been made by God for our cleansing. The Word of God is

sufficient to minister to every need

2. No directions were given to Israel concerning the covering of the laver

while- they journeyed

a. This tells us that the purifying Word is always available

b. This tells us that we need to use the Word daily in all of our

wilderness journeying

C. The spiritual significance of the ministry of the brazen laver

While the brazen altar speaks of the ministry of reconciliation the brazen

laver speaks of the ministry of separation or sanctification

1- The initial cleansing

a. When the priest were inducted to their high and holy office

they were bathed all over at the laver. Moses was to bring

Aaron and his sons to the door of the Tabernacle of the congre-

gation and wash them with the water - Exodus 29:4

b. The only other occasion when anyone was bathed completely was

on the day of atonement - Leviticus 16:4 - which represented a

new beginning each year for the whole nation

c. The initial cleansing answers to regeneration by the spirit through

the Word - Titus 3:5

d. Jesus spoke of the initial cleansing in John 13:10 saying to Peter

"He that is washed (completely washed) needeth not save to wash

(partially wash) his feet, but is clean everywhit:"

2. The continual cleansing - Exodus 30:20 & 21

a. The priest dare not touch either the altar or the Tabernacle without

washing lest they die

b. They were in constant contact with defilement since there was no

floor either in the outer court or the Tabernacle itself

c. They were never allowed to sit down so that in moving about they

were unavoidably brought into contact with the dust of the desert

d. The application to our lives is serious and solemn. God will not

allow us to touch His work without being clean

3. The believers cleansing

a. Just as the Old Testament priests had to wash continually at the

laver, believers today must spiritually cleanse themselves by the

daily application of the Word of God to their hearts through the

power of the Holy Spirit

(1) God's Word should be used to prevent us from falling into evil

God's Word is said to be "a lamp unto our feet and a light unto

our path" The Psalmist said "Thy Word have I hid in mine

heart that I might not sin against thee."

(2) God's Word is to be used in cleansing us from all defilement

11 Cor. 7:1 - just as the priest came into contact of the dust

of the desert that soiled their feet, so believers constantly

come into contact with the filthiness of the world - Eph. 5:25

& 26, Heb. 10:22, 1 Peter 1:22

(3) -God's Word is to be used for refreshment - water is used not

only for cleansing but to invigorate. So also is the Word of

God in the life of a believer - Titus 3:5

(4) God's Word is used for communion -The priests were required

to wash before they entered the holy place where communion

with God would occur


A. That which in heaven corresponds to- the laver is found in Revelation 15: 2 & 3

B. Here the saints will no longer need to wash but they are eternally

reminded of the source of their purity as they stand on a "sea of

glass" (laver of glass)

C. They are seen standing on a sea of glass "singing unto the Lord"

Altar and laver will never be forgotten

D. The altar says without shedding of blood is no remission and the

laver announces without holiness no man shall see the Lord


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