The Gospel of John - Week One Discussion Questions

The Gospel of John: Week One Discussion Questions

1. What are the major sections of the Book of John? What is the purpose of

each section?

2. What do you think are some core beliefs of the Christian faith? Why are

these beliefs central? Why are others not central?

3. Describe the relationship between the Word (Jesus) and God the Father in

this passage. How does this affect our understanding of a community?

Dallas Theological Seminary

3909 Swiss Avenue ? Dallas, Texas 75204 ? 214.887.5040 ? 800.3.dallas (800.332.5527) ? fax: 214.887.5504

Guide to the Questions

1. What are the major sections of the Book of John? What is the

purpose of each section?

The Book of John has four major sections. The prologue in chapter one lays the

theological foundation for the rest of the book. Chapters two through twelve

describe the private and public ministry of Jesus, including the signs He

performed. The Upper Room Discourse in chapters thirteen through seventeen is

the core teaching section of the book. Chapters eighteen through twenty-one

cover the passion story and resurrection appearances.

2. What do you think are some core beliefs of the Christian faith?Why

are these beliefs central? Why are others not central?

The DTS student doctrinal statement includes seven core beliefs of the Christian

faith. They are the Trinity, the full divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the

spiritual lostness of the human race, the substitutionary atonement and bodily

resurrection of Christ, salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, the physical return

of Christ, and the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. These seven doctrines are

a good representation of Christian orthodoxy, because losing even one of them

will force a departure from the historical claims of the faith.

3. Describe the relationship between the Word (Jesus) and God the

Father in this passage. How does this affect our understanding of a


The Prologue of John demonstrates that Jesus was both divine and eternal. Jesus

is God, just as the Father is God. Jesus was not created: He existed from eternity

past. The intimate relationships between the persons of the Trinity demonstrate

that community is central to the life of a Christian.

Dallas Theological Seminary

3909 Swiss Avenue ? Dallas, Texas 75204 ? 214.887.5040 ? 800.3.dallas (800.332.5527) ? fax: 214.887.5504


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