Diary of an awesome friendly kid spooky stories pdf


Diary of an awesome friendly kid spooky stories pdf

In an effort to protect their kids, some parents will keep them away from books, TV shows, and movies that might be too scary. But to a certain extent, scary stories help children learn how to deal with fear in real life.As Cari Romm at Science of Us explains, scary stories, and even nightmares, are dress rehearsals for real-life fear. And according to sociologist Margee Kerr, scary stories are a helpful tool for developing confidence. Think about it. When you make it through a scary movie, haunted house, or roller coaster ride, you end up feeling accomplished--like you made it through something. This little self-esteem boost carries over and teaches kids that, while things might be scary sometimes, it's possible to make it through and they'll be better off for it.No, you shouldn't be trying to scare the crap out of your kids, but it's okay for them to read some ghost stories or get scared of the boogeyman every once in a while. They'll learn how to cope with fear in a low-stakes setting and be more prepared for the many real obstacles they'll face in life. Kids develop bravery and confidence, they're not born with it.Whether it's a roller coaster, haunted house, or horror movie, people love to scare themselves for...Read moreHow Scary Stories Help Kids Learn to Handle Fear in Real Life | Science of UsPhoto by Rod Herrea. Home ? Sleep Product Reviews ? Best Bedtime Stories for KidsA bedtime story is a narrative traditionally shared with a child as they're getting ready to sleep. Often told to kids by their parents, these stories usually feature playful rhyme schemes, colorful illustrations, and a moral intended to teach youngsters about the world around them. We've all got our favorites, and now there are more available than ever before, which can make it tricky to choose the one that's right for your family. Thankfully, there are a few markers that separate the truly great bedtime stories from those that should probably stay on the shelf.First and foremost, the writing has to be stellar, engaging enough to keep youngsters interested, yet dreamy enough to get them ready for bed. The illustrations also need to be clear and dynamic, so burgeoning readers can start developing their context skills. So what bedtime stories fit the bill? Check out some of our absolute favorites below!Best Classic Bedtime Story2266590Goodnight MoonPros The story has as an easy-to-follow plot, onto which young readers should be able to latch without a problem. It's also interactive, so encourages a nice back-and-forth between reader and child. The illustrations are simple but highly stylized, creating a pleasant aesthetic. Cons This bedtime story is really only appropriate for toddlers or very young kids, as the text isn't super engaging. If your child needs something a bit more "active" this may not be the story for you, as it's centered exclusively in a bedroom. For something classic, consider Goodnight Moon, the story that taught a generation of kiddos to love reading. Simplistic, sweet, and beautifully drawn, this bedtime story is a knock-out for toddlers and other young children.Best for Toddlers2266599Sweet Dreams, Pout-Pout FishPros With around six words per page, Pout-Pout Fish is an easy read, which should encourage participation from younger kids. The illustrations are fun and playful, so are bound to keep your little one entertained! I also like that the book walks the reader through a solid bedtime routine from washing one's face to brushing one's teeth. ConsThis bedtime story is really only appropriate for super young audiences, so may not age particularly well. Even for this younger demographic, I felt as though the story was a touch too short to be really engaging. Sweet Dreams, Pout-Pout Fish With its straightforward message and goofy illustrations, Sweet Dreams, Pout-Pout Fish could be a great bedtime story young guppies just learning to read.Editors Choice2255683Goodnight Stories for Rebel GirlsIf you're looking for a bedtime story that'll inspire your kiddo, you may want to add Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls to the list. Bursting with 100 stories of extraordinary women, this text introduces readers to a diverse cast of luminaries, all of whom shaped the world against incredible odds. ProsI really like the cast of figures here, which range from Serena Williams to Coco Chanel, Queen Elizabeth, famous warrior Lakshmi Bai, and more! The accompanying illustrated portraits of each woman are also stunning, making the drawings here the most artistic in this roundup. This is a book you hold on to, so could make a fantastic keepsake for young readers. Cons If you're interested in more of a narrative style of storytelling, this may not be the best pick for you. I'd also say that the quality of writing isn't consistent, so some profiles are stronger than others. Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is bursting with 100 stories of extraordinary women and introduces readers to a diverse cast of luminaries who helped shape the world we live in today!Best Collection2255660365 Bedtime Stories and RhymesIf you're looking for a story collection, you may want to consider 365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes from Cottage Door Press. Filled to the brim with short stories (often only two pages long), this book could be great for kids who get bored with the same tale night after night. ProsThe book has a nice weight to it and an elegant silver finish along the fore edge (the vertical edge of the book opposite the spine). I also enjoyed the illustrations, which were fun and engaging without overwhelming the text. And finally, the sheer variety of tales contained within the book is a huge plus for the collection, ranging from human stories to ones focused on mythical creatures and animals! Cons Some of the stories are better written than others, so there's a bit of a consistency issue throughout the collection. The print is also quite small, so it may be difficult for kids to read along with you. 365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes 365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes is a great collection of short stories with a wide variety of tales to tell before bedHow We PickedNow that we've gone over some of my favorite bedtime stories, let's talk about how I made my picks! I teased this in the intro, but I thought it might be useful to discuss the most important factors to consider when selecting a story of your own.AestheticsThough we're often told not to judge a book by its cover, sometimes it's important to do precisely that. Bedtime stories need to appear inviting to young kids, so it's important to find books with engaging cover art, expert construction, and whimsical detailings. At the end of the day, if a book's beautiful, kids will be more likely to want to handle it, which, in turn, will make them more interested in learning how to read it.WritingWhile the main goal of a bedtime story may be to lull children to sleep, its secondary one is to help teach them how to read, so the writing has to be solid. Here, the key is simplicity, with vocabulary that can be easily understood via context clues and a consistent rhythm that makes reading aloud a breeze.And don't let big blocks of text fool you into thinking the writing is good! Often, the best writing is found in brief passages that have been carefully worked to fully maximize their effectiveness without being gratuitous.MessageAnother important component of any good bedtime story is a clear and effective message. Sure, not every text needs a "moral," but the ones that do provide parents with an awesome opportunity to share life lessons with their kids.GenreWhen selecting a bedtime story, choose one that's within a genre your child likes! If your youngster can't get enough of princesses, castles, and dragons, stick with fantasy. However, if your kid likes a more realistic approach, select a story based on the life story of a historical figure.DifficultyMost bedtime stories are meant for specific age groups, so make sure to note the difficulty level before buying. The goal is to read something that's at or slightly above your kid's own reading level, so that they're always learning as they drift off to dreamland.TypesYou'll also want to consider type! I was careful to include a wide range here -- from story collections to single narrative ones -- and I suggest you do the same with your own bookshelf. Some popular types include:Fairytales/Fables ? Fantastical stories centered on a "moral" you can share with your kiddoes.Rhymed Stories ? These tales put the emphasis on rhythm, and are more concerned with sounds and rhymes than "plot." Great for young readers!Collections ? Collections typically include several different stories. There's a wider variety here, but the stories are often short.Picture Books ? These bedtime stories focus on illustrations rather than text and are great for young children or those who haven't learned how to read yet.Chapter Books ? Chapter books are great for kids who are transitioning from partner readers to independent ones and need something a little more advanced.Sleepopolis TipsNow that you've got a sense of what kind of bedtime story you need, let's go over a few tips for making the most of your nightly reading routine!Take turns reading ? Make sure the reading is shared between you and your child so they feel involved in the process.Don't be afraid to challenge them ? Yes, bedtime reading is about winding down your kiddo for sleep, but that doesn't mean you can't push them a little bit. Choose stories with rich vocabulary and slightly complicated plots to keep their focus up.Make it a conversation ? Don't just read the text -- ask your youngster what they think of the story! If they say they like it, figure out why, prodding them to explain what it is about the writing or narrative they enjoy.Wrapping UpWhen picking a story of your own, make sure to keep a tight focus on what kinds of themes your children like as well as the difficulty level they can handle. And remember to shake it up -- no one likes reading the same thing night in and night out.Get the latest deals, discounts, reviews, and giveaways! As much as any holiday, Halloween is a time of family traditions. While Halloween this year will likely look different, parents typically take kids trick-or-treating, and everyone heads off together to parties, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and haunted house attractions. If you're staying closer to home this year, there are still kids Halloween movies to watch and all of the best Halloween candy to eat, and, of course, ghost stories for the children. Whether they're gathered around a campfire or snuggled under their sleeping bags, kids love tall tales of things that go bump in the night. Of course, it's up to grown ups to make sure that the legends and lore tread the line between raising goosebumps and causing screams of true terror. No one wants the little ones in tears, or up all night from a too-intense fright.That's why we've gathered up 10 ghost stories for kids that will lift a few hairs without truly scaring them. We have stories that have lessons for the little ones, folklore that will tickle funny bones, and fables that are just a bit frightening--as well as a couple creepier yarns for older kids. And after you've taken a peek, be sure to check out our Halloween party games for kids and adults for some spooktacular ideas for Halloween night. The Ghost of the Bloody FingerA little gory, slightly spooky, this is a story about a bloody finger inching ever closer to a man spending the night alone in a haunted house. It ends with a joke, however, so all that tension is released with a good giggle. For extra fun, be sure to use a sinister voice for the ghost, making it louder and scarier the closer he gets--right up until the last line, when asks for a Band-Aid. Then, he can sound as congenial as Casper the Friendly Ghost.The Big ToeAlso known as The Hairy Toe, this is a classic story about an old woman who finds a toe in the woods and, depending on the version, eats it (ewwww) or puts it in glass jar. The tale gets creepier as the toe's very large owner comes looking for it, but the fantasy/folklore feel of it helps keeps things light, as does the ending. Children of all ages should be able to enjoy this fable without getting too frightened. KOLOstockGetty Images The Ball PitMore of a play on parental worries about ball pits than a story addressing any kids' concerns (come on, do you think they fret about those things being a bacteria factory the way we do?), "The Ball Pit" is really an urban legend instead of a proper ghost story. But while it may have kids pondering the potential hidden dangers in their favorite play space for a moment or two, the silly ending will get everyone laughing. CoffinMost kids love a good play on words, and this uncanny story about a coffin chasing a man all the way from the cemetery to his bathroom ends with the king daddy of all puns. As you tell the tale, be sure to emphasize the scary BUMP BUMP BUMP sound the coffin makes as it clomps down the street following the poor fellow. You might even want to have a bottle of cough syrup ready to hold up, too, showing what the man throws to stop the coffin. (They'll love it. Trust us.)Yellow RibbonSpooky to be sure, this long-told-tale revolves around a married couple and the yellow ribbon the woman wears around her neck, which she refuses to remove. Various versions have him untying it while she's sleeping, or the wife allowing her husband to take it off, but it all ends the same way: with her losing her head--and we don't mean metaphorically. David HarriganGetty Images Dem BonesThis rollicking ghost story has everything kids love: pirates, hidden treasure, and rowdy, glowing skeletons. The legend goes that on one dark night, the infamous buccaneer Captain Kidd and his crew showed up on the coast, burying their ill-gotten gains on a quiet stretch of sandy land. The treasure was never seen again--except on certain evenings, when the phantom pirates sail in to unearth it once more, celebrating by singing, dancing jigs and telling tales about their days sailing the high seas.The Lady with the Emerald RingA parable about greed, this story set in the late 18th-century actually has a happy ending, well...for some of the characters. The story involves a woman, believed dead, a vicar who steals her emerald ring, and the bad end that comes to him. The only ghost in this story is the one the woman's husband believes her to be, but that's doesn't mean this story isn't spooky. MotortionGetty Images The HookIf you're hosting a gathering of older kids, this is the urban legend for you. Like "The Lady with the Emerald Ring" and "Yellow Ribbon," you can have fun stretching the story out, building the suspense the longer it goes. The story of a couple who park in Lover's Lane, ignoring reports of an escaped killer from a local asylum, it ends with the kind of scare that will have kids jumping out of the their sleeping bags. The Thing at the Foot of the Bed Short and (not quite so) sweet, this is a cautionary tale for little ones about an old man who awakens in terror at the thing he sees lurking at the foot of his bed. He takes drastic action instead of investigating, much to his regret. Both spooky and amusing, this story could help kids understand that the scary things at night they think they see in their closet and under the bed are just figments of their imagination.Fifty-Cent PieceNot all ghosts are scary. Some just want to be helpful, like the spirits in this story, who host a husband and wife too tired to continue their travels. The pair leave a coin as thanks the next morning, but soon hear the truth about the old couple from neighboring villagers. Eerie rather than disturbing, this story can be told to all ages. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io

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