Dear Parents and Students,

Dear Parents and Students,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Carver Elementary School. The teachers and staff join me in saying we are ecstatic to have you as a part of the Carver family. We are looking forward to an exciting and successful school year.

We are using this handbook as a means of communicating between the home and school. There are many policies, regulations, and services discussed in these pages. It is our hope that this handbook will be helpful to you and that it will promote a better understanding between the home and the school.

Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to visit Carver and to attend scheduled meetings for parents and teachers. Mutual benefits happen when there is a meaningful exchange of information between all stakeholders.

Carver Elementary School is dedicated to providing every child with the best educational opportunity possible. Through a close and shared partnership, I am confident that our school will continue to be a successful place for our students to grow and learn.


Ms. Tiffany D. Pitts

Principal 478 252 5762

JULY 2017

Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1990); or disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) in educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.

Employees, students, and the general public are hereby notified that the Jefferson County Board of Education does not discriminate in any educational programs or activities or in employment policies.

The following individuals have been designated as the employees responsible for coordinating the school system’s effort to implement this nondiscriminatory policy.

Perkins Act – Donnie Hodges, Assistant Superintendent

Title VI – Sam Dasher, Assistant Superintendent

Title IX – Sam Dasher, Assistant Superintendent

Section 504 and ADA – Sam Dasher, Assistant Superintendent

Sports Equity Issues – David Land, Athletic Director, Jefferson County High School

Inquiries concerning the application of the Perkins Act, Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504 and ADA to the policies and practices of the department may be addressed to the persons listed above at the Jefferson County Board of Education, 1001 Peachtree Street, Louisville, GA 30434, or call (478) 625-7626; to Regional Office for Civil Rights, Atlanta 30323; or to the Director, Office of Civil Rights, Education Department, Washington, D.C. 20201.

It is the policy of the Jefferson County Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or disability in any employment practices, educational programs, or activities. The Jefferson County Board of Education is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Right to Know Professional Qualifications of Teachers and Paraprofessionals

Dear Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s):

In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), the Jefferson County School System would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested:

• Whether the student’s teacher(s) –

o has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subjects areas in which the teacher provides instruction;

o is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which Sate qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and

o is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.

• Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessional(s), and, if so, his/her qualifications.

If you wish to request information concerning the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s), please contact your child’s principal.

Carver Elementary School Profile

All of us at Carver Elementary School are involved in an on-going initiative of school improvement. We have developed a Vision Statement, Mission Statement, a Motto and a set of Beliefs which guide our efforts in school reform.

Vision and Mission Statement and Motto and Beliefs

Vision Statement: Carver Elementary School and community will do “Whatever It Takes” to ensure that every child will exit Carver Elementary prepared for middle school and beyond.

Mission Statement: Carver Elementary School will work with parents and community in doing “Whatever It Takes” to provide a quality learning environment that promotes the personal, intellectual, and social growth of every child everyday.

Motto/Expectations: Carver Elementary School will do “Whatever It Takes” to be responsible, respectful, and remarkable.

Carver Elementary is committed to the following beliefs upon which our philosophy is based:

1. Students learn to set goals and make appropriate decisions given a supportive, safe, physically comfortable, and challenging learning environment.

2. Student learning is the chief priority for the school.

3. Continuous improvement is imperative to enable students to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.

4. Curriculum and instructional practices must incorporate a variety of learning activities that are meaningful, inquiry based, data driven, and essential for student achievement.

5. All students can learn when they are actively engaged in the learning process and given appropriate opportunities for success.

6. The staff and stakeholders share the responsibility for advancing students’ learning needs.

7. Positive relationships, challenging expectations, and mutual respect between students and staff increase students’ individual performance and enhance self-esteem.

8. The school and community must provide students with the best public education to enhance their understanding of essential knowledge and promote problem solving skills.

Section 504 Student Rights and Procedural Safeguards

The Jefferson County Board of Education has adopted the student rights and procedural safeguards under Section 504. Copies of these documents may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 1001 Peachtree Street, in Louisville, or from each school office. Copies of the adopted student rights and procedural safeguards under Section 504 may also be found on the system website at


Breakfast and lunch are served daily. Breakfast is served between 7:15 and 7:50 a.m. If you bring your child to school and would like for him/her to eat breakfast, please do so before 7:50 a.m. Please provide the school with a doctor’s statement of any food allergies that your child may have.

Personal Property

Carver is not responsible for any personal item that your child brings to school or takes on a field trip. Any item brought to school and then lost, is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian and child.

School Hours

7:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

** Please do not bring students to school before 7:15 a.m. **

Carver Elementary School hours are as follows:

7:15 Students may enter building

7:15 – 8:00 Breakfast is served

7:50 Attendance and announcements

8:00 Classes begin

10:55 – 12:30 Lunch

2:55 Car riders and walkers released

3:00 Buses dismissed

School Visitors

All visitors must sign-in, in the school office and obtain a pass upon entering the school building.


Students are excused for sickness, death in the immediate family, or an extreme emergency. To be credited for an excused absence on their return, students should bring a doctor’s excuse or a note signed by the parent or guardian. A letter will be sent to the parent after 3 consecutive days or a total of 5 days. The school social worker may visit your home when a child is absent for 7 or more days.


The withdrawal of a student from Carver can be completed through the office. Students must return all books and settle any school debts.


When students are late, this interferes with maximum instruction and good performance. Students are tardy after 8:00 and are to report to the office upon arrival to get a tardy pass before going to class. Parents will be notified when students are tardy on a regular basis.

Illness at School

If a child becomes sick or hurt at school, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian. Up-to-date emergency phone numbers should be made available to the school. If a parent/guardian cannot be contacted, the school will take whatever means necessary to preserve the health of the child.

Parents of any child with health problems, which might cause a health emergency, should be certain to notify the school of the problem and the procedures that would need to be followed should the child become ill at school.


If your child requires medication during the school day, parents must bring the medication to the school and meet with the appropriate personnel. Students are not allowed to transport medication. All medications (over-the counter drugs and prescription drugs) must be in the original container. Containers for prescription drugs must bear the name of the patient, the drug, the prescribing physician, and the name of the pharmacy filling the prescription. The school nurse or office will administer all medication. All medication must be picked up from the office on the last day of school.

Communicable diseases

Students with communicable diseases such as ring worm, pink eye, and impetigo should not attend school until a statement is obtained from a physician or health department official that the student is under treatment for the condition and may return to school.

Hospital/Homebound Program

Any student who has a medically diagnosed physical condition, which restricts the student to his/her home or to a hospital for 10 or more days, is eligible to receive services from the hospital/homebound program. In order for a student to receive these services, a referral must be completed by a physician stating that the student will be absent from school for 10 days or more and will be physically able to benefit from instruction. Once the referral form is completed and returned to the school system, the hospital/homebound teacher will schedule a time to come to the hospital or home to work with the child.

Students served in this program are counted as present just as if they were at school. Students are not eligible for hospital/homebound services if the absence is due to expulsion or suspension.

Early Dismissal

All children should remain in school until regular dismissal time so that maximum instruction can be provided. If early dismissal is necessary on an occasional basis (emergency, doctor's appointment), a parent or guardian must report to the school office to sign out the child. Children should not be dismissed prior to 3:00 p.m. on a regular basis.

Car Riders

Children should not arrive at school before 7:15 a.m. The school cannot be responsible for your child's safety before 7:15 a.m.

All car riders should be picked up at 2:55 p.m. Students will be released from the front parking lot. Parents are asked to drive to the front of the school and pick up the students.

Cellular Phone Usage

Cellular phones may be in the possession of a student at any time, but may not be in use or visible for any reason except for direct instructional purposes under the direction of a teacher, principal or other certified personnel from the opening time until the closing time of each school day.

Bus Riders

If your child is transported to and/or from school by bus, please make sure that he/she knows his/her bus number. Information regarding bus routes can be obtained from the school's office and Jefferson County website. Please discuss alternate transportation arrangements with your child prior to his/her coming to school. Phone calls relating to a change in transportation are disruptive to classroom instruction and may cause anxiety to the child involved except in emergencies. When students are released from the bus at their designated stop, please make sure there is someone there to receive them. Otherwise, the bus driver cannot leave a small child without knowing if there is someone at home or not. If no one is at home, the driver will then bring the student back to school where parents can pick him/her up. If you MUST call to change your child’s transportation, please do so before 12:00 p.m. This should not happen on a daily basis. Send a note to your child's teacher when there is a change in the usual transportation for your child. Children are not to be picked up from the school’s bus parking lot. They must be signed–out from the office.

Bus transportation is a privilege and furnished for students living more than 1.5 miles from school. If your child is transported to and/or from school by bus, please make sure the child knows the bus number and adheres to all bus rules and regulations.

The Jefferson County School System has implemented “The Safe Rider Program” All parents will be given the guidelines for the program and must return the signed information within ten days of riding the bus.

Below is a list of the major safe rider rules:

1. Students must comply with reasonable directives of the school personnel.

2. Students should be at designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to pick up.

3. Students must sit in assigned seats.

4. No food or drinks are allowed on the bus.

5. No loud talking, horse playing, rough housing, or fighting are allowed.

6. Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.

7. Students must board and exit the bus at their designated stops only unless written permission is granted by the parent and the school administrator.

Graduated Discipline Plan (JCSD policies take precedence over Safe Rider Program)

• 1st and 2nd offenses. Parent contacted. Student on probation

• 3rd offense. 3 day suspension

• 4th offense. 5 day suspension

• 5th offense. 10 day suspension

• Fighting. 15 day suspension.

School Bus Safety Tips

Walking to the Bus Stop

• Always walk on the sidewalk to the bus stop, never run. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left facing traffic.

• Go to the bus stop about five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. While at the bus stop, wait quietly in a safe place well away from the road. Do not run and play while waiting.

Getting On and Off the Bus

• Enter the bus in line with the younger students in front. Hold the handrail while going up and down the stairs.

• When entering the bus, go directly to a seat. Remain seated and face forward during the entire ride.

Riding the Bus

• Always speak quietly on the bus so the driver will not be distracted. Always be silent when a bus comes to a railroad crossing so the driver can hear if a train is coming.

• Never throw things on the bus or out of the windows. Keep the aisles clear at all times. Feet should be directly in front of you on the floor and book bags should be kept on your lap. Large instruments or sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits.

• Never play with emergency exits. If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.

• Hands should be kept to yourself at all times while riding on the bus. Fighting and picking on others creates a dangerous bus ride.

Exiting the Bus

• If you leave something on the bus, never return to get it. The driver may not see you come back and he/she may begin moving the bus. Make sure that drawstrings and other loose objects are secure before getting off the bus so that they do not get caught on the handrail or door.

• Respect the “Danger Zone” which surrounds all sides of the bus. The “Danger Zone” is ten feet wide on all sides of the bus. Always remain 10 steps away from the bus to be out of the “Danger Zone” and where the driver can see you.

• Always cross the street in front of the bus. Never go behind the bus. If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver before you attempt to pick it up, so they will know where you are.

• Never speak to strangers at the bus stop and never get into the car with a stranger.

Bus drivers are responsible for the safety of all students and will assign seats or set particular rules for their bus. Students not cooperating with bus procedures may be denied bus riding privileges for a period of time to be determined by the principal or director of transportation. In this event, the parent/guardian must provide student transportation. Cameras are used to monitor student behavior.

|Bus # |Bus Driver |Route |

|211 |Brenda Alexander |Bartow |

|111 |Tanzie McBride |Wadley |

|400 |Marce McGhee |Wadley |


Adult volunteers are appreciated throughout our schools. If you have a few "free" hours during the week and you enjoy working with children, please contact Ms. Pitts or Mrs. Parker.

Instructional Program

The pre-kindergarten and kindergarten instructional programs follow the guidelines published by the Georgia Department of Education. Instructional time is spent in individual and group work, oral language experiences, and in the socialization processes.

The curriculum in grades 1-5 consists of mathematics, science, social studies, health, language arts (reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and handwriting). Each child is expected to take care of issued text books and library books. If a book is damaged beyond normal wear and tear or if it is lost, the student must pay a fine based on the extent of damage and/or age of the book. Book covers are highly recommended for text books.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is Carver’s behavior support system. PBIS helps us maintain school safety through positive discipline. Instead of using individual behavioral management plans, positive behavior support for all students within the school is implemented in areas including classroom and non-classroom setting (such as hallways, buses, and restrooms.) Our positive behavior expectation for our students is also our motto: Carver Cubs do “Whatever It Takes” to be: responsible, respectful, and ready.

Our PBIS acknowledgement system consists of students being recognized for “Caught Being Good” and receiving signatures for exhibiting expected behavior. Students are given the opportunity to receive recognition daily by exhibiting positive behaviors such as cleaning their area in the cafeteria, doing a good deed like holding the door for someone, or completing homework daily. When they earn 15 signatures for the month, they will be allowed to participate in the month’s PBIS activity. The monthly incentives are our way of thanking the students for exhibiting positive behaviors consistently.


The Response to Intervention provides specific help to students that have been identified as having problems in school. When students have problems that do not respond to traditional solutions, parents and teachers may work together during the RTI process. Each grade has a multitude of things to try and help the student overcome any problem(s). This process may continue for as little as six weeks or as long as a year or more.

Student Support Team (SST)

Carver has a Student Support Team (SST). The SST is a committee of teachers and administrators who provide suggestions for teachers to implement with students who are exhibiting academic and/or behavior difficulties. Students may be referred to the SST by teachers, administrators, and parents.

Title I Funding

As a Title I School, CES receives Title I funds. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the purpose of Title I funding is to “ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state assessments. Title I funds can be used for supplies, technology, books, etc. that assist with the instruction program and support communication with parents. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to complete surveys given on a yearly basis.

Title I School-Wide Program/School Improvement Plan/School Parent Compact

The CES Title I School-Wide Program/Plan is available for parents/guardians to view. Plans are also located on the school website. The parent involvement policy explains how the school supports the role of parents. The school/parent compact is a written agreement of shared responsibilities. Jointly, parents/guardians, teachers and students define how they will work together to improve student achievement.

Counseling Program

The counseling program at Carver Elementary offers many different types of services for the students. Small group sessions, whole class sessions and individual counseling sessions will be conducted by Mrs. Williams. Any student is eligible for these services and may ask for assistance at any time. Parents may also request the services of the counseling program if they feel that their child is in need of help.

Student Reading

Students will be responsible for twenty minutes of nightly reading. Books read should be within the student’s reading/Lexile range. The reading will be recorded on a student reading log and should be initialed by the parent or teacher. Students and teachers will conference to determine each student’s individual reading goal.

Gifted Education Program Notice

In order to qualify for gifted education services in Georgia, a student must show exceptional performance in the areas of mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation. In Jefferson County, all students in grades K-12 are screened for possible referral for gifted education services each year. A student may also be referred for consideration for education services for the gifted by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self and other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities. Referral forms may be obtained from Dr. Donnie Hodges at the Board of Education Office in Louisville.

Power School Parent Portal

The Power School Parent Portal is a web-based portal that allows parents to access their child’s grades and attendance at any school within the county. If you would like to enroll in the portal, please see Mrs. Flournoy in the office. She will assist you in getting your access ID and your student codes for students in grades 3-5. An e-mail account is required to setup your login and access.

To access the portal, the website is or visit the Jefferson County Website at, click on Powerschool at the top, right side of the page.

Report Cards

Report cards are sent home on a nine weeks basis (see calendar for exact dates). They indicate students' progress in both academic and social skills during the grading period. Report cards should be read carefully, signed, and returned the next day.

Progress reports will be issued to all students at the mid-point of the nine weeks grading period in grades 1-5 (see calendar).

Grading System

Grades 3-5

A= 90 -100 S= Satisfactory

B= 80 - 89 U= Unsatisfactory

C= 75 - 79 Below 70

D= 70 - 74 WP=Withdrew Passing

F= Below 70 WF= Withdrew Failing

Kindergarten, first, and second grades will have a standards-based report card.

Honor Roll - Grades 4 & 5

Distinguished Honor Roll - 90 or above average per nine weeks.

Honor Roll - 85 – 89 average per nine weeks.

Honor’s Day

Honor’s Day will be for grades PK-5. Invitations will be given to eligible students.


As required by the state and local boards of education, standardized tests are given to students during the school year. The Georgia Milestones Assessment is administered to students in grades 3-5. In addition to multiple choice answers, students will have to write responses to questions. All students will take the test online. Kindergarten students are given the GKIDS Assessment.

The purpose of the testing program is to monitor student achievement in different academic areas. The results of the tests are used to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each student's skill development, to design instruction appropriate to student needs, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program and determine how the program can be improved. Students in grades 3 and 5 must meet the mandatory requirements for promotion.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parents are encouraged to contact the school to arrange a parent-teacher conference any time they would like more information on their child's school performance. Parent-teacher conferences can be a productive way of helping to improve student performance. Parents should let teachers know of any major changes in the home environment which may affect school performance.

During the school day teachers are busy working with students and are not available for conferences. Parent conferences can be done before or after school or at the following times:

Teachers’ Planning Schedule:

8:15 – 9:00 – Specials Teachers

9:00 – 9:45 – Kindergarten

10:35 – 11:20 – Third grade

11:25 – 12:10 – Second grade

1:15 – 2:00 – First grade

2:05 – 2:45 – Fourth and fifth grades


Homework is important. It is an extension of the learning that takes place in school. It helps to provide extra practice of the learning skills, to provide an opportunity for students to develop good work habits, to provide an opportunity for growth in responsibility, to provide an opportunity for parents to observe what their child is studying, and to determine how well the child is achieving specific skills.

There are some things parents can do to help their child complete homework:

• Provide a spacious, quiet, well-lighted place to study.

• Work with the child to set a regular homework time.

• Provide playtime after school and before homework.

• Make sure the child brings home assignments clearly written down.

• Encourage the child to do his/her best in spelling, handwriting, neatness, and accuracy. Be positive and give praise for improvement.

• Remember that homework is assigned to the child, not to the parent. However, it is okay to help the child think through the assignment. The amount of homework assigned may vary from teacher to teacher, subject to subject, or year to year.


Parents who wish to have their children become good readers are advised to follow these guidelines:

• Spend a little time together reading to your child and be sure to let him/her read to you.

• Listen to your child and ask about stories he/she had read. It is important that children have a chance to tell you about what they have read.

• Make the home a house of books. If your child sees you reading, you have set a good example that will be followed for life.

• Give books as gifts. Ask your child's teacher or librarian for ideas.

• Visit the public library and help your child select books. Check out some yourself.

• Select books based on your child's interest: hobbies, sports, crafts are some ideas that might be exciting.

• Give praise - lots of it. It encourages you child to read more.

• Encourage your child to read the “take home” books that are provided by the school.

Gifts to Students

While the Jefferson County Board of Education realizes and appreciates the contribution that florists make to the school program, it also recognizes the hardship that the delivery of gifts such as floral arrangements, balloons, and stuffed animals places on the staff of the schools. Schools shall not accept the delivery of these or any such celebratory items from individuals or florists on behalf of students on or for the occasion of Valentine’s Day. Policy JLC

Appropriate Dress

Neat and appropriate dress is expected and required of all students. Any extremities in dress may be questioned.

To be acceptable, skirts and shorts must be of an appropriate length, no more than two inches above the knee.

Leggings should not be worn if the top does not cover the child’s bottom.

Clothing that displays or implies profane, vulgar or obscene language/gestures or illegal activities will not be permitted.

Shirts with spaghetti straps are not to be worn on campus as the only outer garment.

Blouses, shirts, and slacks must not expose the midriff or undergarments

Ripped jeans should not expose skin.

Boys’ shirts will be tucked in with the exception of jerseys and sweaters (grades 3-5).

All students are required to wear shoes. Shoes are expected to be laced up, tied and/or buckled.

Belts should be worn and fastened in the conventional manner.

Hats are not to be worn in the building.

Disruption of Public Schools

It is unlawful for any person to disrupt or interfere with the operation of a public school. Georgia law also prohibits the upbraiding, insulting, or abusing of any public school teacher or public school bus driver upon the premises of any public school in the presence of any public school in the presences and hearing of a pupil.

Violation of the law is a misdemeanor (O.C.G.A., #20-2-1181, 1976, 1989).

The Superintendent and/or designee shall develop procedures as necessary for implementation of this policy and this state law.

Prohibition against Bullying

The Jefferson County Board of Education Policy JCDAG states that acts of bullying shall be punished by a range of consequences through the progressive discipline process, as stated in the Code of Conduct. Upon a finding by a disciplinary hearing officer, panel or tribunal that a student in grades 6-12 has committed the offense of bullying for the third time in a school year, the student shall be assigned to an alternative educational program.

Please contact the school for additional information concerning this policy.

Student Record Information:

Parents are guaranteed the rights to have access to their child’s school records. This is due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act passed by Congress in 1974.

The Jefferson County School District has designated the following information as directory information:

(a) Student’s name, address and telephone number;

(b) Student’s date and place of birth;

(c) Student’s e-mail address;

(d) Student’s participation in official school clubs and sports;

(e) Weight and height of student if he/she is a member of an

athletic team;

(f) Dates of attendance at schools within the school district;

(g) Honors and awards received during the time enrolled in the

district schools;

(h) Photograph; and

(i) Grade level.

Unless you, as a parent/guardian or eligible student, request otherwise, this information may be disclosed to the public upon request. In addition, two federal laws require school systems receiving federal financial assistance to provide military recruiters or institutions of higher learning, upon request, with the name, address, and telephone numbers unless parents have advised the school system that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.

You have the right to refuse to allow all or any part of the above information to be designated as directory information and to refuse to allow it to be disclosed to the public upon request without your prior written consent. If you wish to exercise this right, you must notify the principal of the school at which the student is enrolled in writing within 10 days after officially enrolling in school or within 30 days of the date of the release of this notice.



Approved - 2/14/17

To be announced ………. New Teacher Orientation

Thu, Jul 27, 2017 - Tue, Aug 01, 2018 ………. Pre-Planning for Teachers

Wed, Aug 02, 2017 ………. First Day of School

Mon, Sep 04, 2017 ………. Labor Day Holiday

Tue, Sep 05, 2017 ………. Progress Reports Sent Home

Mon, Oct 02, 2017 - Wed, Oct 04, 2017 ………. Nine Weeks Exams

Tue, Oct 17, 2017 ………. Report Cards Sent Home

Fri, Oct 20, 2017 ………. Student and Teacher Holiday

Mon, Oct 23, 2017 ………. Staff Development Teachers, Student Holiday

Tue, Nov 07, 2017 ………. Progress Reports Sent Home

Mon, Nov 20, 2017 - Fri, Nov 24, 2017 ………. Thanksgiving Holidays

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 - Fri, Dec 15, 2017 ………. Semester Exams

Fri, Dec 15, 2017 ………. Students released at 1:00

Mon, Dec 18, 2017 - Mon, Jan 01, 2018 ………. Student and Teacher Christmas Holidays

Tues, Jan 02, 2018 ………. Staff Development Teachers, Student Holiday

Wed, Jan 03, 2018 ………. First Day of School after Christmas,

First Day of Second Semester

Mon, Jan 08, 2018 ………. Report Cards Sent Home

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 ………. Martin Luther King Holiday

Mon, Feb 05, 2018 ………. Progress Reports Sent Home

Fri, Feb 16, 2018 Mon, Feb 19, 2018 ………. Winter Break/Presidents' Day Holiday

Wed, Mar 07, 2018 - Fri, Mar 09, 2018 ………. Nine Weeks Exams

Mon, Mar 19, 2018 ………. Report Cards Sent Home

Mon, Apr 02, 2018 - Fri, Apr 06, 2018 ………. Spring Holidays

Thu, Apr 19, 2018 ………. Progress Reports Sent Home

Wed, May 16, 2018 - Fri, May 18, 2018 ………. Nine Weeks and Semester Exams

Fri, May 18, 2018 ………. Last Day of School, Students released at 1:00

Sat, May 19, 2018 ………. Graduation - Jefferson County High School

Mon, May 21, 2018 - Thu, May 24, 2018 ………. Post-Planning for Teachers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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