American Sports History

American Sports HistorySpring 2011Thursdays 4:10-6:00Joe Eaton, description: We examine the historical development of sports in the United States from a societal and cultural viewpoint. The course provides opportunity to examine the relationship between sports and nationalism, sports and politics, sports and the economy, sports and society change, sports and gender, and sports and American expansion. Course contents include lecture, secondary readings, primary source readings, and film. We will examine the gradual development of an American sports culture and the changing attitudes towards sports. Emphasize will be given to early sports culture, including blood sports, and particularly to the creation and development of baseball, pugilism, college football, and basketball within the American context.Knowledge of sports is not a prerequisite for the course.The course will be especially valuable to students who wish to practice English-language reading, speaking, and writing. This syllabus is subject to change.Articles and short readings will be found on internet, NCCU library database (including “JSTOR”) and other databases or ics to be covered: What is sports history? Introduction to courseSuppression of Early Sporting in AmericaSports in the Early RepublicGender and Sports in Early America Early Baseball Development and Spectators Sports and Higher Education Sports and the Rise of the City, 1870-1920 Sports and Class, 1870-1920 Commercialization of Sports, 1870-1920 Gender and Sports in Modern AmericaRace and Ethnicity in American SportSports Heroes and American CultureSports and Women since 1930 Sport and Race in America since 1945 Business of Sports, 1945 to present Method of Evaluation:Attendance and participation – 10%Exam(s) – 45%Essay(s) – 45% ................

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