Sports Medicine - PC\|MAC

Sports Medicine

I. Athletic Training as a Career

a. Requirements/ Education

i. Bachelors degree minimum

ii. NATA certification

iii. Medicine, science & athletics, nutrition & first aid

b. Responsibilities

i. Prevention

1. training & conditioning procedures

2. diet & nutrition

3. proper equipment fitting

ii. Emergency Care

1. splints, taping, bandaging

2. procedures to notify emergency personnel

iii. Treatment

1. modalities

iv. Rehab

1. minor & major exercise programs for specific injuries

v. Jack-of-all-trades

1. should possess knowledge of all of the sports of the athletes they treat

2. be able to counsel them

vi. Oversee AT program

1. inventory

2. budget

3. maintain training room

4. oversee students

II. Types of Injuries & Treatments

a. Injury descriptions

i. Acute – severe injury

ii. Avulsion –

1. tearing off of the bone

2. tendons or ligaments

iii. Bursitis

1. inflammation of the bursa

iv. Contusion

1. a bruise

v. edema

1. abnormal accumulation of fluid

2. in tissues or cavities

vi. hemorrhage

1. blood vessel walls rupture & bleed

vii. sprain

1. stretching or tearing

2. ligaments

viii. strain

1. stretching or tearing

2. tendons

ix. dislocation

1. one end of a bone is pulled or pushed out of its normal position

x. tendonitis

1. inflammation of the tendon

xi. stress fracture

1. a weak spot or small crack in a bone

2. caused by overuse

b. Treatments

i. Cryotherapy

1. using “cold” for treatment

2. ice packs or ice cups

ii. Diathermy

1. use of electrical current

iii. Hydrotherapy

1. treatment by use of water

2. whirlpool baths (hot or cold)

iv. Thermotherapy

1. treatment by use of heat

v. Palpitation

1. to examine by touch

vi. modality

1. method or apparatus used for healing an injury

vii. Soft tissue & bone injuries are treated the same way ( R.I.C.E.


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